
How to remove ears on the hips at home. Exercises from the ears on the hips. Is it possible to remove the ears on the hips in a week

How to remove ears on the hips at home. Exercises from the ears on the hips. Is it possible to remove the ears on the hips in a week
How to get rid of the ears on the hips as soon as possible so that they never return.

It doesn’t matter if autumn in the yard or spring, it is better to strive for a beautiful figure regardless of the season, and not when a few days remained until the summer. Firstly, maintaining a good shape is much easier and better for health than an intensive race with express diets and bringing yourself to exhaustion. Secondly, what if an unexpected ticket to the sea will fall on the head tomorrow? Or there, around the bend, will he meet?

So, we don’t look at the fact that in the yard autumn - we start working right now, and very soon there will be attention even over the edge!

Often there are girls, generally pleased with their appearance, but wanting to change some detail, for example, remove the lower abdomen or get rid of ears on hips. It is the last question that we will now analyze in detail, and after reading the material, you will clearly know what to do and what to do, the main thing is not to be lazy!

How to get rid of ears on hips

The ears on the hips are fat deposits in the upper part of the legs, in another they are also called Galife. To make it more clear what we are talking about, we will see a few photos.

Often there are ears on the inside of the thigh:

Inner ears on hips, like external ones, can form because of some factors:

  1. Genetic heredity.
  2. Improper nutrition.
  3. A sedentary lifestyle.

But, before you wave your hand and say that the question is in genetics, you should try all means, and only the absence of any result in a few months, subject to the clear fulfillment of all the rules, may indicate inheritance.

The main ways to deal with hips on hips:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Sport.
  3. Massage.
  4. Surgery: liposuction.

How to remove ears on hips: proper nutrition

When it comes to excess weight, then, as a rule, subcutaneous fat is implied. His favorite places are just hips, sides and stomach. Someone has one thing, someone has all the charms at once. And if the girl wants to burn this very fat, then she should know - there is no local weight loss, and if it happens, it is very difficult to notice it with the naked eye. Therefore, she should take care of general weight loss, so that ears disappear from the hips. At the same time, not only the Galife zone will return to normal - the body will generally pull up and get rid of excess weight, the fat will leave everywhere - including from the chest and from the buttocks, no matter how much they would like to leave them alone. And all because there is no local weight loss - the body changes immediately.

And the most important rule of weight loss: “You are what you eat”:

No gym, a miracle cosmetologist or masseur will not be able to help if they do not take care of his nutrition. It will only be in vain throwing money, spent nerves and deep disappointment in the end. If the girl is not ready for restrictions, then you can not even start trying to improve the figure - the ears on the hips as they were and will remain, you will have to come to terms with it. And if the situation does not suit, then forward!

Let's talk about proper nutrition.

  1. Cooking method. You can simmer, cook, cook in a double boiler, bake; But in no case is fried.
  2. Harmful food - exclude. We are talking about such food, which carries only empty calories, delays salt and water in the body. This is sweet, flour, smoked. We also exclude rice and potatoes for the period of weight loss.
  3. Salt. We exclude or minimize it - it contributes to the formation of edema, as it delayed water in the body.
  4. Drink. Water - we drink 1.5 - 2 liters per day, in addition to other liquids. In addition to water, it is good to drink green tea, grass, black unsweetened coffee - if health allows.
  5. Diet. We eat in small portions every 2-3 hours, in total it turns out to 6 meals.
  6. Fast food. Categorically no! We eat either at home, or in high -quality proven cafes and restaurants.

Of course, you should be able to critically evaluate yourself in the mirror and sensibly calculate the number of extra pounds or centimeters in the waist and hips. How much should you lose weight? Situations when an extra 50 kilograms or 5 are different as heaven and earth. And if in the first case, most likely, you will have to sit on a special strict diet under the guidance of a dietitian, then in the second it will be enough for some time to limit himself in sweet and flour. This suggests that the above principles are very blurry, since the issue of nutrition requires each individual approach.

Exercises to remove the ears on the hips

The second step after proper nutrition will, of course, will be an appointment with the gym. In order to have an incentive to go there without ceasing, sagit one of your relatives and friends, or immediately purchase a block of personal training-because when an instructor is already waiting in the hall, you want, do not want, but you need to go!

Exercises from ears on hips: Square

One of the most popular and effective exercises for the legs and buttocks.

  • Option No. 1: The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the heels are even, the socks look a little to the sides. At first, an additional load is not required, but over time you can arm yourself with a bar or dumbbell. Starting to squat, make sure that the knees do not protrude for socks - for this you will have to pull the pelvis back. Pull your crown up, look strictly in front of you. It should be sank to a position where the thigh goes parallel to the floor. Lying in this position, feel muscle tension. Slowly return to the initial position. Remember that the slower the power exercise is performed, the more intensively the studied muscles are used!

  • The second option of performing the exercise is all the same, but the legs are placed wider than the shoulders, it turns out a wide squat. Such a technique allows you to connect the inner thigh surface, or inner ears. Performing a wide squat, make sure that the knees in the lower position look to the sides, where socks are the same.

In both versions there are enough 3 approaches of 15-20 repetitions.

Exercises from ears on hips: Lugs

Lunches are not at all inferior in popularity of squats. They are endlessly effective for the legs, especially if they are performed regularly. The technique is simple - stand exactly, legs shoulder -width apart, the feet are parallel to each other, socks look strictly forward. Take a wide enough step forward and begin to sink on one knee, without touching the floor, however. It should be descended until the angle in both legs reaches 90 degrees - see the picture below.

Lunches can also be done at first without scales, gradually turning to dumbbells. You can take steps, bending one other leg one in turn, you can first pump your left leg, then the right one. 15-20 repetitions on each leg, 3 approaches-a great start!

Exercises from the ears on the hips: jumping through the rope

If a girl wants to lose weight, then she definitely needs cardio training! It is they who drive away fat from their homes, and the jump rope is the best confirmation of this. Moreover, it will not be just cardio, because jumping is an effective effect on all the main muscles of the legs, because even a few minutes with a rope will be perfect for completing training. Start jumping on the basis of your own strengths, at least even from one minute, ideally up to 15-20 minutes. And so that it is not boring - you can turn on your favorite film, and the training will go unnoticed!

Massage to remove the ears on the hips

By and large, if the first two points are performed - proper nutrition and sports - then nothing else needs to be done. Massage is a pleasant optional addition that can only slightly speed up the process and return the tone to the skin, making it more elastic and tightened. But this is only when it comes to a loss of 5 kilograms, no more. Everything from above is fraught with sagging skin, and in this case massage is necessary from the very first days of the diet.

In any case, if there is time and opportunity, massage is best done. After all, I would like not just to lose weight, but to achieve an aesthetic look, which only a regular massage can give a good specialist.

We remove the ears on the hips at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to expensive gyms, visit masseurs. There is not enough time, money, and sometimes both. But this does not mean that you need to give up and do nothing. Everything can be done at home, there would be a desire!

It is worth repeating, but the key to success is proper nutrition, and organizing it at home is just much easier than anywhere else. You can take ready -made food with you to work in containers, organize breakfast and dinner in advance. You can also make exercises on your feet at home, getting a rope and a couple of dumbbells for the first time. It is good to massage legs and buttocks yourself, after a session, making a wrap, for example, from blue clay under the film.

Liposuction of ears on hips

If for some reason all of the above methods did not help to cope with the flaw, you should not give up, because surgical intervention can work miracles! Like any other operation, liposuction has a number of contraindications, among which diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, poor blood cramp, pregnancy, malignant tumors, etc. can be distinguished.

Before conducting liposuction, consultation with a doctor and some tests - urine, blood, ECG, etc. are required.

A certain preparatory period is mandatory before liposuction, including the rejection of fat heavy foods, smoked and salty dishes, smoking and alcohol. The duration of the postoperative period can vary and directly depends on the volume of pumped fat.

There are several types of liposuction:

  1. Vacuum. The longest type of operation, but allowing to remove all the fat from the hips in one procedure without causing severe damage to the skin. The cannulas are introduced into small incisions, through which a saline with lidocaine enters. The fat mass is lost and removed from the problem area.
  2. Ultrasonic. The methodology is based on the effects of ultrasound waves that destroy intercellular connections. It itself is expensive, recognized as low -efficient and often requires repeated procedures.
  3. Injection. It is carried out once every 10 weeks, the number of procedures individually. A special compound is introduced through injections into problem areas, aggressively affecting fat deposits and destroying them.

It should be remembered that the operation always implies a risk, no matter how simple it may be. Therefore, before deciding on such a desperate step, it is still recommended to try to eliminate the problem yourself and with the help of improvised means.

We remove the ears on the hips in a week

If you are interested in how to remove the ears on the hips quickly, then, after reading this article, you should have understood - nothing. Fat does not leave from the homes in a matter of days, rather the opposite - when the process of losing weight is launched, the fat begins to burn on top - and the first thing is suffering, unfortunately, the chest. And just the hips begin to lose weight one of the latter, like the lower abdomen, however. Therefore, in order to look one hundred percent, you need time. Since autumn has entered into your rights only, you have every chance to have time by the summer of 2018!

Ears on hips: photo

We will summarize: what will help against the ears on the hips

So, now you know what will help you in the fight against hated ears on hips: proper nutrition, sports and massage! It is worth remembering that a beautiful figure requires a daily contribution and control on the scales. It is much easier to throw off a kilogram that unexpectedly appeared than to throw off all 10 when approaching the summer in a hurry! Therefore, start preparing for the summer right now, and the 2018 vacation season will be at your feet!

Ears on hips: video



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