
How to remove the ears on the hips at home. Exercises from the ears on the hips. Is it possible to remove the ears on the hips in the week

How to remove the ears on the hips at home. Exercises from the ears on the hips. Is it possible to remove the ears on the hips in the week
How to get rid of the ears on the hips in the shortest possible time so that they never come back.

It doesn't matter, autumn on the yard or spring, to a beautiful figure it is better to strive, regardless of the season, and not when past days remained until the summer. First, maintaining a good form is much simpler and better for health than an intense race with express diets and bring yourself to exhaustion. Secondly, what if there will be an unexpected travel on the sea tomorrow afternoon? Or there, he will meet around the turn?

So, do not look at the autumn in the yard - we start working right now, and it will be very soon on the edge!

They often meet girls, in general, satisfied with their appearance, but those who want to change some detail, for example, remove the abdomen or get rid of the ears on the hips. It is the last question that we will now understand in detail now, and after reading the material you will clearly know how to be and what to do, the main thing is not to be lazy!

How to get rid of baked ears

The ears on the hips - it is fat deposits in the upper part of the legs, they are also called halifa. To make it more clear what we are talking about, let's see some photos.

Often there are ears on the inside of the hip:

The inner ears on the bemps, as well as external, can be formed due to some factors:

  1. Genetic heredity.
  2. Incorrect meals
  3. Sedentary lifestyle.

But, before waving his hand and say that a question in genetics, it is worth trying to try all the means, and only the absence of any result for several months, subject to a clear fulfillment of all rules, can talk about heredity.

Basic ways to combat ears on the hips:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Sport.
  3. Massage.
  4. Operational intervention: liposuction.

How to remove ears on the hips: proper nutrition

When it comes to excess weight, then, as a rule, the subcutaneous fat is implied. His favorite places are like a hipder, sides and belly. Someone is something one thing, someone has all the charms. And if the girl wants this very fat to burn, then she should know - there is no local weight loss, and if it happens, it is very difficult to notice it with a naked eye. Therefore, she should be abandoned by a common weight loss so that the ears are missing with the hip. At the same time, not only the zone of the Halifer will come to normal - the body will generally tighten and get rid of excess weight, the fat will go out everywhere - including from the chest and from the buttocks, no matter how much they want to leave them alone. And all because local losing weight does not happen - the body changes immediately.

And the most important rule of loss: "You are what you eat":

No gym, wonderful beautician or masseur will be unable to help if you do not attend to their diet. It will only be in vain thrown out money spent nerves and deep disappointment in the end. If the girl is not ready to restrictions, we can not even begin to try to improve the shape - ears on the hips as they were, and remain, will have to live with it. And if the situation is not satisfied, then go ahead!

Let's talk about proper nutrition.

  1. the cooking process. You can braise, boil, cook in a double boiler, bake; but in any case not a roast.
  2. Harmful food - exclude. We are talking about a food that bears the only empty calories, retains salt and water in the body. This sweet, flour, smoked. Rice and potatoes to lose weight during the same rule.
  3. Salt. We exclude or reduce to a minimum - it promotes the formation of edema, since water retention in the body.
  4. Drink. Water - drink 1.5 - 2 liters a day in addition to other fluids. In addition to the water good to drink green tea, herbs, black unsweetened coffee - if health permits.
  5. Diet. We eat small portions every 2-3 hours, a total of turns to 6 meals.
  6. Fast-food outlets. Absolutely not! Or eat at home, or in the proven quality cafes and restaurants.

Of course, you should be able to critically evaluate themselves look in the mirror and sensibly calculate the number of extra kilograms or centimeters in the waist and hips. As far as it is necessary to lose weight? A situation where the extra 50 kilograms or 5 different as heaven and earth. And if in the first case, most likely, will have to sit on a special strict diet under the supervision of a dietitian, the second will be sufficient for some time, to limit itself in sweet and starchy foods. This suggests that the above cited principles are very blurred, because nutrition is required for each individual approach.

Exercises to remove ears on hips

The second step after proper nutrition will, of course, write to the gym. , Sagitiruyte someone from their loved ones, or just buy the block of personal training to have an incentive to go there without stopping - because when the hall is waiting for the instructor, want-not, you have to go!

Exercises from the lugs on the thighs: squat

One of the most popular and effective exercises for the legs and buttocks.

  • Option number 1: Legs a little wider shoulders, heels smoothly, socks look just on the sides. At first, additional load is not required, but over time you can arm a barbell or dumbbells. Starting to squat, watch the knees did not protrude for socks - for this you will have to pull the pelvis as much as possible back. Makushka pull up, look strictly in front of them. It should be descended to such a position when the thigh goes parallel to the floor. Hold in this posture, feel the tension of the muscles. Go back to the initial position. Remember that the slower the power exercise is performed, the more intensely intersect the muscles worked!

  • The second embodiment of the exercise is the same thing, but the legs are wider than the shoulders, it turns out a wide quieter. This technique allows you to connect the inner surface of the thigh, or internal ears. Performing a wide satisfaction make sure the knees in the lower position look at the sides, where and the socks.

In both embodiments, 3 approaches of 15-20 repetitions are enough.

Exercises from baked ears:

The attacks are not in popularity in popularity. They are infinitely effective for legs, especially if they are regularly performed. The technique is simple - stand smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders, the feet are parallel to each other, socks look strictly forward. Make a fairly wide step forward and start to fall on one knee, not touching, however, they are sex. It follows to lower until the angle in both feet will reach 90 degrees - see the picture below.

The attacks also at first can be done without weights, gradually moving to dumbbells. You can take steps, bending, then one of the other legs alternately, you can first pump the left foot, then right. 15-20 Repetitions for each leg, 3 approaches - a great start!

Exercises from baked ears: jumping through the rope

If the girl wants to lose weight, then she is sure to need cardiovery! It is they who drive fat from emerging sites, and the rope is the best confirmation of that. Moreover, it will not be just a cardio, because jumping is an effective impact on all major leg muscles, because even a few minutes with a jump will be perfect to complete the workout. Start jumping on the basis of your own forces, even even with one minute, bringing ideally to 15-20 minutes. And so that it is not boring - you can turn on the background your favorite movie, and the training will pass unnoticed!

Massage to remove the ears on the bemps

By and large, if the first two points are performed - proper nutrition and sports - it does not need anything else. Massage is a pleasant optional addition that can only speed up the process and return the skin tone, making it more elastic and tightened. But this is only when it comes to a loss of 5 kilograms, no more. All that over, is fraught with sorcement of the skin, and in this case the massage is needed from the very first day of the diet.

In any case, if there is time and opportunity, the massage is better to do. After all, I want not just to lose weight, but to achieve aesthetic species, which can only be able to give a regular massage from a good specialist.

Clean the ears on the hips at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to walk on expensive gyms, visit masseurs. There is not enough time, money, and sometimes that, and the other. But this does not mean that it is necessary to lower your hands and do nothing. Everything can be done at home, there would be a desire!

It is worth repeating, but the key to success is proper nutrition, and it is just much easier to organize it at home than anywhere. You can get ready to take with me to work in containers, to organize a breakfast and dinner in advance. Exercises on your feet can also be done at home, to get on the first time the skipping and a pair of dumbbell. Feet and buttocks are nice to massage yourself, after a session, making wraps, for example, from a blue clay under the film.

Liposuction of baked ears

If for some reason all the above methods did not help to cope with the flaw, you should not omit the hands, because the surgical intervention can work wonders! Like any other operation, liposuction has a number of contraindications, among which can be distinguished by diabetes, the disease of the cardiovascular system, poor blood flowing, pregnancy, malignant tumors, etc.

Before conducting liposuction, consultation with a doctor and some analyzes - urine, blood, ECG, etc. are required.

Some preparatory period is required before liposuction, including refusal of oily gravity, smoked and salty dishes, smoking and alcohol. The duration of the postoperative period may vary and directly depends on the volume of damp fat.

There are several types of liposuction:

  1. Vacuum. The most prolonged type of operation, but allowing all the fat with the hip for one procedure without applying strong damage to the skin. Cannuli is introduced into small cuts, through which physically comes with lidocaine. Fat weight is knocked down and derived from the problem area.
  2. Ultrasonic. The methodology is based on the effects of ultrasonic waves destroying intercellular communication. She in itself is expensive, recognized as low efficient and often requires repeated procedures.
  3. Injection It is carried out once every 10 weeks, the number of procedures individually. Through injections in problem areas, a special compound is introduced, aggressively affecting fat deposits and destroying them.

It should be remembered that the operation always implies the risk, no matter how simple it is. Therefore, before you decide on such a desperate step, it is still recommended to try to eliminate the problem on your own and with the help of remedies.

Clean the ears on the hips in the week

If you are interested in how to remove the ears on the bemps quickly, then reading this article, you had to understand - in no way. It does not leave fat from the spaced places in a matter of days, rather, on the contrary - when the process of weight loss is launched, fat begins to burn from above - and the first thing suffers, unfortunately, the chest. And just the thieves begin to lose weight alone from the latter, like the bottom of the abdomen, however. Therefore, in order to look at all hundred, you need time. Since autumn entered into their rights, you have every chance to have time for the summer of 2018!

Testers ears: Photo

Let's summarize: what will help against the ears on the hips

So now you know what will help you in the fight against the hated ears on the hips: Proper nutrition, sport and massage! It is worth remembering that a beautiful figure requires a daily contribution and scales control. It's much easier to throw off the unexpected kilogram than when the summer approaches in a hurry throw all 10! Therefore, begin to prepare for the summer right now, and the holidays season 2018 will be at your feet!

Testers ears: video


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