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Hyaluronic acid for the face - how to apply. Serum, cream, plastic, injections with hyaluronic acid for the face - what result to wait. Masks with hyaluronic acid for the face at home

Hyaluronic acid for the face - how to apply. Serum, cream, plastic, injections with hyaluronic acid for the face - what result to wait. Masks with hyaluronic acid for the face at home
What is hyaluronic acid, for which it is used. How to use hyaluronic acid, pluses and contraindications. Skin care at home with hyaluronic acid. How to make a mask and cream.

Often in transport and other places you become an involuntary listener of the conversation of strangers. Women share their impressions of new products of beauty, say that the face after hyaluronic acid became fresh and nourished by moisture, wrinkles smoothed out. And this is true, because hyaluronic acid is a powerful agent that can suspend skin aging.

In order not to pronounce the correct name of this product for a long time, cosmetologists and doctors have long been accustomed to other loud names, this is “product number 1 for the skin”, “anti -aging”, “tablet from old age”, “elixir”, “beauty injections”. At present, hyaluron is widely used in cosmetology and medicine thanks to a doctor who at the end of the 20th century opened a new remedy for the treatment of skin frostbite. Then this drug was extracted from the umbilical cord, the substance was so valuable that they did not scatter right and left, but used strictly for their intended purpose.

Modern cosmetology and in general industry do not stand still, a biosynthetized analogue of hyaluronic acid has long been presented on sale.

At present, the hyaluron is used quite widely and is sold in specialized stores in free access. Hyaluronic acid for the face is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a concentrate, gel, cream. For example, a “libertist” face cream with hyaluronic acid has proven itself well.

What is hyaluronic acid for the face

This substance is normally produced by the human body, in particular, joints and tissues. Acid is present in the human body and is responsible for the balance of water in the cells. If a young man, up to 25 years old, still has no problems with wrinkles, because the body produces this substance in sufficient quantity, then with age the picture changes. Gradually, the body reduces the production of hyaluronic acid and these changes are visible: the skin becomes not as elastic as before, more dry and wrinkled, the oval of the face changes. This process of natural aging cannot be missed, because the body needs help, therefore, in modern medicine and cosmetology, a hyaluron analogue has long been developed, which is able to work miracles.

What are the advantages of the drug:

  • creates natural protection on the skin;
  • cells are soaked with moisture;
  • the acid introduced under the skin can fill the folds and irregularities. Due to this unique feature, the face injections for the face with hyaluronic acid are quite popular;
  • the skin becomes fit, looks better, wrinkles are smoothed out, it becomes more elastic and elastic;
  • after administration under the skin, there are no scars and, moreover, the acid promotes the rapid healing of wounds, so cosmetologists actively use the substance in the fight against acne;
  • hyaluronic acid moisturizes the face well, captures with moisture and gives the feeling that the skin has become the same as in childhood;
  • hypoallergenic, therefore it can be used both on dry and sensitive skin of any balance;
  • it acts instantly - immediately after use, a visible result is visible. The skin becomes smooth;
  • it is absorbed by the body, according to medical protocols, within 30 minutes;
  • if compared with beauty injections by other means (cocktails, Botox, etc.), then hyaluronic acid for the face in ampoules is capable of more. The effect is obvious, but the facial expressions do not change;
  • helps in the fight against keratinized particles and dead cells, refreshes, improves the condition of the skin.

See how the face looks after injections of hyaluronic acid:

Despite an impressive list of advantages, each substance has contraindications that you should not forget about. In this case, there are not many of them. You can not use the hyaluron during pregnancy and if you breastfeed the baby, for cancer, after transactions and with individual intolerance. You should not use the miracle tool for children under 16 years of age, since the skin at this age is still able to develop such a substance in sufficient volume.

List of contraindications:

  • blood coagulation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes on the face;
  • fresh peeling (a month has not yet passed);
  • deep peeling;
  • grinding with a laser.

Hyaluronic acid for the face, how to apply

In modern cosmetology, it is difficult to do without this miracle tool.

Consider the salon procedures with a hyaluron:

  1. A sought -after anti -aging procedure - mesotherapy of the face with hyaluronic acid. In the problem area there is a gel -like substance that fills the missing volume. In addition, with mesotherapy, you can improve the condition of the skin. Turn every cell with moisture. What result to expect: smoothed skin, without folds and wrinkles. How much is enough: about a year, but in this case everything is individual and depends on the age of the patient, lifestyle and skin problems. After the indicated time, you will have to visit the salon again to make the injections of hyaluronic acid for the face again. The disadvantages of this procedure: the introduction of a gel -shaped hyaluron is very painful, therefore, an additional introduction or application of anesthetics will be required.
  2. Biorevitalization is the introduction of a gel with hyaluronic acid for the face subcutaneously. A purified drug is used, as identical to the acid that the human body produces. What are the results: the substance triggers the natural production of collagen. This procedure is easier to transfer, the effect will last a little longer, since the body after the push will try to independently produce collagen and elastan in cells.
  3. The contouring of the face with hyaluronic acid is a directional procedure when it is necessary to visually increase a certain area on the face. For example, emphasize cheekbones, enlarge your lips, adjust the shape of the chin, smooth nasolabial folds. How it works: a synthetic drug is able to retain moisture, due to which the resulting effect is preserved for a certain time (3-6 months or more). The procedure is effective, hypoallergenic (but a test is always made before the administration of the drug).
  4. Facial plastic with hyaluronic acid is an alternative to surgical rejuvenation. Fillers dense in consistency are used with the addition of face sera with hyaluronic acid to make up for the missing volume of soft tissues (filling wrinkles, nasolabial folds, elimination of films, etc.).
  5. Bio -reinforcement of the face with hyaluronic acid is injection manipulation, a gel with hyaluronic acid is administered under the skin to fill the voids. The cosmetologist selects rejuvenation tactics, according to the condition of the patient's skin. For example, the introduction of the drug and absorbing threads, which will subsequently form a frame.

Each of the manipulations, even performed by an experienced cosmetologist, is always risks. Therefore, if you do not want to take risks, try an alternative - the use of products with collagen and hyaluronic acid for the face. Of course, there will be no such effect, but at home it is also really possible to achieve good results.

Face after hyaluronic acid. Photo:

Hyaluronic acid for the face at home

How to use hyaluronic acid for the face without resorting to the services of experienced specialists? We'll have to delve into everything and figure it out on your own.

The best hyaluronic acid for the face is serum, since it has the most active substance than in the same cream or lotion.

How to apply serum: only on the previously cleansed skin, slightly moistened. This method is as acceptable as possible, since the substance is absorbed faster and will not stretch moisture reserves from the body. In addition to serum or serum (as cosmetologists call this drug), it is necessary to use a product with other components. It can be extracts of herbs and plants that are familiar to many glycerin or various oils.

Some attentive buyers pay attention to the composition of skin care products and noticed that in the same powder, tonal -based or primer, some acid is also contained. It is not worth hoping for a miracle, as in the composition of liquid shadows, as well as lipsticks, there is also hyaluronic acid, which is more auxiliary component.

Home care. Beauty secrets:

  • we recommend that you purchase hyaluron powder in a pharmacy. It will take 2 g to prepare a product smoothing wrinkles. Connect the powder with 30 ml of water (from the filter or boiled), mix so that there are no lumps. Leave for half an hour. During this time, the powder will swell and completely dissolve. Such a mixture must be applied to the cleansed face, and put the rest in the freezer or in the refrigerator. Immediately after application, the face can tighten a little, since a light film is formed, which should be absorbed after half an hour. Then it is necessary to apply a mask or cream to the skin. To see the result, you need to do this procedure every day for 2 weeks;
  • how to make a face mask with hyaluronic acid from the powder: we take 30 nicotine acids and 1 g of hyaluronic, mix, add water to make thick gruel, like sour cream. The mask needs to be applied to the face, there is no need to wash off. Another option: hyaluronic acid 3 g, oatmeal of 40 g, lemon juice half a teaspoon, egg whites - 3 pcs. Combine all the components, apply it to the face, withstand for 20 minutes, remove with a warm gauze compress;
  • the face mask made of acid in ampoules: strict proportions are needed here to do everything as correctly as possible. We take 3 or 4 drops (but no more!) Acid, add egg yolk, grapefruit pulp (25 g), mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. We apply this mask to a pre -moistened face with grapefruit juice. Keep for 20 minutes, wash off with warm water;
  • another recipe with yogurt: take 30 ml of milk product, add 5 drops of hyaluron, mix, apply to the face, wash off after half an hour with warm water;
  • how to make a face cream with hyaluronic acid is the simplest way is to add liquid hyaluronic acid to the cream. Proportions 1 to 200. How to understand: the mass of the cream must be divided by the specified number (200), and the number that turns out is the proportion of acid in the total mass;
  • how to make a cream for problem skin yourself: take a clean drug of 500 ml, add 10 ml of water, mix, still enter the gruel made of fresh parsley (10 g) (rejuvenates, brightens). Parsley can be replaced with zinc paste (sold in a pharmacy). Then the cream will fight rashes;
  • we make a cream for normal skin type: hyaluron and water - the proportions are unchanged (500 ml +10 ml of purified water), enter olive oil - 10 ml;
  • for dry skin, we make the cream from these components: we take 500 ml, water or chamomile decoction - 20 ml, coconut oil, peach seeds or almond to choose 20 g.

Hyaluronic acid for the face. Reviews

If earlier, hyaluronic acid and its properties were known only in higher circles, now this drug is open to everyone. Everyone has the right to choose a salon care or home.

We learn the opinions of people who managed to test this tool on themselves:

Oksana, 38 years old: "" My cosmetologist advised me to do mesotherapy. Frankly, it hurt, but I suffered. The face after the injection was not very attractive, then redness and swelling came off and I noticed how much my skin was wished. The result is now very pleased. My colleagues who thought that I went to the sea and my colleagues noted the changes. I think that I will decide once again for such a procedure or maybe I will ask a cosmetologist to offer me something else».

Inna, 43 years: "" For a long time she did not dare to injure beauty, but age takes her. I have strong nasolabial folds and there are deep wrinkles. Botox, I know, will remove these problems, but I want to save facial expressions and not be like a doll. I was introduced to hyaluronic acid to align the folds. At first it was too noticeable, a few days later the body was adapted and now I have no such noticeable folds! I also got rid of wrinkles, I am very pleased with the result!».

Marina, 31 years old: "" I am still early on injection, my skin is in good condition, there are no wrinkles. I am satisfied with everyone, only a little embarrassing the shape of the lips. I turned to a cosmetologist, I was advised to make a correction with hyaluronic acid. Fillers were high -quality, I have suffered injections well. The problem is fixed and I am very pleased with the result!»

Evgenia, 21 years old: "" It’s too early for me to think about the injections of beauty, I only master the secrets of competent skin care, but my girlfriends have already tried phillers with acid. They increased their lips and are satisfied with the result. I will refrain for now, but I will collect information, it will come in handy for the future».

Maria, 46 years old: "" In the clinic, they made me with acid masks, I did not expect this effect, wrinkles smoothed out, the skin became fresh, as if minus 10 were removed from the face. Now I try to support the skin at home, make masks itself and add hyaluronic acid to the cream».

Galina, 53 years old: "" The daughter -in -law advised me to buy hyaluronic acid in a pharmacy, we made a gel together. I apply at night, in the morning - like a girl, they do compliments at work, they ask what cosmetologist I have visited».

Victoria, 44 years old: "" I did a biorevitalization, I liked the effect. The doctor insists on bio -reinforcing while I think and make masks at home».



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