
How to make crafts from coffee beans at home. Crafts from coffee beans Stepshop do it yourself with photos

How to make crafts from coffee beans at home. Crafts from coffee beans Stepshop do it yourself with photos
The article presents several detailed instructions with step-by-step photos from the crafts from coffee beans.

One of the simple materials used for the decor is coffee beans. In a fried form, they give the hand to the hand, the original texture and unique flavor. To master the art of decoration with such an element, even a beginner will be able to master. After all, except for coffee you will need only glue.

Crafts of coffee beans. How to decorate a candle with coffee beans

For those who have never tried to make crafts from coffee beans, are advised to try to master the simplest compositions. For example, to decorate a candle with coffee beans. Only in this case, keep in mind that the coffee from the heat will radiate its fragrance, so it must be combined with aromatic oils in the candle.

  • To create these crafts are best used for decoupage glue, as it will melt from the heat with a wax. While the remains of the super-glue can burn and give off dangerous fumes.

  • Selection of coffee beans is not important. The main thing that they were in the form of fried and without damage. Therefore, you can buy a cheaper version of the product.

  • Using a brush, apply glue to the candle. Choose the most beautiful grain and glue them with the flat side to the wax. Work quickly, as the touch of the hands of the candle melts and the grain can slide. First try to glue the material on a small portion of wax from the bottom of the candle.

  • Place decorations on the table and continue to stick grain, gradually moving to the top of the candle. After that, leave the candle until the adhesive dries.

  • To get the extra flavor of coffee, light a candle, and when the wax begins to melt near the wick, put a few grains in it.

  • Such a simple candle you can do for a gift or to use instead of the flavor.

Crafts of coffee beans. Candle of twine and coffee beans

crafts often using coffee beans additionally decorated with twine. These two materials well together. They also can be decorated with a candle on a gift. In addition, you need a satin ribbon and glue gun.

  • Choose a candle with a flat bottom so that it can stand on a flat surface or in a candlestick. In this form the foundations for the decor is not important. This can be both round and square candle. Also you can use helium candles. When selecting twine give preference to natural materials as it is necessary to emphasize the naturalness of crafts.

  • Such crafts from coffee beans you can do on your own, if you follow the next master-class. Schedule on the candle level where cords will be located. Begin to wrap the candle at the top of the decor, to make the first round at the same level.
  • Apply glue to the end of the twine and immediately lock it on the candle. It is necessary to work quickly, as hot glue quickly freezes. But at the same time, it is easily removed from the surface, so you can remake the craft if necessary.

  • Continue to wind the candle with twine. Each new coil threads are as close as possible to the previous row. The twine must fit tightly to wax, so pull it during operation.

  • Watch in this way to twine to the very bottom of the candle. But at the same time leave 0.5 cm. Free space in the wax, so as not to disturb the stability of the decor. The bottom row of the threads across the circumference. So it does not slide while using the candle.

  • Foreign decor decor decorate coffee beans. Their location can be any: vertical stripes or chess order. Print coffee for a flat piece of grain.

  • Cut the satin tape with strips of 15-20 cm long strips. The edges are fallen, so that the threads do not blocked over time. Make several bows from the ribbon.

  • Stick them on the twine between the coffee beans. To comply with the colors of the ribbon, choose brown-colored under the shade of grains. Lighter color will not stand out on the thread.

  • Make a middle for a bow of coffee, but only choose the grain of the rounded shape. The finished candle can be packed in transparent paper so that the decor can be visible.

Coffee beans crafts. How to make a magnet in the form of a heart from coffee beans

Coffee beans can be cracked on any subject or timed to the holiday. For example, you can make your own hearts in the form of a magnet. At the same time, special skills from you will not need.

Prepare such materials:

  • coffee beans;
  • dense cardboard;
  • scissors, adhesive gun;
  • magnet harvesting;
  • cut of fabric of any color;
  • brush and decor.

Instructions for work:

  • On the paper sheet, draw a pattern in the shape of a heart, cut it out and transfer it to cardboard. From cardboard Prepare the basis for the magnet.

  • All sides are gluing a magnet. He should not be too big so as not to drain the decor. But at the same time, have the necessary size to keep the heart.

  • Cut the square from the fabric and put it on the table with an invalid side to yourself. From above, put a blank, a magnet to the bottom.

  • The edges of the material are lowered up and get to the cardboard. Try the fabric to stretch as much as possible so that it repeats the heart shape.

  • Coffee beans stick on top to the material with a flat side to the cardboard. Wait until the glue is completely dry.

  • Then give the volume to the heart. Secure some more coffee pieces on the side parts of the figure. But at the same time choose the grains of the small size, otherwise they will prevent the molding of the magnet.

  • When the first layer of glue completely freezes, stick the second grain level, but this time placed them with a flat part upstairs. With the help of brush, clean the surface from glue residues.

  • Next to decorate the coffee heart with any decor. It may be a bow of satin ribbon and anise asterisk.

Coffee beans crafts. How to make a dog from coffee beans

Crafts are becoming increasingly popular. But the flat drawing can become not only part of the picture, but also decorate the postcard. To designate the edge of the picture, use the jute twine thin diameter.

Materials and tools:

  • coffee beans of different brands;
  • spigat natural color;
  • paints for decoupage;
  • scissors, tweezers, pencil;
  • paper;
  • brush and glue.

Master class on making a dog:

  • On paper Draw a dog pattern. If you do not have artistic skills, then simply print it on the printer.

  • In this case, it is necessary to use the "moment" glue, as it will not create an additional layer between the details of the decor, in contrast to silicone. Apply it on line, wait a few seconds and glue the twine according to the drawing.

  • Work does not rush and use the tweezers to create the necessary bending on the workpiece. Also curse the inner lines with twine.

  • Coffee grains distribute in size. For the drawing, it is best to purchase a product of different brand. So you can choose the grains of the required size to repeat the bends in the figure.

  • First, apply brown paint on the eye and spots on the back. Now proceed to filling out the shape of grains. Print them with a flat side to paper. At the scene of the paw and tail. Place the grains vertically. So the drawing will look carefully.

  • To hide the lumens on paper, secure another layer of grains, but only now the convex side to the first layer of the decor. Position the second row of grains between other elements.

  • Acrylic paint white color Draw your dog's eye. If you need to apply it again, but only after the first layer is completely dry.

  • The nose of the animal Draw black and cover with varnish. So he will glisten.

  • Then make the pupil with an animal.

  • If you wish, you can additionally make a bone for the dog and paint it with white paint. Such a coffee bean snapsuit is suitable for the complexity for beginner masters. It can be handed over as a New Year's gift or decorate your home for a holiday.

Coffee beans crafts. How to make a "happiness tree" from coffee beans

Such an exercise is also called Topiary. It is a small church in a pot, the crown of which can be any figure. Most often needlewomen use a ball and coffee.

You will need for coffee trees:

  • form of foam in the form of a bowl;
  • coffee beans;
  • glue gun, scissors;
  • double-sided tape;
  • plastic porridge;
  • capacity for kneading;
  • alabaster or gypsum;
  • narrow satin tape;
  • wide ribbon of organza;
  • plastic tube.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • First, cross the foam ball. But since it will be a future crown for a tree, then in one place forms, draw a circle to the size of the stem (plastic tube) so as not to stick it with a decor.

  • The billet will consist of 2 grain layers. The first is glued with a flat side to the ball, the second, on the contrary, a convex part of it. At the same time, place coffee between the grains of the first row. Thus, you will block the white color on the foam.

  • You should get here such as in the photo a blank for crafts from coffee beans. If you wish, you can cover it with varnish, which will make the glossy surface. But the effect of natural material will disappear.

  • Prepare a plastic tube. Return from each edge of 3 cm. And glue two-way tape. Do this formation to maximize the base surface.

  • The edge of the satin ribbon is fallen to remain smooth cut. Remove the protective film on the scotch and glue the fabric. Place the tape as at an angle.

  • As a result, you will have such a billet for the trunk, which has the sides without decor. It is necessary in order to then stick it to the ball and porridge.

  • In the tank for the knead, pour water. To her in small parts, pumped the alabastra or gypsum powder, thereby adjusting the thickness of the mixture.

  • Check out a lot of density similar to a thick sour cream. Carefully stir the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

  • Since the alabaster freezes very quickly, it is necessary to act immediately after the mixture kneading. Carefully break it into the porridge and put the trunk strictly through its center.

  • Hold the handset until the package will not freeze. Check your finger the consistency of the mixture - it should be dry from above.

  • After the alabaster is completely dry, go to the decor of Kashpo. Just like on Krone, glue two levels of coffee beans. The first layer will be located to the top.

  • The second shift the flat side to you. Try to place the grains in the intervals between coffee from the first row.

  • Do not hurry, glue the decor exactly and most to each other.

  • On a bowl, in the previously intended place, make a small deepening. Apply a thick layer of glue on the top of the tube.

  • Stick the coffee crown to the stem. Do it quickly, as hot glue immediately begins to stick.

  • Stop the ball so that it is strictly in the center of the entire composition, hold it for a few seconds.

  • Ribbon from organza Cut and solder ends. Enroll around the tube so that it touches the stem of the middle.

  • Tie a bow under the bowl. Nodules Make tight or fix it with glue. So he will not confuse with time.

  • By such technology, you can make several variations of the tree of happiness from coffee beans. In this case, the size of the ball, like the height of the stem, may be any.

Coffee beans crafts. How to make a coffee tree for the new year

The original gift or an unusual decoration for your home can be New Year's crafts from coffee beans. You can easily master the technique of making a coffee decor if you carefully examine this master class.

To work you will need:

  • foam cone;
  • glass container;
  • gypsum, water;
  • silicone glue;
  • twine from jute;
  • coffee beans;
  • dried orange slices;
  • floristry moss;
  • thin and thick wire;
  • a piece of burlap and decor.

Step-by-step instructions with photos:

  • As a basis for crafts for the new year, use not only coffee beans, but also a foam form in the form of a cone. Its size depends on the height of the decor. Structuring will be kept on thick wire.

  • Based on the cone, find the center. Make a small hole and grind the wire into it. Additionally secure it with glue. The sword needs to wrap the foam. Start it from the bottom of the figure, gradually moving towards her top.

  • So that the thread is not spinning in the time of the use of the decor, in a few turns rush it to the workpiece. Try to wind the twine tightly to each other.

  • End of cord fasten on top. This is such a workpiece should turn out.

  • From a thin wire you need to make a tail for the Christmas tree. Fold it in half, in the loop to last the twine. Tie it around the wire and wrap over the entire length.

  • The free end of the tail is pouring into the workpiece through its center. The end of the twine wrap around the cone and stick to not be promoted.

  • The stem for the Christmas tree is also necessary to reorganize the jute thread. Her finish on the base of the cone and scroll it around the thick wire. Excess twine doze, and the end are sticking.

  • Now proceed to coffee beans. Sore them in size. Start fixing the decor with a christmas tree circumference. Clean the circle, but first place the grain with a flat side to the base.

  • The places that are shouted through the first layer of coffee, close one more grains. But this time fix the decor on the convex side.

  • Plue in this way the entire cone base. Work carefully and place the grains close to each other. Then tighten the tail in the form of a spring.

  • Instead of porridge for the base, you can use a glass jar of small size. She in itself has a weight, and for the weightlifter and the latch retainer, take plaster or alabaster.

  • For decor can use burlap. Cut from it a square in the height of the tank, plus 5-7 cm. For bends. Put the jar in the center of the pattern, first wrap the opposite sides, then replace the remaining edges and secure them on the glue.

  • Gypsum Distribute water to the consistency of sour cream. Pour it into the jar, install the rod of the Christmas tree on top and hold the Christmas tree to frozen the mixture. Decorate artificial moss from above, which is used in floristry.

  • Additionally, re-adjour the New Year's craft from the grains of coffee by slices of dry orange and metal suspension. Also, tie a braid on the bow around the bag.

Coffee beans crafts. How to make hedgehogs from coffee beans

Coffee beans can also be used as an aromatic decor in the interior. To enhance the smell, cinnamon, badyan and dry citruses are added to the sample. For the children's room, make a hedgehog of coffee grains.

Required materials and tools:

  • plastic ball of any diameter;
  • acrylic paint brown;
  • brush for decoupage;
  • jute twine;
  • styrofoam;
  • dense cardboard;
  • flavored decor;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • coffee beans;
  • glue pistol;
  • beads and beads of black.

Step-by-step instructions with photos:

  • Plastic ball cut into two equal parts. You can also use a billet from the foam or an empty chill toy from plastic.

  • Cut a small piece of foam of rectangular shape. Cut out the cone from it with equal sides. It will be a muzzle for a little animal.

  • From the cardboard it is necessary to cut a circle in the size of the plastic blank. Attach it on paper, circle and cut through the line.

  • If you have a bright ball, then paint it in brown. It must be done so that through the coffee layer the other shade was not visible. On the plastic, the acrylic paint is best lifted. Apply it on the surface in several layers and let dry.

  • Cardboard circle stick to half a bowl. Try to apply a thick layer of glue so that the base is firmly fixed on the plastic. Cone from foam cutting in half.

  • Change outdoor parts on the craft can be using twine. Also use its natural color. If you take a colored thread of dark color, then it will be merged with a touch of coffee beans.

  • Start sticking the twine from the tip of the nose, so it will be visible. Gradually scroll the thread around the foam. Excess the extra part, and the end ride.

  • In the same way, you need to decorate the cardboard on the back of the figure. First, turn the thread with a nodule and stick to the center of the paper. Then secure the spiral spiral to the very edge. Side asleep just proof in a couple of rows of threads.

  • Prepare coffee beans. The first row will be from above, so select the decor of the same height.

  • Unlike most other crafts from coffee beans, the hedgehog decor will be glued in a vertical position, and not in horizontal. Pencil draw a plastic line that passes strictly through its center. Secure coffee at the mark. At the same time, the flat part of the grain should be turned toward the face.

  • Each subsequent row of coffee is glued in the same position, but only at a low angle. So the top of the grain should be tilted back.

  • As the hedgehog approached the tail, tilt the decor stronger. At the very bottom of the grain will be in a horizontal position, but the flat part is upstairs.

  • The front of the craft is decorated on the contrary. Grains gradually tighten towards the animal's nose. Start gluing coffee from the center to the bottom of the ball.

  • When you use all grains, fasten the aromatic decor on top. It may be cinnamon stick, citrus slicing or badyana asterisk. Some craftsmen are dryly dried with an apple circle and glued it to a coffee slouch.

  • When the whole decor is placed, from the black beads, make the nose of the animal, and the beads will be eyes. Such a decor will not only like your children, but also will be the original New Year gift.

Coffee beans crafts. How to decorate a cup with a saucer coffee beans

The original handicraft can decorate the office interior or emphasize the comfort of the house. Make a steaming cup and decorate her coffee beans can even beginner, will help you with the following detailed instructions.

To work, you will need:

  • mug and saucer from one service;
  • coffee beans of one brand;
  • wooden skeletal;
  • silicone glue;
  • lacquer for decoupage.

Master Class of Manufacturing:

  • Wash the dishes and carefully soda napkins. At the first stage, you must install the guide rod. They can be a wooden spanch, thick wire or even an old plug. In the center of the saucer, apply a large amount of hot glue, fasten a skeleton in it. Hands give it a small tilt, hold the rod until the glue is completely frozen.
  • Coffee beans Choose one brand. So they will have the same size and aroma. To give the volume of the craft, resort to small tricks. Apply hot glue on the base of the skewers, let him frost and again squeeze it on top of the first layer. In this way, you can make a seal of any form.
  • In random order, start glue the grains from the bottom. First, lock them on the saucer, then gradually move upstairs. In this handicraft, smooth rows of grains are not important as their position.

  • Coffee beans will cross the wand, but at the top leave a small plot for a mug. To the rod did not seem thin, give him volume with hot glue.

  • Now it is necessary to glue a mug on a skewer. Apply glue to the inner side of the dishes, and not on the grain. Otherwise, glue shocks down and stains coffee. Connect two parts of the crafts and hold, while the glue completely freezes. If the rod is still visible inside the mug, then decorate it with coffee beans. Additionally, decorate the saucer of individual grains.

  • To improve the appearance of the crafts from coffee grains, jump on hot air glue. Send a hairdryer to the plots where the glue is visible most. Heat melts it, and you can remove excess.

  • To give the shine to the decor and protect it from dust, apply a varnish from above, which is used during decoupage. In case of its absence, use the usual acrylic tool with the same properties. After this process, give the lacquer to dry well.

Baby crafts from coffee beans

Autumn is the brightest time of the year, which gives ideas for children's crafts. The basis for them may be natural materials, and coffee refers to such. An unusual craft in kindergarten can be made from the coffee beans in the form of an acorns.

Required materials and tools:

  • small plastic containers;
  • contour for decoupage;
  • glue pistol;
  • shilo, jute twine;
  • black acrylic paint;
  • coffee beans;
  • ground coffee;
  • floristic wire;
  • adhesive gun and plow glue;
  • sackcloth;
  • scissors, toothpick.

Instructions for work:

  • As a basis for the acorns, containers are suitable from under the bohyl, which are sold in automata. You can also use packaging from kinder surprises or any other boxes that resemble the shape of fruits.

  • The real acorns have a sharpening at the tip, repeat which can be repeated using a bulk contour. Apply it a small amount on the main part of the container. Give the tool to harden.

  • Remove the lid and make a hole in the center. Schedule to it twine. From the reverse side, tie a nodule. So thread will not slip out of the form. Or glue it to plastic.

  • On the edge of the cover, apply glue and close the container. Repeat these actions with the rest of the workpieces.

  • Plastic shape paint black paint. Instead of acrylic, you can use paint for decoupage. Give her to dry. On black, there will be not so visible lumets between grains and thread.

  • The main part of the acorns decorate the jute twine. Start to wrap it around the blank from the lid, gradually going down to the edge. In the course of the work, fix the thread to the plastic.

  • Coffee grains stick on the lid. Place the decor in a circle by forming a flat line. The position of the grain can be any, but the slope is different. So the first row is glued parallel to the container, and the subsequent lines at an angle to the top of the fetus.

  • Reduce in this way other blanks. For one bundle you will need three sizes of the same size.

  • Acorns Expose the top to each other, put the twine together and tie to the knot. Hold it as close as possible to the billets to get a bunch of them.

  • To give hardness branch with fruits, use a floristic wire. Insert one end into the nodules, glue.

  • Then apply glue on the wire and wrap it with a twine. Expand the extra part, but so far do not cut, as it will be needed for fastening the sheet.

  • Leaves for crafts make from burlap. Since she flies quickly, it must be punished. To do this cut two identical rectangles and fold together. Between them to secure the wire. Apply the thick layer of PVA glue from above.

  • After the glue dries the material will become solid, and will not turn. On the paper, draw the oak sheet template, transfer to the fabric and cut out.

  • Lay out the contour of the leaf of the jute twine. Apply glue only to the edge of the workpiece. Use toothpick or thin brush for this. Pinzeta correct the thread so that it is accurate to bend.

  • From the second side of the material, glue the same decor along the cut line.

  • Now you need to do accommodation. In the middle of the workpiece, put a thick twine, and on the sides, use a thin thread. Stick them on the basis and wait until the glue dries. On the reverse side decorate the sheet only the central line.

  • To give textures, apply ground coffee by its contour and living. You can simplify the procedure with a little cunning. Brush Fold glue to some areas on the workpiece.

  • While the remedy is not dried, immerse it in ground coffee. Lightly press and immediately get away.

  • So coffee sticks to the sheet and you will not need to apply it for a long time. Leave the workpiece to dry.

  • Ready decor tie a wire to a bunch of acorns. Excess part cut, the twine must be glued.

  • According to this technique, you can make a second version of the acorns, but only it will not contain the decor of the main part. Leave it painted.

  • For the youngest children, you can make a composition in the form of a panel of seeds. In it, you can also use coffee beans.

  • Or make sunflower, the basis of which will be topiary with a ball. Leaves cut out of corrugated paper.

At home, make crafts from coffee beans are quite simple. To do this, you need to carefully follow step by step instructions, which are presented in the article. Good luck!

Coffee grains can also be made a picture that will become a bright emphasis in your interior.

About how to make a craft look at the video


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