
How to make sugar body scrub - recipe

How to make sugar body scrub - recipe
The most simple and effective recipes of sugar scrub: face, body, lips.

First of all, from which he refuses chooses to lose the girl - a sugar and products containing it. And rightly so, because nothing but empty calories he does not bear! However, sugar has other uses, such as a sugar scrub, created with his own hands at home! He will remove the dead skin cells, making it smooth and elastic, and blood flow to the massaged area contribute to the acceleration of fat cells! Here is how the sugar can suddenly become a participant in the program for weight loss and body shaping. Let's see how you can make a sugar scrub at home.

Body Sugar

Several rules for applying scrub to achieve maximum effect:

  1. Sugar sand should not be large. If you are just like this, use the coffee grinder to set the shallow fraction.
  2. Sugar scrubs imply the presence of 2 or more components, because the sugar is simply dissolved over time, along with this the entire effect of the scraping will disappear. The conclusion is simple: the sugar scrub made is not stored, it is preparing immediately before use.
  3. Like any other scrub, the sugar is most effective when applied to pure sparkled skin. This is so cleared not only the skin surface, the agent penetrates into the deeper layers, cleaning the pores.
  4. Do not resort to scraping often. This is fraught with applying microtrase skin. 1 times a week more than enough!

So, the procedure for action should be as follows: captured with them all the necessary ingredients for scrub separately, adopted a relaxing bathroom. Washed with a washcloth, now you can start cooking scrub. They applied to wet skin, washed, then they were rinsed well with water. That's all! It remains only to lubricate the skin with a favorite moisturizing milk or lotion and enjoy smooth skin, like a baby.

Body sugar scrub. Sugar, cocoa and sour cream

In addition to a brilliant comprehensive effect, you will feel a wonderful fragrance due to the combination of such ingredients! This is a sugar scrub for a body whose recipe has nowhere. The proportions are as follows: 1 tbsp. Cocoa spoon, 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and sour cream. The fatty skin of the body, the less fatten it is worth taking sour cream, and vice versa. In return, Cocoa can use coffee with small grinding - it is also known in the cosmetology industry as an active fighter with cellulite and excess fat.

Body sugar scrub. Sugar and oatmeal

The perfect version of homemade sugar body with increased skin sensitivity. Oatmeal softens and moisturizes, and sugar has all the same comprehensive effect. It is necessary to cook porridge in advance without any additives on water with oily skin and on milk with dry. For sugar scrub, it is necessary to mix 5 tbsp. oatmeal 2 tbsp Sahara.

Sugar Body Scrub. Sugar and honey

Honey is the perfect solution in many home care and face care, and even for hair! He is almost the widest set of vitamins and minerals from all known natural products. For the convenience of applying, it is better to take a liquid honey, but if the mixture still turned out to be thick, dilute it with olive oil with dry skin and kefir with oily. 3 tbsp. l. Honey on 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Cellulite Body Sugar

Very fragrant and efficient mixture: 1 glass of cane sugar, floor of a glass of olive oil, 15 droplets of essential oil of any citrus - grapefruit, orange or lemon. You can use as a mask for a larger effect: Leave the mixture after the massage for 15 minutes.

Why is sugar better to take reed? In principle, these are all scrubies concern: there are more useful elements in it than in the usual white. It does not undergo a cleaning for electronics, which also cleans both vitamins with minerals. If you like to drink sweet tea or coffee, it is also better to give preference to the sugar cane. But only natural! Now there are many fakes when ordinary white sugar is painted in brown and sell Schridogoga. Catch the deception is simple: dissolve sugar spoon in transparent water. If the sugar is fake, then the water is painted in a slightly brownish color.

Body sugar scrub. Sugar salt scrub

If you want to get rid of cellulite, then try to make such a scrub: Mix a glass of sugar, a glass of sea salt and half of the glasses of olive oil. Sea salt is a natural product, full of vitamins and minerals, because this scrub will also have a healthy impact. But be careful: if you have at least the slightest wound or even a scratch, which you can, and do not know at all, salt MiG will give you her location!


Sugar scrub

The face primarily suffers from external influences, and it most of all needs gentle care. Daily application of cosmetics, contaminated external environment and other factors clog the pores, overlap the access of oxygen and deprive the skin of the possibility of naturally breathing, which is instantly reflected in its condition. It turns out a vicious circle - the gray color of the face has to mask under the layer of powder or a tonal cream, the blockage is enhanced, the state becomes even worse ... periodically need to use scrubs in order to remove the dead layer of the skin and return the face shining color. The choice of scrubies is impressive today, but what can be better than sugar scrub, the basis of which make up natural products?

As in the case of tiping the body, the face must be prehered with warm water, it is time to open, and only after that proceed to the process. Be careful with the area around the eyes, it should not get to her scrub, but it's not worth a ceremony with a T-zone (nose). To avoid injury to delicate skin, use sugar sand with a shallow fraction, and in order to avoid dissolving in other ingredients, use a scrub immediately after its preparation. After 2-3 minutes of scrubbing, you will warm the face with warm water and apply your favorite moisturizing face cream.

Sugar scrub for face. Sugar and oil

A sugar scrub, the recipe of which is very simple: the ingredients will probably have in stock, but cook it is less than a minute. Olive oil is divorced with sugar in proportion 1: 1. To achieve the maximum effect, leave it after the scanning for 15 minutes. Excellent suitable for dry skin!

Sugar scrub for face. Sugar and egg

In fact, not all egg is required, but only its yolk, which is mixed with 1 tbsp. Sahara. You can also massage the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. Food, moisturizing and cleansing in one bottle!

Sugar scrub for face. Sugar and kefir

Holders of oily skin in scrubs can add any milk products with low fat content, be it yogurt, kefir or sour cream. Sugar proportions to the dairy product 2: 1, can also be held after use for 10 minutes. It is desirable to wash and not even warm water, but a pre-prepared chamomile decoction.

Sugar scrub for face. Sugar, honey and oatmeal

This combination of products is suitable for any type of skin! Oatmeal Clears the scored pores, the sugar will remove the outer layer of dead cells, and honey will nourish the skin of the face. 1 tbsp. Sugar, 2 tbsp. Oatmeal, 1-2 tbsp. Honey. The proportions can be adjusted until the substance of the desired degree of thickness is obtained.


Lip sugar scrub

Large sensual lips, slightly open, and sit down ... But provided they are well-groomed! Having cracked lips with bruises, you can hardly seduce someone! And the harmful effect of the scorching sun, then the creaking frost is repeatedly reflected in our sensitive sponges. How to make a sugar scrub for your own hands?

We give a few simple recipes, but first of all, we will analyze exactly how to use such scrubs:

  1. The security deposit is a regularity, but the main thing is not to overdo it. If there are problems, 2-3 times a week enough, it is enough for prevention and once.
  2. If there are cracks or herpes, peeling will have to postpone a little. Wait until hels. To speed up the process, buy the appropriate ointment in the pharmacy. By the way, herpes signals a possible illness flowing in your body. It can be secretly expressing in the form of an unpleasant cold on the lips, and maybe a little later, it will be a sick throat, a squaring nose and then on the list. Be vigilant, such developments can be prevented if you turn to the doctor on time and put the antiviral drug course.

As in previous cases, the scrub should be applied to the already prepared area of \u200b\u200bthe lips. How to do it? Very simple: Moisten the cotton disk with warm water and put it on the lips. After a few minutes you can apply scrub, movements should be soft and smooth, avoid strong pressure. If there is time, after massaging, hold the scrub some time on the lips. Then wash off with warm water, drying the lips with a rigid towel. At the end it is worth a special cream or moisturizing lip balm.

Sugar scrub. Sugar, honey and mint

Sugar with liquid honey Mix in proportions 1: 1, add a drop of mint essential oil.

Sugar scrub. Sugar, salt, Vaseline

These ingredients are mixed in equal proportion. Many products do not need products, take half a teaspoon.

Sugar scrub. Sugar and olive oil

Mix sugar with several oil droplets, bringing to the desired consistency and apply on the lips. After the procedure, lubricate your lips with olive oil - they will be grateful to you after the first procedure.

sUGAR_LIP_SCRIB _-_ White_teeth

Sugar scrub: reviews

Sugar helps to many lips, body and face skin. It is highly recommended and experimenting by mixing it with many subframes. But, of course, if you want to lose weight and get rid of cellulite, then one scrub will not help you. It can be used as an additional measure to proper nutrition and sports. If you want to have a healthy and blooming face of the face, then in addition to regular use of scrubics (1 time in 1-2 weeks), it is necessary to periodically visit the cosmetologist, use good proven creams for their age and its skin type, do not forget to make masks. The lips also love regular care, in the frosty winter and hot summer do not forget to regularly feed them with your favorite balm. If you treat yourself like this, with love, constantly caring about yourself, the effect will be necessary!


Let's summarize

We studied a lot of sugar scrubs, the recipe for which is extremely simple! Now you know how to make the skin gently and smooth. Do not forget that the beauty of a woman is, first of all, well-groomed. And, well-groomed should be all parts of the body 24 hours a day, so that in case of unexpected attention of your second half, you have always been "armed" to teeth!

Video " Sugar scrub do it yourself "


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