
Moon calendar of manicure 2017

Moon calendar of manicure 2017
From the article you will find out when you can make a manicure, taking into account the lunar phases, and when it is better to postpone the visit to the master.

From time immemorial, gardeners have planted plants and take care of them exclusively on favorable days of the lunar calendar. Our grandmothers also turned to the forces of nature in order to remain beautiful and young for many years. They cut their hair and carried out various cosmetic procedures, consulting with the lunar calendar. Now, women not only visit a cosmetologist and build up their hair, but even cut their nails and make manicure in certain phases of the moon. In this article, we suggest you get acquainted with information when to make a manicure on the lunar calendar. Thanks to these recommendations, you will feel confident and look well -groomed all 12 months a year.

Moon calendar of manicure for January 2017

In the first month of the New Year, I especially want to be beautiful. After all, in January there are many holidays. Therefore, before making the publication, it will not hurt to "clean the feathers." When is it better to do it?

The most suitable days will be January 1 and 2, as well as the period before and after the old New Year from 14 to 26. These days, any procedures related to nail care are allowed. This will not only contribute to good health and an excellent mood, but will also help improve relations with representatives of the opposite sex.

But if you decide to go to the master 7-13 or January 27-29, think carefully. The Moon Calendar of Manicure 2017 warns that this can cause family troubles and conflicts with the authorities and colleagues.

Moon calendar of manicure for February 2017

New Year and Christmas holidays died down, and harsh everyday life begins. Even in a winter cold I want to hide under the gloves not a shabby manicure, but neat, fingered nails. The most favorable period for increasing, changing the design or healing of nails will be time from February 13 to 24. But if you want to avoid serious quarrels with your beloved man, do not make a manicure from the 5th to the 9th and from 25 to 28.

If you are trying to grow long nails, it is not recommended to cut them 1-4 and 10-12 on February 10-12.

Moon calendar of manicure for March 2017

In early spring, many women succumb to fashion and change their appearance. However, they do not forget about claws. After all, I want to be groomed from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers.

From 12 to 26 March, favorable days for manicure on the lunar calendar are lasting. By cutting your nails during this period, you can improve your well -being (which is especially necessary after the winter season). And having made a manicure on the 9th or 10th, a woman can significantly improve her position in society and increase financial well -being.

On neutral days (March 26-31), it is not recommended to make a manicure, as well as cut the nails. This can lead to the appearance of burrs. From the 5th to the 11th, it is better not to touch the nails at all, since you can harm both them and the body.

Moon calendar of manicure for April 2017

The middle of spring is a wonderful period of time for experiments with nails. If you decide to change the design of the nails, go to the master 5-9, 13-22 or 29. In addition to the fact that you will become calmer and more balanced, there is a high probability of promotion through the career ladder. It is best to trim the nails from the 7th to the 9th. This will certainly bring to your life the opportunity to improve the financial situation.
The neutral period is the time from April 22 to 28. It is better to postpone the recording of nail extensions, but to make a spa manicure-you can even better. You will strengthen the nail plate. It is not recommended to touch the nails on April 1-9 and 30.

Moon calendar of manicure for May 2017

Before the summer season, no woman will miss the opportunity to bring her nails into a decent look. If you decide to increase your nails or make a nail art, go to the salon from May 11 to May 18. In neutral days (from 19 to 27), it is not recommended to cut the cuticle and cut the nails. But you can make an unspeakable manicure at home or in the cabin. No need to do manicure or carry out any procedures with nails from 1 to 10 and 28-31 on May 1. The Moon Calendar of Manicure 2017 warns that this can adversely affect the condition of your nervous system: depressive syndromes are not excluded.

Moon calendar of manicure for June 2017

At the beginning of the summer season, many representatives of the fair sex replace the classic manicure made in pastel colors, on a bright and sometimes shocking option. The best period of time for these purposes is 1-7, 12-17 and June 26-30. You can afford to “blame” a manicure made in acidic, juicy colors. You can also change the French "smile" to a scattering of sparkles or rhinestones. In any case, your experiments will not cause indignation among others. In neutral days (from 18 to 23), do not cut the cuticle, wounds should be avoided. It is possible that they will be delayed for a long time. June 8-11, it is forbidden to do anything with the nails.

Moon Calendar of Manicure for July 2017

Most likely, in the second month of summer you will go on vacation, but still we recommend finding time for your nails. After all, they are constantly under the influence of salt sea water and ultraviolet rays. From 9 to 12 and 21-22, you can make a manicure, change the length of the nails. Also, this period will be favorable for strengthening the nail plate, by applying natural masks to the nails and skin of the hands. In neutral days, you can make an unrefined manicure, but on July 1-8 and 21-31 you do not need to visit the master. Family quarrels are not excluded.

Moon calendar of manicure for August 2017

Want to become more attractive and sexy for representatives of the opposite sex? Your hour has come. Visit the interior 7 and 8 or 18-20 on August, and you will not go unnoticed. It is not recommended to make a manicure of 1-6, 16-17 and 21-31 numbers-this will shake your self-confidence. With particular caution, it is necessary to treat the manicure in the period from August 9 to 15. It is better not to trust the nail to the master, but to independently change the color of the nails or their length, having previously carefully disinfected the tools. Otherwise, nail fungus may appear.

Moon calendar of manicure for September 2017

The beginning of autumn is a good time to restore and grow claws. In the period from 14 to September 19, you can go to a manicure specialist without hesitation. But 1-5 and 20-30 numbers do not need to risk the financial situation and your career of a business woman. The maximum that you can do at this time is to arrange nutrient baths for nails. On neutral days, you do not need to make a manicure or extend your nails.
If vile, false gossip is opened about you, it is best to cut the nails on September 1-4. If you want to make useful acquaintances or find friends, sign up for a manicure on the 16th or 17th. Student girls should carry out therapeutic procedures on September 23-26 (this will contribute to the full immersion in the educational process).

Moon calendar of manicure for October 2017

With the onset of this fall, it is necessary to tighten the care of nails. Favorable time for therapeutic procedures and manicure will be the period from October 11 to 18. If you are worried about pain in your hands, massage on the 8th or 9th of the day. Starting from 3 to 7 October, you can only change the color of the nails. To avoid quarrels with a close environment, do not file or trim the nails from October 19 to 31. If you want to attract the attention of the authorities as an experienced and responsible employee, you can resort to bright tones from October 29 to October 31.

Moon calendar of manicure for November 2017

Most of the penultimate month of 2017 will be unfavorable for changing nail design and manicure. Therefore, try to do all the necessary procedures from the 8th to the 17th of the 17th. From November 3 to 6, it is not recommended to cut the nails and cut the cuticle. Having made a manicure on the 9th, you can bring a large number of problems, or become the culprit of the quarrel of loved ones. A bad period for any manipulations with nails - from November 18 to 25.

Moon calendar of manicure for December 2017

On the eve of the New Year's miracles, every representative of the fair sex dreams of changing beyond recognition. In addition to competent makeup and clothing suitable for color type, it is also necessary to put the nails in order. Astrologers recommend preparing for your favorite holiday since the beginning of the month. They believe that the most favorable period for nail art, building and changing the shape of the nails will be time from December 5 to 17. If you do not have enough confidence in your own attractiveness, go to the master on the 12-16th. If you want to grow nails, do not cut them from December 17 to December 20. New Year's Eve-30-31 days-an unfavorable period for manicure and cutting nails.

Moon and the influence of zodiac groups

In order to properly care for the nails, it is necessary to take into account not only the phases of the moon, but also the passage of the Earth's satellite through a certain zodiac sign.

  • Capricorn. On this day, you can safely make a manicure on the lunar calendar of 2017. Moreover, nail care procedures can be carried out not only at home, but also in the beauty salon. After all, you will really get to a good master who will leave only pleasant memories of a visit to the “Beauty Temple”.
  • Aries and Taurus. These days are considered neutral, so astrologers recommend abandoning the idea to change the design or nail length.
  • Scorpio and Sagittarius. When the moon is under the auspices of these signs, you can trim the nails and increase them.
  • The lion activates creative abilities, so devote several hours to your nails, and make an unusual, and possibly extreme design.
  • Virgo and Libra. The patronage of these signs contributes to the effective treatment of skin and nails. Therefore, these days it is worth making a fortifying bath for nails, treat the skin of the hands with a nourish mask or oils.


  • Aquarius. Any nail care procedures will benefit.
  • Fish. On this day, the procedures should be treated with special caution and scrupulousness. You can do manicure, but wounds and even tiny cuts should be avoided. There is a high probability of developing the fungus of the nail plate. If you know how to make a manicure yourself, it is better to refuse to go to the master, carefully disinfect all the necessary tools and materials - and proceed to impose beauty.
  • Twins. At this time, it is not recommended to do anything with the nails. They can become brittle, or the procedure itself unsuccessfully passes.

Now you know when you should make a manicure in 2017 according to the lunar calendar. Do not forget that walking with shabby nails in anticipation of a favorable period for painting is a bad tone. You can simply remove the remains of the varnish, thereby giving the nails to rest. Or you can apply a strengthening protective coating on them.



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