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How to excite and satisfy the girl. Smells exciting women

How to excite and satisfy the girl. Smells exciting women
How to make a date and its result bright and unforgettable, both for you and for it.

How to excite a woman is the piquant area of \u200b\u200bknowledge in which every man should understand. If you find yourself on the women's portal and read this article, it means that you really want to win your chosen one and study all the ways to give your woman pleasure. You can only be happy for the lady of your heart.

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How to excite a girl before a date

For a romantic evening, you should always prepare in advance. Even if you are already in marriage a long time ago and well know how to excite your wife and give her pleasure, you will still take the time spent together as something special. Imagine that this is your first date, and you at all costs want to get reciprocity with your beloved. Women are emotional creatures, and the atmosphere of the meeting is largely one of the decisive factors of excitement.

Where to start preparing for a date?

  • Take care of your attractiveness. Although there is a joke that a man should be “mighty, smelly and hairy”, do not perceive it so literally. Take a shower, use the cologne or perfume with a pleasant smell. Many girls come to a slight excitement from only one fragrance of freshness, which male perfume usually possesses.  Do not follow the stereotypes and do not rush to shave - often women are excited by a three -day light stubble. Believe me, if your girlfriend does not like “thorny” - she herself will ask you to shave.
  • Apply perfumes, but also remember that the smell of sweat is one of the most important natural pathogens. The most important remark: you must sweat from excitement and sexual excitement, and not from hard physical work or sports, otherwise your lady of the heart will first send you to wash to the bathroom.
  • Be confident in yourself. Even the strongest and most independent woman wants to be in the arms of her beloved man with a little girl. Breate to her desires. Where to draw self -confidence, if by nature you are still timid and shy? Show yourself as a man in other areas of life: play sports, regularly overcome yourself, set goals and achieve them. This develops the will and strength of character, which is immediately displayed on amorous affairs, because women immediately notice such men.
  • Think about where and how your date will take place. Even if your girlfriend does not differ in a romantic disposition, still create a fabulous atmosphere for her. Let her finally feel like a princess and remember not only your touch, but also the beauty of the moment. Whatever you come up with, your chosen one will undoubtedly appreciate efforts.


How to arouse a girl with hands

So, your date is successful. At first you are increasingly touching the girl, as if by chance, strive to acquire her, gently hold the hand. And it comes to the point that you no longer let her out of your arms. It's time to go on an open offensive.

  • Start slowly. Of course, all women have bouts of passion when she is ready to jump on you and tear off clothes. Some ladies were especially lucky with temperament, and they come to an excited state quite quickly. Another thing is when your beloved or wife is originally in a calm mood and, perhaps, does not even think about love joys. Then your task is to gradually light a fire in it with your delicate caresses and the right words.
  • Act from afar: touch her hair, stir up the back of the palm, lightly run your hand along the neck and shoulders. Gradually, let your hands glide throughout the girl’s body, but do not immediately try to penetrate her intimate places - most likely, she will immediately pull away. Combine touches with kisses, bring your hand close to intimate areas - and remove it. Gradually, the girl will want you to not stop, but continue on. And at this stage, act carefully: always stay gentle, she will ask you about rigidity.

How to excite a girl with kisses


  • The beginning of the kiss should be gentle. Especially if this is your first kiss - then the girl will forever remember this moment. Act on increasing. Start with subtle touches, you can even play the girl playfully playing a millimeter from her lips. Make the continuation of the kiss more passionate and soulful, tighten it, invest more energy. Alternate active, assertive actions and languid, slow kisses. It all depends on the character of the girl: if it seems to her that you are not passing passionately enough, she will try to intercept the initiative from you. Then you can safely kiss harder and even slightly bite by the lips.
  • Hug the girl during a kiss, stroke her on the back. Kiss not only on the lips - shower the whole face with small kisses, go to the neck. Do not forget to smack in the ear.
  • Study her body. The location of susceptible erogenous zones on the body of all women is individually.  Do you know how your beloved reacts to kisses in the neck? And on a light stroke on the back?  Do you know, stimulation of which body areas will turn out to be the excitement of your girlfriend? How well do you use this knowledge in your love games?  Exploring the body of a partner is pleasure and new sensations for both you and for her. Sometimes a strong reaction of some body of the body, even for the hostess, is a pleasant surprise, and in the meantime you earn yourself a reputation as a skilled lover who knows how to satisfy your woman.
  • If you start listing erogenous zones from the head, then, perhaps, it is worth starting with the ears. There are many sensitive nerve endings on the auricle. Brave the lobe slightly or kiss the girl straight into the ear - and feel how she just melts in your arms.
  • We go down below: the next site is the neck. The female reaction to kisses in this zone is even beaten in legends about vampires: gentle bite of the defenseless neck forces the victim to tremble from impotence and delight at the same time.
  • It is even pointless to talk about the importance of the chest as an erogenous zone: there is no man who does not know about it. Just do not be too aggressive in their caresses - not all women like it. Take care of the nipples especially gently - they are much more susceptible than other parts of the chest.
  • The closer you get to the cherished target during preliminary caresses, the more contrasting you can make your girlfriend feelings. The lower abdomen, buttocks, hips (especially their inner sides) are located very close to the genitals. Light touches to these zones make the girl wish for the transition to the next stage. Excitement rolls in waves: you can caress these zones and bring the girl’s sensations almost to the peak, then return one step back in your touch. The wave of feelings will first weaken, but then surpasses with renewed vigor when you continue your actions.
  • In addition, the back, shoulders, and feet include erogenous zones. Often, “butterflies in the stomach” arise from a light kiss in a completely seemingly innocent zone: wrist, palm, tip of the shoulder. With a sufficient intensity of feelings and emotions, the female body becomes super -sensitive to any of your kisses. Just provide her with this emotional rise: first with your courtship, and then skills in the art of love.

How to excite a girl? Exciting drugs for women: is it worth it to use?


A healthy person can always be excited naturally. If you, seducing a woman, do everything right, you simply will not need drugs. In addition, most of the sexual stimulants (Viagra, Spanish flush, gold root) have a lot of side effects. After all, the principle of action of exciting drugs is in artificial increase in blood circulation, which creates stress for the body. This is fraught with headache, nausea, pressure changes. They also have a rather long list of contraindications: problems with blood vessels, recently undergone diseases or operations, endocrine diseases, neurosis.

The lack of excitation reaction suggests that the woman is most likely in stress. Your task is to show your male qualities and minimize this stress. For this, she let you into her life.

Instead of drugs, it is better to arrange dinner from dishes, which include Afrodisiac products. These are sea delicacies (oysters, mussels, black caviar), herbs with caustic smells (basil, stage), spices and spices, strawberries, sharp pepper, and, of course, chocolate.

On the Internet you can find a lot of screaming advertising, calling for a woman in a drink to mix a woman in a drink. But do not fall: firstly, it is dishonest in relation to her partner, and secondly, the degree of excitement of a woman depends on you and only on you. For women in sex, an emotional background plays a huge role. Surround it with warmth, touch and words of love - and excitement will not be long in coming.

How to arouse a girl massage


The prelude of sexual intercourse is not necessarily limited to kisses. Include erotic massage in your affection:

  • Start and finish any massage with stroking.
  • Do not rush to go to sex, let your beloved enough time to enjoy the massage itself and get excited from it.
  • Be sure to use massage oil - the sensations of a partner will be more pleasant, and it will be more convenient for you to make her massage easily slipping over her body.
  • The room should be warm. No matter how hard you tried, if the room is low temperature, your woman will simply freeze and will not receive any pleasure.
  • Remember that you are doing erotic massage, not sports. Do not make sudden movements that will bring the pain to the partner. Always start with a slight press and do not increase their intensity without consulting your beloved.
  • Try not to tickle your partner. Otherwise, the desired atmosphere of romance will evaporate from laughter. On the other hand, you can rejoice for your relationship, if both you and she can quickly switch from mood to mood and again can tune in to the right way.
  • The massage sequence is from the periphery to the center of the body. You can start from the feet or from the hands and gradually move closer and closer to the body. Leave the most sensitive parts of the body (chest, lower abdomen, inside of the hips, crotch) in the end. Most likely, the massage of these zones will flow directly into love.

Smells exciting women


Imagine your woman chose you out of the smell of your spirits. In fact, she was attracted by the smell of sweat. When you are sexually excited, sweat molecules in the air are a kind of chemical signal informing the subconscious of the partner, whether you suit her or not. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to use other sources of aromas. On the contrary, select yourself a high -quality and exquisite perfume and use it not only before a date, but also in everyday life. Another option is to light candles or aroma lamp to fill the space in which your date passes. Women love floral and sweet aromas, but not always on men. Let your perfumes be more “courageous”: usually in such a main role in the composition is played by wood, chipper, spicy notes. Many fresh sea aromas are pronounced male character.

The secret of the attractiveness of the aroma of male spirits is in a carefully selected composition.  Often these are coniferous ingredients: cypress, cedar, juniper, animal substances - amberous, musk, skin; “Heavy” wood and spicy elements - incense, sandalwood. Often they are shaded and the lightest notes of lavender, green tea, verbena, lemon are added and added.

It is better to burn aromas and incense if you know exactly what a reaction is expected to, what your woman likes and what you do not like. There is a standard set of aromas that attracts and acts excitingly on most women, however, there are always exceptions to the rules.

Afrodisiac aromas are traditionally considered a rose, jasmine, patchouli, ylang-ylang, bergamot, orange. Not only clean oils are suitable, but also their combinations. Sometimes it’s easier to buy a ready -made aromatic mixture - usually its components are selected so that it is perfect to complement each other.

How to understand that the girl is excited


Sexual excitement is always accompanied by increased pressure. This is displayed externally by the following signs:

  • The breath has become more frequent: breaths and exhalations became more sharp and loud.
  • The pulse accelerated: if you hold your beloved by the hand, then you will feel echoes of the blows of her heart even in the palm of your hand.
  • The pupils expanded. Look carefully to her eyes - now they will be brilliant and dark.
  • There was a light alcohol. Again, grabbing the girl by the hand you can see not only in the frequency of the pulse, but also in the moisture content of the palm.
  • A dry throat. Most likely, a girl who looks forward to your further actions will often swallow saliva and speak little.

And if you have already managed to begin more decisive action, then, of course, you will notice the most obvious of the signals of the female body:

  • Hardened nipples.
  • Moisturization of the perineum.
  • The body tenses and trembles easily, reacting to your caresses. The state of relaxation and tone with waves replace each other. The girl is as if melting in your hands, on the contrary, that there is strength squeezes you in the arms.
  • Closed eyes. Let them claim that a real woman will always look into your eyes during a love act, believe me: she does this only to give you pleasure. If she is really good, she will forget to open them, completely immersed in the experience of her sensations.
  • The mouth is opened-the breath is still rapid.

In addition to advice on directly loves, it is important that you realize the following. The point is not only what is happening in your bed. Simple little things mean a lot: make your favorite compliments. Wish her good night. Prepare coffee in bed. Send messages with sensory content. This makes the girl constantly think about you and strive for the next date.



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