
Tooth pain during pregnancy - what to do. How to relieve toothache during pregnancy - tablets, folk remedies. What is possible from dental pain 1.2.3 trimester

Tooth pain during pregnancy - what to do. How to relieve toothache during pregnancy - tablets, folk remedies. What is possible from dental pain 1.2.3 trimester
Tips on how quickly and without harm to relieve toothache during pregnancy.

Not a single woman who brings a child will want to experience additional torment. An interesting situation, in addition to the joyful expectation of the baby, is also expressed by a lack of vitamins, minerals, overload the internal organs of the future mother. This applies to teeth first. Their destruction is affected by improper placement of power priorities, replacing useful home cottage cheese, cake milk, meat and fish - conservations. The teeth are damaged from sweets and irreversible processes occur. Then mom is looking for how to rinse and heal the wounds. Strong toothache can be deactivated, but it is better to take trouble in advance.

Tooth pain during pregnancy - the help of a dentist

  • You do not need to treat your teeth, but important! In addition to home procedures, hygiene, as a prevention, several times a year, visit dental clinics. The normal course of pregnancy is by no means interference with treatment.  In the present, dentists offer a professional approach to each needy patient. The main goal of the dentist is to preserve the oral cavity intact.
  • The dentist is free of charge for each trimester of control and brushing tooths for free.
  • And if a pregnant woman is afraid to do tooth x -rays, then she should know, the process is safe, the stomach is covered with a protective apron.

Toothache during pregnancy

In order not to bother with the destruction of patients with the foci of the oral cavity, a pregnant woman needs to worry about health before conception or in the early stages.

  • Caries and other adverse phenomena instantly eat enamel, injure the surface and are introduced deep into the nerve. Sooner or later, the teeth will become very sensitive to temperature differences, cold, hot food, sour and sweet.
  • The younger fruit takes strength from the mother’s body, including calcium. In dental practice, a constant phenomenon is the removal of the dental nerve.
  • Another factor affecting the decision to go to the dentist early is a psycho -trauma. When the pain syndrome then fades, it returns at any time of the day. The painkillers will not help here and only harm!

Painkillers during pregnancy from toothache

How to anesthetize the advancing acute pain during pregnancy, every woman who has passed this life lesson already knows. The pharmacy offers to purchase tablets from toothache.

  • The list of effective and cheap tools includes anti-inflammatory: paracetamol, Analgin, Nurofen, No-shpa. Before using these drugs, it is more correct to seek advice to the attending physician.

Paracetamol from toothache during pregnancy

  • The popular and multifunctional paracetamol immediately falls into the list of favorite drugs. Indications allow the use of pregnancy in the condition of episodic use.
  • The composition enters the placenta to the baby and even into breast milk. Per day at 500-1000 mcg, dividing by 3-4 times.
  • There are side allergic effects, anemia, renal colic, toxic effects on the liver. All points must be taken into account.

Analgin from toothache during pregnancy

  • 1 trimester (12-14 weeks)-doctors express an opinion on the inappropriateness of taking analgin.  In the 1st trimester, the child’s organs are formed, and drugs can disrupt a serious process.
  • 2 trimester (14-28 weeks)-a short-term reception of analgin is allowed. Long -term intake inward affects the heart of the fetus and the circulatory system, the kidneys.
  • 3 trimester (28-40 weeks)-the likelihood of obstetric (generic) bleeding in violation by analgin of blood coagulation, risk of reducing immunity, infections by infections, weak generic contractions increases.

Nurofen from toothache during pregnancy

  • In the 1st and 2nd trimester, doctors are not against Nurofen in difficult situations. But in the 3rd trimester, doctors cannot confidently suggest the appropriateness of this anti -inflammatory.
  • For reference, it will be said that an analgesic affects the normal development of genital sex sex.
  • Stage 3 trimester is final, and Nurofen is prohibited due to termination of pregnancy by premature reduction of the uterus, reducing amniotic fluid.
  • The active substance ibuprofen, without alcohol.
  • Dosage of a tablet product 200 mg 3-4 p. On a day, drink water.

No-shpa from toothache during pregnancy

  • The antispasmodic with sharp and unbearable pain is taken in the form of tablets or injections. It expands blood vessels, removes even the tone of the uterus, is effective as temporary relief, the cause of the disease is still solved by the dentist at the reception.
  • No more than 6 t-k in 24 hours. It is not recommended to drink often, not a panacea for diseases.
  • It is more appropriate to receive no-shpa on the 1st trimester, and then occasionally 1 time per day.

Folk remedies for dental pain during pregnancy

  • Half -rinse sage. This is a plant drug that is used for dental purposes, since in its main properties it is anesthesia and bactericidal effect. In pharmacies you can find sage in the form of grass and tablets. The product neutralizes unbearable pain. But it is better to be careful with him, large doses of sage oils used inward lead to a narcotic effect.
  • Rinse sage with oak bark - 250 g of boiling water poured 1 tbsp. sage and 1 tbsp. crushed oak bark, insist 30 minutes.
  • A special decoction is prepared from the oak bark. In a water bath in 300 g of purified water, 3 tbsp is heated. The oak bark crushed in a blender, then insist under a closed lid in the same bowl for 30 minutes., After time, filter through gauze or tea stray, squeezing the grass. Apply about 5 times a day, prepared daily, hold at room temperature in a container covered with a lid. The grass is safe during pregnancy and serves as an excellent elimination of dental problems without using strong drugs. It is even recommended for tightening the wound at the site of the removed tooth.
  • Mint, Melissa stops a slight toothache. Boil a strong infusion of fresh mint or lemon balm, the color of the liquid is painted in bright green. Dame every day for adults and children.
  • Propolis tincture on alcohol - propolis 45 g thoroughly chop on a fine grater and pour 70 % 90 ml alcohol, withstand 10 days in a glass container in a dark place. At the end of the term, filter the sediment. Keep in a basement or another dark place. Recommended dose: 1 tsp per 100 ml of warm water, rinse three times a day. There is a shorter option. Ground propolis is added to medical alcohol, warmed up in a water bath. The substance is stirred until dissolved, filtered, immediately used for its intended purpose.
  • Valerian's pharmacy tincture relieves tooth suffering by applying the cotton to the affected area or by receiving orally 20 K-l 3 times a day.
  • The collection of yarrow (3 g), sage (5 g) and oak bark (5 g) pour 900 ml of boiling water, strain and rinse your mouth. Yarrow grass heals wounds, removes inflammation and even improves appetite. As part with other means, it works faster.
  • Tsikoria - 1 tbsp. Mixtures of plants are poured with 300 ml of water, rinse 3 times a day.
  • Tincture of aspen bark on vodka - option 1: 0.5 cups of bark to crush with a meat grinder and insist 500 g of vodka for 7 days. Per 100 ml of water 1 tbsp. For rinsing 3 times a day. Option 2: In a water bath, boil 2 tbsp. The bark of aspen in 300 ml of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes, rinse the so far warm.
  • Grate the turnip and cook in 300 ml for 5 minutes. On low heat. Wait to cooling, rinse the oral cavity three times a day.

How to get rid of toothache during pregnancy

  • Mint tampons - 3 tsp. Mint insist in boiling water until strong tea is formed and soaked in the gums.
  • Chewing propolis is useful for toothache. Store the substance in the refrigerator, after extraction, heat in natural conditions to room temperature, chew to numbness. Apply a warm piece of propolis to the tooth.
  • Tampons of warm salty fat - lay on a sore spot on both sides with a layer of lard, withstand the pain until the disappearance of the pain.
  • Garlic is a vampire antiseptic, known since the times of wise Greeks. Grate garlic on a fine grater and mix it with well -fragmented salt. Apply to the surface of the tooth until a burning sensation appears. Or mix grated garlic with peanuts, use as a swab.
  • Cashew nuts will help with discomfort, disinfect the oral cavity, and prevent caries. They are cleaned and chewed.
  • Onions are rubbed on a grater until the gruel is formed, applied to the tooth between the pieces of gauze.
  • Clove oil drip on cotton wool and wipe the teeth and gums. You can rinse in parallel, 4 drops per 100 ml of water. Fill with 0.5 tsp. olive oil.
  • The ground clove is chewed and placed on the affected area.

Tooth pain ointment during pregnancy

  • Holisal.

It produces a local action, does not penetrate the fetus, but requires careful use. The pea of \u200b\u200bHolisala freezes a specific site and slightly dulls the taste receptors. 1 trimester is the most vulnerable to a woman, the best time for the treatment of Holisalu 2 trimester.

  • Asept.

The antiseptic fights stomatitis, gingvit and periodontitis. The mint oil and menthol, chlorhexidine, metronidazole include. The balm is rubbed into the affected area 2 times a day. There are side effects: allergies, a taste of metal. Asepta gently relieves inflammation, disinfects the oral cavity.

  • Dentol.

Instant result is in demand among dentists. There are contraindications for intolerance to benzocaine, damage to the mucous membrane. During pregnancy, the dentol is not prohibited if the dosage standards and the moderate duration of application as a whole are observed.

  • Metrogil Dent.

In the composition of chlorhexidine (antiseptic), metronidazole (antibiotic), it works quickly, apply a cotton wool of 2 p. per day. The drug is gel, do not wash off. Contraindications 1 trimester.

But, before giving up for self -medication with herbs, it will be useful to get acquainted with contraindications. Some plants for pregnant women cannot be used categorically, for example, a poisonous horsetail of a field or a common cat's tail. It causes poisoning, kidney irritation, which threatens women in a position, miscarriage, or intrauterine impairment of the development of the fetus. Discomfort is easily eliminated by folk methods, also a comprehensive approach of tablets and healing herbs, other methods. But the campaign to the doctor would be stupid, because the mother is responsible for the fetus developing in the womb and should understand, the aggravation of dental diseases leads to stress, a change in the development of the child’s not born, and surgical intervention.



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