
Exercises with epander

Exercises with epander
How to make your body beautiful with an expander?

Espander is a sports simulator designed for exercise on the development of small muscle groups. The main principle of training with the expander is to stretch and compression. This is achieved using spring, rubber or other elastic fittings of the simulator. Expanders are suitable for men and women, helping to train and maintain muscle tone, legs, backs.

Types expander exercise

Before proceeding to the exercises with expanders, select the model of the simulator. There are several types. Focus on the purpose of your training and technical characteristics of the simulator.

A brush expander is used to train hands with hands. It also improves blood circulation and helps to get rid of joint diseases. Doctors advise exercises with a busy expendillary to those who suffer from insomnia and engaged in mental labor. He not only develops the muscles of the hands, but also removes emotional tension.

Varieties of a wretched exercise for exercises:

  1. Ball.
  2. Expander "Scissors", in which the handles are connected by the spring. This kind of sports simulator develops not only muscles of hands, a and forearm.
  3. The "Push" expender trains muscles of the brushes. It also has an excellent massage effect.
  4. Spring Eppender Suitable for training hands. The load can be adjusted by adding or removing the springs.
  5. The spring expander for fingerstands allows to work out the maximum amount of muscles.
  6. The rubber ring is the most popular brush expander.


Shoulder Expander

Thanks to the stretching makes it possible to train the muscles of the shoulder belt and chest. The number of springs is adjustable, which helps to control the load during workouts. Exercises with a shoulder expander help maintain the top of the body in the tone.

The shoulder expanders include the Eight simulators, the "double eight" and a round espander. They can be used not only for workout hands, but also legs. Choosing any of these models, pay attention to its color. Yellow means the weakest resistance in the simulator, which is suitable for novice athletes. Green - resistance stronger than in the previous case. Red - average, and blue is the maximum.


Chest exercise exercise

Allows you to train not only the muscles of the chest, and the shoulder belt, back, triceps and biceps. It works well with breast muscles. As a result, the chest is raised and becomes more elastic.

Espander "Butterfly" for exercises

Designed for the muscles of the shoulder belt, chest, back, press, legs, buttocks. Exercises with an expander "Butterfly" perfectly work out the hips zone. It is very comfortable and universal to use.


Latex tape or rubber harness

Suitable for training the muscles of the whole body, and also stimulate the mobility of the joints. Frequently used in yoga classes and for Pilates. Elastic tape or rubber harness replace several simulators at once and provide maximum load with almost all body muscles.

Espander skier

These are several rubber harnesses that are attached to the wall or other stable surface. Used to train all muscle groups. The simulator is especially effective in rehabilitation after serious injury. Sometimes it is called the swimmer or boxer expander.


Espander for foot exercises

Rubber with cuffs that are fixed on the legs. This design allows you to increase the load when training the muscles of the bottom of the body.

Multifunctional exercise exercise

Provides a full-fledged training of almost all body muscles. This is his versatility. Differs from other types of foot flashers. Exercises with a multifunctional expander combine the possibilities of training on several simulator models.

Advantages and disadvantages of exercise expander

Expanders have long been gaining popularity not only among sports lovers. With these simulators, after the working day, you can get rid of tension and fatigue. Among the advantages of the expander allocate the main:

  1. These are small and light simulators. They can be taken with them to any trip.
  2. Simple and convenient in use.
  3. Suitable for training at home.
  4. You can do with the expander at any age, even children.
  5. Allows you to increase the load and adjust the intensity of exercises.
  6. Suitable for rehabilitation after injury.

Discharges of expendents a little. Plastic models are considered fragile and unreliable, so the simulators of steel and rubber should be selected. Expanders, in which there is no way to regulate resistance, are less popular among athletes. In order not to be disappointed in the simulator, buy it from manufacturers of sports equipment. The goods must be certified.

Exercises with the expander "Butterfly"

Exercises with an expander "Butterfly" help women solve problems in the hips zone and get rid of cellulite. Also, the simulator strengthens the breast muscles. Exercises need to perform slowly in two approaches. Exhale at the time of the highest voltage. Repeat exercises 15-20 times.

Exercise 1. Sitting on a chair, position the simulator between the thighs of the spring down. Push to the levers, try to pull your knees to each other. After that, slowly squeeze the expander.

Exercise 2. Lying on the floor, bend your legs. Espander Hold your knees. Do not rush to squeeze and squeeze your foot simulator. Such exercises with an expander "Butterfly" forms the muscles of the thighs.

Exercise 3. Lying on the side, hold the Espander between the knees. "Butterfly" should open towards heels. Squeeze the simulator with your feet, trying to combine it.

Exercise 4. Stand straight. Raise your hands before the chest level. Between the palms and elbows, hook an expendler. Slide your hands inside, trying to fold the "wings" of the simulator. Divide your hands back in slower.

Exercise 5. Hands with an expander pull up. Holding the "wings" of the simulator tighten them to each other and divor into the sides. This is one of the easiest exercises with the expander "Butterfly".


Exercises with shoulder expander

Exercises with a shoulder expendler provide a stretching and formation of breast muscles and a shoulder belt. After a month of permanent training, you will notice changes in your body. Repeat exercises 15-20 times. Over time, their number can be increased.

Exercise 1. Get hands with an expander behind the back. Stretch the simulator, straightening the elbows. Do not rush back to the starting position.

Exercise 2. Pull hands with an expander forward. Bend one hand, attracting to the chest, and turn the other to the back. Slowly compress the simulator spring back. Repeat the exercises with the shoulder expander slowly. Change your hands.

Exercise 3. Shoulder Espander Position along the spine while holding it behind his back. Left hand pull up, and straighten up right. Repeat several times, stretching the simulator. Change the arrangement of hands.

Exercise 4.. Standing straight, pull hands with an exdder in front of them. Do not rush to stretch the simulator to the sides, fixing the highest tension for 1-2 seconds. After that, squeeze the spring to the source state. This exercise with a shoulder expander will help you form your chest muscles.


Exercises with a creep

Exercises with a wretched expendler allow you to develop muscles of hands. Such classes help restore the motility of hands in children and adults. Do not start training without drying muscles. First, spend your palms, commemorate your hands in the lock and make a "wave", compress and squeeze the fists. Only after that, proceed to the main exercises with a wretched expendler.

Exercise 1. Take a rings in the shape of a rings. Squeeze it so that the opposite sides come into contact. Do it slowly. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times and change your hands.

Exercise 2. In the hand twist the rubber ring by forming the eight of it. After that, slowly relax your hand, allowing the expander to turn around. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise 3. Squeeze the Espander ball and fix it for 2 seconds. After that, you can not rush to relax your hand. For each brush, do 10-15 repetitions.


Exercises with ribbon expander

Exercises with ribbon expander are used to train different muscle groups. The basis of classes - stretching. Elastic ribbon avoids injuries. It is easy to use and provides training to the entire body - this is the strengthening of the press, the development of the flexibility of the spine and the total stretch.

Exercise for press muscle. Lying on the back, fix the middle of the ribbon on the feet. Bend legs slightly. End of an expander Keep hands elongated along the body. Torso and legs slowly raise towards each other and lower them.

Exercise for muscle lines of the hips. Lie on the back. Bend legs, pulling up to the chest. Squate the footsteps in the tape, the edges of which keep in your hands. Exhausted to straighten your legs, lock them for 1-2 seconds and bend again. This exercise with a ribbon expander forms a beautiful thigh line.

Exercise for training muscles buttocks. Lie on the right side. Bend my left leg and rest in the middle of an elastic expander. The edges of the simulator are kept in their hands near the chest. Left leg slowly assigned to the maximum distance back and slowly return. After several repetitions, change your leg.

Exercises for the forearm line. The middle of the elastic ribbon lock the legs, getting on it. Hold an expander tension with hands. Do not rush to dive your hands to the sides and come back to its original position. By the same principle, raise your hands up, pulling the ribbon.


Exercises with the Eight Expander (video)

Exercises with the Eight Expander allow you to form beautiful hands and legs, as well as adjust the thigh line. So that the legs were slim, and the buttocks are tightened, choose exactly the model of the simulator. Before training you need to warm up. After that, proceed to the formation of your body using exercises with the Eight Expander.

Exercise for the formation of the thigh line. Again the right foot in the middle of one loop of the Espander. Two hands pull another loop and hold the resistance. Left kick back, taking a "swallow" pose. Lock the body for 1-2 seconds and straighten, bending the left foot in front of yourself. Repeat the exercise and change your legs.

Exercise for buttocks. Right leg stand in one loop of an expander, and pull another side in your hands. Pursing the left foot to the buttocks, make squats on the right foot.

Exercises for the inner line of the thigh. Right leg get up in one hand "Eight", and pull your hands and hold the resistance of another ardder loop. Not bending, slowly remove the right leg to the side. Do not rush to lower it in the opposite direction. Repeat several times and change your leg.

Exercises for the back of the thigh. Right leg fix one loop of the Epander, and rest in the left legs to another. Take the left foot back to the knee. After 1-2 seconds, slowly return it back.

Exercises for hands with the Eight Expander Largely similar to exercises with the shoulder model of the simulator.

Exercises with Skier Spender

Exercises with a skier expander make it possible to train different muscle groups. The models of this simulator consist of several rubber bands. Their quantity depends on the purpose of the training. Repeat every exercise for 20-25 times in the initial period of classes. After time, you can increase the number of exercises with the skier expander.

To strengthen the back muscles, stand up on the middle of the gum. Handles of the expander Keep palms just above the shoulders line. The gum must be stretched. Exhausted, pull your hands up, stretching the simulator, and return them back.

To tighten the muscles of the buttocks, Put your feet wider shoulders on the middle of the gum. Hold her edges with divorced hands at the shoulder level. The gum must be stretched, the knees are slightly bent. Close up, straightening the legs and straining the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat squats. Such exercises with the signer of the skier allow you to well pull the muscles of the buttocks.

To strengthen the muscles of the hands and chest, Secure the skier's expendent for the middle of the gum to the wall or other stable surface. You need to do this using a special retainer. Keep the edges of the simulator in your hands, pulling it out. Standing back to the wall. Make the movement with hands imitating skiers on the track. You can imagine that in your hands you have ski sticks.

To make the bottom part of the body beautiful, Do exercises with expanders skier's leg. Attach the simulator on the wall and sit in a chair with his back to him. The edges of the gum fix on his feet. Slowly straighten your leg, pulling the expander. After a moment, does not return it to the starting position.

Exercise Foot expanders skier. Trainer fasten on the wall. Lie on the stomach. Rubber edges Lock on your feet. Stretch the expander, raising his legs to the buttocks. This exercise forms the back muscle of the thigh.


Reviews about training with expanders

Compactness and ease of use provided by the expanders recognition among athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle. Such a sports projectile can be basic for training or warming before classes with other sports shells. All who tested the Eppender appreciated its capabilities. Expert training reviews:

  1. The novice visitor of the gym: "I liked the Eight Expander model. It is absolutely easy to use. I even take her to work with him to make a sports five-minute sports five minute.
  2. More experienced athletes respond about the expanders like this: "I love with this simulator to heal before a more serious training. I am suitable for the skier's expander, because it allows you to work to all groups of muscles. It is also convenient for the fact that you can regulate the load itself. And it can always be taken with you on the trip and train in all conditions. "
  3. On the forums dedicated to the treatment of diseases of the joints, expander are also mentioned: "My son has a violated motility of hands, especially brushes and fingers. The doctor advised to engage with a wretched epander. Son trained daily. At first it was hard, but then even began to increase the load. Through time, he managed to develop and brushes and fingers. To do this, we bought a special model of the expander for your fingers. "
  4. Especially like training with the expander to women who do not like classes on bulky sports shells. Ribbon expanders are used in yoga and pilates. Reviews about expander positive, for example: "For me, an expendine is a find. It is so light and convenient to apply that workouts bring only pleasure. I do not like heavy loads. In classes with an expander, everything is easy and simple, but at the same time muscles train. I picked up a set of exercises for legs and buttocks. After two months of permanent training, I was pleased with the result - the legs were slimmer, and the priest pulled up. "

How to lose weight with an expander? (video)


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