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Exercises for the spine at home

Exercises for the spine at home
How to return to the spine Lost health with special exercises

The spine is the basis of a human skeleton, and, like any base, has a strength and fortress. A healthy spine is the ease of movement, good posture and excellent ability to work.

Why spin hurts?

Back pain may be due to improper posture from childhood, resulting in scoliosis - curvature of the spine. Calling various violations in the spine can professional activity related to lifting weights, a multi-day ride in transport on an uneven road, sitting work. An excess weight plays an important role, the spine is constantly experiencing overload, holding numerous kilograms in a vertical position. All these reasons are supported by low motor activity. We are so accustomed to getting into transport everywhere, neglecting walking and walking.

The position in which we work, that is, we are in it for a long time, can lead to the compression of the vertebrae, as a result of which the muscles are strained and become solid. There is a feeling that the neck or the loin was crushed. Trying to relieve pain, we rounded the back, curving it. The discomfort disappears, but the curved posture does not pass without a trace for the spine, chronic diseases may be its result. The back pain is of different intensity: from new to very strong, in a short time it can acquire a chronic character.


If back pain appeared, you must refer to the doctor and pass the survey. Only after that, the doctor may assign adequate treatment. With strong pains are prescribed anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs, which are taken by a course of 5-10 days. After the pain symptom is removed, you can proceed to perform exercises for the spine.

Even the most innocuous exacerbations of the diseases of the spine lead to a deterioration in the quality of life, a decrease in ability to work and apathy. To prevent these unpleasant phenomena, you need to properly care for your back, to move more, train muscles, follow posture while working and leisure.

Exercises for the back, performed constantly, will help prevent aggravation of the disease. But it is necessary to perform them constantly, and not to challenge everything at the first glimpses of improved health. Over time, the muscles of the back strengthen and take part of the work of the spine. Trained muscles improve posture, make a shape slim and tightened, and gait light and confident. Many girls are afraid that as a result of workouts, the body will acquire reliefs, and will seem more voluminous. But this is far from the truth, increase the mass of the muscles and give them the bulge, you can only perform power exercises with dumbbells and weights.

With various diseases of the spine recommend different systems of exercises. Some exercises are aimed at improving the flexibility of the spine, others on its stretching, third to strengthen the muscles. Therefore, starting to perform a complex of exercises for the spine at home, it is good to consult with the attending physician or instructor on therapeutic physical education, which exercises should be selected to you.

When performing gymnastics, several recommendations should be followed:

  1. Follow the posture, breathe rhythmically and smoothly.
  2. All exercises perform, not making jerks and sharp movements.
  3. Perform a full range of rotation heads with caution or completely refuse it. Some doctors do not recommend doing this exercise to those who suffer from the diseases of the cervical spine.
  4. Performing exercises, prevent harsh pain.
  5. Doing exercises regularly, in this key to success.

Exercises for the cervical spine


These exercises are aimed at increasing the mobility of the spine, relaxation of muscle tone and improving metabolic processes. The state of the tension of the neck of the neck is familiar to everyone who works for a long time at a computer or for the desktop. To complete simple exercises for the spine, you can use a small break in work, it does not take long and will not require special equipment. The entire complex can be done while sitting smoothly on a solid surface, looking in front of me or standing.

  1. Lower the chin down. Do not hurry, focusing on pain. Raise your head up, not throwing it on it. Run 10 times. To breathe rhythmically: exhausted, lowering your head and inhale - raising.
  2. Turn the head to the right, the maximum stretching the neck muscles, return to its original position. Rotate left, return to the previous position. Run 5-7 times.
  3. To tilt the head alternately to the left and right shoulder, slowly, trying to touch the ear to the shoulder. Try to stronger the neck muscles, not allowing pain. Run 5 times in each direction.
  4. Straightening the muscles of the back of the neck, press the chin to the hole between the clavicle. Then relax the neck. Run 5-7 times.
  5. Put on the forehead palm to oppose the head of the head. This exercise is called static, because it does not have an amplitude of execution. Perform 3-5 times, holding up the neck in the voltage for a few seconds.
  6. To resolve, put the palm at first one temple, then to another. Finish the exercise of opposition to the palm and the nape.

A very common disease of the spine is osteochondrosis. This is the name of the decrease in the height of intervertebral discs, as a result of which pain in muscles, stiffness and headaches appear. There are various versions of exercises during osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, manual therapists develop all new ways to facilitate the state of the patient.

Exercises for the spine in Norbekov

One of the popular effective techniques is the rehabilitation of the spine offered by Mirzakrim Norbekov. The basis of his technique is a positive attitude towards peace and herself. Norbekov argues that in the success of the treatment of diseases of the spine 1%, the technique of execution is given, and 99% work on the state of the spirit. Exercises according to the NORBEKOV methodology are recommended with a smile and joy. If it is difficult to tune in to a positive, you need to make a smile artificially, with time it will become the usual state. Absolutely unacceptably, in his opinion, perform exercises on automation and in a hurry.

Constantly performing exercises, you can significantly improve vision and hearing, normalize sleep, activate the brain circulation.

The set of exercises for the spine with osteochondrosis is performed in the sitting position on the solid surface or standing, making the shoulders and smiling.

  1. Lower the chin down. Perform a sliding movement of the chin as far as possible down, each time, try to stretch the tense muscles stronger. Perform several times at a slow pace.
  2. The head lift a little, rejecting her back, ascertain the chin up. For a few seconds, pull the muscles, then remove the voltage for a few seconds. Repeat several times, alternating tension and relaxation. Do not forget about the good arms of the Spirit!
  3. Perform slow head slopes to the right shoulder. After a pause within a few seconds, the same to the left shoulder.
  4. Very effective interesting exercise "Puppy" - the ability to relax the muscles of the back surface of the neck. Performed standing smoothly. Make the nose of rotation in a circle: up, right, down, left. Movement discreet, speed is low. The same to do in another direction. So puppy rejoices, playing with me. The first part of the exercise is performed when looking forward to itself. Next to the head slightly lower down, do the same rotation. Then reject the head back (but not much!), Rotate.
  5. Next, Norbekov recommends to make circular movements head, rolling it slowly and carefully. If there are problems in the cervical spine, do not throw the head, performing only ruling from the left shoulder to the right and vice versa.
  6. Standing smoothly, translate the right to the right, then turn the head there. Tense the muscles of the neck, we try to look at the right shoulder. The same thing to do in the other direction, every time the muscles of the neck are stronger.

Exercises for the spine. Video

Exercises with cervical osteochondrosis by the method known chiropractor VD Gitta.

Exercises for thoracic spine

To perform exercise with 1 to 5 lie on the floor, on the back to align the spine. All exercises are performed at least 10 times.

  1. The legs are parallel to the floor, stretched out socks. On the exhale, stretch your hands up. Hold the position of a few seconds. Relax.
  2. Legs straight, put a 90 degree angle to the floor feet feet. Exhale, pull the leg as much as possible from the heel itself, and directing to his socks. Inhale and relax.
  3. Starting position is the same. Make asymmetric stretch. With his left hand to stretch parallel to the floor up, and right heel by themselves. Do the same exercise in the opposite direction.
  4. Starting position is the same. Make a full stretch. Hands stretch as far as possible, at the same time stretch the heel.
  5. Feet placed on the floor, bending your knees. Hands straighten the sides. Right hand to touch the left, keeping the body from the floor. The second part of the exercise of the left hand.
  6. Lie flat on his stomach, legs to level. Palm positioned on the floor near the shoulders. The smooth pace to rise, straightening the arm. The spine to bend. Turn your head to the side, try to look over his shoulder. After a short break to make head turns to the other side.
  7. Lie on your stomach, legs straight. Take shoulders back, looking up from the floor, hands folded behind his back and to the castle. The maximum bend and fix the position of a few seconds. Try to connect the elbows and shoulder blades.
  8. Lie flat on his stomach, legs straight, arms extended forward as much as possible. Exercise is called "boat". Raise the limbs, swaying on his belly back and forth like the waves. Initially difficult to hold even a few seconds, but eventually the result will be better.
  9. Exercise "Cat". Get up on all fours, hands rest against the floor. The torso is parallel to the floor. Breathing in, bend back down. Hold the breath. Exhale, arching her back up, the maximum rounding it.

Exercises in spinal hernia

As a result of the flow in the spine of chronic diseases, an intervertebral hernia may occur. The impetus for the appearance of hernia may be the wrong lift of gravity or injury. There is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc, at the same time the spinal cord is squeezed, and the person feels acute pain. The hernia is most often in the lumbar and the cervical spine, since these zones are exposed to a large load. Disc protrusion can occur in different directions to determine disorders, it is necessary to pass a magnetic resonance survey of the spine.

Exercises in hernia in the cervical spine


Exercises can be done standing, straightening the shoulders and looking in front of them, or sitting on a solid chair. Hands to lower along the body. All exercises are performed 5-10 times, depending on well-being.

  1. Slow turns of the head. Do not forget to start the exercise from the most simple movement with a small amplitude, constantly complicating the task. Rotate your head right away, linger. Return to its original position. Also in the other way.
  2. Lower the head down slowly, trying to touch the chest chin. If you have sharp pain, the occupation stop, return to it after a while.
  3. Smoothly raise your head up, at the same time pulling the chin.

Exercises for the lumbar hernia spine


Gymnastics is aimed at improving the blood supply to the tense muscles and their relaxation. Exercises 1-5 are carried out lying on the back, on a solid surface, each exercise is repeated 7-8 times.

  1. Hands straight. Feet bend in the knees, put the feet on the floor. Raise the pelvis, straining buttocks. At the expense of 5 return to its original position. Breathing arbitrary.
  2. Hands stand behind the head, legs straighten. I will bend my right leg, tighten into the chest. After a few seconds, bring the foot to the floor. The same exercise is performed with the other foot.
  3. Legs are smooth, hands lie on the floor. Raise at the same time left limbs, detain for a few moments in the air, omit. The same to do with the right limbs.
  4. Legs are smooth. Raise up a leg: right straight, and bend the left leg in the knee. Lay in this posture for a few seconds. The second part of the exercise is performed on the contrary: the left leg is smooth, and the right - bent. Exercise to perform in slowly, not allowing acute pain.
  5. To lie on the stomach, the legs are smooth. Hands down to the floor. Straining the muscles of the back, get the spine, raise the shoulders, accepting the "Sphinx" pose.
  6. To lie on the stomach, hands put on the parties. Ankles raise up. Make the feet of small maugh in the air.
  7. Stand on all fours, hands slightly bend. Straighten your hands while straightening the back and lowering the buttocks on the heels. Now make the opposite sliding movement above the floor forward. Trying to get into the lower back.
  8. Stop on all fours. Walking on elbows and knees in the same way. Back to keep smoothly.

Bubnovsky: exercises for the spine at home


The method of strengthening the back of Professor S. M. Bubnovsky is popular in many countries of the world. Currently, rehabilitation centers are opened in which patients can get rid of diseases of the spine and joints. The technique is aimed at restoring normal blood flow in the spine through the intensification of muscle, ligaments and tendons. In the conditions of the Center, the exercises are performed on special simulators that help restore the elasticity of muscles, remove spasms and pain.

For those who cannot attend such centers and use the simulators, at home, you can perform a set of exercises to relax your back muscles.

  1. Stop on all fours. Smoothly relax your back, having rushing her down, exhausted. The same thing, just bending the back up and on the breath. Each posture requires fixation for a few seconds.
  2. Stretching. Stand on your knees, rely on the palm. Left leg slightly bent and transfer weight to it, and right to stretch back. At the same time, stretch the left hand as much as possible. Stretching, changing the position of the hands and legs. Perform at a slow pace, slowly.
  3. Exercise "pumping". Stop on all fours. "Swing" torso ahead and back, without flexing in the lower back.
  4. Stand on your knees, leaning on straight hands. Inhale, bending your hands in the elbows, omit shoulders on the floor. Exhale, straighten your hands and try to sit on the heels. Everything is performed at a slow pace, without jerks and sharp turns.
  5. To lie down, the legs bend in the knees, lay down the feet to the floor. Hands straightened, lie behind the head. Chin press to chest, loss shoulders. Cheat elbow to the knees. The exercise is complex, without preparation is carried out with difficulty and can cause painful sensations.
  6. To lie down, feel, legs and hands straighten. Exhale, raise the pelvis. Fix the position for a few seconds. Inspoping, lower the pelvis in its original position. Repeat 20-30 times.

Bubnovsky: Exercises for the spine. Video

A complex of exercises for the spine according to the method of Bubnovsky.


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