
How to derive salt from the body at home. Removing salts from the body by folk methods. Means for removing salts from the body

How to derive salt from the body at home. Removing salts from the body by folk methods. Means for removing salts from the body
The article describes that such deposition of salts and is described how to bring them out of the body by folk remedies.

The deposition of salts in the body is a fairly common problem, which may appear both in old age and in young people. What is noteworthy, salts do not accumulate in any particular place, and may affect completely different organs and human systems. The accumulated salts significantly worsen the state of the person and can disturb him every day on the day of exhausting pains. In addition, such deposits affect the work of internal organs, provoking incorrect metabolism. That is why it is very important to know how to properly remove salts from the body and fight this problem immediately. Read about how to get rid of the overaffect of salts in the body at home, read the article.

Salts in the human body: what it is and how they accumulate

The human orgasm has an amazing self-cleaning ability, including saline deposits. This function allows the human body to easily cope with the nasive nutrients and their decay products. However, under certain circumstances, the self-cleaning function is broken. This happens if:

  • man is minor;
  • violated normal liver function;
  • a person has bad habits;
  • a person regularly abuses harmful food.

In addition, failure may also occur in the age of age.

With such violations, the body does not cope with the volume of cleaning work and does not have time to neutralize toxins and slags in time, which are delayed in the skin, liver, intestines, muscles and joints in the form of intermediate connections. Some of these deposits are biological substances that the people are called salts. They, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • phosphates and carbonates - compounds of carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid. These alkaline formations are deposited mainly in the spine and the top of the body. Such compounds are formed by affecting each other bile, gastric acid and tripsin of intestinal juice;
  • oxalates - salts that occurred from oxalic acid. Such deposits are characterized by hardness and in most cases form stones. Oxays are postponed by almost all organism: vessels, kidneys, muscles, joints. In order to dissolve and derive such education, a long course of treatment with drug preparations is needed;
  • urate - products of protein metabolism similar to urea. They most often accumulate in the lower part of the extremities and often appear as bumps on the joints of the fingers and painful sensations in the feet. Furthermore, when running urate step may be formed in the upper limbs and in the kidneys, causing gout.

It should also be noted that not rarely at the wrong metabolism encountered mixed salt species that are deposited in the kidney.

As we see, the salt effect on the body sufficiently destructive and can lead to very serious consequences.

Excess salt in the body: how to determine the

In order to determine which salts are deposited in the body, we need only to spend a visual analysis of the morning urine. Before collecting the recommended substitution. Urine is collected in a glass jar and leave for days in a dark place to defend. By what determines the type of sludge and salt deposits:

  • white urine and whitish sediment on the type of the Cretaceous. Such urine suggests that carbonates are present in the body;
  • cloudy urine with a small amount of mucus, and after settling - with small glittering crystals indicates the presence of phosphate in the body;
  • if after settling on the walls of the jar formed yellowish or slightly red crystals, it urate;
  • crystal black or dark red testify oxalate accumulation in the body.

The salt in the body: the symptoms

The presence of salts in the body can be determined based on the symptomatic picture. Salt in the body cause such symptoms:

  • swelling of the face area;
  • swelling around the eyes;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • poor appetite;
  • allergic rashes on the body;
  • portion of the pressure;
  • beaten in the joints;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • headache;
  • prostration;
  • increased sensitivity of eyes;
  • constipation;
  • a small amount of urine;
  • rare urination.

If you experience these symptoms in the complex, it is direct evidence of salt deposits in the body.

How to bring salt from the body: eat right

Print the salt from the body quickly we can only in the prevention of saline deposits. If the salt has built up, then you will be quite a long course of treatment, so be patient. To get started is to normalize the power - it will greatly simplify the process of getting rid of the salt.

  1. Exclude from the diet of spicy food, fat, sauces, pickles, smoked meats and other junk food like chips, pickles and others.
  2. Reduce the amount consumed per day of the cook salt. The daily rate should not exceed 10 grams.
  3. Reduce sugar intake. Try to use glucose to a minimum, because it contributes to the deposition of ultrasters.
  4. Drink a lot of good quality drinking water without gas and dyes. Daily rate - 7-9 glasses.

Products with salt from the body:

  • sea \u200b\u200bcabbage;
  • beet;
  • rice;
  • potato.

It is also worth noting that the basis of your diet should be:

  • carrot;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • cucumbers;
  • berries;
  • tomatoes;
  • seafood;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion (special in the liver form);
  • honey.

From drinks is recommended to use:

  • mineral water without gas is weakly alkalo;
  • juices (brushing, grape, cranberry);
  • broth of rosehip;
  • compote.

How to remove an excess salt from the body

The deposition of salts is removed from the body at home only with the absence of external signs of its accumulation. That is, as prevention. In the presence of external indicators, salt sediments are considered launched and eliminated exclusively by drugs.

The first rule that needs to be guided by the removal of salts is each type of salt alternately.

So that there are no negative consequences, you first need to withdraw "light" alkaline salts from the body. Then move to the elimination of urates and at the end of the prevention remove oxalates.

Control the effectiveness of cleaning on visual analysis of urine portion of urine.

How to remove salt from the body by folk remedies

Folk remedies are the first helpers for the prevention of the formation of salt savings in the body. We offer you somewhat tested by the people of folk methods of removal of salts.

Bay leaf for removing salts from the body

  1. 5 grams of laurel leaves pour glass boiling water.
  2. Put a container with laurel leaves and water on a water bath, let go bother 5-7 minutes.
  3. Liquid pour into thermos and insist 5 hours.
  4. Decoction to strain.
  5. Drink decoction with small portions during the day.

The course of purification using this brand is 3 days in a row several times a year. For every day you need to cook fresh decoction. This means is contraindicated with:

  • liver diseases;
  • improper operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the urinary system.

Rice for removal of salts from the body

  1. Rice Soak in water for a day to dissolve the starch contained in the grains.
  2. Of the 2 tbsp. L Earlier, clumsy rice cook porridge and eat for breakfast. Porridge must be "empty", that is, without salt, sugar, oil and other additives.
  3. After 1.5-2 hours, you can make a small snack with the products described above.
  4. There is nothing more during the day.

Juices for removing salts from the body

This method is good for removing salts from the joints.

  1. Mix in a small container carrot juice, spinach juice and aloe juice in proportion 5: 3: 1.5, respectively.
  2. Heat the mixture of juices in a water bath, stirring to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Use juice with small sips during the day.

Rosehip and Aloe syrup for removal of salts from the body

This agent is used to remove salts from the kidneys.

  1. 200 grams of crushed aloe leaves Fill 2 tbsp. L Sahara.
  2. An hour later add to the mixture Paul a glass of ragger rosehip.
  3. Strap syrup and take 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day after meals.

Radish to remove salts from the body

  1. 10 kg of black radish root roots, cut into small pieces without cleaning.
  2. Skip the slices of radish through the juicer.
  3. The resulting juice merge into the jar and store in the refrigerator.
  4. Take juice according to such a scheme: It is necessary to start using juice from one teaspoon after a meal, gradually bringing the dose to 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Use the tool until it finishes.

How to remove salt from the body for weight loss

Salt delays water in orgasm. That is why salt sediments are rarely caused by excess weight and swelling throughout the body. That is, an integral part of weight loss is the elimination of salts from orgasm. How to drive salt from the body for weight loss?

Sunflower roots tea to drive salt from the body

  1. Grinding sunflower roots in the amount of 50 grams brew in the kettle.
  2. Drink this fluid instead of ordinary tea for a month.

Herbal collection to drive out salt from the body

  1. 2 tbsp. L leaves strawberries to mix with 2 tbsp. l currant leaves and 1 tbsp. L dispute.
  2. 2 tbsp. l of the resulting collection pour cup of hot water.
  3. Means insist for half an hour.
  4. Take a quarter cup once a day.

Broth from cones to expel salt excreted

  1. Cones from spruce or pine pour liter of water.
  2. Means to put on the fire.
  3. Bring broth to a boil and let boil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Remove the broth from the stove, to insist.
  5. Take broth in small portions several times a day.

The course of purification by means of a decoction of the cones 3-4 weeks.

Means that output of salt from the body. Video


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