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The benefits and harm of potato juice. How to take potato juice correctly. Treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, fibroids, cholecystitis, pancreatitis with potato juice

The benefits and harm of potato juice. How to take potato juice correctly. Treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, fibroids, cholecystitis, pancreatitis with potato juice
Rules for the preparation, tactics of treatment of various diseases, possible contraindications and other useful information about potato juice.

Potatoes are an affordable product in every house. But behind a modest look, this root crop hides many useful qualities. Particularly valuable potato juice that is able to cure most diseases of the digestive system, improve skin type and even strengthen hair. But this healing product and contraindications have. Let's figure out how to drink potato juice, whether there are a wing from it and what can be restrictions.

Potato juice - benefits, composition and effect on the body

The healing properties of juice from this root crop have been revered for a long time, but the era of scientific research made many look at this simple product in a completely different way. If you do not delve into scientific works, but simply look at the composition of raw potatoes, it becomes clear why it is so useful.

All nutrients from the pulp of potatoes, among which are: there are:

  • fiber;
  • vitamin complex: B, PP, C, H, E;
  • macro elements: chlorine, magnesium, as well as sulfur, phosphorus, potassium;
  • microelements: aluminum, cobalt, iodine, lithium, molybdenum, boron, selenium, vanadium, a little zinc, fluorine;
  • easy carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • proteins;
  • fatty acids.

This rich composition provides such natural properties of potato juice:

  • The increased content of vitamin B6 in potato juice provides a full immune response of the body, stabilizes the reactions of the nervous system, and supports the synthesis of red blood cells.
  • Ascorbic acid helps to completely absorb the gland, which prevents anemia. It regulates the process of the course of redox reactions, strengthens the capillaries.
  • Potassium helps maintain blood pressure in normal, ensures the balance of water-salt metabolism, supports the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Chrome and molybdenum control the level of glucose, contribute to the active work of the enzyme system.
  • Copper helps to absorb proteins and lipids, helps oxygen actively nourish all organs, prevents the dysplasia of connective tissues.

Indications and beneficial properties of potato juice

In addition to the preventive function, potato juice also shows a multilateral therapeutic effect. Of course, it is not as tasty as, for example, orange or birch juice, so it is rarely used in the daily menu. But in the treatment of a number of diseases, it exceeds all other juice drinks. These properties are attributed to him:

  • Anti -inflammatory.
  • Regenerative.
  • Sedative.
  • Diuretic.
  • Anesthetic.
  • Wound healing.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Laxatives.

Thanks to such an arsenal, opportunities for treating the body, potato juice is indispensable for the stomach. It is used in the treatment of most pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The juice is also useful for skin ailments, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, some infectious diseases. Also, juice is often used in home cosmetology. It is effective in the treatment of infectious rashes on the face, the removal of warts.

The main indications for the appointment of potato juice are the below illness and disorders in the body:

  1. Patient diseases of the intestine against the background of an increase in acidity.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the joints (arthritis, rheumatism, etc.).
  3. Sustainable flatulence and cramps in the intestines.
  4. Gout and other reasons for increasing uric acid.
  5. Constipation, with the exception of intestinal obstruction.
  6. Hypertension.
  7. Violations of the genitourinary system.
  8. Increased cholesterol.

Treatment with potato juice: prepare and use correctly

In small portions are taken, so preparing it is easy. Only healthy, washed tubers are used. You should not remove the skin, because it has more useful minerals. If there are darkening on the skin, they should be cut off. It is very important to throw away potatoes with green color. It contains solanine, which belongs to poisons.

You can squeeze the juice from potatoes in different ways. Potatoes can be rubbed on a fine grater, and then, using gauze, get juice. Or you can cut the tubers into pieces and abandon in a juicer. The way you cook it will not affect the therapeutic effect.

Potato juice is useful for a couple of minutes after cooking. Therefore, the main rule of treatment: squeezed the juice and drank immediately. It is better to drink potato juice on an empty stomach or long before eating. It needs to be well stirred so that the settled starch “rises”, and drink. His taste is not very pleasant, and if there are no contraindications, you can sweeten it with honey or dilute it with other juice, for example, carrot or cucumber.

Potato juice - harm and strict contraindications

External use has not a single contraindication. Juice is not able to cause allergic reactions, various rashes or redness. Unless it can provoke light itching and a sense of dry skin. And in the treatment of juice, which involves its intake, there are several restrictions.

Potato juice - contraindications:

  • Complicated diabetes mellitus.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • An irritated bowel syndrome.
  • Hypotension.
  • Constipation of unidentified nature.
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis.

It is unacceptable to drink potato juice with reduced acidity. It actively suppresses the formation of hydrochloric acid, therefore, in this case, a severe damage to the patient’s health can be caused.

Due to the high concentration of starch, potato juice is not recommended to be consumed in the last stages of obesity. The juice adversely affects the condition of the teeth, therefore, if the tooth enamel in your poor condition is better to use this juice to limit or drink it through a straw.

How to take potato juice for treatment

Potato juice can be drunk for prevention and general recovery. For this purpose, fresh juice is used on an empty stomach or an hour before a meal in an amount of 100 ml. If the juice is prescribed for the treatment of a certain disease, then the tactics of use will be slightly different. Consider the treatment options for various pathologies.

Potato juice for gastritis

You need to start treatment with a minimum one -time dose. The first few days are used 30-50 ml of juice three times a day. If well -being does not deteriorate, the dose is brought to 100 ml in one portion.

If an improvement occurs and at the same time potato juice is perfectly perceived by the body, the dose is brought to 150 ml. The approximate duration of treatment is 20-27 days. After a two -week break, treatment is resumed. According to the same scheme, potato juice is taken with an ulcer.

Potato juice for food poisoning

Thanks to its hepatoprotective and antiseptic properties, this juice quickly helps to stop food poisoning. He stops the diarrhea, taps vomiting, suppresses nausea and neutralizes the source of infection in the intestines.

To stabilize the state of juice, they drink small sips between vomiting. It is not recommended to dilute it with other fruit juices and fillers, so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa even more.

Potato juice from constipation and hemorrhoids

If the constipation is caused by a reduced intestinal motility or an unbalanced diet with fiber deficiency, nutritionists advise drinking 45 ml of juice 30 minutes before eating. Since the number of meals can be different, it is important to navigate how much you can drink potato juice per day. It is permissible to use no more than 200 ml per day.

In the same amount, juice is also indicated with hemorrhoids (outside the exacerbation of the disease). Additionally, you can do douching the rectum. To do this, 30-40 ml of juice is collected in a sprint and introduced into the anus. This relieves itching, swelling, bleeding and a little relieves pain.

Potato juice for cholecystitis

To cure cholecystitis, it is better to use pink potatoes juice. They have the optimal ratio of substances necessary for the treatment.

Drink juice from potatoes in the amount of 150 ml. They do it twice: on an empty stomach and two hours before going to bed. To enhance the effect after 60 minutes, 200 ml of kefir is drunk. Treatment is carried out exactly 14 days.

Potato juice for pancreatitis

With chronic pancreatic inflammation, treatment begins with very small doses. The first days is introduced 1 teaspoon of juice per day. Gradually, the daily dose is brought to 200 ml. If unpleasant sensations appear, the amount of juice is halved. The total amount of juice is divided into 2-3 doses, you need to drink it 2 hours before the meal.

It is very undesirable, and it is even dangerous to take potato juice if the pancreas is in an exacerbation stage. Juice can worsen the course of pancreatitis, cause severe cramps and pain in the intestine, provoke bloating and indomitable diarrhea.

Diabetes potato juice

Potato juice is able to maintain the optimal level of sugar, therefore it is sometimes used to relieve diabetes. But in severe stages, this method is unacceptable, so treatment can only be carried out after the resolution of the endocrinologist.

The juice consumption scheme is as follows: 50-75 ml of juice is taken three times a day for 10-18 days. Then a break is taken.

Potato juice for myoma

The ability of potato juice to quench pain, stop inflammation and stimulate the regeneration of skin tissues for a long time for the treatment of fibroids - neoplasms in the body of a uterine of a benign nature.

Treatment is carried out for a long time and necessarily courses. Daily take 75-100 ml of juice strictly on an empty stomach. Treatment lasts at least 6 months. After a couple of weeks, soreness decreases, restoration processes in the uterus are noticeable, inflammation undergoes, which often affects all the internal genital organs. Such a scheme for taking juice is no less effective for both mastopathy and follicular cysts on the ovaries.

How to take potato juice for weight loss

The use of potatoes and all dishes with his participation in the fight against obesity is unacceptable. But root crop juice can be very useful for cleansing the body. It “expels” excess fluid from cells, establishes the process of digesting products, promotes regular stool. All this is very important for full weight loss.

Juice of 35-50 ml to a meal is taken. To improve taste characteristics, it is allowed to dilute its carrot or lemon juice, without additional sweeteners.

What is useful potato juice in home cosmetology

This juice is used in home masks, tonics and compresses. It helps to get rid of acne, excessive redness and pigmentation on the skin, prolongs youth.

Potato juice for rosacea

A bright red mesh under the skin is an undesirable cosmetic defect that is one of the symptoms of dermatological disease called rosacea. This flaw is noticeable on the face, but in addition to the ugly appearance, it is accompanied by the brittle capillary and bruises on the skin.

Masks are used to cure this pathology. To do this, a couple of drops of sea buckthorn oil are stirred in 50 ml of juice, moisten gauze in the resulting liquid and applied to the face for 7-10 minutes. Rinse the mask with a mixture of chamomile decoction (1 l) with an interpreted tablet of ascorutin. One procedure is carried out per week.

Potato juice for bleaching skin

The juice bleats the skin, removes freckles and pigmented spots. For this, potato juice is mixed with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 3. The face is wiped with this liquid several times a day.

Potato juice against aging

From wrinkles, dark circles, edema, you can make such a mask of potato juice. In the container, cottage cheese is rubbed to a soft homogeneous consistency and diluted with potato juice to a density of sour cream. The mass is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, then washed off.

For treatment with the participation of potato juice, reviews are more positive. Luda cure many diseases and at the same time successfully increase immunity. Therefore, with confidence, we can say that potato juice is a very useful and inexpensive product, which is often neglected in everyday diet.

The video "How is treated with potato juice."



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