
Properties and use of rosemary oil. Rosemary oil for hair, face, body. Rosemary masks

Properties and use of rosemary oil. Rosemary oil for hair, face, body. Rosemary masks
An article about rosemary oil, its properties, methods of application, contraindications. About what to pay attention to when choosing essential oil. Popular recipes with rosemary oil for face and hair.

People have known about the beneficial properties of rosemary since ancient times. The philosophers of ancient Greece wore rosemary wreaths, thereby improving memory, and Hippocrates himself recommended this plant for most diseases.  Nowadays, rosemary oil is also valued in cosmetology.  Rosemary oil for hair and skin is a real storehouse of benefit.

Rosemary essential oil - receipt

Rosemary oil is a colorless or light yellow tint of liquid, which has a sharp, bright, warm, invigorating smell, spicy taste. It is obtained using water-pair distillation. The raw materials are flowering annual shoots and fresh branches of rosemary. The wooden parts of the plant negatively affect the aroma of the finished product, so they are removed if possible. The production of one liter of rosemary oil requires 40 to 100 kilograms of starting raw materials.

Rosemary essential oil - properties

  • Antiseptic and anti -inflammatory.
  • Regenerating. Rosemary essential oil is a magnificent fighter with a post -acne, stretch marks.
  • Stimulating the work of the nervous system. Improves memory and emotional state.
  • Analgesic. Natural painkiller, which does not have a sedative effect.
  • Relaxing. Relieves fatigue, perfectly after physical exertion.
  • Immunomodulating.

Rosemary oil - contraindications

  • Pregnancy. It is a relative contraindication, some aromatherapists, on the contrary, advise cold inhalations with rosemary oil to reduce early toxicosis of pregnant women. But to resort to the etheric rosemary oil in an interesting situation is only in extreme cases - during pregnancy, the risk of allergic reactions is increased during pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Children's age up to 6 years.
  • A tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Hypertension.
  • Epilepsy and other diseases accompanied by convulsions.

Rosemary essential oil - methods of use

  • Fragrant: Add oil at the rate of a drop for every 5 square meters of the room to the water. Duration of the procedure: from 20 to 120 minutes. Before ignition, it is recommended to ventilate the room.
  • Armomamedalon. It is seasoned with several drops of essential oil no more than once every 72 hours.
  • Aroma: Dissolve 5 drops of oil in an emulsifier (salt, honey, sour cream, cosmetic agent) and add to warm water. Take Aromannna for no longer than 20 minutes.
  • Aromaregulations are cold and hot.
  • Rinsing, douching.
  • Application inward.
  • Enrichment of the base. The latter can act as fatty oils of plant origin and ready -made cosmetic products.
  • Unslated rosemary oil on the skin or mucous membranes cannot be applied.

Rosemary oil - how to choose high -quality

  • Choosing a trademark of essential oils for acquaintance with aromatherapy is better on the advice of experts.
  • The purchase of rosemary oil in a pharmacy, unfortunately, does not guarantee the high -quality of the ether. Essential oils of proven stamps such as Aura Cacia, Karel Hadek, Now Foods, Atok, Just, Glorion, Vivasan,  Spivak, can be purchased in special stores or via the Internet.
  • There is an opinion that the quality of essential oil can be determined by how quickly it evaporates and whether a drop of ether leaves a trace on paper. This is a myth, synthetic oils sometimes evaporate faster than a natural product. Leaving colored spots on paper after evaporation is the norm for some oils. This test can only show whether the oil was diluted with something fat-containing.
  • High-quality oil is poured into bottles made of darkened glass, equipped with a capellar dispenser or a pipette.
  • Attention to the label. The label of high -quality oil should have detailed information about the product, its composition, manufacturer.
  • Due to the small output of essential oils, during production, the cost of quality goods cannot be low. The price of rosemary oil, of course, is significantly lower than for Neroli oil, but it also cannot be penny.

Rosemary essential oil - use

  • Rosemary oil is used for the manufacture of household chemicals, cosmetics, in perfumes, in medicine as a natural enhancer of the bile secretion that reduces the level of cholesterol, as well as in case of dishes of the menstrual cycle in women. But the most popular rosemary essential oil gained in skin and hair care.
  • In order to avoid the negative reaction of the body before the first use of the oil, it is important to conduct an allergy test: a drop of oil is applied to the bend of the elbow or wrist. Itching in the first minutes after application is considered the norm. After 24 hours, the result is estimated: oil can be used if there is no irritation or redness.

Essential oil rosemary for hair

The oil is ideal for dark hair of any type. Blondes should use rosemary oil with caution: reviews say that with prolonged use it makes hair darker.

Rosemary oil normalizes the level of fat content of the scalp, accelerates hair growth and fights with their loss, effectively against dandruff. It is better to use it on freshly washed hair.


  • Mask for weakened hair. Add to two eggs a tablespoon of honey and onion juice, as well as 10 drops of rosemary oil. Mix, apply to the roots and length of the hair, leave to act for an hour. Rinse with cool water.
  • Mask against hair loss. Mix 20 ml of grape seed oil, 10 ml of jojoba, add two drops of rosemary and calamus oils, one drop of birch and Bay esters. Mix thoroughly. Rub the mask into the scalp of the scalp, put a hat for a shower hat on your head, wash the composition with warm water in an hour.

Aromas calculation:

  • Apply a couple of drops of rosemary oil to the wooden comb and comb your hair. Such a procedure promises hair strengthening.

Scalp massage:

  • For hair all types. 2 tablespoons of basic oil is heated in a water bath, mix with 4 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and massage the scalp for 10 minutes, then wash your head. As a result of a comprehensive action of such a massage, the condition of the hair will improve significantly.
  • For oily hair. Dilute a tablespoon of green cosmetic clay with water to the consistency of sour cream, pour a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into the resulting mass and 10 drops of rosemary oil. Within 10 minutes, massage the hair roots with the mixture applied to them, and then wash your head without using shampoo.

Saturation of shampoos, balms, masks:

  • The usual hygienic agent can be made even more useful, enriching it with rosemary oil. A drop of rosemary oil is relied on two tablespoons of the finished base.

Rosemary essential oil for the face


  • Moisturizing mask with rosemary for normal or dry skin. For such a mask, you need to mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese, preferably fatter, with egg yolk and 2-3 drops of rosemary oil. Keeping the mixture on the skin costs no longer than 20 minutes. Such a mask can be done every other day.
  • Mask with rosemary oil for oily or problematic skin against black dots. Squeeze a teaspoon of juice from the lemon, add a teaspoon of mineral water, 2 drops of rosemary oil and dilute 2 teaspoons of cosmetic blue clay with a liquid. Apply the mixture to the whole face, with the exception of the skin around the eyes, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse. Repeat no more than 2 times a week.

Pointed funds:

  • Rosemary oil from scars. Dilute a tablespoon of green clay to the state of gruel with warm water, add 5 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the resulting mass daily on scars or scars, withstand a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water and apply the usual cream to the skin.  The duration of the course is from 10 to 30 days, is determined by the effectiveness of the procedures.
  • Rosemary oil from acne, post -acne. In a teaspoon of olive or oil of a peach seed, add 2 drops of rosemary and tea wood esters. Apply the mixture on the post -acne.
  • Another simple recipe with rosemary oil from acne or spots after them: 2 tablespoons of rosehip oil or wheat germ, mix with a teaspoon of rosemary oil. Apply pointwise, after half an hour, remove the product with a napkin. Apply no more than 4 times a week.

Rosemary body oil

  • Anti -cellulite massage. To 10 grams of the base (fatty oil, cream) add 5-7 drops of rosemary oil. With the resulting tool, make a forceps, vacuum massage of problem areas.
  • Locks for stretch marks. You will need body milk, almond and rosemary oil. On stretch marks every morning with pathetic movements until completely absorbed, you need to apply a mixture from a teaspoon of the base and 10 drops of rosemary oil. The base alternates every day. It is desirable to drink a multivitamin complex in parallel.


Natural rosemary oil is an excellent tool with an extensive spectrum of action. It has almost no contraindications, however, during the first use, the allergy test is required.
In facial care, rosemary oil is used from stains after acne, rashes, scars and scars.  For hair, all types will also be useful for masks, massages and aroma with this useful oil.



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