
The properties of the grass Senna - indications, contraindications. The use of grass SENNA for the treatment and purification of the body is an instruction. How to apply Senna for weight loss

The properties of the grass Senna - indications, contraindications. The use of grass SENNA for the treatment and purification of the body is an instruction. How to apply Senna for weight loss
The grass of SENNA is used to purify from toxins, during constipation, for weight loss. Consider how and when you can use Senna and whether it is worth doing this at home.

Senna Alexandrian, Cassia, Egyptian Senna - different names of a beautiful semi-staple with yellow flowers belonging to the bean family. His medicinal properties have been enjoyed for a long time. The leaves and seeds of cassia are suitable for the treatment of different diseases of the internal organs, are also used as a natural laxative and cleaning agent when weight loss. How to properly take therapeutic grass of Senna, what can you cure and who is forbidden to use it? Full information about this medicinal plant - in this article.

Composition, scope and properties of grass Senna

Grass Senna, being a medicinal plant, contains many organic substances with therapeutic properties. It prevails anthraglycoside, which quickly disintegrates under the influence of intestinal enzymes. The decay products of this substance irritate the receptors on the surface of the mucous membrane, which activate the intestinal peristalsis. Due to this, there is a laxative effect.

In addition, the grass and seeds of Senna are the source of bioflavonoids, sterols, organic acids, resins, sennoxides, ascorbic acid and a number of mineral salts. True, the chemical composition can differ significantly depending on where the grass of Senna grows. In the natural environment, Cassius is common in African deserts, in Asia, in some regions of India, on the coast of the Red Sea. As a cultural plant, Senna Alexandrian is grown everywhere. As a rule, these are whole eco-plantations for further pharmaceutical processing.

The leaf of the Seine is actively used in phytotherapy. This practice came to us from antiquity, and many treatises testify to the invaluable benefits of this plant for the human body. Thousands of years ago from the leaves of Senna were prepared drugs from liver diseases, pain with hemorrhoids, eliminated constipation. From the fruits, extracts with a choleretic action were made, and also obtained ethers to prepare relaxing incenses.

Since in a wonderful form, Senna Alexandrian, in our region, can be extremely rare, the only thing that remains is to buy it in a pharmacy or online store. But in rare cases, it still grows as a cultivated plant and you can grow it from seeds. This is how the Senna grass looks like in the photo:

How does SENNA Grass Sheet affect the general condition

Senna did not lose its value in medicine and to date. Modern opportunities for deep research plant confirmed its importance in alternative and official medicine.

Senna grass - health benefits

The long-term use of Senna in treatment made it possible to determine a lot of useful properties for the human body:

  • The use of bravery leaves in moderate quantity accelerates digestion and establishes poor appetite, and with an increase in the day dose - serves as a "soft" laxative, non-causing spasms in the intestine.
  • In the eastern healer, the Cassia leaves found an application in ophthalmology. They are successfully treated glaucoma, infectious conjunctivitis.
  • This grass is also used in cosmetology: Senny leaves with their anti-inflammatory properties are suitable for the treatment of skinille and "problematic" skin.
  • Held grass Senna and gynecology. The decoction of the plant's plants is used with oligomenogenia when menstruation becomes very scarce or increases the menstrual cycle.
  • In official medicine, the plant is used to purify the intestine. Senna's decoctions are prescribed before surgical interventions or after them, as well as before conducting diagnostic procedures.
  • Isless Senna in Proctology: it greatly facilitates the lives of people with hemorrhoids, the cracks of the rectum or anal ring.
  • Senna - a strong gillerous drug. This is used in the treatment of gallstone diseases and other states when the bile outflow is broken.
  • The use of Senna grass is recommended for toxic or infectious colitis with a chronic flow. In the active phase, the purpose is carried out individually.
  • The decoction of the grass Senna can be used as a hair rinse. What does it give: the hair is thickened, the cross section disappears, they become soft and bright, disappears dandruff. Often such properties of SENNA are compared with the effect after henna.

On a note! In recent years, Senna's strong toxicity in the body has been talking about the strong toxicity of Senna's grass, so many companies begin to withdraw it from production. I would like to note that this herb is the most affordable laxative means.

Grass Senna - harm to the body

Cassia leaves in any form - tablets, dry grass, infusion - should be taken as a medicine. Neglecting recommended doses or improper cooking method can cause rather negative consequences:

  • Provoking the increase in the peristaltics and, as a result, too frequent chair, the grass of the SENNA with long-term use can cause potassium deficiency, calcium and most vitamins.
  • Due to a strong choleretic effect, a hepatic function can be disturbed, and the ulcer disease of the intestine is developed.
  • Rhythmic bowel stimulation from outside often leads to its full dystrophy.
  • In case of overdose or too long treatment, such manifestations like intoxication, weakness, lack of appetite, vomiting, cutting in the umbrella zone, seizures may occur.

On a note! The bitter aftertaste after the use of decoction SENNA is caused by a considerable amount of resin in the leaves. They do not possess therapeutic effect, and also prone to accumulation in organ tissues. Therefore, too long use of strong drinks from Senna leaves can be healthy.

Grass Senna - instructions for use

Senna as medicinal raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy. There, it can be in different forms and doses, and a sheet-insert sheet with reports of the use rules is attached to it. It is very important to familiarize yourself with them before the start of the reception so that there is no complications later.

On a note! Most safe laxatives contain a hood from Senna List, but they cost a lot of money. While you can buy Senna grass at a price of 60-80 r. for 50 g

Sene grass forms

On pharmacy counters, Senna is available in such pharmaceutical forms:

  • Ground leaf senna. Vegetable raw materials are sold in cardboard packs mass from 25 to 200 g. Such a form of medication suggests its preparation on a water bath for half an hour. For every 100 ml of water, it is required to take 1 tbsp. l. Herbs. After cooling, the decoction is filtered and brought to warm water to the source volume.
  • Filter Packages with Senna Sheet. It is very convenient in preparation form. One or two packages with grass flooded with boiling water (200 ml) and brewed at least 45 minutes. In this case, it turns out an infusion, and not a decoction, therefore the impact on the body will be somewhat weaker.
  • Senna leaves extract in tablets. Each tablet contains a certain amount of sennohidov (from 70 to 100 ml). The reception of the tablets occurs, taking into account the existing problem, and is often adjusted during the treatment. On sale can be found under the name "Senade", "Herbion Laskana", "Senadexin", "Phytolas".
  • Syrup with the content of Herbal grass Senna. It often contains additional laxatives and sweeteners. To a greater extent it indicated for the short-term, but not chronic constipation. Drug name - "Prelaksan".
  • Chewable lozenges. Delicious tablets senna leaf extract "Sennalaks". There may be a vanilla or chocolate flavor. Good help in the period of acute hemorrhoids or during proctitis.

General indications for the use of grass Senna

In medical practice, any preparations with the content of Senna are prescribed in such cases:

  • Preparatory period before X-ray study.
  • Insonium intestinal, causing steady constipation, which is not corrected by power.
  • Chronic constipation without diagnosed intestinal obstruction.
  • As an auxiliary agent in the treatment of hemorrhoidal syndrome and anal crack.

In alternative medicine, the spectrum of the use of Senna is a little wider:

  • Restores disturbed menstrual cycle.
  • The full detox of the body is carried out.
  • Slimming is more rapidly.

Grass Senna - how to drink and in what doses

The reception of Senna's leaves is directly related to the purpose of appointment and its dosage form:

  • The blade of the crushed sheet is taken only in the warm form for ½ cup per day or 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day. For children 12-14 years old - on one tablespoon, and at the age of 14-18 - two tablespoons.
  • An infusion from the filter packet is adults with 200 ml three times a day, children 12-14 years old - a glass, 14-16 years old - 1/3 of the glass, 16-18 years old - ½ cup per day.
  • Tablets are prescribed only after 12 years 2-4 tablets per day.
  • Pastalki - adults and children after 12 years one chewing cubes.

Senna Grass - Contraindications and Caution Measures

It is not recommended to use the Grass Senna with such pathologies:

  • Remainlessness of the plant.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Hemorrhoids with bleeding.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Ulcerative disease of the stomach.
  • Cystitis.
  • Pain in the abdomen of unidentified nature.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Violations of the water-salt balance.
  • States tied with potassium deficiency.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Spastic colitis.

Important! It is forbidden by the Senna grass with the inflammation of the intestine, especially during the period of exacerbation, since this can very worsen the state of the digestive system. Therefore, if there is pain in the abdomen, vomiting, weakness, it is necessary to exclude this disease before using Senna.

During treatment with this means, pay attention to these moments:

  1. If any changes in the skin appears, the feelings of burning in the throat or strong pain in the stomach - immediately stop the reception of Senna.
  2. If you recently transferred a long-distance operation or have you conducted a cesarean section - take the Sennah grass from constipation only as a last resort and in the smallest dose, so as not to cause spastic colic.
  3. Cleansing the body by this plant occurs only in the first days, and then useful substances are started.
  4. Senna Grass is addictive, so the optimal period of consumption is 7-10 days.

Grass Senna - Application in different fields

In homeopathy based on Senna Sheet prepare many different recipes for weight loss, improving digestion, and solve many more problems. Consider how this plant is used in folk healing.

Grass Senna for weight loss

For the purpose of weight loss within two weeks, take a decoction, infusion or tablet based on Senna. They are prepared and used as well as indicated in the official instruction. We will not repeat, because this has already been mentioned above.

But there are more "delicious" recipes for weight loss. We will look at them in detail:

  • Laxative mixture of dried fruit. For its preparation, 100 g of a rose rose mixture is mixed, 150 g of raisin, 300 g of figs, 500 g of Kuragi, 70 g of the grass Senna in packed form. In the blender, all ingredients need to grind and take two large spoons per day. Store the mixture is needed in the refrigerator. Accepted before the end of the mixture.
  • Raisen decoction. 100 g of raisins should pour 1 liter of boiling water, then add 50 g of the grass SENNA (dry), and peel the decoction of 5-7 minutes. A decoction of 1 tbsp. l. overnight. The means is stored also in the refrigerator.
  • Herbal decoction. Mix in a deep bowl of 40 g of Senna leaves, parsley greenery (fresh), dill seeds, dandelion medicinal, peppermint and nettle. During the month daily 1 tbsp. l. Cheese pour a glass of boiling water and drink two hours later.

Such recipes not only help to lose weight, but also effectively purify the organism from toxic substances, excess fluid. After the course there is a tide of strength, ease of body and cheerfulness.

Senna Grass for Cleansing the Body

Conduct regular cleansing the body is now very popular. For this, detox programs are used, various expensive sorbents, dietary supplements and other cleansing agents. But the grass of Senna in this matter is no worse, besides much cheaper.

Clear the intestine from the whole "garbage" as possible:

  1. Fresh decoction of Senna Leaves is prepared daily: 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials with a slide poured 250 g of water and languishes in a water bath for about 20 minutes.
  2. Then the decoction is taken on a 7-day scheme: from the 1st to the 3rd day - 1/3 of Art., From the 4th to the 7th day, the dosage gradually increases to 250 ml.
  3. The clearing course lasts only 7 days.
  4. Take a decoction you need 2 hours after dinner, then there is nothing more.

Important! Some people may show an individual reaction in the form of an increase in body temperature and it is considered permissible. But when weakness and dizziness appears, you need to reduce the dose or to stop cleansing.

Grass Senna as a laxative

To establish the chair, it is very convenient to take tablets or pastilies. They contain only pure exhausting of sen alone from the sheet, which show the laxative effect. But the reception of the beads is also acceptable.

You can also combine the grass of Senna with other laxative products, for example, to prepare such a mixture of Senna and prunes:

  • 50 g of the grass Senna slightly steal in hot water.
  • Drain the liquid and add 250 g of prunes and kuragi (you can take more figs), and a glass of honey.
  • Grind products in the blender and eat 1 tbsp. l. Before going to bed.

The laxative effect has such an herbal mixture based on Senna List:

  • In equal shares, connect the grass Senna, valerian root, mint, chamomile inflorescences and immortelle.
  • Mosmos pour 1 tbsp. l. cooked raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water.
  • After 12 hours, the infusion is resurrected, take 100 ml after 18 hours.

Advice! To eliminate the constipation, you can also use all recipes with sled grass to clean the body from toxins.

Alexandria Sheet is able to help many people to overcome such an unpleasant feature of the body as constipation. But the benefits are possible only when used and prudently use of this plant. But despite all contraindications and warning of doctors, Senna often and, more successfully apply in unconventional treatment. And fortunately, the Senna Grass, the reviews of which are always good, each time proves its effectiveness.

Video "Senna - Benefits and Application"


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