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Causes of hair loss after childbirth. How to stop hair loss after childbirth - treatment

Causes of hair loss after childbirth. How to stop hair loss after childbirth - treatment
In this article, we have collected for you all the most effective drugs and folk recipes for hair loss after childbirth.

Hair loss after childbirth is a frequent and very unpleasant phenomenon. Many women are at a loss from why, during the bearing of the baby, their hair was filled with vital force and incredibly fled, and after the birth of the crumbs in a hurry, they decided to “leave” their mistress. Moreover, many women literally simply comb the locks with whole shreds and in fear awaits when it will stop. Fortunately, this phenomenon is reversible and there are many ways to restore the beauty of its hair.

Possible causes of hair loss after childbirth

Hair loss provokes a lot of physiological and emotional factors, and after childbirth, not one of them arises in the female body, but a whole totality. Consider all the causes of hair loss in a young mother without exception.

  • Restoration of the hormonal system after childbirth. After conception in the woman’s body, global hormonal restructuring begins. The synthesis of some hormones slows down, others - sharply intensifies. After the baby’s birth, the hormonal system has to return to the previous “graphics” of the production of hormones. So, the excess of estrogens in gestation helps to improve the quality of the hair, and after giving birth, their level falls, which leads to their loss. After stabilizing the hormonal background, the loss stops.
  • The wrong diet of a nursing mother. Lactation makes restrictions on the woman’s menu, but food should remain balanced. In addition, you need to understand that leaving the baby should not interfere with you to eat regularly, and not on the go. If a woman is poorly and rarely eaten, the lack of nutrients will cause intense hair loss.
  • Insufficient sleep, postpartum stress and depression. The first 12 months after childbirth is a difficult period for a woman. She gets tired strongly, often lacks, constantly nervous. This, of course, is quite normal for her new status, but the hair reacts to such a rhythm with strong loss.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. When breastfeeding, all substances necessary for the baby rush into milk. If their reserve is not replenished, the woman’s body is very exhausted and this is immediately noticeable in her dull, rare, lifeless hair.
  • Violation of blood circulation. During the period of gestation, there are often problems with the vascular system, in particular, with blood circulation. Such a pathology is very slowly eliminated, so the first six months after childbirth can appear in hair loss. This happens for the reason that hair follicles are poorly supplied with oxygen and vitamins. In this case, even the reception of synthetic minerals and vitamins will be ineffective.
  • Transferred anesthesia. After a cesarean section of mail, physiological alopecia always manifests itself in women. To stop severe hair loss after childbirth, it is advisable to use special medical complexes against loss.
  • Endocrine disorders. Childbirth is a provocateur of thyroid diseases, and the appearance and strength of the curls depend on its performance. Therefore, with rapid hair loss against the background of frequent and groundless fatigue, it is better to be examined by an endocrinologist.
  • Anemia. The low level of hemoglobin during pregnancy and blood loss during childbirth can cause anemia (iron deficiency anemia). Symptoms of the disease are dizziness, weakness, pallor of the skin, lack of appetite, frequent nausea and hair loss.

Note! Hair loss after childbirth can last from 7 months to two years, which depends on the duration of the lactation period and adjusting the lifestyle of a woman.

Hair loss after childbirth: what to do in the first place?

As soon as you noticed that the hair began to fall out intensively, take measures immediately:

  1. Correct food: eat fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits without heat treatment, eggs and cereals. It is important to provide a sufficient amount of calcium, iodine and vitamins.
  2. If your hair is very long, make a haircut. This will reduce the load on the bulbs, and the hair will get stronger quickly.
  3. Do not injure your hair with tight elastic bands, metal rims, studs. Exclude hair dyeing, using a hair dryer and varnishes for the entire recovery period, and other aggressive interventions.
  4. Massage the basal region. This can be done with fingers or a wooden comb.
  5. To wash your hair, use only settled or filtered water. Its temperature should not exceed 35 ° C.

Hair loss after childbirth - treatment

When the number of hair that has fallen per day is constantly increasing, a woman should contact a narrow specialist-a trichologist. He is studying the possible causes of hair loss, makes a comprehensive study of hairs and determines what they lack for full growth. Based on the results of the diagnosis, a woman can be recommended a set of minerals and vitamins or treatment and preventive agents to strengthen hair follicles.

Vitamin-mineral complexes from hair loss after childbirth

It is difficult to choose suitable vitamins yourself, moreover, not all complexes are suitable for nursing mothers. Therefore, the right decision will be a consultation with the doctor. But effective and permitted means during lactation include such pharmaceutical vitamins from hair loss after childbirth:

  • “Calcium D3 Nicomed” is a full -fledged source of extremely necessary calcium. He quickly strengthens the hair follicles, stopping their loss. The drug also actively removes harmful and toxic compounds from bone tissues, strengthens the nail plates and teeth of a woman.

  • “Penal Forte” from Vitrum - a complex of vitamin compounds and minerals, designed to receive during pregnancy and after it. The drug contains 11 vitamins, zinc, iron and calcium.

  • “Elevit Pronatal” - a special composition is intended for the normal intrauterine development of the baby with gestation and support of the female body until the end of lactation. Elevite from hair loss after childbirth does not easily help stop the loss of hair, but also improves immunity, performance, improves mood. Contains 7 minerals and 12 vitamins.

  • "Centerum Wumen" is a polyvitamin complex of 24 nutrients. Especially effective for poor or unbalanced diet during lactation. Strengthens the hair, improves the skin, helps the hormonal background to fully recover.

  • "Merts" - food supplement with yeast extract and vitamins. Strengthens curls, enhances their growth and shine. Apply safely both in gestation and after childbirth.

Important! It is forbidden to prescribe vitamins from hair vitamins after childbirth in the lactation period. In order not to provoke an allergy in the baby, be sure to consult a doctor before taking vitamins.

Healing shampoos against hair loss after childbirth

The cosmetic industry provides a good selection of shampoos, strengthening masks, herbal infusions and sprays to strengthen curls. For their use, you will not need the permission of the doctor, in addition, they have no contraindications.

Consider the range of funds that can stop hair loss in women after childbirth:

  • “Fittal” - professional therapeutic shampoo with plant extracts. Wheat proteins take care of the hairy canvas, the extracts of arnican and rosemary restore the blood supply to the hair follicle, and glycogen provides intensive growth of new hairs. After use, the hair is soft, not confused, stop falling.

  • The burdock shampoo from the elf is the burdock extract and burdock oil as quickly as possible stop the destruction of follicles, and the complex of vitamins serves as an activator of the growth of new hair. The manufacturer promises a double volume, severe shine and silkiness.

  • Biocon "Hair Strength" - shampoo with leech extract, zinc and caffeine. Active components restore damaged hair, nourish, tone and strengthen their roots.

  • “Dercos” from Vichy is a shampoo with aminexin and vitamins of group B. The tool is designed to prevent the loss and extension of the life of each weakened hair. It is often used in the treatment of alopecia.

  • "Aleran" - multicomponent shampoo. The poppy oil in its composition regenerates the hair along the entire length, the lecithin moisturizes it, and the burdock and nettle extract stop the loss.

Advice! The first time to choose the right shampoo can be difficult. Some can be suitable for oily hair, others - exceptionally dry and brittle. Therefore, before buying, it is advisable to ask for help from a consultant or pharmacist, depending on where you make a purchase.

Pharmacy drugs against hair loss after childbirth

When shampoos and vitamin preparations are powerless, you can try to stop hair loss with special means of local action. Such drugs are sold in a pharmacy or online store. Among women faced with curls after childbirth, the following proved themselves well:

  • "Dimexide" - concentrated fluid for the preparation of the solution. It is an active antiseptic with a strong anti -inflammatory effect. Dimexide also accelerates metabolic processes and serves as a conductor of nutrients. It is added to masks, herbal decoctions, vitamin hair applications in order to enhance the effect of the latter. For lactation, it is used with caution.

  • “Wumens Regein” with minoxidil 2% - a vasodilator in the form of powder. Once on the scalp, it expands the vessels, which provides an influx of nutrients to hair follicles. It is used for all forms of alopecia. It is used for rubbing into the skin or as an additive in shampoos, lotions or masks.

  • "Rinfoltin" - a plant remedy for hair loss after childbirth. It is produced in the form of shampoo, lotion and ampoules. Contains ginseng and camellia extract, caffeine, mint ether, nasturtium infusion.

  • Castor oil - natural oil from tick -borne seeds. It allows you to significantly improve the structure of the hair and strengthen the bulbs. It can be applied to the hair in its pure form or enrich homemade masks.

Note! Such funds against hair loss are inexpensive, and with regular use for 2-3 months give very good results.

Hair loss after childbirth: how to stop popular methods

Homemade multicomponent masks, essential oils and hairs of hair from herbs are much more effective than any pharmacy vitamins, shampoos and synthetic drugs. And in order to restore hair density, there are many folk recipes.

Herbal decoctions in the fight against hair loss after childbirth

To strengthen the weakened hair, and at the same time rid you of dandruff, excessive oily or cross -section of hair, nettle, hops, chamomile, burdock root, as well as heather, lovie and calendula helps. Using these herbs, you can cook infusions, rinse their hair after washing, or rub them into the roots.

To restore your hair, you can use one of these recipes:

  • Nettle spray is a high -speed remedy for strengthening curls. Preparation: 4 tbsp. l. Pour chopped nettle leaves with two water machines and boil in a water bath for at least 20 minutes. Then strain the decoction and pour into any bottle with a dispenser. Daily in the morning and before going to bed, irrigate the scalp and locks along the entire length. Store the spray in the refrigerator for no longer than 4 days.

  • The Mother-i-Machekhi Rinoster-removes itching, removes dandruff and perfectly fights with hair loss. Preparation: 10 g of dry raw materials pour with a glass of boiling water, let it brew well and strain. Such a rinse aids need to rinse your hair after each wash. To enhance the effect, you can add oak bark and aira root.

  • Herbal rubbing allow active plant components to penetrate the scalp as deep as possible. Preparation: nettles, lover and hops mix in equal shares. 1 tbsp. l. Pour the raw materials 100 g of boiling water, let it brew and strain. Every evening, rub this concentrated infusion into the roots of the head for 5-7 minutes.

Hair loss masks after childbirth

Strengthening the hair follicles will occur faster if you often make homemade nourishing and warming hair masks. Many store masks are also designed to solve this problem, but homemade from natural products will bring much more benefit.

The most worthy masks that help stop hair loss:

  • Mustard mask: connect 10 g of dry mustard, yolk and 2 tbsp in a bowl. l. brewed black tea. For 20 minutes, apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, then rinse. The mask helps to enhance the flow of oxygen to the bulbs and fills them with nutrients.

  • Honey mask: mix 1 tbsp. l. honey, 20 g of burdock oil and yolk. The mixture slowly rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap your hair with polyethylene, rinse it after an hour. This composition will make the follicles strong and the hair is soft and shining.

  • Mask from colorless henna: Connect 1.5 tbsp. l. Henna, yolk, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 25 g of cottage cheese. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, rinse in half an hour. Hair after 3-4 procedures will noticeably get stronger, become silky, stop breaking.

  • Cognac mask: mix 50 ml of avocado oil, 10 g honey, yolk, 5 ml of cognac. Distribute the composition along the hairline, make most of the roots most of it, warm your head for 60 minutes, wash as usual.

Advice! All ingredients for the masks that you will use should be at room temperature. This will accelerate their penetration into the bulbs and hair of the rod.

Than essential oils when hair loss after childbirth is useful

Essential oils are indispensable assistants in skin and hair care. Among them there are some broadcasts that can treat alopecia, focal baldness and hair loss after childbirth. These include such oils:

  • rosemary;
  • lemon;
  • peach;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • lavender;
  • fir;
  • cloves and others.

As you know, it is not safe to use broadcasts in its pure form, so for their breeding, vegetable oils with a good strengthening effect need to be used. This is olive oil, jojoba, apricot and grape seeds, as well as coconut, almond.

You can mix oils in different combinations, based on their properties and aromas. Or you can use ready -made compositions:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Jozhoba, 1.5 tbsp. coconut oil, 8 drops of lavender oil and 12 drops of sage and rosemary oil;
  • 1 tsp. sesame, grape oil, as well as 1 tsp. oils of rosehips and coconut oil, 6 drops of sage ester, 10 drops of rosemary ester, 12 drops of sea buckthorn and lavender oils;
  • 25 ml of pink water, 20 ml of ordinary water, 5 ml of apple cider vinegar, 2 drops of rosemary, lavender, cedar ether and 1 drop of geranium oil.

In the fight against hair loss after childbirth, women's reviews are unanimous - the best medicine is calm, daily regimen and good mood. Without these components, not one, even the most expensive, vitamin complex or shampoo will be able to help you.

Trichologist about hair loss after childbirth. Video



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