
What is phototherapy. Phototherapy treatment - indications, contraindications, instructions. Phototherapy for newborns during jaundice

What is phototherapy. Phototherapy treatment - indications, contraindications, instructions. Phototherapy for newborns during jaundice
The article is devoted to the procedure of phototherapy. The benefits and use of phototherapy for adults and newborns.

Phototherapy or susceptor is an impact on the skin of the ultraviolet rays of a regular type. This procedure is widely used in neonatology for the treatment of jaundice newborns, in dermatology, cosmetology and related specialties. In this article we describe in detail what phototherapy is, as the proceedings and the effectiveness of this therapy passes.

Phototherapy: what is it

Simply put, phototherapy is a light treatment. It is noteworthy that the light rays are created artificially a special apparatus. That is why the light load is applied dosed and regularly. In general, when the suspension on the processed section affects the waves long, approximately 550-650 nm. They easily and freely fall into the cells of the epidermis, heating the skin and, thereby changing the course of metabolic processes in it.

Light rays, falling on the skin, perform such functions:

  • itching itching;
  • eliminate the uncomfortable feelings on the skin;
  • possess an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increase the amount of vitamin D in the body;
  • improve the protective properties of the skin;
  • improve the bacterial resistance of the body;
  • have a lifting effect;
  • accelerate the regeneration of the skin in the presence of a wound and abrasion;
  • Phototherapy absolutely does not injure the skin and passes painlessly.

Phototherapy: Application

As noted above, the main path of applying phototherapy is neonatology, dermatology and cosmetology. In addition, phototherapy eyes are widely known. The mind, when exposed to the retina, is used mainly to treat depressive states, sleep disorders and mental illness.

Phototherapy is used for:

  • the treatment of jaundice newborns. Today, the phototherapy lamp is a mandatory attribute of each maternity hospital and is used when conducting resuscitation measures, to care for newborns and to saturate the body of kids vitamin D;
  • treatment of skin diseases. Phototherapy is used for psoriasis, eels, eczema, neurodim, etc.;
  • for healing trophic ulcers and wounds;
  • improving skin condition. The phototherapy of cooperosis, phototherapy from pigment spots, photoepilation, lighting of wrinkles are practiced;
  • removal of tattoos;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • restoration of the body after changing time zones;
  • prevention and treatment of skin cancer.

According to the reviews of phototherapy, many have chosen this type of treatment as a panacea from any skin diseases and premature aging of the epidermis. It is worth noting that even world-famous stars are rarely referring to the phototherapy procedure, since this is an effective and effective method for solving many cosmetology problems.

Phototherapy: for what is appointed

The bitracy is applied immediately in several areas. Depending on the purpose, the specialist picks up the desired and correct mode of light irradiation. Let's look at the Read more of the essence of phototherapy.

Phototherapy for newborns

Newborn phototherapy applies from jaundice. In this case, the kid is irradiated with a powerful source of blue-purple color. Phototherapy leads to the isomerization of the bilirubin in the cells of the dermis of the newborn, facilitating the biotransformation for the successful bilirubin elimination with the natural pathway (with urine and fender). At the same time, the level of bilirubin in the blood decreases significantly, which prevents its accumulation in brain and kidney tissues and prevents damage to the central nervous system and the development of renal failure.

The most popular apparatus for phototherapy used in the treatment of jaundice of newborns is a device of phototherapy off-420 / 470-01. It is available in virtually all hospitals of the post-Soviet countries.

Phototherapy acne and acne

For the treatment of acne and acne uses blue-violet irradiation, complemented by red light. With this exposure, the photobiomo-formulation effect occurs, antibacterial protection is activated and the work of the sebaceous glands is adjusted. According to the reviews of phototherapy acne, more than 80% of patients noted a significant decrease in the frequency of acne and the amount of acne after systematic cryment.

Phototherapy with psoriasis, neurodim and eczema

Such diseases as psoriasis, neurodermith or eczema appear as a result of autoimmune aggression of the body lymphocytes against skin cells. Similar words, these diseases can be called allergic, which are developing due to violations in the immune system. Ultraviolet radiation suppresses the local immunity of the epidermis and eliminates the inflammatory processes on the skin.

With phototherapy of listed diseases, the irradiation is used by soft UV A, where the wave range does not exceed 400 nm, or rigid UV b, where the wave range is less than 300 nm. At the resulting stages of the disease, light waves are combined, and their range is selected in accordance with the skin condition.

Phototherapy from pigment spots

The essence of phototherapy against pigment stains is that special light pulses affect the skin, which, as a result of heating, destroy melanin (coloring pigment, causing pigmentation). After phototherapy, the processed areas of the skin are darker, then the skin begins to peel, updating and aligning its color.

Phototherapy cooperosis

Phototherapy of the face and other parts of the body at cooperosis is often practiced in beauty salons and dermatological offices. The freeze-free cooperosis allows you to get rid of the problem after one session, during which the skin effects on the skin gentle light pulses of a certain wave. Such outbreaks are able to remove cooperous manifestations even in zones with very thin skin and near the bone structure (near the nose, on the cheekbones, on the lower jaw).

Phototherapy: Technique

Depending on the purpose, phototherapy sessions are selected individually. There are two types of freezing:

  • ship-hambos phototherapy (a wide beam of light is applied);
  • narrowband phototherapy (narrow beam of light).

In general, the procedure passes in gradually.

  1. For a start, the doctor consults and learning the anamnesis, color,0, the level of sensitivity to the patient's light.
  2. Then follow the survey of the lesion and purpose of treatment.
  3. Before starting the procedure, skin treatment is carried out to remove possible contaminants.
  4. The patient then puts on special glasses for phototherapy.
  5. Next, a cooling and analgesic gel is applied to the skin.
  6. After preparatory procedures, the doctor starts directly to the hardware effect, in which the patient usually feels warm and unusual tingling.

Phototherapy: price

The price of phototherapy depends on the type of treatment, complexity of the disease and the number of necessary courses.

  • the price of treatment of acne is from 50 to 120 dollars per session depending on the site;
  • the price of releasing pigmentation is from $ 2 per flare;
  • the price of the treatment of psoriasis and related diseases ranges from 30 dollars and above;
  • the price of copery treatment is 5 dollars per flare.

It is also worth considering that, for example, when photomolving, it will take from 5 to 7 sessions every 2-3 weeks.

Phototherapy: photo before- and after-

Phototherapy at home

For phototherapy at home, you need to purchase a special lamp for home use. Usually, phototherapy at home makes sense only with frequent and running manifestations of acne, when the simulation sessions need to be carried out daily. In other cases, the purchase of a lamp is not appropriate and does not pay for its value.

These are the most popular:

  • phytotherapeutic apparatus dune-t;
  • minina reflector;
  • BREMED BD7000;
  • cameton apparatus;
  • Light therapy ACTIVEBIO.

It is worth noting that the phototherapy at home should be performed only after consulting with the doctor. Adjust the supply of light waves at home phototherapy is needed according to the instructions for the machine.

Phototherapy: Contraindications

The mind is contraindicated, like other therapies, has a number of contraindications. They include:

  • increased light sensitivity;
  • eye diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • porphyria;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • reception of drugs that can cause photosensitization of the skin.

Phototherapy treatment. Video


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