
Moon Calendar Conception 2017

Moon Calendar Conception 2017
Favorable days for conception according to the lunar calendar.

It is rare to predict the conception of the child, because it depends on the set of factors. The cycle failure even for 1 day can significantly move ovulation, and if it happened on time, the conception may happen the next day after this event! However, it is necessary to plan a pregnancy, prepare for conception and create conditions conducive to him in its body.

Someone is a little traditional pregnancy planning with a campaign to doctors and passing all the necessary analyzes. And then people turn to astrologers, trying to determine for themselves a favorable day for conception. Let's try to figure together, what are the best days of conception on the lunar calendar 2017. Information This reference, it is better to apply for details to astrologers.

Conception of a child in the lunar calendar for 2017

So, before proceeding with the planning of the conception of the baby, remember a few simple rules:

  • The favorable period for conception in each month is the growing moon, with the exception of the first and last day of its growth. Do you know how to distinguish a growing moon from aging? The first forms the letter "P", if to mentally paint her a wand |, and the second, respectively, the letter "C".


  • Do not try to conceive the child in the phases of the moon as a full moon or a new moon. They carry bad energy in themselves and for a new life, the birthplace of such a moon, this is nothing good.


  • Solar or lunar eclipses, as a few days after each of them, are also considered negative periods to conceive according to the lunar calendar.

Optimal astrologers consider the period when the moon is in the constellation of Taurus, lion or cancer. But the moment when the moon is in the constellation of Scorpio, is considered unfavorable for conception, such children can be born weak, premature and suffering from the diseases of the genitourinary system.

Whatever time for conception you choose, put on yourself any decoration made of silver, which symbolizes the moon. It is said that this will help come true your dream.

The most famous woman is configured to conceive that lunar day when she herself was born, including 2-3 days before.

Moon Calendar Conception for January 2017

If you include the concept of "pregnancy", including other mandatory actions, the refusal of bad habits, then this month should be considered as favorable for conception. If you do not want to give up alcohol and other pleasures in the New Year and all subsequent holidays, it is better to postpone. Of course, the amount and quality of alcohol should be taken into account. Everything is individually and not worth each situation to bring to the absurdity. We mean that alcohol will flow the river, and periodic smokers with friends will happen often - then I will postpone planning.

So, if approaching conception is responsible and with your head, the most optimal will be the period from January 6 to 11, it can also be considered from January 1 to January 4 and from 29 to 31.

The remaining days in January 2017 are not very favorable to conception.


Lunar calendar conception for February 2017

February is perfect for conception, and the day of all lovers has to be for this month! It is no longer so rude as January, but still the presence of two holidays can provoke the opening of one or another bottle of champagne. February 23, after all, no one has canceled. So be vigilant - or celebrate, or we plan conception.

The lunar calendar however does not favor conception on holidays. The best days is from 1 to 10 or 27-28 February. Everything else is better to delete.


Moon Calendar Conception for March 2017

Spring - the time of love. The first spring rays begin to stir snow, the kidneys appear, the temperature in places is replaced by plus. The lunar calendar approves for conception at once three periods - from 1 to 4, from 6 to 11 and from March 29 to March 31. Here only on March 8 will have to protect tea or compote!


Moon Calendar Conception for April 2017

April Wonderful month for conception! Holidays are not foreseen, but it means that there will be no reason for the adoption of alcohol! So, the moon favors future parents to be active from 1 to 10 and from 27 to 30 April. And remember that only the firstaaprel joke can become a New Year's surprise!


Moon Calendar Conception for May 2017

Long May holidays with a break for several workers everyday life are popular with Russians, because these days you can take leave and enjoy the rest of almost two weeks! What would you like to spend these days? In travels on foreign countries, at home or anywhere without leaving the city? From 1 to the 10th, you can try to conceive a child, the moon favors this. If suddenly it does not work, do not worry! The end of the month is no less favorable, namely from May 27 to 31.


Moon Calendar Conception for June 2017

The first summer month! Nature around is beautiful, the sun's rays are already warm in real, wonderful time for the birth of a new life. However, the moon is not very located on the birth of a new life in June. For example, 1 numbers, on the day of protection of children, as well as from 25 to 30, you should not try to conceive a baby in case of unimportant well-being, such a pregnancy can proceed quite hard and with complications. The only suitable period is from 2 to 8 June.


Lunar calendar conception for July 2017

The middle of the summer from the point of view of the lunar calendar is just a wonderful time for the birth of a little crumb. There are many options for us to offer us - the best days noted by high energy, it is 2-8 and July 31. The following days go to the background - 1 and from 24 to 30. So enjoy the summer sun, breathe deeper, do not be nervous, and everything will definitely work out!


Moon Calendar Conception for August 2017

End of summer, as well as the beginning of autumn, generally the best periods for conceiving a child. After all, in the evening in the store or on our own garden, full of alive vitamins! The organism is both men and women in this period are healthy more than ever! So do not lose a minute, the moon provides you with a good choice: from 1 to 6 August and from 30 to 31. And from August 22 to August 29, it will become much easier to get pregnant than other days.


Lunar conception calendar for September 2017

So, a wonderful period for conception from the point of view of medicine continues, so if it didn't get pregnant earlier, now the probability is very large. From 1 to 5, 29-30 September, the best periods for conception, and from September 21 to 28, try to control bad emotions, they can negatively affect the health of the crumbs, which received these days.


Lunar conception calendar for October 2017

The middle of autumn, sadness-longing for the departed summer. An excellent reason to soak under the blanket in an embrace, see your favorite movies, drink hot chocolate and make love, of course! And the moon in this facility in the period from 1 to 4 and from October 29 to October 31. Also not bad and option from 20 to 28, but you need to be extremely positive and get rid of negative emotions!


Moon Calendar Conception for November 2017

Winter approaches, the snow has already fallen outside the window, the new year's approach is felt, the longing retreats, I want a holiday. But even more I want to be three, or even four, five ... The moon favored the creation of a new little man from 1 to 3 November and from 19 to 30! The choice is great, it will definitely happen!


Moon Calendar Conception for December 2017

The last day of the year is good to conceive the fact that the baby will appear in August-September. He has ahead of winter cold, and this is an excellent hardening, a guarantee of good health and good immunity. Make a new year with a baby under your heart is truly beautiful. The main thing is to understand that this new year should be deprived of alcoholic beverages, and the table should be broken mainly from healthy vitaminized food. 1-2, 19-26 and 27-31 December - that's how many options approve of the lunar calendar for conception!


Moon Calendar Boy Conception 2017

It turns out on finding the moon in a certain zodiac sign can predict the floor of the future child. So, the signs of air and fire are "male":

  • Sagittarius;
  • Scales;
  • Aquarius;
  • Twins;
  • Aries;
  • A lion.

Moon Calendar Conception Girl 2017

And to "female" include signs of earth and water:

  • Cancer;
  • Capricorn;
  • Taurus;
  • Scorpion;
  • Virgo;
  • Fishes.

And in addition you can contact here such a table:


There are many options for the conception of a girl, a boy or even twins besides the lunar calendar. You can calculate ovulation, sit on a special diet or plan conception, based on the calendar month and the age of the future mother here is this way:


How is the process of conception

This chapter is simply necessary in order to understand how hard to plan conception for some particular day.

So, each healthy girl occurs monthly so-called red day of the calendar. By scientific, menstruation. It is on the first day that the egg generation occurs, which, with a successful outcome of cases, will be fertilized.

If the girl has a regular cycle, then it will not be difficult for it to calculate the favorable days for conception, in other words, ovulation is a mature, ready to fertilize an egg from the ovary. It happens exactly 2 weeks before the beginning of the following menstruations - that is why it is possible to calculate it only with girls with a regular cycle. For example, if the cycle (the distance in the days between the first days of menstruation) is 30 days, the ovulation takes place on the 16th day. To get pregnant, on the day of ovulation (2 days to it and 2 days after), sexual intercourse is necessary. If everything works well, the spermatozoa will meet the egg and fertilizes it. It can happen the next day after sexual intercourse and even every other day. Just imagine - everything has already happened, you sit the next day on some meeting, and at this time Hop - and you are already a future mother!


How to plan a child conception

None in life a child planning calendar will not help you if you do not adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. A few months before the first attempts to conceive the baby, it is necessary to abandon the bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol.
  2. There are more in the fresh air, breathe deeply, because oxygen is involved in all metabolic processes, it is simply necessary for the origin and maintaining a new life. Please note that under the fresh air still refers to the air outside the city, away from the city, from traffic jams.
  3. Proper nutrition is food 5-6 times a day with small portions. Forget about oily, fried harmful food, give up the flour, sweet, smoked and salty. Now you will not make a useful dish, there will be no difficulty, because in the 21st century almost in each kitchen there are multicookers and double boards, and if not, then the oven is clearly!
  4. They say the strength of thought helps to achieve the desired. But do not turn your dream into an intrusive Idea-Fix, because good luck so easily swung!

Deciding to start a child, you should contact your doctor-gynecologist, which in the future will lead your pregnancy. He will send you and your spouse to all the necessary analyzes and most likely he will write a special multivitamine complex, which includes folic acid, vitamin E, and other other, creating women in the body of all conditions for conception.


Let's summarize

Cute ladies, now you know that it is very difficult to predict and plan the date of conception along the lunar calendar, whatever it is favorable. Ovulation is sometimes so elusive, just as it can be adjusted under that short period, which approves the moon is completely incomprehensible. And then, even if the process preceding the conception, will occur at a favorable day, pregnancy can come later, unfavorable day! But believe me, everything you and your child will be fine if you consult a doctor in time, let's wait for accounting and you will pass all the planned and if necessary, unscheduled surveys!

And the second moment - it is extremely rare in a pair, it turns out to be pregnant from the first attempt. And with the second, and with the third. Typically, the process can take up to six months, the doctors are already connected and begin to watch both spouses for establishing the cause of the absence of pregnancy. For half a year - this is if you try every month, counting the days favorable for conception and without losing a minute. And if ovulation occurs in an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar, do you miss a whole month? And if she constantly won't match, you will not try at all? So the process can stretch for a year and two. But usually when people want to start a child, they want it soon! So ... the days coincided, well, well, no - and God with them. However, everyone has their own opinion on this expense, if only it was calm!

Video " The influence of the moon and the celestial bodies per person "


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