
Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for long-life and recovery. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Olga Orlova - Features, Technique

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for long-life and recovery. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Olga Orlova - Features, Technique
The advantages of performing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. Exercise technique.

With age, each of us is aware of the well-known truth that health cannot be appreciated in the monetary equivalent. A person has to make huge efforts to preserve vital energy for decent old age. And then, who would anyone want to live as long as possible? There is one method that is guaranteed to preserve strong health to gray hair - Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. What is his essence and how to join health practices will tell the article.

About Tibetan hormonal gymnastics spoke with interest in Soviet times. Today, an unusual health care technique is again on a hearing: in the media multiplied positive reviews of those who have already mastered this set of exercises.

The method allows not only to increase and maintain high indicators of physical and mental health. Another Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is performed for the improvement of the entire body: as easy practice is mastered, the work of all energy points of the body is normalized, sharp and chronic diseases retreat. What is the most interesting, positive shifts you will notice a few days after the start of classes.

Origin of Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics

According to the official version, the first information about the unusual method of conservation of health was mined by Soviet engineers who were in Tibet on debt. There, in the mountains, they erected the power plant. The monks of the nearby monastery asked for travel experts to help with the light, and those brought the line of the power line in their home. As a sign of gratitude, the Tibetan wise men revealed to scientific members of the Aza Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for long-life.

What is noteworthy, one of the engineers was seriously carried away by this method and began to regularly perform simple exercises. According to eyewitnesses, he managed to preserve wonderful eyesight to deep old age and step over an 80-year-old frontier with excellent health. About this interesting history, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda told about this interesting history of its readers.

Upon learning of the existence of hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks, Olga Orlova's folk patronage caught up with the idea of \u200b\u200btrying the effect of an unusual methodology for himself. Subsequently, when she really normalized the hormonal background and improved her well-being due to simple eastern practice, the healer decided to carry invaluable knowledge in the mass. Today the system is known as Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Olga Orlova. The video recorded by the sequence of the video method is of great popularity on the Internet, because it helps to visually get acquainted with an effective system of recovery that has arisen many years ago.

Changes in the body under the influence of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

The specifics of the influence of the ancient method of diverse - many organs and systems are included in the work. Let us list the most obvious results of the daily execution of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics:

  1. The positive impact of classes on the function of the cardiovascular system, the condition of the heart and blood vessels is noted. There is a stabilization of blood pressure. This methodology is advised to practice as part of the treatment of hypo- and hypertension.
  2. Gymnastics normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal organs: constipation disappear, the chair becomes regular.
  3. Exercise performed beneficially affects eye health: eye pressure comes back to normal, over time, visual acuity increases, the eyes are easier to carry a long-term voltage.
  4. During charging there is stimulation of such an important section of the brain as the pituitary.
  5. Gymnastics classes normalize the circulation of lymph in the body and its outflow.
  6. As a result of spiritual and physical efforts spent on exercise, elasticity and total skin tone increases, which allows the face and body to look younger.
  7. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is recognized as a good help in the treatment of ear disease.
  8. The technique has a positive effect on the joints of the legs, helps to fight fatigue and swelling of the lower extremities.
  9. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics can be made directly in bed, and this is an equivalent replacement of ordinary morning charging. Performing a simple set of exercises fills the body with energy and vigor for a whole day.
  10. The invention of Tibetan monks is also aimed at improving memory, preservation of the clarity of the mind before old age, the stabilization of the mood.
  11. Gymnastics regulates the functions of the thyroid gland and improves the body's immune system.
  12. Thanks to simple exercises, insomnia retreats and the quality of sleep is improved.

According to reviews, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to immediately notice the positive trend of the organism. Olga Orlova, being a devoted fan of the Eastern Methodology, argues that due to these healing exercises, life is extended on average for 25-55 years, and the need to walk in doctors disappears, since the body receives the necessary forces to independently overcome all chronic diseases.

Contraindications for the fulfillment of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

It is believed that a simple set of exercises can practice everyone - there would be a desire to do regularly. However, according to physicians, there are some diseases that can be an obstacle to the full implementation of the Eastern Exercise Complex. Ideally, the feasibility of fulfilling the Tibetan hormonal gymnastics should be advised to be advised with a competent specialist, if a history has a note on the following diseases:

  • functional disorder of the heart muscle in acute form;
  • parkinson's disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • violation of the intestinal intestinal on the soil of the inflammatory response;
  • probability of pinching hernia;
  • recently transferred surgical intervention;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • acute arthritis;
  • rachiocampsis.

Rules for the implementation of Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics

To achieve a significant improvement in health, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations on the technique of exercising:

  1. After the gymnastics, the body needs a liquid, the disadvantage of which must be filled with 1 - 2 glasses of boiled water of room temperature. This will help the body to finally wake up and turn on to work.
  2. Exercises can be done without rising from bed, but only if the mattress is sufficiently solid and elastic. Otherwise, you need to move to the floor.
  3. Gymnastics are made in the morning after awakening. The morning in understanding Tibetan monks begins early, up to 6 hours. Only in this period of time you can connect the rhythms of your body with the rhythm of the most universe and thus activate the sleeping energy centers of your body.
  4. The method will actually act on the body only if there is gymnastics every day at the same time, without breaks. The effect of the exercise is accumulative, so the "weekend" here is not provided.
  5. Successful exercise performance is impossible without faith in the effectiveness of the method and positive emotional attitude.
  6. During the class of gymnastics, follow the breathing: do deep, measured breaths and exhalations. The chest should be relaxed.
  7. The performance of the morning Tibetan hormonal gymnastics provides for your willpower and perseverance. At first, you may encounter muscle tension or pains, through which sluggish or hidden diseases declare. All unpleasant symptoms disappear after 2 - 4 months after the start of classes, and obvious positive shifts appear in six months after the start of classes.
  8. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is a great start of the day if you are larks. And how to be owls - people who in the morning prefer to sleep longer? Olga Orlova notes that after the completion of the exercise, you can take a little a little, and it will not affect the effectiveness of gymnastics.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics: a set of exercises

The occupation consists of 13 uncomplicated exercises with a fixed priority, which is aimed at the awakening of the body from top to bottom. The duration of each movement is 30 seconds, and for the implementation of the entire exercise block, it is quite a 10-minute.

Let us turn directly to the exercises:

  1. Press your palms to each other, as if pray. Within 30 seconds, make a rubric movement to feel how heat appears between the palms and the heat spreads. Thanks to this exercise, you can find out about the state of your biofield: if the palms have become at the time of hot, everything is in order with your energy. Slowly heated palms "hint" on the need for correction of both the physical and mental field. Cold and wet hands talk about the presence of problems with heart and vessels.
  2. Close your eyes and attach warm palms to the centuries. Long pressure on the eyeballs (1 pressure per second, only 30 times). To improve vision after the completion of the main series of pressures, leave your palms on the eyelids for about 2 minutes and continue to prescribe at the same pace.
  3. Attach open palms to ear sinks, turning your fingers back. Take 30 presses (exactly pressing, and not massive movements). If there is an unpleasant feeling, keep moving anyway.
  4. Squeeze your hands in the fists. At the same time, put the thumbs up, make them for the ear shells and press it. By making pressing movements, move the fists up and down to face. Start from the chin and move to the chests. Davit is not much, but noticeable to make it clear how skin stretches.
  5. Right revealed palm Touch the forehead closer to the temporal area. Left palm put on top on the right. Now slowly for 30 seconds slide palms on the forehead from one temple to another.
  6. Get your hands behind your head and fold them like the arch. Without touching the head, make oscillatory movements back and forth (as a swing).
  7. After making 30 movements, go to the second stage of the exercise. Stlikely, at a short distance from the head, move your hands from side aside as a pendulum.
  8. Place the palm of the right hand over the thyroid area and cover it with the palm of the left. For 30 seconds, smoothly move the hands from the throat to the navel and back. At the end of the exercise, slowly lower his hands down the body.
  9. Leaving his hands in the same position, slightly touching the right palm with the body, take 30 circular movements on the front abdominal wall.
  10. Raise the hand straightened on your head over your head and make 30 rotations with tassels, and then easily wrap your hands.
  11. Raise up straight legs so that the feet are parallel to the ceiling. Look up 30 times with ankle joints, and then, as well as hands, lend to the legs raised.
  12. Sit down, tighten your right foot foot and make a relaxing massage for 30 seconds, stroking and rubbing it. Very soon you will feel how pleasant warmth is spilled in the foot and leg. Do the same half a minute from the feet of the left leg. Fasting on the surface of the feet some particularly sensitive and even painful point, massaging it with a doubled effort.
  13. Smoothly approaching the occupation, consolidate the surface of the leg palms from the ankle joints to the knees. Move hands up and down for half minute.

The wise teaching of Tibetan monks, aimed at the correction of weak health and bad well-being, acquired wide fame not immediately. Penetrating into the skeptical environment of European countries, the Eastern technique has long gained momentum. Today, in the effectiveness of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, no one has doubts. This is a competent wellness practice with a guaranteed positive result. Performing simple exercises does not cause difficulties, and the complex quickly becomes a habit and daily necessity. Just 10 minutes in the morning - and you are charged with pure positive energy for the whole day!

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. Video


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