
Properties of bee submoral, benefit, harm. The use of the bee renorm, how to cook it - recipes. What treats bee submorship, under what diseases are used. Treatment of bee subormal

Properties of bee submoral, benefit, harm. The use of the bee renorm, how to cook it - recipes. What treats bee submorship, under what diseases are used. Treatment of bee subormal
The beneficial properties of the bee renorm. How to take bee submorism, treatments. Recipes of the tincture of the bee replacement on alcohol.

Bees are unique small insects that give us a huge number of their livelihoods with a large number of useful substances and elements. All beekeeping products have long been recognized drugs that have always been used in folk medicine. To date, people constantly use bee honey, milk, propolis, poison for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. However, few people know that bees can help their healing properties even after their death.

Bee submorism or dead insects are a fairly peculiar treatment product, which practically does not have contraindications to use and has simply tremendous efficacy in the treatment. The dried Taurus bees is a valuable material that can be competently used in folk medicine.

In this article, consider what bee subormity and what is its main features, we note therapeutic properties of this fund, as well as its harm and benefits. We give step-by-step instructions for the preparation of bee renorm and its use in folk medicine.

What is bee submor

A few people know the amazing and healing features of the submorm, most people believe that this is just a hoax and quarrel. However, scientists recently proven that submorship, like all biologically active beekeeping products, has simply a huge amount of useful substances and elements that can be successfully used in the treatment of various diseases.

Bee submass or scattering, the borders of the dead insects, whose shell contains a lot of useful and rather rare substances. Bees do not have a long lifespan. In the summer, one insect can live only 1.5 months, and in winter this period becomes a little longer. Therefore, no matter how optimal conditions for the content of bees, they will still die, and their calves will accumulate in the hives. This material can be used to prepare drugs from the bee renorm.

It should be borne in mind that the bee submor can be several species. This beekeeping product is divided into winter and summer, the last of which includes spring, summer and autumn. Depending on the specific type of bee submorm, its use is different. Died insects found in winter or immediately after it cannot be used for internal use. From this submora, you can cook ointment, wipes. This is due to the fact that insects contain a large number of carte masses and a corpus poison, which are unlikely to benefit when internal reception. The use of a bee submora, assembled in the summer, and especially in the fall, more diverse - can be prepared with tinctures, decoctions, ointments, ticks and other medicines of traditional medicine.

Strikes the age-old history of the use of bee renorm as a medicament. Even in ancient Rome Galen recommended the use of bees in honey for diseases of the gums and teeth. And the ancient Roman thinker of Plini pointed out the properties of this beekeeping product to treat many ailments. To do this, you need to get ash from burned bodies of dead insects and mix them with oil. Especially this means helped with eye diseases, with weak hair. In the English medical books of the 17th century, it is noted that the dried and unwound bees submore need to be added to warm milk to treat rheumatism, water and dissolving stones. The cooked bees in honey was used in those times for the treatment of dysentery. As can be seen from the above, the treatment of bee subormity of various diseases was quite common in distant times. Nowadays, there are no scientific clinical trials of using this product, but many people use such a folk remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Bee submorism - product benefits

Bee submorship in folk medicine has been used for a long time. Everything is associated with a pronounced healing effect of this product of the bee, which is achieved due to the presence in its composition of a large number of beneficial substances. The taurus of the deceased insect is surprisingly containing many biologically active products. It is honey, and wax, uterine milk, propolis and bee poison. The main and most valuable component of this product is the chitosan complex consisting of bee poison, heparin, acetic acid, glucosamine and melanin. It is these valuables that create a unique complex that can effectively treat various diseases. In addition, the composition of the bee submora includes 27 valuable trace elements, among which zinc, calcium, iron. You can also note the presence of vitamins and amino acids, which also have a positive effect on the body. Consider what benefit the bees submorship can be brought to a person at home.

  • The bee body is covered with a chitin layer. It is there that contains a large amount of chitosan - one of the most valuable components of the bee renorm.
  • Thanks to the presence of chitosan, this bee submore is used in medicine to create weight loss products. This is due to the fact that the chitosan complex prevents the assimilation of human vegetable and animal fat organism.
  • Due to the high concentration in the chitin layer of heparin and heparinoids, the bee submorrine is the strongest wound healing agent. The chitosan substance can stop bleeding and helps to avoid the appearance of various scars and scars after the burns received.
  • This most valuable component of the support helps to normalize cholesterol exchange, reduce the level of harmful cholesterol.
  • Chitosan stimulates the activity and reproduction of beneficial bacteria that live in the intestine. In addition, thanks to it, the toxins formed and gradually accumulating in the intestines and the stomach are neutralized.
  • Chitosan has the ability to bind heavy metals, which facilitates their conclusion from the human body.
  • The component effectively stimulates the work of the digestive and excretory system.
  • Thanks to recent studies, it became known that chitosan can successfully neutralize high doses of radiation, due to which the bee submority in cancer shows high efficiency.
  • This beeworking product helps the body to deal with harmful microbes and viruses.
  • Components are part of the chitin layer help to strengthen immunity and increase the protective functions of the human body.
  • Also, thanks to heparin, the bees submore improves the operation of the circulatory and hematopoietic system, strengthens the limb vessels in varicose expansion, and also reduces blood coagulation.
  • Melanin, which is part of the bee submorm, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, like chitosan binds toxins and heavy metals and contributes to their conclusion.
  • The bee poison strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases the body's tone, and also improves sleep and appetite. This component has a unique property - it absolutely does not lose its useful qualities when heated at 115 degrees. When the poison enters the stomach, it is partially destroyed, but its good part enters the blood, where all its useful properties appear.
  • Special attention should be paid to bee fat, which carefully researched many scientists. According to the data obtained, it became clear that this fat had a much more efficient action than fishery. Bee fat contains a huge amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols. The main feature of this component is the complete absence of Sternov, which provoke the formation and accumulation of harmful cholesterol on the walls of the vessels.

Bee submother: contraindications and harm

Despite the huge number of positive characteristics, it is possible to single out some harm of the bee renorm. It is worth noting that these contraindications are most often subjective and extremely rarely manifested.

  • This product may harm if there is individual intolerance to bee poison or other bees products.
  • The presence of allergic reactions to the components of the bee replacement, as well as household stimuli, for example, on dust, may be contraindicated to use.
  • With the aneurysm of the heart and arrhythmia, it is also better not to use bee submorshess in the treatment.
  • It is worth abandoning the use of a bee submorm in acute systemic blood diseases, anemia and leukemia.
  • Since heparin is included in the bee submorm, which slows down blood clotting, this means is contraindicated to people with increased permeability of vessels and with bleeding.
  • According to the instructions, the bees submore should not be used in severe kidney and liver diseases.
  • Under the acute form of thrombosis, the use of this bee product as a medicinal product is also contraindicated.
  • It is recommended to take care with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before drinking the bees submorship in this case, it is recommended to consult with the doctor.

Therapeutic properties of the bee renorm

This bee product has a huge number of therapeutic properties that people used for a long time in the treatment of various diseases. Consider the main spheres of what the bees submother is treated:

  • This healing agent has an anti-inflammatory property and can help with the treatment of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, respiratory organs and the genitourinary system.
  • One of the beneficial properties of the bee submorm is an antiviral and antibacterial effect that allows you to better fight the body with various bacteria and viruses. This is especially true of the respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, angina and others. The bee submority oppressively affects harmful microorganisms.
  • Bee submorshess has a regenerating property, therefore is an excellent solution for healing wounds, burns, skin diseases. This beekeeping product will become an effective medicine in the treatment of psoriasis and neurodermit.
  • This product helps to successfully remove unnecessary fats from the human body, which is actively used when weight loss and in excess weight.
  • The bee submass has a normalizing and restoring property. The bodies of the dead bees help to return the amount of gastric juice into the limits of the norm, treat the injured mucous membrane of the stomach, and also remove harmful toxins from the intestine and normalize its microflora.
  • This tool has proven its effectiveness in gastritis, constipation, colitis and ulcers.
  • The bee submore is an excellent sorbent, it allows to neutralize an excess of an acid that is highlighted together with gastric juice for digesting food. Therefore, it can be considered a good medicine from heartburn.

  • Submorship is perfectly struggling with harmful cholesterol, removes fats from the vessels and strengthens their walls.
  • This natural healing product helps to deal with kidney and liver disease. Ensures the liver from an excessive load, cures the giardia.
  • The tool is perfectly treated with joints, relieves pain and reduces tension. The bee submority for the joints is shown in polyarthritis, arthrosis.
  • The bee submority at a pressure can also serve an excellent service, especially for hypertensive. Due to the presence of heparin, blood pressure is normalized and blood quality is improved.
  • The product improves blood clotting and increases hemoglobin, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on sleep and appetite.
  • Treatment with the help of bee replacement effectively copes with vascular diseases. This includes varicose extension of the veins, Trombalgite, thrombophlebitis, endarteritic.
  • The means is shown when problems with pancreas and thyroid gland.
  • It is worth testing by bee subormal people with oncological diseases. It has been proven that the components of the proof help to output radioactive isotopes that remain in the body after chemotherapy and radiation therapy courses. These isotopes are dangerous in that the cell membranes gradually destroy, accelerating the aging process, and also lead to the spread of malignant cells. At the same time, it effectively protects the human body from the development of malignant diseases, thanks to its healing natural components.
  • This remedy helps in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, in particular glaucoma, conjunctivitis, keratitis, atrophy of the optic nerve.
  • The bee submority is relevant to take in a period of colds, since this tool allows you to strengthen the immunity and increase its resistance to various viruses and bacteria.

Therapeutic properties of the bee renorm for women

The calves of the dead bees have a colossal healing effect, which manifests itself completely differently from each person. First of all, it depends on individual characteristics and gender. Each woman at any age is important to know, under what diseases the bees submorship becomes the most efficient drug.

  • First of all, this tool is shown for the general cleansing of the body, to remove slags and toxins.
  • The drug based drug preparation will help with the prevention and treatment of mammary tumors.
  • The tool will help to eliminate pain in the spine and joints, and also effectively cope with pain syndrome during menstruation.
  • The submority is shown and in the treatment of mastitis, as well as other inflammatory breeding processes.
  • Prevents the emergence of the inflammatory process in the organs of the female sexual system.
  • Bee submass reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Perfectly eliminates the consequences of varicose veins.
  • The tool helps to cure the uterus.
  • Women of middle-aged and more old age can use bees submority to extend the youth.
  • In addition, the representatives of the beautiful gender, which have overweight problems, can take advantage of the national means to get rid of extra kilograms.

Therapeutic properties of the bee renorm for men

Bee subormity is an effective medicine for treating diseases of the genitourinary system in men. So, after 30 years, the risk of the appearance of prostatitis is increasing, which is accompanied by difficult urine and painful sensations with it. Pain can be transmitted to the lower back area and pelvis. In this case, beekeeping products must be taken on a regular basis.

Also, after 50 years, men may suffer from prostate adenoma. It is at this age that the risk of such a disease increases significantly. The bee subormity at a prostate should be used in combination with other beekeeping products and drug drugs that are written out by an oncologist.

In addition, the use of this natural tool will help cope with the problems of erection and sexual function, as well as help with infertility.

Folk Recipes Bee Podmor - Detailed Description

Today in the people there are a large number of recipes for the preparation of drugs based on the bee renorm. Before using them, you need to purchase a good submor and other ingredients.

  • For the preparation of drugs submor, you can buy from beekeepers.
  • You can buy such natural material at any time of the year. To date, experienced beekeepers can sell ready-made powders or tincture of bee renorm.
  • If you want to prepare your own medicine yourself, then you will definitely carefully inspect the submorrum - it should not be traces of mold, and the smell must be sweet.
  • Before buying, you will definitely ask than the beekeeper handled the hives and bees from ticks. If noadochimicates were used, then such submors can only be used for outdoor use. If the processing was carried out by plant preparations, you can safely prepare from raw materials tincture and decoctions.
  • It is necessary to dry the bees submorship only in the oven, as it may have a rotten smell in the outdoor.
  • If you are going to cook alcohol tinctures, then you need to take care of the acquisition of alcohol. You can cook a bee submore on vodka, just need to take a high quality product with good cleaning.

Tincture of the bee replacement - step-by-step recipe

When using a bee submorm, the alcohol tincture is most often used in the treatment, which has a large number of beneficial substances and methods of application.

  • First of all, for the preparation of the bee renorm on alcohol, you need to purchase high-quality submor. If you buy raw materials, be sure to dry in the oven.
  • Next, take the bees submore and grind it into powder. Optimally use the mortar, so you can get a smaller grinding.
  • After pouring 1 tablespoon of the powder from the submorm into a glass container. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the glass should be dark.
  • Fill the powder 200 ml of alcohol at least 40%, can be used and vodka.
  • All mix well, close and insist for 3 weeks in a dark place.
  • It is recommended to shake the content every day.
  • Depending on the disease, the proportions of ingredients in the tincture may vary in a large or smaller side.
  • In prophylactic purposes, the alcohol tincture is needed 15-20 drops after eating twice a day.

Decoration of the bee submora

  • To prepare a decoction, buy high-quality submority from proven sellers.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of dead bees and fill them with 500 ml of water.
  • Put the container with a mixture on fire and boil for 2 hours on slow fire. Next, remove the decoction and put it up. It is enough to withstand 2-3 hours.
  • After that, with the help of gauze or sieve, strain the mixture.
  • Store the decoction is needed in a dark capacity.
  • In prophylactic purposes, the decoction must be taken 100 grams per day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Rarkers of the bee rear - preparation recipe

  • The rake is the most effective means for outdoor use.
  • Take 100 grams of the rear and pour it with a small amount of boiling water.
  • The mixture must be insisted for 15 minutes, after which it is necessary to squeeze through the gauze.
  • To the patient, it is necessary to attach a triple layer of gauze and top to impose a bundle with pressed bees. Leave in the form of compress before cooling.

Powder of bee submoral

  • Such therapeutic powder can be prepared in two ways.
  • In the first version, you just need to dry the dead bees in the oven and then chop them with a blender or coffee grinder.
  • In another method of dead bees, it is necessary to fry in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of unrefined sunflower oil.
  • After that, the bees dried and crushed in a blender.
  • Take it recommended 1 teaspoon before meals for 1-2 months.

Liniment or ointment from bee rear

  • Before making bee submors, in the form of ointments, you need to dry or fry the dead bees and pull them into powder.
  • Next, take 3-4 tablespoons to be broken into the bee podmor powder and mix with hot olive or linen oil.
  • Place the mixture into a dark capacity, shake well.
  • Store ointment need in the refrigerator. With pain just rub a small amount of preheated ointment.

How to take bee subormity at various diseases

The above recipes can be modified depending on the disease in which therapeutic preparations are used.

  • In varicose veins Or skin diseases need to apply rake to the affected area approximately 4-5 times a day.
  • For the treatment of psoriasis You can use the following mixture. In the container it is necessary to pour one glass of olive oil and add a piece of bee wax to it. After that, put the container on the stove and keep until the wax is melting. Next, the mixture is left for some time to appease. In another capacity, take 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of the bee subluoron, 1 tablespoon of crushed propolis and 1 tablespoon of aloe juice. The mixtures of two tanks are mixed and brought to a boil. After cooling, the finished ointment can be applied to treatment.
  • For the prevention of the disease and increasing the tone of the entire body alcohol tincture must be taken twice a year. The dosage of the tincture is considered to be based on the age of a person - the number of droplets should be equal to the years. The daily dose is distributed to two receptions. The drug is accepted for half an hour before meals for a month.
  • In order to get rid of parasites The tincture of the beesproof on alcohol must take 25 drops once a day before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • To strengthen the vessels And stabilize the pressure take the tincture recommended one teaspoon once a day for 1-2 months. After that, you need to take a break and repeat the course again.
  • If you want to use bee submass for the treatment of diabetes, I need to take alcohol tincture once a day in an amount of 15 drops after meals. The course lasts for 1 month, after which it is worth making the same break and start treatment again.
  • If you suffer from strong articular pain, You can use the alcohol tincture for rubbing and compresses.
  • The alcohol tincture of bee submora is used for treatment of violations of the genitourinary system. The dosage is 1 tablespoon twice a day.
  • Beesh subormity with propolis can be used for treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. To do this, it is necessary to take one tablespoon of the crushed primor and pour it with 500 ml of water. Put on the fire and boil for 2 hours. Next, leave the mixture to be for about 2-3 hours. Perfoliate and add 2 tablespoons of honey and propolis. All thoroughly mix and the medicine can be used. Take such a decoction you need twice a day on 1 tablespoon. The course is 1 month, after which you need to take a break in one week.
  • For the treatment of myoma uterus It is necessary to take the alcohol tincture of the bee rear 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon. The course lasts for 2 months.
  • If there are pains in the joints, the spine, with various skin diseases You can use ointment. Previously, it is necessary to warm up, then apply a small ball to the problem area and rub the circular movements. You can use 4-5 times a day.

After the preparation of various preparations based on the bee submorm, it is necessary to remember the storage conditions:

  • The rake from the bee submora is stored no more than two days.
  • The decoction can be stored for about 3 days.
  • Alcohol tincture can be stored for 12 months.
  • The ointment of the bee submora can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months.

The bee subormity for people reviews is considered a fairly efficient and useful tool that helps to cope with the most different diseases. Use this natural material is best combined with medicines and strictly after consulting a doctor.


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