
Methods of teeth whitening

Methods of teeth whitening
How to whiten your teeth on their own and what professional procedures can help in this.

Boast of dazzling teeth to everyone. Someone they are given from nature, and someone has put efforts to acquire and preserve a beautiful smile. About how to whiten the teeth at home and what procedures on whitening are carried out in the clinic - in our article.

Teeth whitening in the office of the Professional


Wishes for teeth whitening are different. Someone wants to quickly whiten your teeth, someone is cheap. Someone loves the foundation, a professional approach to all physiological procedures, and someone to death is afraid of dental offices. One way or another, teeth whitening varies by:

  • duration (sometimes only one procedure is required lasting in 1 hour, and sometimes several sessions during the month);
  • bleaching level (from one tone to the effect of snow-white teeth);
  • utility / harm;
  • cost (from budget funds of traditional medicine to expensive laser whitening).

Photo Typhans of teeth

Photo Point is a technique at which you can whiten your teeth per day. It looks like this:

  • The doctor examines the oral cavity for contraindications.
  • It is prepared for bleaching - clean, lower the sensitivity of the teeth, make remotion. If there are any disposable dental deviations, they are necessarily eliminated before the procedure.
  • Examination of access to teeth with the installation of retractor and gum covering with a special solution.
  • A bleaching gel with a 30-35% hydrogen peroxide content is applied to the teeth.
  • The oral cavity is shined with a lamp from 10 to 45 minutes. The longer the time, the more interruptions make.

The ZOOM technique, named so on the name of the lamp. In this way, you can whiten the teeth for 5-6 tones in just 1 session, which will last 30-45 minutes.

Of the negative consequences, you can mention the necrotic pulp due to its overheating. Harm can also apply a non-professional preliminary inspection of the mouth, so it is better to spend the photo testing in the office of the professional. The cost of the procedure is 3-5 thousand rubles.

Laser teeth whitening

Similar to the previous, laser whitening consists of the same stages:

  • inspection;
  • elimination of negative factors;
  • applying gel;
  • the glow procedure.

With the difference that the laser whitening uses another light - laser and infrared, the other composition of the gel, and before the procedure you can carry out remineralization to prevent the sensitivity of the teeth.

The result of laser whitening is superior to phototracting. Laser can be whiten by 8-12 tones. After all, he spends an active substance deeper into enamel. To keep color will be at least 6 months. This time can be extended to the right teeth care (cleaning of plaque, pencil for bleaching), and cut (smoking, drinking beverages).

The main minus of laser whitening is tingling, pain in the teeth during the procedure and sensitivity after it. You can fight first using anesthetics that will offer a dentist if you say about your fears. With the second, in addition to remineralization, fluoridation also copes. The cost of bleaching in the economy class clinic is read from 7.5 -12 thousand rubles.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth

Ultrasound whitening is very similar to thorough, high-quality cleaning of teeth. This procedure, mostly, brightens his teeth by removing the dental stone, plaque, eliminate traces of poor-quality cleansing. The effect of it can be expressed in the estimate of up to 5 tones. In addition, ultrasound whitening is considered the least traumatic for the oral procedure. The thing is how it happens. Teeth are cleaned with water from an ultrasonic skewer. Ultrasonic impact itself The patient does not feel. That is, there will be no painful sensations from heating tooth, such as in previous procedures. After exposure to the fluid, gel is applied on the teeth. Its action is:

  • enamel defense,
  • her polishing
  • filling the microcracks.

The procedure of bleaching ultrasound lasts about 10 minutes. More time will take cooking and grease gel. Conducts ultrasound teeth whitening in 2-5 thousand rubles.

Whitening at home

Above the question than you can whiten your teeth thinks almost everyone. Many specialists tried to make this procedure painless, effective, such that can be carried out even at home. Now whiten your teeth at home can be bleaching stripes, pencils and pasta for teeth.

Whitening strips for teeth


With this method, transparent stripes are pasted 1 time per day.

  • Get one plate from packaging.
  • Divide a longer strip. Tightly attach it to the top row of teeth.
  • Also spare and fasten the second strip - to the bottom row.

The duration of wearing depends on the choice of bleaching strips for teeth, it is indicated in the instructions. Basically, it is 30 minutes. Over the time wearing it is convenient to keep track of using the timer. The duration of the course varies depending on how the tones need to whiten the teeth. On average, it is 7-28 days. During this period, it is undesirable to drink coloring products and drinks, smoking. Carefully treat cold and hot. All these rules should be followed, because enamel these days are weakened, and the tubules in it, going to the lower layers of the tooth, are open.

Bleaching strips are fixed for teeth hard, so you can talk to them without fear that they will fly. Some discomfort can cause a bubble in the interaction of the active substance with saliva. But it is not difficult to endure. Order strips on the Internet can be 2-3 thousand rubles.

Teeth bleaching pencil


The acting substance is whitening gel. You just need to open a pencil and spend on all the surfaces of the teeth, which are views when conversation. For the first procedure, it clarifies several tones. Many pencils are made with the ability to care for the oral cavity and respiratory refreshment. Pencils are advised as a means of maintaining a whiteness created by laser whitening. However, the methods for preserving the result is better to ask the dentist, who worked with your teeth immediately after the procedure.

Whitening pencil for teeth - means located in the golden middle of bleaching methods. This is not a difficult expensive procedure associated with the office of the dentist. But this is not a home uncontrolled unsafe for enamel method. The effect of the pencil is most significant, because it is like paint changes the color of the teeth to the desired.

Pencil will cost 1.7 thousand rubles. The systematic use depends on the effect to achieve. These can be disposable rare bleaching, and maybe constant use of a pencil according to the instructions.

Whitening pastes for teeth

tooth paste-in-gum_shutterstock_83039137

The most understandable way to whiten your teeth. We use the paste as well as with the usual cleaning of the teeth. But the mark "whitening" on the box is not enough. Pasta should be professional with gentle whitening. Use it as ordinary (applied to the brush and clean your teeth for about three minutes) or in accordance with the instructions. As a result, the use of teeth become white on 1-2 tones. But it is necessary to monitor the duration of application. Whitening paste for teeth should not be used for longer than a month. If you exceed the permissible period, the negative effects of bleaching, such as sensitivity, will rise at times. So, dentists advise alternate this paste with usual.

Famous brands of whitening toothpastes - r .O.c.k., Splat, Colgate. Initial cost - 230-280 rubles.

People's teeth whitening methods

In order for a person to do on a professional basis, once he did it handling, at home. Apparently, the experiments of those who tried to whiten the teeth at home were crowned with success. Now we have baggage of folk remedies, which with one degree or another degree of success and harm whiten your teeth. The best of them on safety is the use of lemon crust and activated carbon. According to performance, it is difficult to get around the peroxide and soda, but harm from their application is also difficult to exceed.

Teeth whitening soda


Soda - a kind of an example of how to whiten teeth at home. A common method is the rubbing soda bleaching teeth, wrapped in gauze. It's a pretty aggressive way, which together with the plaque removes enamel. More intrusive option - "home toothpaste." It made of equal parts of baking soda, salt, olive oil and eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus conceals diminishes the negative effects of soda as an abrasive. Clean teeth powder in the following sequence:

  • Wetting or rinse your mouth.
  • On toothbrush applied powder.
  • Massaged teeth 3 minutes, as in the conventional cleaning.
  • Rinse mouth.

As a rule, if the soda to whiten teeth, then they lighten up the original color. But dentists do not recommend teeth whitening is because the probability of severe damage to the enamel is too high.

The question is, how much it costs to whiten your teeth in this way, is usually removed because soda is, almost each family on the shelves.

Whitening lemon peel


This method is most commonly associated with people's councils. Use lemon can be different:

  • wipe crust teeth (some use pulp);
  • chew lemon rind in a few minutes;
  • over conventional brushing drip on a pea of \u200b\u200btoothpaste a few drops of lemon juice.

The action of citric acid is that it removes plaque. Thus, the teeth become lighter, but not much. That is the question, is it possible to whiten your teeth a lemon to a perfect white, the answer is no. Because there is no impact on the dentine - the part of the tooth, which is largely responsible for its color. The result will be visible immediately. Dentists are not strongly protest against this bleaching process, which is equal to the value pairs of lemons. This is probably one of the few ways to whiten teeth without harm. Specific contraindications of this method - gastric diseases, such as high acidity.

Tooth Whitening with hydrogen peroxide


Hydrogen peroxide is used not only in hair lightening. Teeth can also be bleached using this liquid. The method ingeniously simple:

  • it is applied to cotton wool little peroxide
  • it is wiped the outer side of the tooth.

The effect is visible at once, clarification occurs a few shades. But how easy it is in this manner to achieve a result, just as easily destroy the tooth enamel. If the bleaching composition gels or strips near the peroxide has a substance, which reduce its adverse effect, then taken from a jar, concentrated, it is rigidly affects enamel.

Tips of acquaintances regarding teeth whitening hydrogen peroxide should be carefully analyzed. People have a different level of sensitivity and the fortress of teeth. Someone can prick teeth nuts, others can fly away from the bagel. The use of peroxide is characterized by the saying: "I will pay a miser twice." The likelihood is that after cheap bleaching (the jar of peroxide is only 10 rubles) will follow expensive treatment at the dentist.

Teeth whitening coal


Clean the teeth of activated carbon are needed according to the algorithm described in the section on cleaning with soda. This is not such an aggressive way to whiten your teeth as the use of peroxide. Nevertheless, the probability of destroying the teeth is significant. Therefore, whiten the teeth with coal is not more often 3 times a week. Although healthy strong teeth 1 cleaning per month can not at all deliver serious negative consequences.

For whitening, you need to take a tablet of activated carbon and missed it in a small amount of water. This mixture brushes the teeth, as they make ordinary toothpaste. The price of teeth whitening coal is minimal - convaluta of 10 activated carbon tablets costs about 8 rubles.

Contraindications for teeth whitening

No matter how much you wanted to have a beautiful smile, it is worth considering how much she can do. Even if you really want to have a stunning whiteness of the teeth, you should not neglect contraindications. Before bleaching, you need to consult a dentist to which you constantly go. This specialist should deal with the level of soreness of your gums and sensitivity of the teeth. If you have something from the list, you must consult with the dentist:

  • gum diseases,
  • allergies to the components of common dental drugs,
  • caries,
  • estimated cracks on the surface of the teeth,
  • the exposure of the roots of the teeth.

There is a list and absolute contraindications, in the presence of which even a dentist can not be asked - the whitening cannot be carried out.

  • Wearing braces.
  • Age up to 18 years old.
  • Pregnancy and feeding.

How to whiten your teeth. Comment by the dentist. Video

You can watch the video on how to whiten your teeth, and which consequences of each of the whitening methods can be.


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