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How to strengthen immunity

How to strengthen immunity
Methods and means to increase immunity.

Immunity is a natural barrier that provides the body's resistance to infections. There are many viruses and bacteria, allergens and parasites - we encounter them every day. We are protected by our own immune system from pathogenic influences, and our health and well -being depend on its functioning.

Types of immunity

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The following types of immunity are distinguished depending on origin:

  • Congenital or natural immunity of a person is the protective functions of the body acquired with intrauterine development and birth. Such immunity provides protection for our body by more than 60%. It is formed first thanks to the immunoglobulin of the mother entering the placenta, and is subsequently supported with the help of their own antibodies and immunoglobulins (cells that absorb and neutralize the incoming microorganisms). Provide it:
  • mechanical barriers (leather and mucous membranes);
  • physiological reactions (tears, saliva, coughing, sneezing, the appearance of high temperature and others);
  • chemical reactions that suppress the infection in the body;
  • cellular immunity (lymphocytes of various species destroy or remove pathogenic bodies from the body);
  • humoral immunity - various proteins of blood and other biological fluids produce antibodies to each antigen entering the human body.
  • The acquired (specific) immunity of the body is formed throughout life and specializes in the development of antibodies for each individual case. Protection is activated only when foreign elements hit. This type of immunity has memory and helps to develop the body's stability to a specific pathogen. Such stability develops as a result of vaccination either after the disease - and remains for life (or for a long time).

strengthening immunity

Congenital and specific immunity begins to form simultaneously, in the future the spleen is responsible for the natural immunity of the body, and the bone marrow and the fork iron are responsible for the acquired.

Signs and reasons for reducing immunity

You can call several signs indicating a decrease in immune activity, including:

  • increased fatigue of the body, as well as a sense of constant fatigue;
  • nonfires with sleep - constant drowsiness or, on the contrary, the presence of insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • unstable emotional state, irritability, depression;
  • constant muscle "fatigue", aches in the joints;
  • sensitive skin, tendency to allergies;
  • frequent colds (more than five times a year in adults and more than six times a year in children);
  • prolonged bronchitis, purulent diseases of ENT organs;
  • problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis;
  • long-high body temperature in the range of 37.5-38 ° C.

Various ailments and diseases can join the above symptoms, starting from banal colds and herpes - the body does not cope with infections. At the next stage, the appearance of a whole “bouquet” of various chronic diseases is possible.


It should be noted that very often a decrease in immunity is provoked by stress and increased loads on the body. There are professions related to the risk group - these include pilots, professional athletes and military personnel, private entrepreneurs, etc. An irregular working day, night shifts, prolonged overstrain act as a decrease in immunity. Also, surgical surgery has a stressful effect on the body with a decrease in its protective functions.

The risk group includes people who do not observe the normal diet and sleep, rest and physical activity, as well as people of advanced age.

How to strengthen immunity

To strengthen the protective properties of the body and raise immunity, you can use various methods of exposure:

  • non -kerative methods - increasing immunity naturally (changing the power mode and motor activity, etc.);
  • use of drugs to enhance immunity;
  • the use of folk remedies to increase immunity.

First of all, in order to strengthen immunity, a careful and attentive attitude to your body is necessary. The immune system is subtly tuned and depends on many factors, among which:

  • A stable lifestyle in compliance with the regime of motor activity and rest. To strengthen immunity, it is necessary to observe gradual in everything, including a change in the diet, hardening and health procedures.
  • Alternation of mental and physical activity. To increase immunity, you need to learn how to relax and relieve fatigue. A full sleep is mandatory.
  • A balanced diet to increase immunity with the consumption of a sufficient amount of proteins, fiber, vitamins (especially A, C, E and group B) and mineral substances. To strengthen immunity, increase the share of raw vegetables and fruits, sour -milk products in your diet.

Avoid the so -called "garbage" food, stuffed with preservatives, baking powder and dyes.

  • Compliance with the drinking regime - to strengthen immunity, to quench thirst, use clean water in sufficient quantities. Sharped sweet drinks and juices of industrial production, to put it mildly, do not belong to useful drinks.
  • To strengthen immunity, try to minimize bad habits and the effects of stress factors. Alcohol, smoking, many hours of views of television programs and sitting at the computer - all dependencies to one degree or another can adversely affect our immunity.
  • To increase immunity, take a vaccination in a timely manner. Follow the vaccination schedule in children.
  • To strengthen immunity, try to save a positive view of the world - psychologists say that optimists are much less likely to get sick and easier to endure stress.

  Preparations to increase immunity

There are drugs that strengthen weak immunity - they are used to protect the body from the action of viruses and infections, and also contribute to the more easy course of a particular disease.

There are several types of drugs to increase immunity - these include:

  • natural plant drugs to increase immunity (tincture of echinacea to increase immunity, eleutherococcus extract, Chinese lemongrass);
  • immunitors of bacterial origin to increase immunity (bronchomunal, ribomunyl);
  • interferon drugs to increase immunity (fluPferon, viferon);
  • timus drugs to increase immunity (Timalin, T-Aktin);
  • nucleic acid preparations (Ridostin, Derinate);
  • biogenic stimulants to increase immunity (aloe extract, vitreous body);
  • synthetic and combined drugs, including vitamins for increasing immunity (Timogen, Galavit, complivitis).


Natural drugs based on plant materials in modern medicine are considered safe. These funds can be used to strengthen the immunity of adults and children. As for the rest of the drugs to increase immunity, their doctor prescribes individually. First you need to undergo a medical examination, pass a clinical blood test (especially for children, primarily under the age of 3 years) - on the basis of the data on the presence of different types of lymphocytes, drugs are individually prescribed to increase immunity. Using these drugs to increase immunity, do not forget about regular walks in the fresh air, healthy sleep, full nutrition.

Folk remedies to increase immunity

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and timely vaccination will increase the body's resistance, but often it still needs additional support to strengthen weak immunity. To do this, you can use the recipes to increase immunity from among the proven means of traditional medicine.

Bee and honey parch to increase immunity


To increase immunity, it is very effective in the use of beekeeping products, they contain a whole set of beneficial substances, including provitamin A and vitamins C, E, as well as group B, folic acid.

Pergen - collected by bees and bee pollen pichelin - has a tonic and stimulating body forces of the body, increases the resistance of diseases, is an effective tool for increasing immunity in children (especially those on breastfeeding). To exclude an allergic reaction, before using Perga, you need to test the allergies at the bend of the elbow.

To increase immunity to a child to a year, you can give 1/4 teaspoon of perga per day.

A mixture of honey and perga in equal parts is recommended to take:

  • for children from 14 years old and adults - three times a day 15 minutes before meals one teaspoon, washed down with water;
  • for children from 3 years old - a quarter of a teaspoon per day.

Ginger to increase immunity


Ginger has anti -inflammatory, antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Ginger root is used for the preparation of medicinal teas and tinctures, added to various dishes to increase the resistance of the body. There are some contraindications for the use of ginger: children's age up to 2 years, the period of lactation, colitis and cholelithiasis.

Ginger tea (recipe for increasing immunity): half a tablespoon of crushed ginger is brewed with a liter of boiling water. Drink with honey hot and cold.

Lemon to increase immunity


As you know, these citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, as well as other beneficial substances, differ in powerful antiviral and antibacterial effects in the treatment of colds. Lemons are often used as part of folk remedies to increase immunity:

  • Honey-lemon mixture to increase immunity: take two lemons, chop together with the zest with a meat grinder, add 100 g of honey and mix. The resulting mixture to increase immunity can be added to tea or consumed as jam.
  • Garlic-lemon tincture to increase immunity: cloves of one middle head of garlic and one lemon, grind in a meat grinder or wipe on a grater, mix and pour 0.5 hot boiled water, insist three days. Strain the resulting infusion to increase immunity, take 1/3 cup on an empty stomach in the morning.

How to strengthen immunity? Video



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