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Causes and symptoms of purulent jams in the throat. How to get rid of purulent jams in the throat in adults and children. Treatment of purulent traffic jams at home

Causes and symptoms of purulent jams in the throat. How to get rid of purulent jams in the throat in adults and children. Treatment of purulent traffic jams at home
The article is described how you can remove purulent plugs by drugs and folk methods.

Very often, at cold weather, adults and children are sick with colds. At the same time, together with the redness of the throat, casease (purulent) corks appear. Purulent plugs in glasses indicate the presence of a serious inflammatory process that occurs during lacunar or follicular angina, tonsillitis, as well as pharyngitis. Next, we will tell about how can remove purulent tubes with drugs and folk methods.

What is purulent plugs in the throat

Before proceeding to the description of the treatment technique, let's try to figure out what purulent plugs are in almonds, and why they appear. So, almonds and glands located in the oral cavity, have peculiar depressions in their structure. In medical terminology, they got a name - lacuna. They can be counted on the surface of the almonds more than 15-20 pcs. During the inflammatory process, the tissue of the oral cavity is amazed by various viruses and bacteria. At the same time, the lacuna is filled with leukocytes, which the immune system "sends" to combat harmful bacteria. As a result, purulent plugs for tonsillite or other colds are formed. Caseous tubes are accumulation of viruses cells, as well as dead tissues affected during the disease. Over time, a large amount accumulates them, and they solidify, forming one-piece mass.

People with a strong immune system may have purulent plugs without temperature. At the same time, as the organism recovers, they disappear independently. However, people with poor health appear purulent plugs with high temperatures, while over time they go into chronic state, that is, firmly "justify" on the surface of the almonds or gland. Moreover, even with an independent inspection of the oral cavity, on the mucous membranes you can see the presence of bright yellowish-white spots, lymphs and white plates. In this case, there is an unpleasant smell of mouth.

Most often purulent traffic jams in children under 18, since it is at this age that the immune system is the most unstable. But in some cases, this phenomenon is observed in adults to 40-45 years.

Purulent traffic jams: reasons

Caseous tubes with tonsillitis, pharyngitis or other diseases of the oral cavity can appear as a result of the action of the following harmful microorganisms:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • mushroom Candids;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia.

You can get infected with harmful microorganisms on your own when contacting a sick person (with sneezing, cough). Another infection can get on the mucous membrane of the gaymorovy sinuses, the foci of caries in the teeth, etc. The most dangerous view of the colds is diphtheria. With this ailment, purulent traffic jams are acquired, accompanied by a strong increase in body temperature, sore throat, increasing lymph nodes, etc.

Concomitant factors affecting the severity of the disease are:

  • Weakening of immunity due to any disease of the gastrointestinal organs or the genitourinary system.
  • Body supercooling.
  • Lack of consumption of vitamins.
  • Incompute nutrition.
  • Allergy.

With follicular and lacunar angina, adults and children are formed by traffic jams not only than white, but also bright yellow colors (pus accumulates in them). At the same time, there is a presence of concomitant symptoms - severe throat pain, body fever, general weakness, drowsiness, headache, loss of appetite, etc.

Sometimes to remove chronic inflammation in glazes, they are completely removed. In this case, remove purulent plugs would not anyway, because they can be localized on other parts of the mucous membrane - on the throat or in the language. At the same time, infection will often fall into the lungs and bronchi, since the glands are a kind of "filter" in the respiratory tract.

Fine removal of purulent plugs in the throat can provoke the penetration of bacteria into the heart muscle, kidneys, joints.

Purulent plugs in the throat: how to get rid of

What to do with the appearance of purulent traffic jams? Note that it is not worth removing them yourself using cotton sticks, since you can injure the mucous membrane that will entail more serious problems. It is better to take advantage of medication treatment in a complex with folk methods. To remove the foci of inflammation in the throat, antibiotics therapy should be applied. This will help reduce the inflammatory process, as well as suspend its distribution. As these drugs fit:

  • Oxacillin,
  • Ampicillin trihydrate
  • Amoxicillin,
  • Amoxiclav / clavulanic acid.

Before taking antibiotics, it is necessary to analyze the sensitivity of the flora to this drug. Treatment of purulent traffic jams will be most effective if it is used that the drug to which harmful bacteria is most susceptible.

If the analysis on the sensitivity of the flora is not possible, then the preparations of a wide range of action are prescribed:

  • Azithoks
  • Factor
  • Sumamed
  • Zefisim,
  • Clabaks,
  • Clarithromycin.

Rinse purulent plugs can be drinned (washing with a syringe under pressure). For this purpose, local action antibiotics, a solution of furacillin, permanganate potassium, Miramistin are used. Very effective inhalation with bioparox, Decasan. Purulent plugs are output only when the focus of inflammation is eliminated and harmful bacteria that cause diseases of the mucous membrane are eliminated.

It is worth saying that the heaviest kind of angina is diphtheria. This is a rather complicated disease that is dangerous by their consequences. Therefore, children who have suspicion of this disease are subject to immediate hospitalization. Treatment of diphtheria angina at home is categorically prohibited. Identify the disease of the diphtheria angina pediatrician may already have an initial inspection of the throat of the child. In this case, additional tests are not necessary. The disease is characterized by specific purulent spots on the throat of a child, which, when removing a cotton swab, brings severe pain.

Quite often with the problem of purulent traffic jams in the throat and adults are also treated. The reason for their appearance is mainly the problem with the immune system. Against the background of reduced immunity, a bad environmental situation in a region of residence, a person constantly suffers from pharyngitis or tonsillitis, which are complicated by the appearance of purulent traffic jams. A constant problem with them causes an unpleasant smell of mouth, a constant feeling of throat pain, deterioration of the overall state. Purulent plugs can cause many complications such as paratronzillar abscess, or phlegmon neck. This is a rather dangerous state that heavily treats. Also neglected cases of purulent angina may cause chronic kidney and heart disease.

In addition to conservative treatment, additional patients are prescribed:

  • Immunostimulants, such as interferon, immunal, various tinctures of medicinal plants, aloe extract intramuscularly.
  • Vitamins for improving metabolism and stimulation of the immune system. Basically, these are vitamins C, B6, B12, PP.
  • In addition to general immunomodulators, the effects of local applications bring, such as IRS-19 in the form of an aerosol, the nasal drops of isofra, lysozyme.
  • Inhalation with isotonic solutions with phytoncides.
  • Gargling. This conservative method has always brought good results. The main solution for rinse is considered salt-alkaline (soda and salt). In some cases, several yoda droplets add to it. Also for rinsing the tincture of herbs, oak, propolis bark and other healing plants are used.

To accelerate the recovery process, physiotherapeutic procedures prescribe patients. With a constant appearance of purulent traffic jams with an angina transition to a chronic heavy stage, a complete excision is carried out.

Purulent traffic jams: Treatment at home by folk methods

The use of folk agents, first of all, is aimed at the general and local strengthening of immunity, the removal of acute inflammation and pain syndrome, as well as improved patient well-being:

  • Propolis. Propolis tincture When using it for rinsing, it relieves inflammation well and strengthens immunity. Recently, propolis gums that have antiseptic properties have become very popular.
  • The rinsing of a honey-beet-lemon solution helps to remove inflammation and speed up the process of rejection of purulent plugs. The solution is very simple. On 200 grams of water takes on one tablespoon of each of the ingredients. You need to rinse for a long time - more than 2 minutes to 7 times a day.

Prevention of purulent jams in the throat

The prevention of purulent angina is as follows:

  • Care of the oral cavity and teeth, including timely treatment of caries and pulpitis.
  • Care for the nasal cavity, treatment of the nose sinuses when the slightest problems appears.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, maintaining the optimal temperature regime, humidity and cleanliness indoors.
  • Strengthening immunity, proper nutrition, constant reception of vitamins.
  • Avoiding contact with patients, restriction of public seats during the ARVI epidemic.
  • Conduct timely vaccination.

Purulent traffic jams: photo


Purulent plugs, treatment: video


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