
Dailed back - how to treat?

Dailed back - how to treat?
The article gives a description of symptoms, if the back is blown, a medical method of treatment and at home, recommendations for avoiding this ailment.

Our back is a part of the body that undergoes significant loads every day. The back is a skeleton inherited as Khordov. The loads of the back and during pregnancy go. After all, a woman, unlike mammals, transfers pregnancy on two limbs, and not on four. Changes in the spine are characteristic of any age: in childhood, when we go to dances and acrobatics - microtrauma, bruises; In your youth, when we help the elders wear heavy bags and move furniture - stagnation, radiculitis; In adulthood, the bone skeleton begins to weaken and problems with the back begin to increase.

Back back: the main reasons

The back was blowing and the lower back hurts - what to do? We are faced with this problem at any age. Without paying her due attention, we aggravate the situation when the cold grows into a chronic one. But you can cope with her, knowing the causes of back pain:

  • Drafts are number one enemies for our back. When the flows of even warm air are found, they form a blow dangerous for the back. Thus, myosites and lumbar pains are easily provoked. It is easy to control your back when the windows are open on ventilation in a car and public transport.
  • Air conditioners in shops, sports clubs, beauty salons, large supermarkets on departments with perishable products (dairy, meat). The temperature of the air conditioner should not be lower than the body temperature by more than 6-8 degrees. And since the most common mode of 20 degrees - so think about where the back pain came from, if the maximum of how much could be turned on - 26 degrees (minus 10 degrees from normal temperature, which is 36 degrees).

Take care of your health and do not hesitate to talk in order to normalize the temperature regime in the room that you work or learn. Because you will have to be treated later. aires_acondicionados_ (2)

The back was blowing and the lower back hurts - this is when you come in cool from the heat, and vice versa. The muscles, not having time to quickly switch to another, opposite temperature, are frozen in spasm.

  • Temperature fluctuations, which, like drafts, easily lead to the blowing back. In the summer period, we are entering the cool sea - this is where the spinal muscles come from. You must either swim immediately, or wait until the body temperature after the scorching sun decreases. And to enter a reservoir with a temperature below 10 degrees of body temperature in any case is not recommended. This is especially true for children who, without hesitation, run to splash.

Back back: the main symptoms


The main signs that the back was blown out do not appear immediately, but after 10-15 hours, when muscle tissue hardened and pain became tangible. Depending on how much you have undergone hypothermia, change of temperatures, ailment can manifest itself both in the form of a separate symptom and accompanied by aggregate symptoms:

  • acute pains and departures in the lumbar spine; the occurrence of difficulties with movement:
  • you cannot stand abruptly, go quickly, bend;
  • numbness or burning in the back;
  • swelling of the skin in the lumbar region;
  • muscle atrophy of the dorsal department;
  • urination problems: frequent trips to the toilet;
  • violation of the cycle of menstruation in women;
  • an increase in temperature as a sign of an inflammatory process in the body. Very often, when the back was blown, the muscles become solid, the shoulder blade, leg, and the gluteal muscle begins to hurt.

What is not recommended for hypothermia:

  • Fight in the bathhouse or take hot baths. It’s mistakenly believing that such procedures will relieve pain and numbness of the muscles, you can only harm yourself. The muscles, being in a frozen position, must first be massaged, and then warm. It is also not worth experimenting with critical temperatures in the bath. For these purposes, ointments, gels, banks, etc. are best suited.


  • Do not rush with self -medication until you have exactly established the cause of myositis and back pain. The motto of any self -medication is the expression: "Do not harm." To begin with, you should clearly track the symptoms to understand that your back is really blown, and not osteochondrosis, inflammation of the kidneys or female organs. It is best to consult a doctor for help for a correct diagnosis. And then to combine the medical method of treatment with gentle drugs from traditional medicine.

Back back: Prevention of back pain

In order to have no problems with the back, you should avoid:

  • hardening procedures without preliminary preparation and wiping;
  • dress the weather and avoid in the cold season of fashionable things with a low waist. It is best to wear clothing from natural fabrics and to wear it in several layers to achieve the thermal effect;
  • avoid a sharp change in temperature;
  • do not turn on the air conditioner as you left the shower;
  • do preventive exercises;
  • use physiotherapy and massage to avoid back problems.

Physiotherapy and massage

Physiotherapy and massage are effective only in the absence of acute shooting pains and distortions of the back. They are more likely to prevent diseases of the back, but have a healing effect on the entire body.

These procedures can be carried out both in the complex and separately from each other.

The main advantages of these procedures are:

  • decrease in drug consumption;
  • lack of allergic reactions;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • activation of blood flow throughout the body;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • increasing activity.

Preventive measures to increase efficiency should always be carried out on an ongoing basis. And if acute pain appeared to avoid additional risk of developing such an ailment into chronic, not limited only to manual therapy, but immediately consult a doctor.

Therapeutic starvation

The propaganda of the healing properties of starvation is described by many practitioners, such as Nikolai Amosov, Paul Bregg and others. These people, as confirming the effectiveness of their methods, were long-lived.

It would seem, as you can cure your back with hunger. It should be noted that hunger is a good analgesic for the body and in some cases treats even the most complex diseases. This fact is explained by the fact that depriving our body of food, we facilitate the functioning of the digestive system, and, therefore, most of the efforts of our body, prone to the process of self -healing, are not aimed at digesting, but at healing the focus of pain.

Fasting implies a plentiful drink. It is recommended to drink 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day: clean water, herbs. You can include low -fat kefir, yogurt in the diet.

However, this method is radical, and it should be resorted to only by preliminary consultation with a doctor and in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Healing gymnastics

The therapeutic gymnastics developed by the famous athlete V. Dikul using simple exercises will help to prevent the appearance of problems with the back.

Exercise 1.Starting position - emphasis on the floor with palms and knees, the body should form a straight line. Thinking your back down, stretching with your stomach to the floor, throw your head as much as possible up. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 2. Starting position - lying on the back on a solid surface. Bend the left leg in the knee, pull it to the chest as much as possible, fix this position at 10-15 s. Exercise alternate for both legs. Perform 15-20 times 1-2 approaches.

Exercise 3. Starting position - lying on the stomach on a solid surface. The legs are extended, closed together. Bend your hands in the elbow joint and raise the upper body, as if you are trying to reach an imaginary object. Perform 10-15 times.

Exercise 4. "Martin". Starting position - standing, legs together. Bend the upper body parallel to the floor, put your hands to the sides, focus on one leg, and the other is as much as possible up. Repeat such an exercise for each limb 5-10 times.

Exercise 5. "Twisting." Starting position - lying on the floor, knees bent, hands behind the head. Performing the trunk on the left and right side, without tearing the buttocks from the floor. Repeat 5-10 times 1-2 approaches.

Repeating these simple exercises daily, you can develop muscles and joints of the back. In general, any gymnastics classes at home, swimming, yoga, Pilates will certainly help you avoid problems with the lower back.

Blowed back: treatment with a drug method

Many have a question: what to do if the back is blown. In order to remove pain syndrome, you can use painkillers, alcohol -containing compresses, warming ointments and gels, injections, special procedures (physiotherapy and electrophoresis).

As emergency therapy, the following algorithm of action must be performed:

  1. Put the patient on an even hard surface in a position convenient for him. Close from the clothes of the back of the back.
  2.   In acute pain, give painkillers: Analgin, Helpex, Ketanov or Spazgan.
  3. Grind the lower back with a warming ointment: indomethacin, finalgon, apisartron or capsicam. These ointments will help warm up the frozen muscles to relieve pain. However, it should be remembered that the warming gels have a greater radius of penetration, unlike the surface exposure of ointments. The back can also be rubbed with alcohol, vodka, propolis. For deeper penetration, you should use electrophoresis.
  4. Wrap a wrapped with a warm scarf or plaid a smeared section.
  5. With ongoing pain, consult a doctor. Most likely, you are prescribed a course of injections, physiotherapy and/or massage.

Back back: treatment at home

If you blow your back and know how to treat, you can deal with this problem at home. Although it is better to combine such therapy with a medical method.

The following methods of therapy for lumbar pain can be attributed to folk medicine:

  •   Rubbing of the back with alcohol -containing tinctures. You can use just pure alcohol, vodka, propolis. Such manipulations heat the skin of the lower back, due to which the meek is enhanced, which actively circulates around the lesion and actually removes toxins.
  •   The use of "dry heating pads". This is the name of the procedures with applying previously heated bags with salt to the sore lower back. Or gluing mustard. Such manipulations allow you to remove pain symptoms and warm up the muscles hardened in spasm.
  •   Paying compresses for the back. Close such a compress with cling film and tie a warm scarf or scarf around the back.

Recipe 1. Mustard compress. Mix 1 tsp. mustard dry powder with 30 ml of tea -braked. Keep 15-20 minutes. 2 times a day.

Recipe 2. Honey-chronicle compress. 1 tsp. Mixed honey mix with 1 tbsp. l. Raw grated horseradish on a fine grater. Stir thoroughly. Apply evenly resulting gruel to the cabbage leaf, cover them with a focus of pain, cover with plastic and wrap for 30-40 minutes on top.

Recipe 3. Tincture of horse chestnut. In 0.5 l of alcohol, add 150 g of crushed horse chestnut. Close the container and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then drain the liquid, removing the precipitate, add 100 ml of boiled water there. Rubir is ready. You can use it on the occasion of necessity not only for the back, but also to remove tired legs.

Recipe 4. Dandelion tincture. In 1 liter of alcohol add 500 g of yellow dandelions. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place.

Recipe 5. Tincture of sage and saber. Take 250 g of each grass, pour 1 liter of alcohol. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place.

  •   Wearing a belt from dog or sheep's wool, which contribute to the activation of blood flow and warming the lesion.

In cases where the back was blown, you should not be frivolously treated not to get chronic diseases.

Qigong gymnastics for the spine: video

Your health is in your hands. Be healthy!



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