
Types of face skin

Types of face skin
In order for the face care to be full, it is important to correctly determine the type of skin. How to do this, you will find out in the article.

More than anything, any of the women-whether she is a “cozy” housewife or a holder business woman-would like to remain young and attractive as long as possible. But years, without looking back, are flying forward, leaving all new wrinkles as a keepsake. Of course, we are not able to turn the time, but to slow down the natural aging processes to look a few years younger, it is quite real. Daily care of skin care is the key to a beautiful appearance and self -confidence.

A daily and special program for skin care measures is selected depending on their skin type. Cleaning, toning and nutrition of the skin will be full only if the skin type is determined correctly.

Human skin types: distinctive features and nuances

The set and structure of the skin of the skin is the same for all people, then why is its appearance in each person are individual? It's all about the sebaceous glands that work with different intensity, which will certainly affect the condition of the skin of the face.
Traditionally, such skin types are distinguished:

  • normal;
  • dry;
  • fatty;
  • mixed.

It is the skin type that will tell you which ledge program to choose for the skin to look 100! Let's look at each type.

The skin is normal

Clean, dense, elastic, fresh, radiant, smooth - these are insurmounted characteristics for normal skin. The face of the owner of normal skin is devoid of stains, oily sheen and the reddish-blue vessels of the blue and there. Unfortunately, this type of skin today is increasingly found on the pages of magazines about female beauty, and not in everyday life. The poor ecology and the wrong lifestyle are to blame for this. Over time, normal skin adopts dry -type features.


Dry skin

It looks thin and vulnerable. Vascular stars appear through loose skin with age. Most often this happens on the cheeks. A face with such skin reacts very painfully to the influence of not always a friendly environment, which manifests itself in the form of redness and peeling. If you do not provide such sensitive skin with proper care, it quickly loses its elasticity and ages, losing moisture and fats.


Oily skin

A distinctive sign of skin of this type is expanded pores and oily shine caused by an excess of sebum. In general, the skin looks rude. Often, black dots (acne) and single purulent pimples appear on oily skin. The predominant shade of the face is grayish. However, such leather and dignity have: it is very elastic, it tolerates contact with an aggressive external environment and protects the face from premature aging. In women, after 30 years, oily skin usually goes into mixed ones.


Skin mixed type

This type of skin is considered the most common. It is easy to recognize by the appearance of the skin in the so-called T-zone (forehead-nose-chin): it is dotted with dilated pores and shines. Often in the same area, black dots accumulate. In this case, the cheeks and the area around the eyes are distinguished by normal or dry skin. In some cases, the mixed type of skin over time acquires the features of normal skin.


These are the main types of skin. Some sources add sensitive and depressed skin to them, but this is not entirely correct. These indicators can be characteristic of any of the four types of skin. For example, dry and mixed skin is mainly prone to sensitivity, and intake is just the result of improper skin care or the cost of environmental conditions.
The degree of sensitivity to environmental conditions can also be determined not by the type, but by skin color. Based on the prevailing shade, yellowish and reddish skin is distinguished.

The yellowish complexion is very common in women with Slavic roots. Shades can vary from light to dark. Light yellow skin (in other words, ivory color) looks very beautiful-it is transparent and delicate, and the dark yellow skin of the skin obeys the eye with its olive shade. Yellowish skin, as a rule, has a good degree of resistance to environmental conditions.

With a cursory look at the reddish skin, it seems as if it is very strong and healthy, but this is not entirely true. In fact, it is more sensitive to weather and other conditions than the skin of a yellowish tint. Pale reddish skin (provided that it is healthy) looks so attractive that it is called porcelain. Dark by nature or tanned reddish skin is impressive with a palette of copper shades.

Beauty Visual ABOUT SUNTAN. Model's face divided in two parts - tanned and blanc.

An individual face care program is made up on the basis of the features of the skin itself.

Ways to determine the type of skin

You can find out that you are the owner of which type of skin, can be without the help of a cosmetologist. To do this, use our recommendations. First of all, remove the makeup and carefully cleanse the skin without applying the cream and other cosmetics after that. Take the tests for the skin type 2 to 3 hours after washing.

Determining the type of skin by its appearance

Having familiarized yourself with the indicative features of each skin type that we examined above, carefully observe your face in daylight conditions. If you have a magnifying glass, you can use this tool for convenience.
Pay attention to expanded pores, barely distinguishable fat film on the surface of the skin, black dots, subcutaneous and inflamed acne, wrinkles, rashes and peeling. Compare the discovered data with the descriptions of the skin types that we have brought. Recall the main distinguishing features of each skin type:

  • the normal type - the skin is matte, elastic, uniform shade, does not glisten;
  • the fat type - the skin is dotted with expanded, sometimes polluted, pores, eels, has a bold shine;
  • the dry type - the skin is very delicate and matte, not disfigured by acne and eels, in some places vascular nets appear under it. After contact with water, it can be tightened and peel off;
  • a mixed, or combined type - the skin shines in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead, nose and chin, on the cheeks the skin is dry.


Determining the type of skin using a napkin

Take a special cosmetic napkin (the usual is not suitable, as it can distort the real condition of the skin). Attach it to your face and press it tightly to your forehead, cheeks and chin. After 30 - 60 s, evaluate the result by the quantity and location of fat traces on a napkin:

  • large fat prints, evenly distributed along the napkin, indicate oily skin;
  • the presence of fat spots in the T-zone and their absence on the cheeks indicates a mixed-type skin;
  • almost imperceptible fat traces in the forehead and wings of the nose speak of normal skin;
  • fat spots will be completely absent if your skin is dry.

In order not to be mistaken in the definition of the prevailing qualities of the skin, you must take into account not only its condition at the time of the test, but also how the face looks most often, what is characteristic of it. In addition, you need to focus on your lifestyle, diet features, climatic conditions, the condition of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract-all these factors can endow the real type of skin with additional features.

For example, in the cold season, oily skin can be covered with peeling areas and rashes, as if dry. And dry skin can be like oily when it begins to shine and covered with pimples in the summer.

If you do not succeed in determining the skin type due to some features, you can always seek help from a specialist. Cosmetologists assure that the skin is constantly changing and recommend that tests for determining the skin type every 2 years. The program of compulsory and special care must be made adjustments depending on the results.

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3 components of proper skin care

Of course, each type of skin requires special treatment, but there is a set of care rules in which our skin needs, regardless of its specific features. So, the main conditions for a healthy appearance are cleansing, tonic and moisturizing. Masks and scrubs are used as additional tools, selected taking into account the characteristics of each type of skin.

Cleansing of the skin

This stage of daily skin care is considered the most important, and spend a lot of time after a long work day for cleansing the face. Perhaps that is why residents of the metropolis have been famous for the purity and transparency of their skin for centuries.

Cleaning procedures are carried out in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bedtime. Gel/foam for washing, milk, lotion - you can choose any cosmetic product depending on your preferences. Cleaning is a mandatory procedure that will help the skin better absorb moisturizing and nutrients. For cleansing, we recommend using water just above room temperature. At the same time, do not forget about the skin of the neck - in daily care it needs as much as the face.

Skin tonic

Regularly toning the skin, you will provide it with an elastic and fresh view for many years. The effect of cosmetic tonic lies in the removal of excess cleansing agents, the disclosure of pores and the prevention of keratinization of individual skin cells. After using tonic, the skin looks more fresh. Now you can proceed to the final stage of the main skin care program.

Moisturization of the skin

The natural moisture content in the skin is restored and maintained due to daily additional moisture. Indicators of high -quality moisturizing cream - air consistency, rapid absorption, the presence of UV filters. The night moisturizer, in addition to the above qualities, also has nutritional properties.

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Individual care for various types of skin

Knowing about the individual properties of your skin, it will not be difficult to choose the right program for caring for a face.

Normal skin

You can be congratulated if the skin of your face is normal or at least close to it. No problems with it arise, but the departure should be especially careful in order to maintain this gift of nature as long as possible. If you neglect the elementary rules of care, a face with normal skin acquires dryness or oily shine after 30 years.

Daily program -"Minimum"

After waking up, rinse your face with cool water. Avoid extremes - hot or cold water is not suitable. If desired, you can refuse to wash in favor of wiping the face with ice cubes based on citruses, berries or herbs. When washing, make a simple massage with your fingers: pat, pinch the skin. These straightforward movements will increase blood circulation, increase the tone and trophic of the skin. Then wipe the skin with a cotton swab, impregnated with a tonic. Having finished with cleansing, moisten your face with air cream, which needs to be applied with "stomping" movements of your fingers. In nutrients, normal skin often does not need.
Before going to bed, makeup is removed with a milk, then wipe the face with a tonic or air mousse. Experts recommend that you refuse the night cream - this can be afforded, possessing normal skin.

Special program

Every 7 - 8 days, steam your face and process the skin with a scrub. Within 5 to 8 minutes, massage your face in a circular motion to cleanse it from keratinized areas of the skin. Then pamper the skin with a mask with a moisturizing or nutritious effect.


Dry skin

With adequate care, dry skin looks no less wonderful than normal. But if you deprive such a face with attention, very soon it begins to peel off, covered with various rashes and annoy its mistress with a sense of tightness and uninvited wrinkles.

Daily program - "Minimum"

In the morning with patting movements, treat your face with a cotton pad moistened with a tonic. Instead of a tonic, you can use cosmetic milk, kefir or natural fat yogurt - these products will help the skin cheer up. For a boring effect, do not immediately remove the sour -milk remedy from the face, but wait for 2 to 3 minutes so that it manages to absorb. Then wash off warm water, drain your face with a towel and apply day cream enriched with vitamins with vitamins with a UV filter.
Before going to clean, use cosmetic milk, and remove its remains with a tonic. Apply a moisturizer to the skin, and after 20 minutes lubricate your face with a cream with a nutritious effect.

Special program

1 time in 7 - 10 days, clean dry skin with a scrub with small, and therefore sparing abrasive particles. After using the exfoliating agent, cover the skin with an oily nutrient mask for 20 - 30 minutes.

Additional nuances for dry skin care

  1. Refuse the use of alcohol -containing products that stretch valuable moisture from dry skin.
  2. Dry skin is “afraid” of soap - alkaline agents in this cosmetic product can greatly harm it.
  3. If possible, use boiled or filtered water to wash.
  4. In the cold season, replace a moisturizer for dry skin with nutritious. It must be applied at least 30 minutes before going out.
  5. Ladies with dry skin of the face need to be careful about visiting baths and pools with chlorinated water. It is better to refuse the use of scrubs and clay -based masks.
  6. Owners of dry skin need to reduce the stay in the sun to a minimum.

beautiful Girl Washes His Face

Oily skin

If you have oily skin, you most likely know how hard it is to sometimes put it in order: oily shine, acne and dark spots from the post -acne do not give up! Regular care and systematic “bath” procedures are the key to an excellent appearance of the face with advanced pores. With proper care, this type of skin after 30 - 35 years becomes mixed, so some problems (for example, numerous pimples and black dots) remain in the past.

Daily program - "Minimum"

The sebaceous glands of oily skin work so actively that the face needs to be refreshed 3 - 4 times a day. Having such capricious skin, you can safely use a lotion that does not contain alcohol, cleansing agents with tea tree extract, water -based gel. Contrast washing should be a habit. To normalize and maintain the water and fatty balance of the skin, you should not refuse additional moisturizing, but come to the choice of caring cosmetics with great responsibility - perfectly if the cream is fat -free and air, not blocking oxygen access to the pores of the skin. Incorrectly selected cosmetics becomes a source of a large amount of inflamed acne on oily skin.

Special program

Sperpir the skin of the face 2 times a week and peeling with gentle scrubs (with small abrasive particles). Remember, if there is a large accumulation of inflamed acne on the face, scrubs are not used, otherwise you can injure the skin even more and provoke the penetration of infection into its deeper layers.
Take care of the skin once a week with a mask - a cosmetic product on a clay base is best suited.

Additional tips for oily skin care:

  1. Beware of cosmetics prepared on the basis of alcohol: it will provoke an even greater release of fat with the sebaceous glands of oily skin. For the same reason, cosmetologists do not recommend rinse such skin with hot water.
  2. In a midday summer heat, the best gift for the skin will be an ice -based cube based on fruits, berries or healing herbs.
  3. Therapeutic herbs will also be useful when oily skin is now and then covered with a small rash. Decoctions will correct the situation, raw materials for the preparation of which sage, mint and yarrow were.
  4. To mask oily shine, use crumbly powder, the particles of which effectively absorb and the excess sebum are tied.


Combined skin

Cosmetologists claim that today the mixed type of skin is the most common. Often combined skin appears from improper care of itself.
When choosing therapeutic cosmetics, be interested in notes on tubes and packages: it should be it that the product is intended specifically for the skin of a mixed type. As an option, you can select cosmetics for areas of different types separately: for cheeks and temples-products for dry skin, for T-zone-drug care products.

Daily program - "Minimum"

Cleaning procedures for mixed skin should be carried out twice a day - in the morning and evening. The optimal means for cleansing will be gels, immortal lotions, milk -type milk milk. After washing with the cleansing, the face is wiped with a tonic. The final procedure for daily care of mixed skin is the application of a cream with a moisturizing effect.
In the evening, apply the cream only on whiskey and cheeks: during the night the sebaceous glands T-zones produce a large amount of skin fat.

Special program

Deep cleansing of combined skin is carried out 2 times a week. The skin of the T-zones is treated with a scrub without affecting areas with dry skin. 1 time every 5 - 7 days, they fuel the skin with a mask based on plant components: St. John's wort, leaves and kidneys of birch, mountain ash, yarrow, sage. The face looks great after fruit masks prepared from the pulp of apples, lemon, grapes and cucumber.

young Woman with Salt-Peeling-Mask

Useful tips for skin care of any type

  1. Try to wash yourself only with mineral, distilled or boiled water.
  2. Cleaning the skin with a scrub, make sure that the product does not fall on a vulnerable skin around the eyes and lips.
  3. After washing, do not rub your face with a towel so as not to stretch the skin. You can only get the skin slightly slightly.
  4. Plan a deep skin cleaning procedures for the evening. After such events, a person should fully relax and decorative cosmetics cannot be applied to it.
  5. Refuse to buy a cosmetic product if you see ethanol, methanol and isopropil in its composition. These substances contribute to the aging of the skin, taking natural moisture from it.
  6. Cream on the skin is applied in a very moderate amount. If you overdo it, especially for the night cream, you can get swelling on your face.
  7. Night cream should be applied 1.5 - 2 hours before going to bed.
  8. More often allow the skin to take a break from decorative cosmetics.


Healthy elastic skin is not only good data from nature, but also the result of painstaking daily care. Youth becomes an invaluable reward for timely efforts that you are ready to make to achieve an attractive appearance.

What is the skin. Video



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