
The use of furaticiline for the eyes of adults and children. Is it possible to wash the eyes of furacilin. How to breed furaciline for washing the eyes

The use of furaticiline for the eyes of adults and children. Is it possible to wash the eyes of furacilin. How to breed furaciline for washing the eyes
How to properly breed a solution of furaciline for washing the eyes with adults and children. Is it possible to use furaciline for newborns.

Surely, many of you have heard of such a medical preparation as Furacilin. This tool enjoys a fairly large demand, and all because its price corresponds to the quality. Moreover, it is furaciline that can be used during the baby tooling, for the treatment of newborns.

Is it rinsed by furacilin eyes?

In order to answer this question, first need to understand what is a medicine.

  • This agent has an antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant effect.
  • A number of microbes are isolated, which is capable of fighting this drug, namely staphylococci, streptococci, etc.

In order to clearly understand whether it is possible to wash the eyes with furaciline, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the instructions for the medicine, having studied a list of indications for its use, as well as consult with the doctor.

Furatcin is a fairly effective drug, if we talk about the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. It is important to note the fact that they use it for the treatment of not only adults, but also children, including newborns.

  • Blepharitis. Under the blufaritis is meant not one, but several different diseases of the eyes, which are manifested by the inflammation of the eyelids.
  • Conjunctivitis. This ailment lies in the inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is represented by a transparent cloth in the inner surface of the century.
  • Furacilin is also effective and when treating inflammatory processes in the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye.
  • Use the drug and to get rid of various infectious ailments that affect eyes.
  • In case of injury and burns, it is also possible to use this medication.

Based on the pharmacological effect of Furatcin, it performs the following functions:

  • Fights with various malicious microbes.
  • Removes swelling
  • Eliminates inflammation in the eyes.
  • It has a disinfecting effect.
  • Removes dust from eyes, foreign objects.
  • Positive affects the conjunctiva.

Furaticyline for Eye: Instruction

Earlier, we have already talked about before starting to use one or another drug, you must carefully read his instructions. It is in the instructions that the action of the medication, indications and contraindications to its use, as well as its features, is always indicated.

Furatsiline is no exception, so we suggest learning instructions for its use.

  • Note that this medication is available in different forms, for example, furaticiline in eye tablets, ointment, solution. On the basis of tablets, you can make a solution that should rinse your mouth, wash your eyes. Ointment can also be made independently based on the solution and various additives.
  • As already mentioned earlier, Furacilin is an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent, the active substance of which is nitrofural.

You already know about the testimony for the use of the drug, now a few words about how furaticiline is prohibited:

  • Diseases of the kidneys It is worth paying attention to this fact, taking medicine inside. It is important to know that it is forbidden to take on their own inside of Furacilin without appointing a doctor, as this may lead to irreversible processes.
  • Allergies that are manifested by dermatoses.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the means.

As you can see, there is no mention of pregnancy, breastfeeding among the above list. There are also no age limitations, and this suggests that Furaciline can be used for children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Despite this fact, to use the drug in such important periods of life, it is necessary to be extremely careful and exclusively for the appointment of a doctor, because your health and health of your child depends on this.

Furaciline eye treatment is also carried out by its aqueous solution. The required dosage and method of preparing the solution is described in the instructions. Or you can tell you your attending physician during the prescription of this drug for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases.

How to wash your eyes by furacilin?

Before considering the actions algorithm when washing the eye, this means, let's decide which form of the drug to use.

  • For washes, you can use both the finished solution of furaciline for eyes and furacilin in the eye tablets, which will be needed independently.
  • At the same time, it is important to properly breed a medical preparation, so that its concentration was correct.

So, how to properly make a pill furatciline for the eyes? You will need:

  • 1 pill furaciline;
  • 100 ml of water (steep boiling water).

Next, follow such instructions:

  • In clean dishes, rub 1 tablet to the powder state, so it will be easier for it to dissolve it in water.
  • Then we take 100 ml of boiling water and pour them furacilin. It is very important to observe the proportions: 1 tablet requires 100 ml of liquid. Otherwise, the concentration of substance in water will be too large or vice versa, insufficient.
  • The drug is completely dissolved in water, no lumps and crystals should remain, which is why it is recommended to conduct a procedure with boiling water.
  • Next, we leave the resulting medicine for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the liquid must cool.
  • Be sure to be filled with a solution through a gauze before use. Without making it, you can skip the unsolved parts of the tablet and use the solution with them. However, it is important to understand that even the smallest particles are able to damage the eye, its mucous membrane.
  • It is also important to know what the solution should be done immediately before its use, especially if we are talking about newborn and babies.

The resulting means you can rinse with adults to adults. At the same time, the procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • An ordinary pipette (however, this option is more appropriate when injected with furaciline eye).
  • Sprintsovka.
  • Syringe without a needle.
  • Using a special container.
  • Using sponges (sterile).

All tools should be disinfected, it is possible to do this with boiling (pipette, fringe).

To get rid of many eyelicate ailments, just just wipe the eyes of Furacilin.

  • Wipes need to be made with a solution that we talked above.
  • Hands must wash necessarily washed and clean, sponges - sterile.
  • Lower the spontaneum into the tool and squeeze it.
  • The lower eyelid is tightened slightly and neat movements from the outer corner of the eye are starting to wipe it.
  • You do not need to make efforts, rub your cotton eye. All movements must be gentle and neat.
  • Such manipulations should be carried out daily, at least 3 times, until complete cure. At the same time, the duration of treatment determines the attending physician who can determine the condition of the eye. More than a week to use a tool without re-consulting a specialist.

Furaticiline for eyes newborns, children

Any parent is very closely following how the drug is discharged by his baby, especially if we are talking about a newborn baby. Despite the fact that many drugs are impossible to use a lot of drugs, Furacyline is not.

  • This medication is not dangerous even for the smallest, but its dosage will be different, compared with the dosage for adults.
  • It is also important to draw attention to the fact that doctors recommend using for washing and corpusing eyes with kids are already a finished solution that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • If you buy such a tool, be sure to specify that you need an eye preparation, that is, aqueous, not an alcohol solution, also specify that the dosage is needed for children.
  • If there is no possibility to purchase a ready-made means, you can cook it yourself. It will take 1 pill furacin and 200 ml of water. Break the tablet as described earlier - boiled hot water in clean dishes.
  • Do not forget to accumulate the solution, it is extremely important, because any insoluble particle can damage the eye of the child.

  • Next is worth driving 1 drop in each eye of the baby. Before the procedure, make sure that the liquid is not hot. You can also moisten the sterile spontaneity in this agent, squeeze it and wipe the eyes to the child. It is necessary to carry out such manipulations 2-3 times a day. Children need to prepare a new one.
  • An important point is that even at the ailment of one eye, both are processed.
  • If you have noticed that after the procedure, redness appeared, swelling and any other allergic reactions, immediately stop using a medicine and consult a doctor.

As you can see, Furacilin is a fairly effective means in the fight with many ophthalmologic ailments. At the same time, the moderate price of the drug allows you to use it all without exception.

Video: Prepare a solution of fuclin from tablets


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