
The causes and symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy. What is dangerous sinusitis during pregnancy. Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy with drugs and folk remedies

The causes and symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy. What is dangerous sinusitis during pregnancy. Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy with drugs and folk remedies
The article describes the main methods of treating sinusitis during pregnancy. Means for sinusitis during pregnancy. What is dangerous sinusitis during pregnancy, its consequences.

Sinusitis is not only an unpleasant, but also a dangerous disease that can seriously disrupt the normal course of pregnancy. How to cure sinusitis during pregnancy so that therapy does not harm the baby in the womb? An exceptionally integrated approach, the rules of which will be set out below, will eliminate the ailment.

Sinusitis during pregnancy

Most often, this ailment attacks women whose history was already present by Sinusitis, although not always.

Sinusitis during pregnancy - a dangerous acquaintance

What lies behind the formidable word "sinusitis"? This term (another name is rhinosinusitis) determines the ailment in which the subordinate (sinuspic) sinuses are inflamed, which are located in the upper jaw. The internal walls of the sinuses have small holes through which a message occurs in the nasal cavity. When these fears are clogged, mucus (and with it are pathogenic microorganisms), find themselves in the closed space of the sinus without air. The inflammatory process begins.

Sinusitis: symptoms of a disease during pregnancy

A runny nose is a constant companion of almost any SARS. But how to distinguish relatively harmless rhumorite rhinitis?

  • The first suspicions of the disease can already be done in the course of a protracted course of respiratory ailment.
  • Constant nasal congestion.
  • A sense of bursting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe subordinate sinuses.
  • A dense mucous separated at first has a whitish color, then - yellow or green (a sign of purulent inflammation).
  • Cleaning the nasal passages is difficult.
  • There is pain in the area of \u200b\u200bsinus sinuses (or frontal).
  • Often, headache is concerned, especially when tilted down.
  • There may be an unpleasant odor in the nasopharynx.
  • The general condition is violated - a woman experiences constant fatigue, fatigue increases, appetite is disturbed.
  • The temperature may remain within normal limits, and can reach 38.5 ° C.
  • In the case of chronic sinusitis, the presence of night cough is often the presence of night.

Causes of sinusitis during pregnancy

They provoke this ailment in expectant mothers all the same factors as the rest of the people.

  • The most common cause is the lesion of a viral or bacterial infection.
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa (against the background of an allergic runny nose, adenoiditis or acute respiratory infections).
  • The weakening of immunity caused by pregnancy contributes to the quick blockage of the nasal sinuses.
  • Violation of the structure (curvature) of the nasal septum.
  • The presence in the throat or oral cavity of the foci of chronic infection (teeth affected by caries, inflamed tonsils).
  • The presence of polyps in the nasal sinuses.

The acute form of sinusitis begins, as a rule, with a cold.

Diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy

The most common and reliable method of examination in order to clarify the diagnosis is the conduct of radiography. However, this method cannot be used in the case of a pregnant woman. Upon receipt of patients “in the position”, the doctor studies the woman’s complaints and conducts her examination. Most often, the data obtained is enough to properly assess the picture of the disease. In some clinics, there is the possibility of a safe study of the nasal sinuses of a pregnant woman using a special ultrasound diagnostic device-echosiniscope. The device allows you to assess the degree of swelling of the mucosa and the presence of pus in the sinuses. Such a diagnostic method as a puncture of the sinus is also used, but its popularity is extremely small due to tangible discomfort that accompanies manipulation.

Sinusitis during pregnancy: consequences for a woman and child

Some expectant mothers do not very seriously perceive the nasal congestion, attributing this condition to the characteristics of the situation. Only a doctor can accurately determine the presence of pregnant women or sinusitis. Do not waste precious time and let the situation on its own. Why is it so important to start therapy in a timely manner and what is dangerous sinusitis during pregnancy?

The danger of sinusitis for a woman during pregnancy

  • Respiratory problems negatively affect the work of the heart and pulmonary systems of the pregnant woman, who already experience increased load, and can also cause pressure increase.
  • The lack of adequate therapy can have threatening consequences - the development of sepsis (blood poisoning), meningitis, myocarditis, brain abscess, deep damage to the kidneys.

Sinusitis during pregnancy: consequences for the child

The congestion of nasal passages leads to breathing impairment. As a result - insufficient intake of oxygen into the body of a woman, and hence the baby. A child can experience oxygen starvation, which leads to hypoxia, a lag in development or even death.

Sinusitis during pregnancy: treatment of the disease

The difficulty of nasal breathing, especially if this condition preceded SARS, should serve as an occasion for the mandatory treatment of a woman “in a position” to the doctor.

The principles of treatment for sinusitis during pregnancy

Therapy of sinusitis includes 2 main directions:

  • Restoration of free breathing.
  • Elimination of the inflammatory process by stopping the focus of infection.

At the same time, it is important to comply with the basic rules of successful therapy:

  • Abundant drink (fruit drinks, lemon teas, mineral water).
  • If there is no need or the opportunity to observe bed rest, do not forget to rest more often.
  • In the diet, the predominance of light plant and milk foods is desirable.

Features of the position of the future mother dictate her conditions, so the treatment of sinusitis will have some nuances.

How to cure sinusitis in 1 trimester of pregnancy

In the first weeks of waiting, the baby is formed by all organs and systems of a small organism. That is why the initial weeks of gestation of crumbs are the most dangerous period from the point of view of the consequences of third -party intervention. However, the lack of adequate therapy can also lead to negative results - the malformations and death of the fetus. How to cure sinusitis in the early stages of pregnancy?

  • Therapy includes exclusively local acts.
  • Vasocusing drugs are also prohibited. Removing edema will help to reduce the inflammatory process will help the anti -deck homeopathic spray EUFORBIUM Compositum (or EUFORBIUM Compositum Nazentropfen C).
  • Aqua Maris, Salin, Aqualor or Huger can be used to clean and improve patency of the nasal passages. The basis of these drugs is purified sea water, which is completely safe at any expiration date of the peanut. Medicines stimulate liquefaction of mucus for the softer removal of the latter.
  • After the breath was restored, the sinuses should be washed with an antiseptic solution (Miramistin, Furatsilin) \u200b\u200bor salt water (for example, the dolphin system).
  • Allowed for use in the first trimester can be called the medicine of Sinupret. For the treatment of future mothers, a tablet form of the drug is selected. The medicine has a completely plant base and effectively copes with the inflammatory processes of ENT organs, including infections of the nasal sinuses.
  • Antibiotics for sinusitis during pregnancy of the first trimester are almost never prescribed, because There is a very high risk of fetal damage. But if this therapy cannot be avoided, rovamycin is the safest (permitted) drug.

How to cure sinusitis during pregnancy 2 trimester

In the second trimester, the active development of the crumbs continues, so its body is still susceptible to the effects of various kinds of drugs. At the same time, the placenta has already been formed, which creates a certain barrier between the body of the mother and the tiny, while protecting the baby. One of the main threats of sinusitis at this stage is the fetal hypoxia. How to treat sinusitis during pregnancy of the second trimester? The list of permitted drugs becomes somewhat wider.

  • If necessary, you can use already vasoconstrictor drugs. However, this should be local drugs allowed to children in a children's dosage. The term of use does not exceed 3 days. Among them are Nazole Baby, Nazol Kids, Sanorin for children, Tizin -xilo, Vibrocyl.
  • If the doctor sees the need for antibacterial therapy, augmentin can be considered relatively safe, spiramycin (in the course of studies of the teratogenic effect). Cephasolin is prescribed strictly according to life indications.

How to cure sinusitis in 3 trimester of pregnancy

To the previously allowed drugs are added:

  • Zinnabsin is a homeopathic drug with a pronounced anti -inflammatory and immunomodulating effect. It is produced in the form of resorption tablets with a slight sweet taste. When assessing the condition of a woman, as well as the ratio of benefit/possible harm, it can be prescribed after the 20th week of the baby’s waiting.
  • Among antibacterial therapy drugs, the choice can be stopped already on amoxicillin, but according to life indications.

Sinusitis in pregnant women: “cuckoo” and a puncture of sinusitis during pregnancy

Unfortunately, not all effective drugs are allowed in the fight against sinusitis are allowed to use women “in position”. But there are quite safe, regardless of gestation, procedures that will help eliminate the ailment. Although it is difficult to call them pleasant. These manipulations include “cuckoo” and a puncture of the sinus.

Conducting "cuckoo" (moving fluid along the priest) from sinusitis during pregnancy

In the course of manipulation, effective washing of the nasal sinuses is performed with antiseptic (or, according to antibacterial) solutions. As a result, the clusters of pus, mucus, mucous membranes are treated with a therapeutic solution. Nasal passages are cleaned with vasoconstrictor drugs. Next, the woman lies on her back. A syringe with a medicine is supplied to one nostril, a device for sucking the contents of the sinuses is supplied. During the procedure, it is necessary to pronounce continuously “ku-ku”. So liquid and mucus will not fall into the throat, but will successfully remove from the body. The procedure is absolutely painless and safe, the degree of discomfort is minimal.   Duration 5-10 min. The course of treatment with timely treatment does not usually exceed 5 procedures.

Puncture of the nasal sinuses from sinusitis during pregnancy

In the case of diagnosing an extensive inflammatory process with sinusitis, a puncture of the sinus of the nose is often prescribed. Most often, in favor of this method of therapy, the choice is made if it is necessary to antibacterial treatment (especially in the early stages of gestation of the baby). A woman is made by local anesthesia. Next, the doctor with the help of a thin needle with a curved ending through a nasal hole (lower or middle nasal passage) produces a puncture of the sinus. Further, with the help of a syringe, all the contents of the sinus (mucus, pus) are removed and the cavity of the cavity with a series of drugs is performed. Washing can also be carried out through a special tube, which can not be removed before the end of the course of treatment (most often this option is acceptable in the conditions of inpatient treatment). During the procedure, the mouth is open, the head is tilted a little forward. The procedure is effective, but unpleasant.

Sinusitis during pregnancy: treatment of disease at home

Despite the seriousness of such a disease as sinusitis, folk remedies can also alleviate the condition of the future mother with the identified pathology.

  • Washing is effective and safe (taking into account the correctness of the procedure) method of cleaning the nasal passages. As a solution, you can use both salt liquid and a decoction (not hot!) Of herbs. To prepare the latter, calendula, chamomile, sage, heather, tatar) are suitable). Before washing, breathing through the nose should be free.

  • The overdrying and swelling of the mucosa, which are often observed in the case of an active struggle against sinusitis, will prevent oil bumps. For this purpose, corn and olive oils mixed in equal parts are suitable.
  • Beetroot and carrot drops will help reduce inflammation. Mix the juice obtained from carrots or beets in equal shares and instill 2-3 drops in each nasal passage 4-6 times a day. If you feel a burning sensation, dilute the composition with water.
  • Drops can also be prepared from aloe juice. Add 1-2 drops of onion juice to the tablespoon of aloe juice and instill 4-6 times a day, 4 drops in each nasal passage.
  • An effective remedy is the production of cotton tampons-tuttles impregnated with healing compounds. As the latter, you can use a decoction of herbs (for example, thyme, chamomile) or prepare an oil composition. Mix 1 tbsp Vishnevsky ointment with honey and aloe juice and onion juice (0.5 tsp each component). Mix the composition and melt in a water bath. Swell turundas and place them in the nasal passages for 20-30 minutes.

  • Steam inhalations. Pre -clean the sinuses. A decoction of calendulas, essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree) or inhalations over a decoction of potatoes can be added to boiling water. Inhalations are allowed at the recovery stage.
  • Massage in the field of nostrils. You can apply a small number of “stars” or ointment by Dr. MOM to your fingers.

If the diagnosis of sinusitis is made during pregnancy, what specifically in your case will only tell you. Any actions, even using home remedies, should be agreed with the doctor.

Forbidden funds from sinusitis during pregnancy

  • Traditional vasoconstrictor drugs - naphthyzine, otrin, rhinonorm, nazole, galazolin - are prohibited.
  • Isofra is an effective antibacterial spray, but can have a toxic effect on the fetus.
  • Sinuforte - local action, has plant origin. There is a high effectiveness of its components in the fight against sinusitis. However, the insufficient knowledge of this medicine does not allow it to be safely used in the therapy of pregnant women. In addition, the effect of the drug is based on a healing plant of cyclomen, the large concentration of juice is poisonous.
  • Antibacterial drugs of the macrolide group (azithromycin, jizamycin) are poorly studied in relation to their influence on the child. During the treatment of women, “in position”, drugs of this group try not to use.

Prevention of sinusitis during pregnancy

Carefully follow your health, and if you couldn’t avoid a cold, do not postpone the start of treatment so that the infection does not have time to spread to the sinuses. Besides:

  • Follow the diet. The diet of the future mother, as nothing else, requires a thorough selection of products in order to saturate the woman’s body with the necessary vitamins and trace elements.
  • Start performing breathing exercises to improve air exchange in the sinuses. For example, cover your nostril with one fingers and take a deep breath. Exhale through your mouth. Next, perform similar actions for the second nasal passage. The number of repetitions is 8 times.
  • Avoid hypothermia or overheating, try to dress according to the weather.
  • In the cold season, if you have a predisposition to the ENT pain, it is better to refuse to visit the pool.
  • In the course of instillation of the nose, the head should be slightly rejected towards the nasal passage that you dig. So the medicine will fall “at the address” (in the middle nasal passage), and not draining the back wall of the throat.
  • In the process of blowing, close each nostril alternately.



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