
Permanent mucus in the throat - causes and treatment. How to get rid of mucus in the throat in an adult and in a child

Permanent mucus in the throat - causes and treatment. How to get rid of mucus in the throat in an adult and in a child
Why constantly arises mucus in the throat? What are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to get rid of it.

The accumulation of mucus in the throat is an unpleasant sensation that cause discomfort, especially if the sputum is going to constantly. Many people do not pay attention to this phenomenon and are in no hurry to the doctor, hoping that the mucus will stop accumulating over time and interfere with normal life. Why the mucus accumulates in the throat, about which disease can testify and how to get rid of it, read further.

Why the mucus is formed in the throat

The mucus in the throat or sputum is a viscous secret that is produced by the epithelium of the nasopharynx, as well as in the trachea and bronchi. This substance envelops the mucous membrane of the ENT organs, preventing them from drying out, injuries, performs a protective function. The mucus in the larynx and the throat is the natural reaction of the body to the inflammatory process on it, the answer to any irritant, allergen. If you get into the throat or the nasopherler of viruses, microorganisms, other stimuli, the mucous secret begins to actively increase in the amount and the person has a desire to release the respiratory tract from it and flick. If there is a respiratory infection in the nasopharynk - this is a natural process, a protective reaction from infection and after recovery the mucosa secret comes to normal. But in some cases, the feeling of mucus in the throat is constantly present and may indicate the chronic disease of the ENT organs or the pathology of the digestive system. The term "postnasal flow syndrome" implies the presence of plugs of mucus and constant unpleasant sensation of the lump in the throat. The mucous selection flows along the rear wall of the pharynx and cause discomfort. The flowing mucus contains a large number of microbes, which, falling into the digestive tract, when shrouded, the sputum causes a disorder and is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • Permanent sensation in the nasopharynx and throat of mucus.
  • There is a desire to get rid of her: Clean the throat or heave.
  • Breathing becomes difficult, accompanied by pain, dryness, itching in the nasopharynk.
  • Mucus in the throat, the desire to flick, clean the throat.
  • There is a constant nasal congestion.
  • In some cases, a person suffers from headaches, feels weakness.

Causes of constant mucus in the throat

Permanent mucus in the throat may arise due to various factors that have both infectious and non-infectious nature:

  1. Acute respiratory infections (pharyngitis, rhinitis, angina) lead to excessive mucus formation in the throat, thereby clearing the respiratory tract from microbes, viruses, speeding up the process of recovery.
  2. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to inflammatory larynx processes, nasal sinuses. The mucous secret is actively standing out and leads to the accumulation of the lump of the mucus. Excessive accumulation of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynk is dangerous in what leads to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Chronic pathological inflammatory processes of lower respiratory organs (tuberculosis, pneumonia) lead to excessive formation of sputum. The distinguished mucus makes it difficult to breathe, the cough with a mocroid appears, there is a pain in his chest. This pathology is accompanied by headache, drowsiness, apathy.
  4. The body's allergic reaction on any allergen or stimulus is accompanied by the accumulation of sputum in the nasopharynx, the occurrence of coma in the throat. Allergic cough passes the attacks.
  5. The mucus constantly accumulates in the throat due to the defeat of the digestive organs. The reason for the excessive discharge of the mucus can become ulcerative disease, gastritis or other factors provoking the contents of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus.
  6. The reason for the excessive absorption of the mucus can be incorrect meal, in which a person uses a large number of sharp, fatty, salty products and spices irritating the gusts mucosa. In addition, too hot food can provoke the appearance of mucus in the throat.
  7. Smokers are more susceptible to the intensive separation of saliva and bronchial secrets caused by irritation of the mucous meal tobacco smoke.
  8. Feeling mucus in a man. A person may experience that inhaling polluted air, dust while in contaminated areas with a bad environment. Residents of industrial areas often complain - constantly shouting the mucus. Thus, the body is getting rid of harmful substances by the formation of mucous membranes in the nasooplot.

Permanent mucus in the throat: symptoms

With constant slope of mucus, patients, as a rule, are trying to get rid of it using cough or smoothing. When excessive sputum production, when it becomes thick and viscous mucus ingestion can cause vomiting or nausea, as well as accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Feeling of constant burning and tickling in the throat, nose and throat.
  • Patients feel a lump in my throat that does not go.
  • There is a desire to cough, expectoration when there is no relief.
  • A person experiences discomfort, pain when swallowing or when consuming solid food.
  • There is frequent sneezing and nasal congestion.
  • The unpleasant acidic mouth odor associated with the active multiplication of bacteria.
  • Perhaps the increase in cervical lymph nodes, headache, general malaise and weakness.

Treatment of mucus in the throat

Watching the above symptoms, it is necessary to seek consultation to the otolaryngologist and establish the cause of the cluster of a viscous mucus in the throat. After establishing the cause, the doctor will prescribe effective drug treatment aimed at the separation of mucus and eliminate chronic infection or inflammatory processes in the ENT organs. In the case of an allergic reaction of the body, consultation with an allergist is necessary. In any case, the treatment of nasopharynxes from the mucus should be complex, as the mucous membrane isolated by the mucous membranes of the ENT organs is only a consequence, not a disease.

Methods for treating mucus in the throat

  1. Horn rinsing with antiseptic solutions to eliminate inflammatory processes in it. Antibiotic drugs are prescribed as an antibiotic drugs, such as Miramystin, Yox, Hxoral.
    An independent reception of drug data is unacceptable, as they have a number of contraindications, especially for pregnant women and children.
  2. Sprays or absorbing lollipops against infectious diseases, such as: cay, inhalipt. It is worth noting that these drugs only temporarily remove the symptoms and require additional drugs.
  3. Immunomodulators - special preparations for strengthening immunity and protective functions of the body.
  4. Preparations on a vegetable basis that helps faster separating sputum, after their reception, productive expectoration occurs. Especially effective these drugs with a dry cough, in which it is difficult to get rid of the mucus in the throat. Among them: Tonovipret, tonsilgon, sinusopret.
  5. In addition to the reception of medicines and fulfill all the appointments of the doctor, patients should abandon smoking and normalize nutrition, eliminating the diet products that irritate the mucous throat and larynx.

How to treat mucus in the throat in an adult

Treatment of mucus in the throat passes in gradually, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment:

  • Washing the throat and nasopharynterns of food soda, furacilin, a solution of mangartee, the infusion of chamomile or sage.
  • After the mucus is eliminated, the course of antibiotics or other drugs is applied for treatment to eliminate the cause of the disease of the ENT organs.
  • To consolidate the therapeutic effect, physiotherapy procedures are used, such as the irradiation of the cavity of the nasal ultraviolet.

How to treat mucus in the throat in a child

The presence of mucus in the nasopharynk and the throat of the child is quite frequent. Since the mucous young children are very gentle and vain, their treatment must be gentle.

  • One of the most effective ways to remove the baby's nasopharynx mucus is washing with a slight salt solution, which is completely safe for the children's body. The salt solution has a wonderful disinfecting and antiseptic effect, gently cleaning the cavity of the nose and the throat from mucus clots, snot.
  • If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a baby with antimicrobial drugs with local applications, observing the necessary dosage and duration of treatment.
  • Another safe and effective method of getting rid of the mucus in the cavity of the throat is an aqueous solution based on protein and silver ions - protargol. The drug has an active impact on the development of secretion of mucus and kills microbes and bacteria, normalizing normal microflora and exchange processes in the nasophal.

How to get rid of mucus in the throat: folk remedies

With constant mucus in the throat, folk treatment methods are widely used, which significantly improve the state. Treatment of mucus by folk remedies with the use of medicinal herbs takes more time and can take from 2 to 4 weeks.

Stripping from mucus in the throat

Among the most effective folk methods of getting rid of sputum are rinsing of the throat, with which the inflammation of the mucous membrane is removed. In the presence of infection in the nasophal, rinsing prevents its further spread.

  1. Rinsing with soda and salt with the addition of iodine. For the preparation of the solution, it will take 1 h. Such soda and salt on a glass of warm water. A few drops of iodine are added to the sodo-salt solution. Perform rinsing throats at least three times a day.
  2. Rinsing chamomile. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic to prepare a chamomile solution for rinsing, it is necessary to brew 1 tsp, a spoon of pharmaceutical chamomile 250 ml of boiling water and give it to brew and strain. Perform rinsing every 3 hours.
  3. Calendula rinsing. For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to brew 1 hour. With cold solution, rinse the throat every 3 hours.

Inhalation from mucus in the throat

Inhalation is a wonderful, effective way to get rid of the mucous membrane from excessive sputum. To carry out the procedure, you can use a special instrument - inhaler, and you can with undergraduate means - pan, over a steam of which will need to breathe, cover your head with a towel.

Folk remedies are used to perform the procedure:

  1. Inhalation of mineral water. For the procedure, the mineral water of Borjomi or Essentuki is well suited, which includes sodium salts. Under the action of a pair, the mucus is quickly separated and facilitates the patient's condition. The duration of the procedure from 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Inhalation of potatoes. To carry out the procedure, you will need a saucepan in which potatoes were cooked. After cooking a vegetable, it needs to be squeezed, add soda to potatoes. Inhale the evaporation of potatoes deeply, bending over the pan and covered with a towel. The duration of the procedure is up to 15 minutes.
  3. Inhalation with chamomile decoction and calendula. For the procedure, prepare the decoction of the medicinal herbs in the method described above.

Sleece compresses in the throat

Compresses are an excellent means for thinning mucus and subsequent removal from the nasopharynx. Warm evaporations emanating from the compression have therapeutic effects on the nasopharynk.

  1. Take dry cottage cheese, if necessary, it can be squeezed through the gauze to remove the excess fluid. Wrap your cottage cheese in thin natural fabric and attach compress to the neck area. Cover the food film on top and cover the throat with warm tissue. It is recommended to perform compress before bedtime.
  2. Another effective and affordable method is to perform a compress using a "asterisk" balm. Spread the neck with a balsam and wrap it with a warm towel, perform compress before bedtime.
  3. The compress can be made from potatoes that need to be welded, strain and still hot to the throat, wrapped with a cloth. After cooling the vegetable compress, remove.

The mucus in the throat is a common phenomenon that is also found in adults and in children. There is a huge number of a variety of reasons why mucus and lump arises in the throat, therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis and to get rid of the unpleasant disease forever, it is recommended to contact the doctors. Only a doctor, conducting surveys and studied all the symptoms of the disease, can provide true and effective treatment.


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