
How to wear a bandage during pregnancy. Dorodal bandage - how and what to wear. From what period you need to wear a bandage pregnant

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy. Dorodal bandage - how and what to wear. From what period you need to wear a bandage pregnant
The article is devoted to the topic of bandages before and after childbirth. You will learn about the types of these products, the rules of their use.

Each pregnant woman heard of antenatal or postpartum bandage. But always arises in the head a lot of questions about the need for such a supporting device for a tummy, its safety, etc. Whatever your thoughts and beliefs about the advantages and minuses of using a bandage, the doctor's recommendation is crucial. Some women simply will not be able to do without a bandage before or after childbirth for medical testimony. In this article, we will try to figure out all the nuances of the choice and use of various bandages, which is an amorrant bandage and how to wear it.

prenatal bandage

Why do I need prenatal bandage

We brace for a pregnant woman has a huge number of functions. The main cause for the use of the band - it's a medical condition. But expectant mothers are using bandages and also to avoid a number of cosmetic problems. So, what is needed bandage for a pregnant woman? We list the most basic functions:

  • reduction of the enormous strain on the spine. Especially at a late stage of pregnancy a woman experiences an incredible strain on the back. Bandage allows to fix the stomach and retain its severity, reducing the load on the spine;
  • some doctors are inclined to think that the band in late pregnancy prevents the child to take the correct position before birth. As you know, the child should take a position the head down. A correct and in time started to use the band will record this position until the end of pregnancy;
  • bandage during pregnancy, women often use to have "not fall umbilical cord." Such unpleasant sensations in the belly button area are experiencing the future mothers who have a sufficiently large diameter tummy, large fetus, polyhydramnios;
  • bandage during pregnancy has beneficial effects not only on the spine, but also in the pelvis, tailbone. Many birth abortion arises from the constant discomfort and even pain severity after walking, physical activity in the pelvic area. A properly sized bandage will help to get rid of these unpleasant sensations;
  • bandage during pregnancy is necessary, and in the case where a woman had weak abdominal muscles. The bandage will maintain and fix the abdomen;
  • bandage during pregnancy and used for cosmetic purposes. Expectant mothers are often faced with stretch marks, get rid of that after birth is very difficult, and sometimes impossible. The bandage is needed to prevent excessive stretching of the skin in the abdomen and waist;
  • if your pregnancy is accompanied by polyhydramnios, you have a multiple pregnancy, the placenta is located low, the risk of miscarriage, if you had a caesarean section, it is likely that the doctor will recommend be sure to wear a bandage.

Types of prenatal bandages

Bandage is best to buy in a pharmacy. But before buying, learn the types of prenatal bandages, their differences and features of each of them. Currently, the most common types of bangs for pregnant women are most common:

  • bandage-panties. Bandage for pregnant women in the form of panties is one of the most popular models of bandages. The main advantage of such a bandage is that it is not necessary to regulate, select the optimal degree of fixation. Bandage looks like very high pants with a special elastic insert in the abdomen. Such a bandage "grows" with your tummy. However, if by the end of pregnancy you scored too much kilograms, began to suffer from eath, then you may need a larger bandage. Manufacturers of bandage-panties take into account the wishes of future mothers look beautiful and romantic. You can meet charming models in different color solutions, with lace inserts. The most practical seamless patterns that are completely invisible under clothing. If you choose on such a bandage model, remember that you need to wear such a bandage on a naked body. This means that you have to treat it, as the usual underwear and wash daily. It is advisable to purchase at least 2-3 pairs of such panties. Bandage-panties has a comfortable clasp to go to the toilet and not to remove the entire bandage.

  • bandage belt. Such a bandage is made in the form of an elastic ribbon that dresses over the underwear. Also, the bandage has special velcro-clashes that allow you to "fit" the size of the bandage under its tummy. Prefer quite wide models that will not slip so much when walking. Such bandages are very comfortable in the hot season, because They do not close completely stomach and provide a greater influx of air to the body. Doctors recommend to wear a bandage belt in the lying position, slightly raising the pelvis, or in the standing position. It is important to wear the belt correctly, fix the optimal size so that it does not cause discomfort. The undoubted advantage of the bandage belt is that you can "correct", tighten or relax the bandage without having to remove it.

  • universal bandage. The most budget acquisition is a universal bandage that combines the functions of antenatal and postpartum. It is made in the form of a belt that resembles the previous model. The main difference is that one part is much wider another part. During pregnancy, you wear a bandage with a narrow side under the stomach, and the rear wider part effectively supports the lower back. In this wide part often sew bones, hard details for strong fixation. After giving birth, you just need to turn the bandage with a wide face on the stomach. Now you will receive a full postpartum bandage. Like a bandage belt, a universal bandage is equipped with special velcro for the best fixation.

Pros and cons of the prenatal bandage

To think about the use of a bandage during pregnancy, women begin from the moment the tummy begins to grow very actively. Certain difficulties begin to experience pregnant women who continue to work, spend a long time on the legs, lead an active lifestyle. Among the most important advantages of the use of antenatal bandage can be allocated:

  • facilitates the pregnancy process of a woman who expects several kids at the same time;
  • the bandage allows you to reduce the feeling of fatigue, the feeling of gravity in the legs of those women who continue to work during pregnancy, and their work is connected with a long stay on the legs;
  • bandage is one of the means of preserving pregnancy in the threat of miscarriage;
  • the use of a bandage during pregnancy allows to reduce the risk of stretch marks in the abdomen and waist;
  • using a bandage during pregnancy reduces back pain and a sacrum;
  • the use of the band during pregnancy allows you to keep the right position of the fetus until birth;
  • natural fabrics, which are used in the manufacture of tires for pregnant women, pleasant to the body, do not allow to sweat in the hot season;
  • modern bandages for pregnant women have a very simple structure, which adapts to the midsection of any size;
  • the use of the band during pregnancy helps to safely make a baby if you have a stitch in the cervix, low back pain, vein problems, various obstetric pathologies;
  • the use of the band during pregnancy can help your abdominal muscles to keep the fruit if they are too relaxed.

Positive aspects of the use of a bandage during pregnancy can be listed for a very long time. But no matter how you inspired all the practicality and benefit of the bandage, the decision must be taken together with the doctor. Among the opinions of the doctors of gynecologists can be found and not quite positive reviews about bandages for pregnant women, or rather about the obligation of their use. You can meet the following opinions:

  • during the use of the bandage, the press muscles get used to external support and then heavier is restored after delivery;
  • the use of a bandage during pregnancy is not mandatory, because Nature provides for the opportunity to endure the kid with a female organism perfectly. And for this you do not need any supporting devices.

But even the most active opponents of using the bandage during pregnancy do not deny the importance of its use in certain obstetric pathologies.

When to start wearing a bandage

Many pregnant women are not less interested in the question of what week we carry a bandage or from what period of wearing a bandage. It is impossible to answer this question is definitely, because Pregnancy in all proceeds in different ways. Doctors recommend starting to wear a bandage since the actual growth of the fetus. The baby begins to intensively gain weight in about 21 weeks. From now on, the tummy in pregnant is becoming more and more. The following factors affect the choice of the start of use of the prenatal bandage:

  • the physique of a pregnant woman;
  • attaching the fetus to the rear or front wall of the uterus;
  • the number of fruits. Women who expect twins or triples, of course, begin to wear earlier than 21 weeks.

Tips for choosing a bandage for pregnant women

A pregnant woman will be able to experience all the advantages and advantages of the bandage only, provided that this orthopedic product is correctly chosen. Close up to choose a bandage with maximum responsibility. If you have any gynecological problems during pregnancy, the question of choosing a bandage needs to be solved strictly with an obstetrician-gynecologist. The following general tips on the choice of bandage for pregnant women can be distinguished:

  • bandage for pregnant women should be made of natural fabric. Of course, it is impossible to find such a product completely from cotton. For good elasticity, even the most expensive and popular models add a certain percentage of elastane, microfiber. When buying a bandage for pregnant women, you should not choose a model at a suspiciously low price. Such bandages most likely fully consist of synthetics, which means that the body will not breathe, in the hot season you will experience discomfort, even an allergic reaction may appear, etc.
  • when buying a bandage, pay attention to the number of buckles and their quality. This orthopedic article is pregnant to be removed and dressing daily, which means all attachments, clashes must be durable and high quality. The more clashes in the band for pregnant women, the better. The multi-level system of the buckle in the band will allow you to choose the optimal size, correct it under a certain period of pregnancy, will allow you to "grow" a band together with your tummy;
  • when buying a bandage, we need to pay great attention to choosing the size of the bandage. Experts advise you to navigate the size of the clothing that you have before pregnancy. Modern baked manufacturers for pregnant women usually indicate the packaging detailed recommendations for the necessary measurements and the choice of the right size;
  • when buying a bandage for pregnant women should not try to save as much as possible. Remember that this product is designed to provide you with a comfortable baby tooling, and sometimes a prosperous outcome of pregnancy;
  • when buying a bandage, give preference to the form that will most suit your lifestyle and your preferences. For example, the bandage in the form of panties is dressed immediately to a naked body, which means it needs to be washed and change daily. And the bandage belt wear over underwear or tights and erased once a few days;
  • under the bandage, you should not have discomfort. You immediately need to feel the reduction of the load on the spine and the lower back;
  • buy a bandage for pregnant women preferably in a pharmacy. So you can be confident as this product;
  • if you buy a bandage solely for cosmetics to prevent stretch marks on the stomach and waist, you can choose a bandage yourself. But if there are any obstetric pathologies during pregnancy, you will definitely receive a consultation of the gynecologist for the choice of a bandage.

How to wear a bandage antenatal

On how to wear a bandage for pregnant women, you must be consulted with your doctor. Different types of bandages involve different ways of dressing. Some of them are advised to wear out of the position of Lözh, raising the hips up, while others are in the standing position. You can highlight the following rules of how to wear a bandage for pregnant women:

  • doctors do not recommend wearing a bandage for more than 3 hours in a row;
  • after 3 hours of continuous wearing a bandage, it is advisable to take a break by 30-60 minutes;
  • immediately remove the bandage if you feel the deterioration of my well-being, if it humbles greatly on the stomach;
  • dress the bandage correctly, follow the instructions of the manufacturer or doctor.

The most accurate and proven information on how to wear antenatal bandage, you can have your gynecologist who watches your pregnancy. On how to wear a bandage during pregnancy, directly affects the view of the bandage itself.

Postpartum bandage

So you waited for such an important and touching first meeting with your baby. All your fears before childbirth remained behind. Now you need to take care of your recovery. Many women are horrified when they see their stomach immediately after delivery. A bunch of thoughts flies in the head about how to come into shape if the skin can be reduced to the previous look. A quick recovery is also needed for mom to care for the baby. Well, if you have helpers who can give some time to "acclimatization" after childbirth. But, if you do not have such helpers, then the bandage can become the only tool that will facilitate your well-being.

Do you need to wear a bandage after childbirth. Indications and contraindications

After a woman gave birth to a child, the uterus is in a relaxed state for some time. With the help of a bandage, you can help her shrink, help come to the tone of the muscles of the abdomen. Birth of every woman is individual. The consequences for the body after delivery, the course of the generic process in all different. Someone gave birth to a child naturally, someone with the help of cesarean section, someone has a crotch break, and someone has no. Therefore, the testimony for carrying a bandage after childbirth may be different. Among these readings, the following can be allocated:

  • birth with cesarean section. After such births on the stomach, a woman has a postoperative seam that can hurt, cause inconvenience, impede the process of getting out of bed, the process of walking, raising the most minor weight. Since mom practically immediately embarks care of the child and his feeding, then wearing a bandage can be a real salvation for a woman;
  • problems with spine or joints before pregnancy. After childbirth, the rule, any problems with the musculoskeletal system can know about themselves. If you brought discomfort short and rare back pains before pregnancy, then after childbirth, this problem may be aggravated. Postpartum bandages provide good fixation and support for the muscles of the abdomen and back, which will facilitate the unpleasant feeling.

Sometimes the opinion of the gynecologist can be such that it is worth refraining from using a bandage after childbirth. For example, in such cases:

  • when a woman has internal or external breakdowns after childbirth. Some doctors believe that squeezing the tissues in the abdomen area makes it difficult for blood circulation and slows down the healing of the operating seams. If you have had breakdowns after childbirth and you still started wearing bandage, any inflammation in the seam area can serve as a signal to remove the bandage to ensure better blood flow;
  • when a woman has any problems with the kidneys, a gastrointestinal tract, then the postpartum bandage can provoke an appearance.

Types of postpartum bandages

Postpartum bandages have a wide variety of species. You can choose exactly the videos of the bandage that will be comfortable for you most. For example, if there are seams on the crotch, the use of a bandage in the form of panties may not be completely comfortable. Which bandage is wearing - depends only on your sensations. How to wear a postpartum bandage depends on its type. Among the most popular models of postpartum bandages can be called:

  • universal bandage. Such a bandage can be used during pregnancy and after childbirth. In order to turn the prenatal bandage in the postpartum, it is usually enough just to turn it over;

  • bandage-panties. The bandage looks like panties with a high waist, fully closing belly;

  • bandage Bermuda. Such a bandage reminds corrective underwear for women, he pulls not only the belly, but also the hips;

  • bandage belt. A special pulling tape is also pulling the belly, waist and sometimes even the top of the hip.

When to start wearing a bandage postpartum and how much you need to wear a bandage

Typically, the question of the time of the beginning of the use of the postpartum band is solved at the first inspection by the doctor after childbirth. The doctor examines the woman, will appreciate the condition of the seam after the cesarean section, if it was, and decides, you need or not use the bandage. As already mentioned, there are a number of contraindications for the postpartum bandage when its use should be excluded or postponed. If the doctor allows the use of a bandage, then it is usually dressed when a woman can already get out of bed and move. Opinions on how long wearing bandage, different doctors are different. The use of a bandage after delivery - an average of 4-6 weeks. After this time, the uterus is reduced to former sizes, and the bandage ceases to be necessary. How much is wearing a bandage after cesarean sections? Seam after cesarean section also heals approximately 4-6 weeks, and the bandage can be removed.

How to wear a bandage. Photo

We hope that from the article helped you to figure out what a bandage for pregnant women and with what period of carrying them, is it necessary for a bandage after childbirth, there are contraindications to the wearing bandage before and after delivery. We wish easy pregnancy and excellent well-being!


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