
The benefits and harm of palm oil for a person, its composition. What is harmful palm oil for newborns. What mixes without palm oil in the composition list. How to determine palm oil in nutrition

The benefits and harm of palm oil for a person, its composition. What is harmful palm oil for newborns. What mixes without palm oil in the composition list. How to determine palm oil in nutrition
In recent years, the issue of the benefits and dangers of palm oil has been particularly acute, which is increasingly found in food. It is worth noting that this product, like many others. It has a number of positive and negative characteristics that need to be considered when using it.

Health is the most valuable thing that every person has. It is about maintaining and maintaining it to take care of early age. In this matter, the main role is played by the human diet, the state of health, the appearance of a person and his mood directly depends on the correctness of which. The correct diet is a very complex system that should include all the most necessary people, vitamins and minerals.

However, in the modern world, products are increasingly found, the utility and harmlessness of which disputes are constantly being conducted. The most relevant issue today is the following: whether there is palm oil in food and the danger of palm oil for human health. In print editions, there are hot disputes of the opposite nature on television to identify the true position of palm oil in the world market and its influence on the human body.

In this article, consider the main characteristics of palm oil, as well as reveal the benefits and harm of palm oil for human health. Note the danger of the product for children and give a list of blends without palm oil in the composition.

What is palm oil, its composition and characteristics

Among the variety of foods important role played by the oil, which in its composition contains a large amount of useful substances for our body. These oils are a kind of lubricant for the joints, help complete the internal organs. To date, there are many different oils, among which is considered to be the most controversial palm oil.

Palm oil for a long time is used throughout the world. In countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Africa countries, a huge number of population is engaged in the production of this oil, which ensures their earnings and a tolerable life. These countries are the main suppliers of palm oil. In recent years, its development has increased significantly, because it is the cheapest fat all over the world and is used in many areas of human vital activity.

According to the World Wildlife Fund to date, almost 50% of all packaged products contain palm oil. It makes you think about his harm to human health. In Russia, palm oil appeared relatively recently. Of course, it used to be used to prepare various desserts with a long shelf life. However, today it has become massively used in the production of various products.

Palm oil composition

Today, disputes do not subscribe about what the palm oil is harmful to human health. In this issue there are two sides that adhere to absolutely opposite points of view. Some argue that palm oil in nutrition can cause huge human health problems. Others offer at the beginning to find out specifically the composition and region of the influence of palm oil per person, and then to understand, it is harmful or, on the contrary, useful. Consider in more detail, from which the palm oil makes, in order to further understand its influence on our body.

For the production of palm oil use oilseeds of palm trees that grow mostly on the territory of North Africa. Indonesia and Malaysia. To prepare this disputed product, the flesh of ripe fruits of such palm trees is used. These fruits are initially boiled, and after that, oil is pressed. In its natural form, palm oil is a liquid oilseed substance that has a bright orange-yellow color and a pleasant smell. The taste of natural palm oil is a little sweet.

In its composition, palm oil contains a large amount of palmitic acid. However, this is not the only saturated fatty acid, which consists of this oil. It also presents stearic acid, alein, arachnaya, linoleic and other saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. In addition to these components in palm oil, a large amount of vitamins E, D, K, A, lecithin, phytosterol, coenzyme Q10, responsible for the youth of the skin. It is also worth noting high content in this product of phosphorus and magnesium.

The main characteristics of palm oil

  • Palm oil in food allows you to extend their shelf life.
  • It is the cheapest and affordable vegetable oily oil on the global market, which is why it is so widely used.
  • Palm oil can be several species, separation to which depends on what is used for its production.
  • In its natural form, palm oil has a liquid consistency, it becomes more fluid when heated, and with a slight cooling, it turns into a solid that resembles margarine.
  • Thanks to its rich composition of palm oil is the most approximate vegetable oil to animal fats. That is why it is often used as a substitute for more expensive butter.
  • Palm oil has good resistance to oxidation processes, so it can be stored for a long time and not deteriorate.
  • The oil has a high nutritional value and its constituent oils are well absorbed by a person and a beneficial effect on his body.
  • One species of palm oil - red oil has an antibacterial effect, so close to him is simply impossible the growth of harmful bacteria.

palm oil production technology

On the territory of Russia do not produce palm oil, it imported from tropical countries that are leaders in this area - Malaysia and Indonesia. In these areas are engaged in the production of palm oil for a long time, most of the population is so for a living. Palm oil is produced from oil palm, which is considered the birthplace of Guinea. This country is on the African continent, so it is not surprising that this culture has spread further. Today leader in the production of palm oil is considered to be Malaysia, where it is selling most of the country's GDP.

Palm oil is obtained by a special method - cold pressing. This uses a variety of wood parts. The most valuable oil oil is obtained from the pulp of fruit and seeds of the cash palm tree. Initially, the pieces of fruits are boiled, and after this, oil is squeezed with the press.

Types of palm oil

Palm oil is completely different, its benefits and harm directly depend on the method of processing raw materials and natural consistency. From the existing and all over the world, you can allocate red palm oil, refined and deodorized palm oil, as well as technical. Consider the features of each type of this product.

Red palm oil

This type of palm oil is the most natural. It is a liquid gravy consistency of a bright red-orange shade with a sweet taste and a pleasant nut aroma. This palm oil is mined using gentle technologies, which allows you to maintain the maximum amount of its useful properties. It is in red palm oil that contains a large amount of vitamins A, E, D, so its use can bind free radicals that cause oncology. However, this type of oil is not so harmless. Excessive use can cause obesity. In addition, the red palm oil is poorly digested by the human body, so some of its part settles inside the shag.

Refined and deodorized palm oil

If we talk about palm oil, you should not forget about food oil, which is differently refined and deodorized. This oil is used in food products. It is a practically a colorless liquid that is completely devoid of smell and taste. This oil after recycling loses almost all useful properties, but acquires a greater shelf life. It is for this quality that this type of palm oil is valued by the manufacturers of food - it reduces the cost of the product and extend its shelf life. Excessive use of this oil can have a negative impact on the human body, in particular on the cardiovascular system.

This type of oil is often subjected to hydrogenation. This process is the saturation of oil mass by carbon to transfer oil from a liquid state into solid. Such palm oil is used to prepare margarine, spread. Hydrogenated palm oil after processing completely loses all its useful qualities and when eating a person can have a harmful effect on its body. In Russia, there is a special GOST, according to which food palm oil should be used.

Technical palm oil

There is another type of palm oil - technical. This oil that has been completely changed with an acidic alkaline, which led not only to the loss of all useful components, but also made this oil dangerous to human health. Technical palm oil is the cheapest and used in industry and cosmetology for the production of washing powders, cosmetics, soap, candles, medicines. His consumption by man is unacceptable, as this can lead to the appearance of plaques and oncological diseases. In this case, it is not necessary to talk about the benefits of palm oil.

Palm oil applications

In recent years, palm oil has become the most popular vegetable fat, due to its various properties. This is also due to the fact that in comparison with other types of oil, the production of palm oil is much cheaper, which, in turn, reduces the cost of products.

Using palm oil in the food industry

The lattern spread of palm oil got in the food industry. This became possible due to the property of this oil to increase the shelf life of products. For the first time, palm oil began to be used to prepare some products in 1985 after research of American scientists, which proved the efficiency of oil use in this area. Up to this point in history, palm oil was used only for technical purposes.

  • Most often, palm oil is used for products with a long shelf life.
  • You can meet a palm oil in dairy products: various cheeses and melted raws, butter, margarine, spread, confectionery, sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, condensed milk.
  • Palm oil is used for fryer when cooking chips, squid rings, fries, chicken wings in restaurants and cafes.
  • The largest use of this oil in the manufacture of confectionery products with a long shelf life. Oil is used for cream, biscuits, waffles, candies, chocolate pastes and glaze, cookies and cupcakes.
  • It is often used palm oil in children's nutrition, which is a controversial discussion among young mothers. Palmitic acid contained in palm oil is an important component of a mixture for feeding kids. This allows you to bring the mixtures for feeding to breast milk. You can also find mixtures without palm oil, however, which of them are still not proven.
  • In order to determine the palm oil in food, it is worth reading the composition carefully. If it contains vegetable oil without an accurate name and the cost of this product is significantly lower than similar, then the likelihood is that there is palm oil in its composition.

Palm oil in cosmetology

Palm oil in cosmetology is widely used. It is added to various creams due to its consistency and part of vitamins and minerals. Palm oil in cosmetics is located in a complex with other drugs that enhance the overall impact. Cream with palm oil contributes to the healing of small wounds and cracks on the skin, as well as due to the presence of coenzyme q10 oil, moisturize and nourish the skin, extending it to youth and elasticity. That is why palm oil is often used to produce a cream for fading skin after 45-50 years.

Palm oil in the chemical industry

Palm oil is also used in the chemical industry. For these purposes, technical palm oil is suitable. This component is often found in soap, both liquid and solid. Palm oil is added to a variety of washing powders and rinsers. This type of oil is used in the manufacture of candles.

Palm oil in medicine

As it is not surprising, but palm oil is also used in the production of medical preparations. This substance is widely used in the manufacture of drugs to treat problems. This includes medicines for the treatment of glaucoma, conjunctivitis, chicken blindness. With palm oil, pharmaceutical companies produce various medicines aimed at treating a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract.

As can be seen from the above applications, palm oil can have both positive and negative sides, which must be taken into account when solving the issue of the benefits and danger of this product.

The benefits and harm of palm oil for man

To get a specific opinion on the effect of palm oil on the human body, it is important to consider all its positive and negative sides.

Palm oil use:

  • First of all, palm oil, especially natural red. The composition contains a large number of carotene. Due to this, this substance is considered one of the strongest antioxidants, which is capable of fighting free radicals and prevent the appearance of cancers. This component in palm oil is able to make the skin smoother and moistened.
  • Palm oil has a positive effect on the state of the human heart and its vessels. That is why it is prescribed in preventive purposes to prevent heart attacks, strokes, ischemic diseases, hypertension.
  • In its composition, palm oil contains a large amount of vitamin A, so it is recommended to be used in various eye diseases. It is part of the preparations for the treatment of cataracts, chicken blindness, glaucoma. It helps protect the eye lens, retina and cornea, normalizes intraocular pressure and blood circulation.
  • The use of palm oil has a beneficial effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. It can quickly heal the wounds on the mucous membrane of the stomach, take inflammation. How it does not sound strange, palm oil prevents cluster of fats in the liver. Doctors recommend using palm oil with a stomach and duodenal ulcer, with cholecystitis, biliary disease, colitis and gastritis.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin E, palm oil protects the human body from the effects of harmful toxins, strengthens the immunity. In this case, palm oil nourishes skin cover, makes them more elastic and elastic. Protects the surface of the skin from bacteria and viruses.
  • Palm oil is very useful for a female body. Due to the large number of vitamins A, E palm oil helps to normalize the hormonal balance and contributes to its adjustment. Palm oil also has an anti-inflammatory effect with various diseases of the uterus and ovaries. When using this product during pregnancy, you contribute to the full development of the fetus.
  • Useful palm oil and children. It participates in the formation and strengthening of bones, teeth and joints. Promotes the formation of organs of vision, brain and nervous tissue.

What is harmful palm oil:

  • Palm oil in its composition contains a large number of saturated fatty fats. That is why the excessive use of this oil can contribute to the occurrence of problems with the heart and vessels. The level of cholesterol in the blood can increase, which causes vessel thrombosis, atherosclerosis. Use palm oil is needed in limited quantities. Although this rule also exists for the usual cream oil.
  • Excess palm oil helps disruption of the digestive system.
  • Palm oil is a strongest carcinogen, because of this, many countries have introduced a ban on the use of palm oil for food preparation.
  • The palm oil contains a small amount of linoleic acid, which makes this oil less valuable.
  • Our body poorly digested palm oil due to melting point, which is 40 degrees. This leads to the fact that the decomposition of this oil is settled in the body in the form of slags.
  • Fatty acids, which are contained in palm oil, gradually glue blood cells, which can lead to the appearance of oncological diseases.

Than harmful palm oil for newborns

Many young moms are concerned about the question, whether the palm oil content is harmful in baby diet and mixtures. It is worth noting that palmitic acid is the main component of such mixtures, as the manufacturers strive primarily bring baby food in the composition of breast milk. It is quite difficult to do so, as problems arise with a choice of specific oil and fats. The cow's milk is very different from the thoracic, so manufacturers paid their attention to vegetable oils, which are much more similar in composition on maternal.

The content of palm oil in children's mixtures is useful in high content in it vitamins A, E, which contribute to the formation and strengthening of bones, teeth, brain and nervous tissue. Saturated fatty acids, of which the palm oil consists, is necessary for the child as a source of energy and for the construction of hormones and cell membranes.

But palm oil, which is included in the children's mixture, can bring the child's health not only benefit, but also harm. This is due to the fact that palmitic acid contributes to the poor absorption of calcium by a child organism. Also often in children who are fed with pillars with palm oil pages are observed.

Although there are some negative aspects of the use of palm oil in children's mixtures, children eating them grow and develop without deviations. Additive in the form of palmitic acid in children's products is allowed by all instances.

Use children's blends without palm oil

Manufacturers are constantly working to improve the composition of children's mixtures and approximate it to breast milk. However, still today, ideal nutrition for newborns is breast milk mother, which contains all the necessary elements. If you want to use the mixtures with palm oil, manufacturers produce mixtures without this component or replace it with another substance.

  • Some mixtures add palm olein, which contains slightly less fatty acids.
  • To date, manufacturers try to add as little palm oil as possible into children's mixtures.
  • There are mixtures in which there is no palm oil. This is Nanny and Similak. However, these mixtures are less similar in its composition on breast milk.
  • The recent achievement of scientists in terms of the development of an improved baby mixture was the creation of a structured or beta-palmitate of palm oil. Such mixtures are absorbed better and do not cause constipation. How to check the palm oil in the composition - just look at the composition: beta-palmitate or structured palm oil should be indicated here. Such mixtures include Nutrilon, Heinz, Cabrite.

There is no ideal mixture for feeding newborns, it is almost impossible to make it. Therefore, if any opportunity, let your child breast milk. And regarding the harm and benefit of palm oil for human health, everyone decides to independently - use or not. In any case, if the use of products with these oil is limited, it will not be harmless.


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