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Beneficial properties of tea fungus

Beneficial properties of tea fungus
How to prepare a healthy drink based on tea mushroom.

Many people are not aware that using a tea mushroom is easy to prepare a refreshing drink. For a certain period, a jar with a medical -like substrate floating in them could be noticed in many kitchens. For many centuries, the stable demand for the tea mushroom for many centuries is due to its numerous healing properties.

What is a tea mushroom

The initial evidence of the cultivation of tea fungus was recorded in China, about 220 years BC. e. In addition, the ancient Greeks were also known about its benefits. According to various sources, Ceylon, as well as China or Tibet, indicate as the homeland of a jellyfish. He was brought to Russia through Mancheuria at the end of the nineteenth century, and in a short period he gained sufficient distribution in our latitudes.

Official names are a jellyfish, the eastern “battalion commander”, as well as the tea jellyfish are due to the structure of this organism. The body of such a two -component symbiot (mushroom and algae) resembles a jelly -shaped jellyfish jellyfish, and for full functioning it needs to ensure the habitat in the form of an filtered solution of sweetened tea. Medusomitset is a voluminous and layered dense film with threads freely hanging down, floating in the liquid and processing it into a drink like kvass.


Biologically the jellyfish acts as a community that the following microorganisms form:

  • yeast -like fungi of several types that trigger sugar fermentation with the compatible formation of wine alcohol and carbon dioxide;
  • carbon dioxide bacteria oxidizing alcohol and forming acetic acid.

It is they who do useful work, turning the liquid into a kind of drink like kvass in a few days. With sufficient nutrition, this mushroom can grow significantly, filling the entire nutrient medium from tea or juice provided with itself. After some time, a jellyfish can separate a light thin film, which is placed in a separate glass container with water for reproduction (after a day it should be replaced with a sweetened solution of tea). In this way, over time, you can grow a new tea mushroom. When cultivating on an industrial scale, cases of reaching a mass of mass of about 100 kilograms are known.

Useful properties of tea fungus: scope

In 1964, a mycologist from Germany explored a jellyfish and compiled his detailed description. Then it was revealed that this object is a symbiote consisting of fungi and bacteria. In Europe, vinegar began to be made from his infusion, and a license was issued for this technology. When growing a large volume in containers, a jellyfish can reach a diameter of very impressive sizes. The infusion that produces this substrate is called tea or mushroom kvass. The benefits of tea fungus are proven by research, this natural and healing drink is used as a healing agent that increases the tone.

The bacteria inhabiting a colony of a jellyfish colony act as a natural antibiotic of a universal action, as they have the ability to displace various pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it is known that the beneficial properties of tea fungus are preserved in conditions of long -term storage, and even after boiling the infusion. It is not surprising that its healing effect for many centuries has been actively used in folk medicine.


The following beneficial properties of tea mushroom are currently proven:

  • the infusion of medical uzomitset is very useful for normalizing the state of health in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, healing the state of the gallbladder, as well as the liver. With gastrogenic enteritis, colitis and bacterial dysentery, this infusion has a normalizing effect, no less powerful than when consuming pharmaceuticals;
  • in addition, the beneficial properties of a tea mushroom are used for various inflammatory processes in the area of \u200b\u200bENT organs. With colds, you can apply a rinse of the throat of the tea mushroom infusion, as well as rinse with its help, nasal moves;
  • using the beneficial properties of a tea fungus, it is possible to largely normalize increased pressure and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Tea kvass will help to normalize well -being, reduce the weight and content of cholesterol in the blood, it can be consumed as a general strengthening and tonic.

In addition, this drink can be taken to normalize the condition with diarrhea and constipation. The infusion of comables will relieve insomnia and problems with blood vessels, help with a headache, eliminate dysbiosis. Using the beneficial properties of a tea fungus, it is easy to normalize the intestinal microflora, including after illness and antibiotic treatment.


With stomatitis, it is useful to rinse the mouth with this drink, with conjunctivitis - apply lotions to the field of inflammation. The infusion of comables can also be used as an anti -inflammatory and wound healing agent in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is proved that the regular use of tea kvass has a general strengthening effect for the central nervous system. In addition, its components differ in the effect of alcohol toxins neutralizing, as a result of this, the beneficial properties of tea fungus are used to relieve a hangover syndrome.

Thanks to a pronounced bactericidal effect, the infusion of medicalus is useful for washing wounds. Folk healers also recommend using the beneficial properties of tea fungus in the following cases:

  • with multiple sclerosis;
  • scarlatin;
  • diphtheria;
  • tuberculosis.

The unpleasant symptoms of colds and influenza are quite realistic to minimize, using the infusion of medical -uzomitset. This drink can be drunk for children, in addition, it is very useful to use it to older people. Using the beneficial properties of a tea mushroom, it is quite possible to remove toxins clogging it from the body and increase immunity.


Useful properties of tea mushroom: the composition of the infusion

A drink produced by a jellyfish is characterized by a rather complex composition. In addition to alcohol and sugar (mono- and disaccharides), it also includes:

  • various organic acids;
  • vitamins C, as well as thiamine;
  • a variety of enzymes that effectively split fats, starch and proteins;
  • lipids;
  • pigments and purines from tea leaves.

Experts argue that the lack of enzymes in the body can provoke a number of ailments, including very common various digestive disorders, as well as arthritis and osteoarthritis, scleroderma and cancer. Useful enzymes contained in the infusion of tea fungus, on the contrary, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, as they neutralize toxins and toxins, improve the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, and increase the protective abilities of various body systems. Acids in the infusion of tea fungus, entering the body, destroy harmful bacteria and have a detoxification effect.

Contraindications to the use of tea fungus

Although no harm to the tea fungus has been identified, nevertheless, there are a number of restrictions for its use. The following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • due to a significant amount of sugar in this drink, it is not recommended to regularly consume it with obesity, as well as with diabetes mellitus;
  • in the presence of fungal diseases, a freshly factorous infusion of tea mushroom can aggravate the existing problems. Nevertheless, the drink that was well transferred and infused during the week, on the contrary, strengthens the body's defenses in the confrontation of fungal infections;
  • it is not recommended to use this drink with high acidity. In addition, regardless of health, do not use more than 1 liter of tea fungus per day. It is also important to note that in an undiluted form a transferred sour drink should not be drunk;
  • it is not recommended to replace sugar with honey for the preparation of the drink.

It is worth considering that this symbiot is able to produce ethyl alcohol. Therefore, the contraindications of the use of tea fungus can be attributed to the upcoming trip at the wheel.

It is important to note that the infusion of a medical -based green tea, which contains a larger amount of caffeine, and also has a more pronounced exposure to the digestive tract, so that people with reduced pressure, as well as suffering gastritis, should be careful and not to be carried away by the use of such a drink.

In addition, nutritionists do not recommend drinking an infusion of tea fungus before eating and directly during it. This drink should be consumed in an hour or more after eating.

To avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, after using the infusion of combi for one or two months, it is recommended to take a break.


Beneficial properties of tea fungus when growing at home

If you are interested in how to care for a tea mushroom, it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • mausomitset optimally develops at a temperature of about 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, the temperature regime below 17 ° C does not tolerate too well;
  • at home, it is convenient to grow a tea mushroom in a glass three -liter jar - it should be covered with a napkin made of gauze folded in several layers. It is important to take into account that the jellyfish is a living organism, and for it it is necessary to provide a constant influx of fresh air;
  • for the full development of the substrate, it will be necessary to regularly prepare the nutrient medium in the form of a sweetened solution of tea, for this you will need brewing sheet varieties and sugar;
  • since this substrate does not tolerate the effects of direct sunlight poorly, a jar with it should be placed in a shaded place.

A well -developed, adult and healthy jellyfish copes with the preparation of infusion quite quickly. It is necessary to monitor the color of the film of the substrate - if it has acquired a brownish tint, this means that the mushroom does not feel very well and may soon die. A healthy substrate will swim on the surface.


How to preserve the beneficial properties of tea fungus when preparing infusion

To prepare two liters of a nutrient solution, it is necessary to brew with boiling water 2 tbsp. Hacks, insist, and then thoroughly strain and dilute with boiled water to two liters. After that, sugar should be filled into it (at the rate of 2-3 tbsp per liter of liquid) and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. In the cooked liquid at room temperature, gently lower the jellyfish.

Do not allow grains of sugar on the mushroom, as they can injure its mucous membrane, causing burns. Sugar substitutes are strictly not recommended for feeding the fungus. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the leaves of tea brewing do not get into the nutrient fluid for medical. It is not difficult to speed up the fermentation process by adding a mushroom infusion into a new solution. It will be required to drain the infusion and add freshly prepared nutrient fluid after 3-4 days in the summer and about once every 5 days in winter. Periodically, before preparing the infusion of tea fungus, it is recommended to carefully rinse it with boiled water at room temperature. This drink can be stored in the refrigerator for several months.

Useful properties of tea mushroom - video



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