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How to remove alcohol from the body

How to remove alcohol from the body
Ways to remove alcohol from the body and eliminate intoxication.

All known o harm for health arising as a result unlimited use alcohol drinks. However, the knowledge of this fact does not interfere with some people occasionally or systematically abuse alcohol. Often after the holiday, the meeting, the friendly feast comes a very unpleasant hangover, when the morning and the next day they are not good at all. In this case, the question arises how to reduce the unpleasant impact and faster to remove alcohol from the body.

How to remove alcohol from the body: basic principles

The question of how to withdraw alcohol from the body may occur not only among alcoholics and their loved ones, but often at the malngesting people. After absorbing alcohol, there are several ways to remove alcohol, with the help of which the body copes with intoxication:

  • unchanged - through the kidneys with urine, as well as through light and skin cover;
  • in converted form - through the liver.

For the decay of the incoming ethanol in the brain, I am answered by Enzyme called Catalase. Alcohol toxins, falling into the body, affect fabrics, redistributing liquid in them. Failures in the operation of blood supply and isolation systems can manifest themselves with edema, hence the appearance of "referring" and swelling physiognomy.


In addition, about 90% of ethyl alcohol entered into the body decomposes and is excreted through the liver by oxidation and convert to acetic acid. It is in it as a result of the impact of a special enzyme (aldehydehydhydrogenase) ethanol is converted to a very poisonous and toxic compound of acetaldehyde, presumably the carcinogen, causing disorders of protein exchange and DNA damage. This organic compound is oxidized in the liver, converting to a safe acetic acid to the body, and then output. The rate of flow of this process depends on the health of the liver and can be:

  • for women - from 0.08 to 0.1 ppm per hour;
  • for men - from 0.1 to 0.15 ppm per hour.

Speed \u200b\u200bup artificially flowing this process is not possible, it can only slow down under the influence of some factors. It is the impact of acetaldehyde that can lead to the development of various diseases, including hepatitis, as well as the liver cirrhosis.

In a non-modified form, ethyl alcohol is derived by evaporation through light and skin, as well as through the kidneys with urine. The rate of these processes can be affected by drugs, as well as folk methods and means.

How to remove alcohol from the body: Medical ways

With the unlimited use of alcoholic beverages, acute and / or long alcohol intoxication occurs. In order to prevent it from and minimize the consequences of alcoholic poisoning, you can try to quickly remove alcohol from the body using intensive infusion therapy - simply speaking, the use of intravenous dropper with disintellation solution. A narcologist can carry out such a procedure under the conditions of stationary treatment of alcoholism - to remove severe abstinence syndrome and eliminate intoxication, as well as at home - with the aim of speedingly from the state of hangover either.

The following components may include similar droppers:

  • isotonic or saline;
  • 5 or 10% glucose solution (or magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride);
  • vitamin C, as well as groups B;
  • potassium, magnesium;
  • insulin;
  • special plasma-substituting drugs (for example, rea-self, refooliglukin, dextran 40, dishlet, trisol).

In addition, the doctor may appoint a diuretic, sedative, anticonvulsant. The competently selected composition of the dropper for intravenous infusion, taking into account the state of the patient's health, its age, the necessary drug effects and the combination of drugs, will allow you to quickly fill the loss of fluid in the body, normalize the water and electrolyte balance and remove alcohol from the blood. In this case, the toxic compounds at an accelerated pace will leave the body by natural urination. Properly conducted drug support displays alcohol from the body, contributing to the creation of conditions for the restoration of the processes of the life of organs and tissues, as well as for their further normal functioning.

When calling a narcologist to the house, to bring alcohol from the body, it is recommended to visit the doctor's doctor or to ask him the presence of a certificate. As a rule, a narcologist brings with it a specially equipped set of medicines and a tripod for a dropper. The doctor is obliged to produce a primary examination - measure blood pressure, examine the patient's belly to eliminate the signs of pancreatitis, violations in the work of the cardiovascular system.

The one-time setting of the dropper at home is suitable as an emergency disincitution for rapidly destruction - in case the abstineent syndrome is not heavy, i.e. If a person drank no more than four days in a row. In other cases, long therapy, reinforced droppers and treatment under the hospital under observation may be needed. Some narcologists prefer the use of a double dropper - a similar procedure is the infusion of almost liter of fluid and is suitable only if the patient has no kidney disease.

Doctors argue that the dropper is most effective in the presence of a hangover, and to a lesser extent - in a state of the binge or acute intoxication. In the best way, such intensive therapy is valid if a person has committed abundant inspection, at night I slept for some time, and in the morning I decided to stop.

Often you can hear recommendations on the reception of absorbents like enterosgel, Almaty or activated carbon. However, some experts argue that ethanol molecules are too small that these substances can be effectively trapped. To remove intoxication, the drug sorbitol, eliminating acidosis, as well as a methadoxil that has a hepatoprotective effect is used.

The well-known anti-Polysya tablets contain a means of headaches and a significant dose of vitamins that facilitate the condition when hangover, as well as fragrances, help eliminate the unpleasant smell. It is important to note that drugs of this kind are not able to derive ethanol from the body and deceive any express test.

How to remove alcohol from the body: folk methods

In order to quickly remove alcohol at home, you need to stimulate the kidneys, lungs and skin to accelerate deliverance from toxins. It is quite real to do it yourself - mainly due to enhanced drinking (naturally, not alcohol), thoughtful working and recreation mode, as well as in the fresh air.

How to remove alcohol from the body: useful tips

Among methods that help bring alcohol from the body, you can mention the following:

  • the so-called "Restaurant" method of cleansing the stomach - for this you need a volley to drink a large amount (preferably several liters) fluid and try to cause vomiting to clean the body from alcohol, and then take activated carbon at the calculation of one tablet per 10 kg of weight. This method is quite effective if after the use of alcohol passed a little time, and ethyl alcohol has not yet absorbed in the blood;
  • take the sorbent, as well as pharmacy diuretic drugs that will help bring alcohol from the body, or the decoction of the grasses of the same action. For these purposes, ragners from the kidneys and leaves of birch, lingonberries, tocheries, mint, cornflowers, disposals, horsigoral root roots of parsley or burdock, as well as flax seeds are suitable for these purposes;
  • clean your teeth, wash cold water, perform vigorous wiping with a wet towel;
  • for a few minutes, elderly rub ear sinks;
  • perform a charging for the brain, for some time, solving simple logical tasks or constituting a detailed action plan for the near future - taking into account numerous small details; 11
  • to quickly remove alcohol through the lungs, it is recommended to exit fresh air. A unhurried walk or physical labor will help speed up the detoxification process and relieve it;
  • in addition, the hooking period will relieve sex - as the accelerated metabolism and enhanced sweating, as well as highlighted endorphins help the body easier to transfer the period of intoxication;
  • the thermal effect of water procedures, obtained when visiting the bath, will help qualitatively steam, reveal the pores and in a short time to remove the products of the decay of alcohol along with later. It is important to consider that such an impact should be thoughtfully dosed in order not to cause an excessive load on the heart, as well as an increase in blood pressure. In addition, you can take a contrast shower at home - for this you should start with hot water, and then switch it several times on it cold and back;
  • one of the best ways to facilitate the condition and remove alcohol from the body is a full dream. It is a universal medicine from many diseases, will help restore strength and with alcohol poisoning. Looking around and having a rest, you can feel much better.

How to remove alcohol from the body: what to drink

With alcohol intoxication, it is recommended to use a rich amount of fluid, since the created additional burden load will stimulate them to more intensively eliminate alcohol toxins from the body with urine. If there is no disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, sweet black or green tea, as well as coffee, is suitable in the form of an affordable diuretic product. The glucose contained in them will contribute to the restoration of the full brain work. Nevertheless, it should not be abused tea and coffee, since these liquids contain a significant amount of caffeine. In order not to create an additional load for the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to drink mineral water without gas, decoction of rosehip, compote or juice (apple or any of the citrus sitrus, as it contains a significant amount of vitamin C).


A well-known popular tool to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of alcoholic intoxication is brine (it is not worth it with marinade). This remedy will help replenish the blood plasma fluid that saturates its useful electrolyte salts.

In addition, in order to make alcohol from the body faster, it is recommended to use dairy products. Lower intoxication after using alcoholic beverages is easy, drinking an empty stomach every hour by small sips a glass of low-fat kefir - useful amino acids and bacteria contained in it and gently adjust the microflora, normalize metabolism and eliminate dysbacteriosis. The drinking glass of milk forms the enveloping walls of the stomach film, which will reduce the absorption of ethanol into the blood.

How to remove alcohol from the body: food

Light low-calorie breakfast will help to come faster. At the same time, you should not use fatty and difficult to digest food. In addition, it is important not to overeat, since the organism is already overloaded with alcohol intoxication.

You can remove the hangover using a small portion of freshly brewed chicken broth. It is recommended to add a small amount of garlic to it, as well as spices in the form of coriander, cinnamon or nutmeg. In addition, curry will help with alcohol intoxication - this seasoning has a property to expand bile ducts, which contributes to more intensive liver operation. With the help of the aforementioned spices, it is possible to effectively get rid of headaches and eliminate the feeling of discomfort in the stomach.

Natural honey will help reduce symptoms of alcoholic intoxication. Due to the presence of fructose, this tool makes it easier to cope with intoxication, save the body from alcohol decay products and remove alcohol toxins.


If you take care in advance and take some measures so that the feast is not overgrown with a very unpleasant hangover, then the subsequent ailment can be completely avoided or to minimize it. To do this, during the feast it is necessary to take into account the following:

  • you should not use suspicious spirits that seemed suspicious, as poor-quality fake can cause strongest poisoning;
  • it is not recommended to mix different types of alcohol, otherwise subsequently poor well-being and headaches not to avoid;
  • it is advisable to bite alcohol with hot rich dishes;
  • if you drink alcohol with carbonated drinks, the absorption rate of ethanol in blood increases significantly;
  • the state of intoxication due to alcoholic beverages aggravates nicotine, so it is worth avoiding frequent smokers;
  • between alcohol, it is recommended to move more, periodically go to fresh air;
  • in order to avoid severe intoxication and subsequent alcohol poisoning, extremely undesirable to drink an empty stomach.

How to remove alcohol from the body - video


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