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How to fix crooked legs

How to fix crooked legs
So that your legs look good, you need to work on it

Not all nature gives a beautiful shape of the legs. Sometimes this problem provokes the development of a huge number of complexes among the fair sex. As everyone’s favorite secretary Verochka from the film “Service Roman” told everyone: “It’s better to hide unsuccessful legs.” And then the legs are hidden under long skirts and in wide trousers! But often the shape of the legs can be adjusted and even fixed.

Why legs are crooked and how to fix it


Congenital curvature of the legs is very rare. Orthopedic doctors believe that crooked legs are a acquired defect. Most often, the curvature of the legs occurs in adolescence, when the bones are still growing. A constant incorrect gait or tight shoes can provoke the curvature of the legs. As a result of this, flat feet form and, as a result, the proper development of bones is violated. Also, the cause of crooked legs can be injuries and excess weight. Medicine believes that there are four main forms of legs:

  1. Perfectly even legs. If you put the legs tightly one near the other, the knees and ankles are in contact. You can just congratulate such girls.
  2. Form O. If you put the legs nearby, the ankles are in contact, and the knees do not come into contact. It is believed that this shape of the legs is more inherent in strong floor, since it was inherited from the nomads.
  3. Form H. In this case, the knees are “friends”, but the ankles are not. Some consider this form a pose of female coquetry.
  4. The apparent or false curvature of the legs. If the legs of this form are put nearby, both knees and ankles will closed, but the legs still seem crooked. This is due to uneven development of muscles as a result of improper gait or monotonous load.

The most radical way to fix crooked legs is a surgical operation. This is a complex surgical intervention that can negatively affect the state of health. In addition, the procedure is quite expensive and painful. They resort to surgery in cases of serious damage to bones and joints. You can align the shape of the bones with a special device - the Ilizarov apparatus. This is a metal structure that is fixed on the leg, some elements of the device pass inside the limb. Also not enough pleasant, but there are times when such a device is vital.

You can visually fix crooked legs using the recommendations of stylists. Girls who cannot abandon short skirts advise wearing overching boots or dense tights with a large, clear geometric pattern. Pants and jeans are better to choose straight cut. It is better to refuse breeches and skirts of medium length.

You can fix crooked legs without surgery by performing special exercises. This is a completely safe way to pump up muscles in different parts of the legs. As a result, the legs will acquire the correct shape. Small bone deformation can be corrected using yoga. To do this, it is better to contact a coach that will help to make a set of exercises to eliminate this defect, and will teach yoga basics.


How to fix crooked legs in a child


Often the curvature of the legs is formed in childhood and adolescence, so parents should be very careful. If you notice that the child is very strongly stipulated in one direction, unevenly erases the heel or outlet, you need to tell your observations to the doctor. The more time the doctor’s appeal will be, the more you can count on success. First of all, parents should figure out whether the curvature of the child’s legs is genetic predisposition. In the process of raising a child, parents should show patience, you can not put on the legs of a fragile baby, this can lead to deformation of the legs. The musculoskeletal system should be ready for loads, so the child will show when he is ready to walk. The cause of crooked legs in the baby may be rickets, as well as congenital anomalies. In these problems, the orthopedic doctor will understand better and prescribe adequate treatment.

Is it possible to fix the curved legs of the baby? If the treatment is prescribed in a timely manner, the curvature of the legs in the child can be corrected. As a rule, an orthopedist assigns massage courses that a specialist must conduct. The therapeutic massage captures not only the muscles of the legs, but also the muscles that strengthen the spine. Additionally, you can massage the legs of the child at home. To do this, the baby is laid on the back. The direction of massage is from the thumb of the leg, along the inside of the foot, and then along the inside of the leg. Massage is carried out first in the form of stroking from the finger and above, then light rubbing and kneading. It is necessary to finish the massage by stroking. Such techniques will help strengthen the muscles of your baby's legs.

If the problems of curvature of the legs occur in an older child, exercises for the legs are added to a special massage, as well as physical procedures. Foot exercises will not only help fix the shape of the limbs, but can also serve as excellent prevention of flat feet and joint diseases. And healthy legs are longevity and a full life.

Exercises for correcting crooked legs

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If you systematically perform a set of exercises, you can fix crooked legs at home by creating muscle relief. At the same time, exercises contribute to the removal of excessive volumes on the hips, and the legs become slim and fit. Any set of exercises for correcting crooked legs should be started with the execution of warming exercises. This will increase the effectiveness of classes.

Warming exercises to correct crooked legs

These exercises must be repeated 10-15 times. We do the first three exercises standing straight.

  1. We put the feet parallel to one another, the legs shoulder -width apart. When performing the exercise, do not forget about posture! Raise your fingers up, the foot remains motionless. If you felt the calf muscles tensed, the exercise is performed correctly.
  2. The starting position is the same. Now we pull the fingers under the foot, at the same time you can feel the tension of the muscles of the foot.
  3. Exercise "Feel like a ballerina." We put the heels together, socks apart. We transfer the weight of the body to the fingers and rise, spread the heels to the sides, then connect. You must feel muscle tension.
  4. This exercise and the next two are performed sitting on a chair or another hard surface. During the exercises, we hold the correct posture, the knees are slightly divorced. The legs are stable on the heels, pull the fingers and feet to you, then turn the feet in one and the other. The muscles are as tense as possible.
  5. Now we get on the fingers, and raise the heels and alternately reduce together and breed in different directions.
  6. The starting position is the same as in the two previous exercises. We put the feet nearby, fix the outer part of the foot, tightly pressing it to the floor. We make the foot rolling from the fingers to the heels and back.
  7. Exercise "Bicycle" is performed lying down. Performing this exercise, we strain the muscles or relax.

Exercises for correcting curves of the form o

  1. We lie down on the floor, on the back. Raise the legs 20-25 cm from the floor, perform the exercise "scissors". To begin with, you can do 10 times, further increase the load to 20-30 or more times.
  2. The starting position is the same. We raise the legs at right angles to the floor, stretch up as much as possible, straining the muscles. We perform the exercise "Vertical scissors."
  3. Standing straight, legs shoulder -width apart. We perform the most deep squats at a slow pace. During the exercise, the hands are extended forward, the back is straight.
  4. This exercise is difficult to do without preliminary preparation, but by training a little, you will easily do it. We kneel. We hold the knees together, the feet are stretched, heels apart. We go down the buttocks to the floor between the heels. The exercise is performed at a slow pace. We also slowly return to its original position. Perform 10 times.
  5. Starting position: standing straight, legs shoulder -width apart. Tightening the muscles, we move the knees, fix for a few seconds. We return to the starting position, perform 10 times.
  6. Walking on the inner arch of the foot, 10 steps. Walking on the outer arch of the foot, 10 steps.

Exercises for correcting curves of shape x


This set of exercises should also be performed after a warming block of exercises.

  1. Standing straight, legs shoulder -width apart. Raise the right knee, helping ourselves with your right hand. At the highest point, we take the knee to the side. Exercise perform at a slow pace, stretching the muscles. To maintain balance, hold your free hand for any support. We perform the exercise with the left foot.
  2. Yoga exercise. Starting position: sitting on the floor. We dilute the knees as much as possible, cross the legs.   Hands on the knees. With the help of hands, we try to bring the knee closer to the floor. Very good stretch!
  3. We go to the floor, on the stomach. The knees are diluted as much as possible to the sides, the feet are connected. The exercise is called "frog." Hold the pose for 3 minutes. As muscle training, we learn to keep a pose for 10 minutes.
  4. We perform the exercise "Frog" on the back. We dilute the knees and close the feet. Tightening the muscles of the buttocks, we try to touch the floor with knees. If you train, you will definitely succeed!
  5. Exercise "Butterfly." We perform sitting on the floor, do not cross our legs. We dilute the knees as much as possible to the sides, close the feet. Ending your hands forward. Slowly pull the case forward, performing the “steps” forward with our hands, we return back.
  6. Walking on the outer side of the foot forward, 10 steps. Walking on the outer side of the foot back, 10 steps.


To fix crooked legs, systematic classes are required, at least within a month. In addition, it is recommended to engage in any sport: swimming, athletics, pilates, yoga. If you are a completely unsportsmanlike person, try to walk more. Connoisseurs claim that the most even legs of the Indian bike ricks who go a lot.

How to fix crooked legs. Video

Exercises for correcting crooked legs:



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