
Fruit peeling

Fruit peeling
Fruit peeling will help solve skin problems.

At first glance, it may seem that fruit peeling \u003d is a new-fashioned procedure for cleaning a person invented by specialists of modern cosmetology. But this is not at all so, for a long time, beauties used fruit acids for skin care. The ancient Romans made masks from lemon and grape juice, although they did not know at all about fruit acids. Our great-grandfathers in the desire to make their skin young and smooth skin, used juice of face care.

What is fruit peeling


The procedure for cleaning the face with the help of fruit acid is called fruit peeling. With this procedure, the skin becomes touched, healthy and beautiful. A huge plus of fruit peeling is its skin safety. This type of peeling acts very gently, does not injure and does not irritate the skin. After peeling on the basis of fruit acids, it is not necessary to adapt time, because the skin does not blush, does not become inflamed, as after using aggressive types of peeling. At the depth of exposure to the skin, all types of fruit peeling are superficial.

Peeling with fruit acids is recommended for dry and normal skin, for problem skin with acne and pigmentation, as well as to eliminate small wrinkles.

Prices for fruit peeling

For fruit peeling, glycolic, dairy, apple, citric acid are used. They can be used separately or in the complex.

  1. Glycolic acid is one of the most active because it can perfectly penetrate the skin. Raw materials for glycolic acid is sugar cane, sugar beets and green grapes. Glycolic acid is included in the peelings intended for lightening pigment spots and improve the color of the face.
  2. The source of lactic acid is tomatoes, blueberries, milk-sour products and maple syrup. Milk acid is used in peels for moisturizing and improving the color of the skin.
  3. Applic acid has a unique ability to improve metabolism in skin cells.
  4. Wine acid is contained in oranges and grapes, blends very effectively and moisturizes the skin.
  5. Lemonic acid is a very strong antioxidant, besides this, has a property whitening the skin and purify from bacteria.

Fruit Piling Indications

Fruit peeling is recommended to do those who first decided to resort to such a procedure. Several peeling sessions will help solve skin aging problems: small wrinkles, extended pores, stretch marks. In addition, peeling with fruit acids is recommended for such skin problems:

  • comaons;
  • dark spots;
  • skin fatigue;
  • acne;
  • excessive dry skin.

The main action of fruit peeling is the exfoliation of burritable skin particles. After such a procedure, the recovery processes in the skin are activated, microcirculation increases, the skin is smoothed and lightened.

Contraindications for fruit peeling

This procedure is contraindicated for those who suffer from various dermatitis and allergic reactions. It is not recommended to do fruit peeling during pregnancy.

Contraindications for fruit peeling:

  • damage to the skin: Ranks, abrasions;
  • recent tan;
  • active sun (summer period);
  • herpes in the aggravation stage;
  • cooperosis;
  • diabetes;
  • a pronounced vascular grid.

Procedure of fruit peeling


To get a good result from peeling, it is recommended to conduct this procedure with courses. Cosmetologists advise 7-10 sessions with one week breaks. In addition to peeling at this time, other cosmetology procedures for humidification and face lift can be applied: masks, appliqués. All these manipulations will take place with a big effect, because the fruit peeling contributes to this.

Well do peeling face fruit acids in salon conditions. An experienced cosmetologist will tell you with which acid it is better to start peeling, given the type of your skin, which acid concentration should be selected first. In order to maximize the effect of the procedure, peeling is used in cosmetology salons, a mixture of several fruit acids is used. Sometimes other substances that tone, whiten and moisturize the skin are added to peeling for the face. Often the effectiveness of fruit peeling can increase from adding vitamins A and E or hyaluronic acid. If the fruit peeling is performed in the cabin, a beautician with each procedure increases the acid concentration, at the same time, reduces the exposure time of the peeling on the skin. High concentration of acids acts more actively and can cause skin irritation, so the procedure is carried out with caution. Fruit peeling is an absolutely painless procedure, although sometimes very sensitive people can feel a slight burning.

The fruit peeling procedure is carried out in three stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin with special means.
  2. Applying peeling makeup, clear observance of the time of the procedure, neutralization of peeling.
  3. Applying a moisturizing and anti-stress protective cream on the skin. After the peeling procedure, the skin becomes very sensitive and requires protection from external influences: from sunlight, dry air and temperature drop.

After fruit peeling on the face, a wonderful result is visible: the skin is smoothed, brighten, becomes elastic, small wrinkles are smoothed and become less visible.

Cosmetologists are recommended to perform several conditions after carrying out peeling:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight on the skin of the face, for 15-20 days cannot be sunbathing and visiting the solarium.
  2. Within a few days, do not use makeup.
  3. It is impossible to use scrubs for 2-3 weeks.

You can see the dynamics of skin changes in the face before and after fruit peeling in the photo:




Fruit peels at home

To avoid injury to the skin, it is recommended to use a peeling composition, wherein the acid concentration does not exceed 25-30% at home. This will make the procedure safe and as effective as possible. The slightest error in the carrying out of this seemingly safe manipulation can lead to skin damage. This may entail a long recovery period for the facial skin.

It is only natural that the home will not be able to deliver peeling the skin immediately from all the problems, but it will help to effectively:

  • clean the pores of the skin by the sebaceous congestion and pollution;
  • remove the top dead skin cells;
  • remove excess skin texture;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • increase the impact of masks and creams on the skin.

How to carry out the procedure at home peeling

To carry out the peeling facial treatments at home, you have to abide by the following rules:

  1. Prepare 1-2 container main components, a brush for applying a peeling, cotton swabs, towel.
  2. To prepare the skin, remove grease and makeup.
  3. Cook peeling for several minutes before use, each component is milled separately and then mixed.
  4. Should not be applied to the peeling skin around the eyes.
  5. Do the procedure no more than once a week.
  6. Prior to the procedure to prepare a decoction of oak bark and sage. After the session very well wipe the face of such a decoction.
  7. After the procedure applied to the skin nourishing cream.

Home peeling can be enriched with additional ingredients that will satiate the skin with nutrients:

  1. Buckwheat flour. The fine particles of buckwheat have an abrasive effect. Buckwheat flour contains vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed through the skin. If you find it difficult to find a ready-made buckwheat flour, it is possible to cook at home, crushed buckwheat in a coffee grinder.
  2. Oat flakes are used in general and a hammer. Also the spectrum of vitamins to the skin, oatmeal has the ability to impart a softer texture or peeling mask.
  3. Rice flour. Fine flour of rice good to add in peeling for oily skin with enlarged pores. Rice flour has an astringent and tonic effect saturates the skin vitamins of group B.

How to cook the fruit peel yourself


Known cosmetic companies are developing peels for home use. But you can cook peeling of fruit acids and independently. Most often, for the preparation of fruit peels used home familiar to us fruits and berries, but sometimes used and exotic fruits: papaya, banana, pineapple and pomegranate.

Recipes home peel, prepared independently.

  1. Peeling from the pulp of papaya and pineapple. This peel is designed for oily skin and for removing age spots. Grate 200g of pineapple, add 100 grams of papaya and 2 tbsp honey, warmed in a water bath. Duration 3 minutes peeling. In subsequent sessions, you can extend the time of peeling up to 5 minutes. Remove makeup with cool water.
  2. Pineapple peeling. Mix 200 g of crushed pineapple and 2 tablespoons Natural honey. The weight is recommended to add 3-5 tablespoons chopped on a coffee grinder oat flakes for a more comfortable use. The finished mixture is applied to the skin for 8-10 minutes, then removed with a tissue, in the completion of warm water wash. Peeling with pineapple perfectly moisturizes dry skin, acts gently and carefully.
  3. Lemon peel. The structure of this peeling include equal proportions of lemon juice, olive oil and rosehip oil. Warm the mixture was applied to the skin. After 5-7 minutes, remove with warm water composition. Citric acid component aggressive enough, so use of such kind of peeling with caution.
  4. Peeling of exotic fruits. This type of peel is recommended for mature skin aging. To prepare the composition, will need: 200g of pineapple, banana pulp and 1 kiwi fruit 1 soft. The milled pulp of fruits put on the skin 10-15 minutes after the time of warm water to remove the composition.
  5. Peeling of red currant berries and grapes. This peeling has a strong bleaching effect. Berry mash, separating the juice and pulp in a single container, and the skin of another. The rind is not required. Berry mixture applied to the skin for 7-10 minutes. Peeling wash off with warm water.
  6. Berry peeling. Most present expanse in the summer, the season of ripening berries. You can make the peeling of the fruit that you like. Fit strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries. Peeling of strawberries can do this: mash a few ripe strawberries, add 1 tsp sour cream or olive oil.
  7. Coffee and lemon peeling. Take 1 tbsp. Natural coffee large grinding and lemon juice, mix. Fragrant cleaner apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes. This peeling is recommended for care for age-related skin. Those who wish can add a teaspoon of honey, will also be delightful! Lemon can be replaced by half an orange if it is more pleasant to you.

What fruit peeling to buy


You can buy ready-made fruit peeling for face. Buy such cosmetics is better in pharmacies or specialized stores. Japanese drug Jansen has proven well, he received positive feedback as fruit peeling from natural components. Jansen produces delicate peelings for cleansing and leveling skin relief. It should be noted that the drug is very high-quality, but also expensive. Also consumers speak well about the Israeli mixture for peeling Holi Land. This peeling is intended for use in the cabin. Many famous manufacturers of cosmetics produce their means to peeling the skin of the face. They can be in the form of cream-peeling or peeling mask, contain various fruit acids.

Fruit peeling. Video

Famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva talks about peeling with fruit acids.


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