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How to grow eyebrows

How to grow eyebrows
How to make your eyebrows irresistible: thick, expressive and well -groomed

Fashion is constantly changing, like a windy beauty. In the past few years, stylists recommend looking more natural, without resorting to the creation of a refined image. The same direction also affected the shape of the eyebrows. If earlier it was considered indecent that the eyebrows are growing very densely, now it is indecent that they are very thin and rare. How now to return the eyebrows to be lost in shape? How to grow thick beautiful eyebrows?

How to grow eyebrows: why don't eyebrows grow?


There are situations when eyebrows do not grow, and existing are made very rare. This can come from some reasons. Perhaps this is just a hereditary form of eyebrows. Watch your parents and close relatives, maybe you inherited inherited eyebrows? Do not be upset, everything can be adjusted if you contact a specialist-cosmetologist. Eyebrows can grow poorly if you constantly stain them. The paint destroys the hair follicles, and the hairs lose the opportunity to grow. Poor nutrition can slow down hair growth. Just like hair, eyebrows suffer from a lack of nutrients. In order for the hair and nails to be in good condition and have a healthy look, protein, vitamins A, B, E and trace elements should be present in the diet. The cause of poor eyebrow growth may be improper care, as well as bad habits: smoking and alcohol.

How to grow eyebrows at home


You can make your eyebrows beautiful, thick and healthy. To do this, you need to observe some conditions, nothing complicated and very expensive. You should just be patient, because in a few days the eyebrows will not grow. How much time to grow eyebrows depends on many factors: nutrition, care and condition of hair follicles. If the eyebrows are subjected to plucking and other traumatic operations, the recovery process can be quite long.

How to grow eyebrows: proper balanced diet

For the growth of hair and eyebrows in particular, include in the diet products rich in protein: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese. Be sure to eat foods rich in vitamin A: butter, liver, dairy-acidic products. Take vitamin complexes or separately vitamins A and E in capsules. Refuse fast food and monodiet, such nutrition can adversely affect the state of health.

How to grow eyebrows: eyebrow care

Care consists in everyday removal of makeup. It often turns out that we remove mascara, lipstick, shadows and tonal cream, but we do not remember the fact that in the morning we tinted the eyebrows. Some cosmetics can act destructively on the structure of hairs. And cosmetics, not washed off at night, continues its effect, even when we sleep.

How to grow eyebrows: massage for eyebrow growth


Massage and combing of eyebrows will help to quickly grow eyebrows. To do this, it is better to take a special comb and for 1-2 minutes with light movements slightly massage the eyebrows. This manipulation improves blood flow to the roots of hairs and activates their growth. The eyebrows are thicker and more expressive will help simple means purchased in a pharmacy. First of all, these are natural oils: burdock, castor, peach and almond. Using these massage oils, you can grow eyebrows in one to two weeks. The result will be well -groomed hairs that will form wide thick eyebrows. Massage is very simple. We apply a drop of oil to the ring finger, rub into the skin where the hairs grow. We lightly tap along the eyebrow line so that the oil is absorbed. Leave the oil for a few minutes, then remove with a napkin or a cotton pad.

How to grow eyebrows: rejection of plucking

If you decide to grow wide beautiful eyebrows, forget about the tweezers. As modern stylists advise, it is better to throw out a tweezers or give a unloved girlfriend. Any hairs growing in the eyebrow zone must be cherished and carefully care for them. Correction of overgrown eyebrows is better to entrust a specialist, at least for the very first time. Then you can take care of the eyebrows yourself. But the look of a cosmetologist is very important, since he can objectively evaluate the nature and external data. In the mirror, we most often see what we want, and not what is actually. Particularly unacceptable plucking the eyebrows “under the mood” or, looking into a small mirror.

How to grow eyebrows: the use of cosmetics

Currently, special serums and balms are sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores to accelerate eyebrow growth. They may contain vitamins, minerals and natural substances that stimulate hair growth. Most often, such means are resorted to in order to grow eyebrows after plucking. In such cases, it is necessary to pay attention to the instructions of the cosmetic product, its composition and contraindications.

Folk remedies for eyebrow growth


If you decide whether it is possible to grow eyebrows without using cosmetics, read the experience of folk cosmetology. Women have sought to be beautiful for all centuries, so there are a huge number of recipes for the growth of sable eyebrows.

How to grow eyebrows: a compress from a decoction of chamomile or mint

1 tsp Pour chamomile or leaflets of dried mint with a glass of boiling water, cover tightly, insist for 15-20 minutes. In the filtered infusion, moisten cotton pads or gauze shreds, apply to the eyebrows for 10-15 minutes. Decoctions of herbs positively affect the condition of the hairs and improve their growth.

How to grow eyebrows: a mask of carrot juice

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. We will need a very small amount - 1 tsp. Add 1-2 drops of vitamin E (you can buy an oil solution in a pharmacy) or any oil. It is better to take castor or burdock oil. But if you use olive, the result will also be amazing! Try to apply the mask along the line of eyebrows, because carrot juice can leave marks on the skin. The mask action is 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Compress from calendula flowers

1 tbsp. Dry flowers of calendula pour 100 g of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. In the filtered infusion, moisten cotton swabs or discs. The compress can be done 1-2 times a day. If you believe the reviews, such recipes act no worse than cosmetics for eyebrow growth.

Aloe juice mask

recipe Aloe-S-Medo1

The mask will need a sheet of aloe. It is better to take a rather large leaflet and divide into several parts, young leaves do not have pronounced healing properties. Squeeze a few drops of juice from aloe, add 3-5 drops of cream or vegetable oil. Apply the mixture on the eyebrows for 15 minutes. You can rinse with warm water or a decoction of chamomile. This mask activates hair growth and carefully cares for them.

Pepper tincture

If you want to activate the growth of eyebrows, you can use a mask of burning pepper. Such warming masks are used to enhance hair growth on the head. Pepper tincture can be bought at a pharmacy. To 1 tsp Pepper tinctures add 1 tsp. water, mix, wet gauze shreds. Apply gauze to the eyebrows, keep 15 minutes. During the procedure, be careful so that the composition does not get into the eye. Such a mask can be done 2-3 times a week.

Mask for the growth of eyebrows made of yolk

Mix yolk and 1 tbsp. cognac and castor or burdock oil. Apply the mixture on the eyebrows, slightly massage. Keep such a mask stimulating hair stimulating hair, you need to 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is better not to use soap.

Mask from rum and castor oil

Take 1 tbsp. Roma and castor oil, mix. Apply the composition on the eyebrows for half an hour. Rinse with warm water. Rom activates blood flow in the skin, as a result, castor oil is better absorbed into the skin and penetrates the hair follicles.

Tips on how to grow eyebrows


  1. It happens that eyebrows do not suit you at all. This can turn out as a result of inaccurate plucking, unsuccessful tattooing or going to the non-professional cosmetologist. Experienced stylists advise for this time to make a bang that suits your appearance. After all, for several weeks you have to somehow survive!
  2. When growing eyebrows, do not rush! Focus on vitamins and proper nutrition, and the result will be sure to be visible!
  3. Do not adjust the shape of the eyebrows at the time you grow them. First, it is necessary to achieve a natural form, and then give the eyebrows the desired bends.
  4. In order not to suffer from the shortcomings in the appearance during the growing eyebrows, bring your eyebrows with a pencil or tint with shadows. Currently, there are different technologies with which you can disguise insufficiently thick eyebrows and give them velvety.

How to grow eyebrows. Video

A few tips on how to grow eyebrows.



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