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How to increase eyelashes at home

How to increase eyelashes at home
How to perform eyelash extensions yourself.

Modern advertising promises us with the help of cosmetics to make any eyelashes long, thick and insanely beautiful. If you dream of having luxurious eyelashes, but do not want to draw paintings on the face daily on the face and then rinse them, you should think about increasing. Using this procedure, you can achieve an impressive and sufficiently long -term effect - the color of the eyes will seem brighter, and the look will become more expressive. It is not too difficult to figure out how to build eyelashes at home. Although this process is time -consuming, the result of the effort spent will please you.

Eyelash extension technology

In modern conditions, the eyelash extension procedure is quite widely in demand and is popular in cosmetic salons. Turning to the cosmetologist, in a few hours you can conquer those around you with your expressive eyes framed by lush eyelashes. The master will conduct a conversation and select the most suitable build -up technology and materials based on your wishes, what you want to increase eyelashes, as well as such as the appearance and condition of natural hairs framing the eyes.


Short, straight and too bright are perfectly corrected - you can increase such eyelashes to an impressive state. The effect of the procedure, as a rule, will be noticeable by literally naked look without the use of cosmetics, and as a result of such a session, you will look simply luxurious. If there is a desire, you can successfully increase eyelashes at home - and at the same time save time on a trip to the beauty salon, as well as the funds necessary to pay for the work of the master. Such an extension is practical enough, after it the need to use mascara will disappear after it, the eyes will look expressively in any situation, besides, you will not have to worry that makeup will smear or flow.

Depending on the applied methodology, the eyelash extension effect can last from one to four weeks. Over time, natural eyelashes with villi glued to them gradually fall out, and new ones grow in their place. Thus, to maintain the effect of building, it will be necessary to carry out correction with a frequency of several weeks.

If you are worried about whether it is worth increasing the eyelashes, you can reassure you - cosmetologists say that in the presence of a competent approach, this procedure is absolutely safe and does not cause allergic reactions, except for rare cases of individual intolerance to the materials used. There should not be increased in the presence of chronic, viral or acute eye diseases, for example, in case of a tendency to conjunctivitis. In addition, when deciding whether it is possible to build eyelashes, their initial state should be evaluated. If the hairs are weak and subject to significant loss, then the extension can aggravate the existing problems - in this case, the procedure will need to be postponed and applied a set of measures to strengthen eyelashes.
Depending on the applied materials and methods of gluing villi, two main methods of eyelash extension are distinguished:

  • puchkvy (the so-called Hollywood) building, when bunches of 2-5 villi are glued to individual natural eyelashes using special glue. As a result, eyelashes become lush and thick, and keep in this state for about a week. The procedure of beam building requires maximum accuracy, it is necessary to ensure that there is no gluing of neighboring eyelashes. Nevertheless, its conduct does not require much time. This technique is suitable if you want to shine with any solemn event with an expressive look in the frame of fluffy eyelashes;
  • scout (Japanese) extension - in this case, the prepared villi glue one by one to the base of natural eyelashes without affecting the eyelid. With a thoughtful selection of material for increasing, and if you increase the eyelashes correctly, you can count on a fairly natural result. Such an extension will impress the presence of light eye makeup, since the glued villi will create the effect of long and voluminous eyelashes covered with a layer of carcass. The result of a piece of extension remains for several weeks.

How to increase eyelashes at home

If you are sufficiently interested in how to build eyelashes yourself, after careful monitoring of the information presented on this topic, you will need to prepare for the procedure for eyelash extensions at home. To do this, you need to visit a specialized store and choose the necessary materials and tools. A pleasant bonus of the home procedure is the ability to save - in any case, independent building will cost much cheaper than the salon session. Nevertheless, one should not save on the quality of the necessary materials, otherwise there is a significant probability of getting not at all the result that you want to achieve, because your eyes are much more expensive.


How to increase eyelashes at home: buy overhead bunches and eyelashes

On sale you can find two types of overhead eyelashes for building - in the form of individual villi or bundles. Depending on the desired effect and the technology used, the choice of which eyelashes are better to increase, it remains exclusively after you. In modern conditions, various natural and synthetic polymeric materials are used to build eyelashes - the effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the quality of villi.


To obtain the most natural effect, mink or silk extensions are used, since such villi look quite natural on the eyelids. Polymer villi are convenient in care and are quite in demand for increasing. It is worth considering that cheap and poor -quality silicone eyelashes can cause an allergic reaction.  For evening catchy makeup, silk eyelashes, thickened or glossy. The variants of the “columns” and “sable” are less popular for increasing, since the former are very thin and therefore little noticeable, and the latter are very stringent and heavy.

Depending on the preferences, you can choose eyelashes of various colors, lengths and shapes. Black, blue and silver eyelashes for extension are made. To conduct a trial first extension procedure, it is recommended to choose a classic black color - with it you will look quite natural and elegant. With further correction of eyelashes, you can experiment with various shades - in this way you can bring a note of originality and eccentricity into your image.

How to build eyelashes at home: choose glue

Prior to the procedure, you will also need to, after consulting with the seller, choose the right hypoallergenic glue for eyelash extensions - such means of transparent and black are presented on sale. For the initial increase, it is recommended to dwell on the transparent texture of the adhesive base, which will smooth out possible flaws during the work. In addition, it is worth picking up an adhesive tuning of medium or strong fixation-this tool allows you to adjust the location of the eyelashes during operation.  After you acquire the initial gluing skills of villi, it will be possible to use the glue base of black color, which creates an additional eyeliner effect.

How to increase eyelashes at home: we select related products

To increase eyelashes at home, you may need a special degreasing agricultural or alcohol -based eyelashes, which improves the quality of the coupling of glued villi with natural eyelashes, as well as a primer for cleaning and preparing eyelashes. In professional lines for eyelash extensions, both drugs are offered, or one of the above. Thus, for home increasing, you can get a primer or a degreaser, or use a complex of two complementary funds.

How to build eyelashes at home: necessary tools


For the extension procedure, the following tools and devices will be needed:

  • a special curved tweezer with thin tips;
  • several toothpicks (as divisions for eyelashes);
  • comfortable brush for combing villi;
  • a saucer or a nylon lid for glue.

Planning how to build eyelashes to yourself, it is worth considering that it will be difficult to do without an assistant, so it is desirable to enlist the help of a mother or girlfriend. It is worth attracting to the extension of the persons of a person who is ready to carry out prolonged and thorough work. Men in such matters are unlikely to be useful, since this procedure is quite painstaking and requires remarkable dexterity, as well as patience. To increase the extension, the master in the cabin will need at least two hours, at home and without the availability of accumulated skills, much more time can be needed.

How to increase eyelashes at home: Methodology for carrying out a procedure

If you have never tried building up to this, you should choose a soft version of glued eyelashes, looking quite naturally - silk or mink villi are quite suitable. For a piece of extension, you should try to realize the effect of a rarefied extension or a “fox look” (gluing from the middle of the eye to the outer corners of the eyelids). With a beam building, it is recommended to dwell on a small number of eyelash beams, trying to ensure that the result of the actions made looks quite natural.


To carry out this procedure, you will need to stock up on forces and carefully consider your future image. With proper preparation and diligence, the result of you will undoubtedly be pleased. Morning or daylight is best suited for eyelash extensions, as you need bright lighting. The night before, you should carefully cleanse your face from makeup so that the eyelids have time to rest from it overnight.

How to increase eyelashes at home: an action sequence

To increase eyelashes at home, you will need to apply the following sequence of actions:

  • wlean your face thoroughly, you should not apply the cream to it after that;
  • wash your arms and degrease them;
  • next, you should use a special tool for degreasing eyelashes and the upper eyelid;
  • a narrow strip of synthetic adhesive plaster should be glued to the lower eyelid;
  • place the villi on the white sheet of paper;
  • apply a small amount (2-3 drops) of an adhesive base for eyelash extensions on a saucer;
  • the eyelashes should be extended from the outer corner of the eye in the direction of the nose. Gently separate one natural eyelash with a toothpick;
  • armed with a curved tweezer, grab a bunch of eyelashes or a villi and try on, then moisten with glue - so that it covers about half the villi;
  • place the cilia or a bunch at the base of the natural hair and carefully press for a few seconds, trying not to blink at this time and slightly hold the mobile eyelid with the fingers of a free brush. Glue villi should be on top or side of natural eyelashes. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the glue does not fall on the delicate skin of the eyelids, otherwise redness and irritation are unlikely to be avoided;
  • excess glue on the eyelashes in the form of thickenings should be carefully removed with a toothpick;
  • according to the planned scheme, you are in no hurry to try on and gradually line up the villi extensively built over natural eyelashes, trying to get the desired length and effect of a smooth line;
  • lightly dry the eyelashes with a stream of cold air;
  • carefully open the strip of adhesive plasty from the lower eyelid.

After use, the remaining glue should be placed for further storage in the refrigerator.

How to build eyelashes at home: Subsequent care

Upon achieving the desired result, you will need to take care of maintaining and extending the increase effect. Within four hours after this procedure, they should avoid contact with water and all kinds of cosmetics, for two days you should not visit the sauna and solariums. Next, you can return to the usual regime - it should be noted that to extend the effect of extended eyelashes, you should not expose them to frequent mechanical and temperature effects in the form of energetic combing and rubbing, taking steam baths, and sleep in the pillow. Do not use contact lenses and apply waterproof mascara. In addition, you should refuse to use makeup remedies containing fats and oils, since they can eventually dissolve the adhesive eyelashes over time.  Subject to these simple rules, extensed eyelashes will delight you with their luxurious appearance for a sufficiently long time.


How eyelash is increasing - video



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