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How to pluck eyebrows correctly

How to pluck eyebrows correctly
How to determine the most suitable shape of the eyebrows and pluck them yourself.

At the first glance at the face, the impression is largely determined by eyebrows that form the expression on the face and give him a certain charm.  They act as a natural image of the eyes, as well as one of the main elements of the image as a whole. Thus, the beauty and expressiveness of the face largely depends on the shape, width and density of the eyebrows. Careful care for them will help to make the desired impression. Having learned to pluck the eyebrows correctly, you can give a look of special expressiveness.

How to pluck your eyebrows correctly: select a suitable shape

According to widespread opinion, the face looks most harmonious if his proportions are approaching the lines of the gold section. It is possible to make the facial features more clearly and expressive by correcting the shape of the eyebrows. It is very important to arrange them beautifully - for this you need to learn how to properly pluck your eyebrows.  Not well -groomed, thick and bushy, or, conversely, overly elaborated eyebrows “in a thread” can spoil the impression of any appearance. Thus, eyebrows need to care and correction of their shape - taking into account the structure of the face.

For a girl who was going to adjust the eyebrows for the first time, perhaps the best decision would be to turn into a beauty salon and entrust her face to a professional. Based on individual data, he will select the most suitable form of eyebrows to it. Carefully tracing how the master conducts the procedure, in the future it will be easy to repeat and pluck the eyebrows at home. Or you can start it immediately on your own, carefully studying the information on how to pluck your eyebrows correctly and beautifully, and using the advice of makeup artists and stylists.

There are general recommendations that should be followed in order to properly pluck the shape of the eyebrows:

  • for a rounded face, slightly raised and pointed eyebrows with a break closer to the outer edge are optimally suitable;
  • on the face of the square stern, slightly raised, curved oblong arches of the eyebrows will harmoniously look, while the bend is recommended to be shifted closer to the nose;
  • owners of a round and square face can also pluck the eyebrows with a house. This form of the edge arc is wide at the base, striving up and curved in the middle part, as well as pointed from the outer end, is very popular and is considered universal;
  • the owners of the triangular type face are advised to opt for slightly rounded and slightly raised arcs of eyebrows;
  • direct eyebrows will help to visually align the proportions of a narrow and elongated face. They will soften the elongated face, make it visually wider and give smoothness to the lines;
  • for the owners of the oval face, you can recommend plucking an eyebrow in shape and slightly raised.


Various guidelines, schemes and pictures, how to pluck eyebrows, are easy to choose on the Internet, as well as images of models with a similar type of appearance.

Ready -made stencils of a suitable shape will help to plow the eyebrows beautifully - they are applied to the face and shake the area that falls into the window with a pencil, after which the other hairs are pulled out, achieving maximum resemblance to the selected image.

What form you would not give preference, according to modern fashion trends, it is recommended that the eyebrows look as natural as possible and are clearly quite clearly and widely outlined.


Determine how to properly pluck the eyebrows, where the optimal line of the eyebrow begins and ends, it can be as follows:

  • sitting in front of the mirror, pick up a pen or pencil and draw an imaginary straight vertical line from the wing of the nose up, mark the place of its intersection with an eyebrow with a pencil - this will be the point of the beginning of the eyebrow. All hairs located in front of it must be removed;
  • the optimal highest point of the eyebrow can be determined as follows - draw an imaginary diagonal line from the wing of the nose to the pupil of the eye and above to the intersection with a natural eyebrow;
  • it is recommended to finish the eyebrow line at the intersection of the natural eyebrow and the imaginary line between the tip of the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye extended up. All hairs protruding at the end of the end of the eyebrow should be removed;
  • by connecting points, we get a schematic line of the eyebrow. Having drawn the desired contour with a light pencil, you will need to get rid of the hairs protruding beyond its limits.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly: useful recommendations

Arm yourself with a large mirror, as well as comfortable tweezers and perform this procedure sequentially starting from the lower part of the eyebrows. Do not rush to get a noticeable result immediately, get rid of the hairs thoughtfully, otherwise there is a risk of overdoing and getting not at all what you planned. Having plucked extra hairs on one eyebrow and assessing the quality of the work, you can proceed to processing the second. The outer part of the eyebrows, as a rule, make makeup artists not to affect when plucking, especially if you do not yet have stable correction skills. By changing the shape of the eyebrows, you can significantly change the look as a whole. When you study all the subtleties of this procedure and learn how to pluck your eyebrows correctly, the result will only please you.

It is important to choose the right time to conduct such a session - it is optimal to perform this procedure after taking a shower. When the skin is steamed, it is easier to pull the hairs and you can achieve the desired effect with minimal pain. It should be noted that after the eyebrow correction procedure in the processed area, insignificant edema and redness of the skin may occur, which will finally disappear in a few hours. Thus, do not pluck the eyebrows immediately in front of any solemn event or a date. If you perform the procedure in the afternoon, then by morning irritated skin will have time to relax and completely recover.

Beautiful Young Woman Plucking Eyebrows, Looking at Camera as Mirror

How to pluck your eyebrows properly

To pluck the eyebrows on your own, you will need to perform some preliminary preparation. First of all, it is necessary to take care so that the place of the procedure and especially the face illuminates the bright light (daylight is optimal for this). You will also need a conveniently installed mirror - with it it will be necessary to clearly see the whole picture, including inconspicuous short and pale hairs on the eyebrows. In this case, both hands are required to remain free.

Prepare suitable tools - for this procedure, forceps or eyebrow tweezers with flat straight or beveled tips are suitable. The tools must be pre -visible by wiping an alcohol -containing or other antiseptic.  In addition, before the procedure you will need to thoroughly wash your hands, cleanse the skin from makeup residues, wash and wipe the skin in the eyebrow area with a lotion.

Carefully comb the eyebrows, giving them the necessary shape. If you also plan to paint your eyebrows, you need to start with staining, and then, evaluating the result, proceed to correct their shape.


How to pluck eyebrows without pain correctly

In order for the procedure to go as low as painfully as possible, it is worth considering some useful tips:

  • the pre -heated compress from several layers of gauze or cotton cotton pads, soaked in a decoction of herbs will help minimize unpleasant sensations when plucking hairs;
  • in addition, for the same purpose, you can use cold - wiping ice cubes (from frozen infusions of medicinal plants - chamomile, mint);
  • 15-20 minutes before the procedure, you can apply a moisturizer for the eyelids to the skin, which will soften the skin and facilitate the hair output. After that, immediately before plucking the eyebrows, it will be necessary to wipe the skin with a cleansing lotion so that the tweezers do not slip on it;
  • the skin steamed over the steam is effectively softened and becomes less sensitive. Thus, holding your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes, you can significantly reduce unpleasant sensations and pluck your eyebrows without pain.

To make it easier to capture the hairs with tweezers, it is recommended to hold it in a fold of the upper eyelid during the procedure with fingers, slightly pulling it up. At the same time, it is necessary to capture with tweezers or tweezers individual hairs at their base and with neat sharp movements to pull them in the direction of their growth. Having achieved the desired result, do not forget to disinfect the skin.

How to pluck your eyebrows with a thread correctly

The beauties of ancient India widely used the method of removing excess hair using ordinary threads, because at that time all kinds of devices in the form of pins for eyebrows were still absent. In modern conditions, this technique called triding epilists is successfully used by some cosmetologists. In this way, it is easy to adjust the shape of the eyebrows or carefully get rid of unnecessary hairs above the upper lip.


This method of getting rid of unnecessary hair is quite painful, but it still has undoubted advantages:

  • you can pluck the eyebrows with a thread quickly and conveniently, since several hairs, including inconspicuous ones, are captured at a time;
  • after such removal, new hairs grow more slowly and thin out a little - become more pale and less rigid.

You can pluck eyebrows with thread at home. To do this, the cotton thread tied in a ring tied in a special combination is put on the fingers of both hands - so that the eight turn out. Using the threads crossed into several turns of this design, it is necessary to capture unnecessary hairs and pull them out with the root. This procedure is simple, but requires some dexterity. After some time (about a month) after such a session, a correction of the shape of the eyebrows will be required.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly: eyebrow design

Even with a thoughtful makeup and a spectacular hairstyle, sloppy eyebrows can ruin the overall impression of the image as a whole. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the eyebrows daily - paying them a little attention every day, you can achieve noticeable results.

Eyebrow care rules:

  • combing the eyebrows with a soft brush daily - this procedure stimulates the growth of hairs, they become more obedient;
  • periodically adjust their shape using tweezers along the growth line;
  • if the eyebrows of the eyebrows are too long and it is difficult to carefully lay them, you can slightly cut them down;
  • for eyebrow makeup, select a suitable pencil or shadow. Makeup artists recommend using blondes a shade of one or two tones darker than hair, brunettes and brown -haired women - respectively for half a ton or one tone lighter.

How to pluck your eyebrows correctly - photo


How to pluck your eyebrows - video



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