
How to add eyebrows

How to add eyebrows
How to determine the most suitable form of eyebrows and pinch them yourself.

At first glance, the impression is largely determined by eyebrows, forming the expression of the face and give it a certain charm. They act as a natural eye framing, as well as one of the main elements of the image as a whole. Thus, the beauty and expressiveness of the face depends largely on the shape, width and lungs of eyebrows. Careful care for them will help to make the desired impression. Having learned to pinch your eyebrows correctly, you can give a look particular expressiveness.

How to pinch your eyebrows: We select a suitable form

According to popular belief, the face looks the most harmonious if its proportions are approaching the lines of the golden section. Make the features of the face clear and expressively using the correction of the eyebrows. To make them beautifully very important - for this you need to learn how to pinch your eyebrows. Insufficiently well-groomed, thick and bushy or, on the contrary, too, extended eyebrows "in the string" can spoil the impression of any appearance. Thus, eyebrows need care and correction of their form - taking into account the structure of the face.

For a girl who gathered to adjust eyebrows for the first time, perhaps, the best solution will contact the beauty salon and entrust your face a professional. Based on individual data, it will select the most suitable eyebrow form. Carefully tracing how the master is conducting the procedure, in the future it will be easy to repeat and pull the eyebrows at home. Or you can proceed to it immediately, carefully studying the information, as it is properly and beautifully adding eyebrows, and taking advantage of the advice of makeup artists and stylists.

There are general recommendations that should be followed in order to correctly pinch the eyebrows:

  • for a rounded face, slightly raised and pointed eyebrows with a break closer to the outer edge are optimally suitable;
  • a little raised, curved oblong eyebrow arcs will look at the square of the square feed, while the bend is recommended to shift closer to the bridge;
  • the owner of a round and square face can also pluck their eyebrows with a house. Such an eyebrow arc shape is wide at the base, aspiring up and curved in the middle part, as well as pointed from the external end, is very popular and is considered universal;
  • the owners of the face of a triangular type of makeup artists advise to stop their choice on a slightly rounded and slightly elevated eyebrow arcs;
  • visually to align the proportions of a narrow and elongated face will help straight eyebrows. They will soften the elongated face, make it visually wider and give smooth lines;
  • for the owner of an oval person, you can recommend plucking the embankment eyebrows and slightly raised.


Various manuals, schemes and pictures, how to pull out eyebrows, easy to choose on the Internet, like images of models with a similar type of appearance.

Beautifully pinch eyebrows will help ready-made stencils of suitable shapes - they are imposed on the face and shaded with a pencil area falling into the window, after that the remaining hairs are pulling out, achieving maximum similarity with the selected image.

What form you would not have given your preference, according to modern fashionable trends it is recommended that the eyebrows look as much as possible and have been clearly clearly outlined.


Determine how to pinch your eyebrows properly, where the optimal eyebrow line begins and ends, as follows:

  • sitting in front of the mirror, take a pen either a pencil and spend an imaginary straight vertical line from the wing of the nose up, place its intersection with eyebrows with a pencil - it will be the starting point of the entry arc. All the hairs located in front of it must be removed;
  • the optimal highest point of eyebrows can be defined as follows - perform an imaginary diagonal line from the nose wing to the eye of the eye and above to the intersection of natural eyebrows;
  • strong the brow line is recommended at the intersection of the natural eyebrows and the imaginary line between the tip of the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye extended upwards. All the hairs speaking per point of the end of the eyebrows should be removed;
  • connecting points, we obtain a schematic eyebrows line. After drawing a light pencil, the desired contour, it will be necessary to get rid of the hairs speaking beyond its limits.

How to pinch eyebrows: useful recommendations

Arm yourself with a large mirror, as well as convenient tweezers and perform this procedure sequentially, starting from the bottom of the eyebrows. You should not hurry to get a noticeable result right away, get rid of the hairs thoughtfully, otherwise there is a risk of overdoing and getting at all what you planned. Holding out extra hairs on one eyebrows and evaluating the quality of work, you can go to the processing of the second. The outer part of the eyebrows, as a rule, the makeup artists are recommended when plotting not affect, especially if you do not have sustainable correction skills. After changing the form of eyebrows, it is possible to significantly change the appearance as a whole. When you study all the subtleties of this procedure and learn how to pinch your eyebrows, the result will only be delighted.

It is important to choose the right time to carry out such a session - optimally perform this procedure after taking the shower. When the skin is sparkling, it is easier to pull the hairs and can achieve the desired effect with minimal soreness. It is worth considering that after the procedure for correcting eyebrows in the processed zone, minor swelling and redness of the skin may occur, which will finally disappear in a few hours. Thus, you should not add eyebrows immediately before any solemn event or a date. If you perform the procedure in the afternoon, the irritated skin will have time to relax and fully recover.

Beautiful Young Woman Plucking Eyebrows, Looking AT Camera As Mirror

How to pinch your eyebrows alone

To pinch your eyebrows yourself, you will need to perform some preliminary training. First of all, it is necessary to take care that the place of the procedure and especially the person covers the bright light (daylight lighting is optimally suitable). It also takes a conveniently installed mirror - it will be necessary to clearly see the whole picture, including low-challenging short and pale hairs on the eyebrows. It takes that both hands remain free.

Prepare suitable tools - forceps or tweezers for eyebrows with flat straight or mowed tips are suitable for carrying out this procedure. Tools must be pre-deliberate, rubbed with an alcohol-containing or other antiseptic agent. In addition, before the procedure, you will need to carefully wash your hands, clean the skin from the remnants of makeup, wash and wipe the skin in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows with lotion.

Carefully disseminate your eyebrows, giving them the necessary form. If you are planning to paint your eyebrows, then you need to start with staining, and then, appreciating the result, proceed to the correction of their form.


How to pinch your eyebrows without pain

So that the procedure goes as less painfully, it is worth considering some useful tips:

  • minimize the unpleasant sensations when pulverizing the hairsdown will help the pre-applied warming compress from several layers of gauze or cotton cotton wool disks, soaked with decoction of herbs;
  • in addition, for the same purpose, it is possible to use cold - wiping ice cubes (of frozen informs of medicinal plants - chamomiles, mint);
  • 15-20 minutes before the procedure, a moisturizing cream for an eyelid can be applied to the skin, which will soften the skin and make it easier to pull the hairs. After that, immediately before pumping around the eyebrows, it will be necessary to wipe the skin with a cleansing lotion so that it does not slip tweezers;
  • speed \u200b\u200bover the ferry the skin effectively softens and becomes less sensitive. Thus, holding a face over the ferry for 10-15 minutes, it is possible to significantly reduce the unpleasant sensations and pluck your eyebrows without pain.

To make it easier to capture the hairs with tweezers, it is recommended to hold your fingers while holding a procedure to the upper eyelid, slightly stretching it up. At the same time, it is necessary to capture with tweezers or tweezers of individual hairs at their base and with neat sharp movements to pull them in the direction of their growth. Having achieved the desired result, do not forget to disinfect the skin.

How to pinch the eyebrows thread

The beauties of the ancient India widely used the method of removing excess hair using ordinary threads, because at that time all devices in the form of tweezers for the eyebrows were still absent. In modern conditions, this technique called triding-epilation is successfully used by some cosmetologists. This method is easy to adjust the form of eyebrows or gently get rid of unnecessary hairs over the upper lip.


This method of getting rid of unnecessary hair is quite painful, but it still has undoubted advantages:

  • it is possible to pluck your eyebrows quickly and conveniently, as several hairs are seized at once, including low-profit;
  • after such removal, new hairs grow slowly and slightly thinned - become more pale and less rigid.

It is possible to extort the eyebrows with a thread at home. To do this, folded in a special combination of a cotton thread associated with a ring, dress on the fingers of both hands - so that it turned out to be eight. With the help of crossed in several turns of the threads of this design, it is necessary to capture unnecessary hairs and pull them down with the root. Such a procedure is simple, but requires some skill. After some time (about a month later) after such a session, eyebrows form correction.

How to add eyebrows correctly: eyebrow decoration

Even with the presence of thoughtful makeup and spectacular hairstyle, neakkurat eyebrows can spoil the overall impression of the image as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the eyebrows daily - paying a little attention to them every day, you can achieve noticeable results.

Eyebrow care rules:

  • an eyebrows should be combed daily with a soft brush - this procedure stimulates the growth of hairs, they become more obedient;
  • periodically adjust their shape using a tweezers along the growth line;
  • if the hairs of eyebrows are too long and they are difficult to carefully put, you can cut them slightly;
  • for eyebrow makeup, pick up a suitable pencil or shadow. The makeup artists recommend using blondes with a shade to one or two tons of darker, brunettes and browns - respectively, on the halfton or one tone lighter.

How to pinch eyebrows - Photo


How to pull out eyebrows - video


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