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Why monthly blood clots

Why monthly blood clots
The reasons for the appearance of blood clots during menstruation.

Often, in critical days, women are discovered in the form of blood clots. Some consider it a variant of the norm, others concerns the cause of this phenomenon. You should not panic in such cases - nevertheless, if something alerted you, you should go to the gynecologist. To identify the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate the presence of any diseases, in most cases there will be a fairly simple inspection.

Why monthly blood clots: the principle of the appearance of bunches

With the problem of painful and abundant monthly, in which there are blood clots, there are many women occasionally. If this phenomenon repeats repeatedly, it is worth thinking about the health status of its sexual system. Let's try to figure out why menstruation go clots of blood. To determine how similar phenomena is caused, the principle of anatomical structure of the uterus should be understood in general terms. In essence, it is a muscular hollow organ in which nature is provided for the development of the fetus in the case of pregnancy.

This body consists of three layers:

  • perimetry - covering uterus shell;
  • myometrium - the muscular layer itself;
  • endometrial - a layer that wipes the uterus from the inside.


During the menstrual cycle, it is possible to observe the separation of the endometrium layer and its thickening - as a result, it is ready to take a fertilized egg. In the case when the pregnancy has not come, the endometrium layer is rejected and menstrual bleeding is observed (hence you can hear the poetic phrase "the uterus crying bloody tears").

In the course of the monthly, the woman loses near the glass (usually up to 200 ml) of the blood. Such blood loss is quickly replenished with a female organism, so it should not worry. The discharge data with a specific smell continues for several days (usually from 3 to 5), while their color can be modified from the scarlet shade to dark cherry or brownish. Menstrual selection consistency can also change. Usually the coagulation of such blood is low. Nevertheless, if the anticoagulant enzymes do not cope in the process of abundant bleeding, among the discharge there appears blood curled in the form of clots. With menstruation, a bunch can be observed with a diameter of several millimeters to 3-4 centimeters.

The phenomenon when monthly occurred is occasionally, is not considered pathology. At the same time, for some women blood clots during menstruation - a familiar phenomenon. Turning to a similar problem to the doctor, you can get different explanations for a similar problem. As a result of a detailed examination, disorders of various systems (in particular, endocrine), or the functioning of individual organs (uterus, as well as ovaries) can be revealed. In addition, it is worth considering that overly abundant periods can act as the cause of iron deficiency anemia. If there is a loss of blood loss (over 200 ml), it is necessary to seek advice to the gynecologist to determine the causes of this phenomenon. As the norm, the doctors mention blood loss at monthly up to 60 ml per day.

Why monthly blood clots: alarm signals

Most often, during menstruation women, disturbances are disturbed by brownish color in the form of large clots. If this phenomenon is noted episodically, at the beginning or at the end of the cycle, it should not be particularly worried. Anxiety is considered an alarming symptom if the monthly go clots of blood during the entire period of menstruation. If such discharge is observed for a long time, this phenomenon cannot be allowed to be allowed. Otherwise, it may be aggravated by additional unpleasant symptoms, as well as developing in the future different problems - up to infertility and the emergence of serious health violations (in the worst case, oncological diseases). In addition, if the periods go with bunches, due to prolonged abundant bleeding, iron deficiency anemia may threaten the body. If there is a sense of ailment and weakness, reducing the performance, dizziness and pallor of the skin is worth passing a common blood test. When the iron deficiency anemia is detected, the doctor prescribes the reception of iron preparations, and after one or two months you can expect a significant improvement in well-being.


If the temperature rise is observed, the appearance of brown blood clots in the discharge and sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen, it is necessary to go to the hospital without delay, since these symptoms may indicate ectopic pregnancy. A similar situation may be a threat to life, in this case, immediate assistance of doctors will need.

Why monthly blood clots: the most common causes of their appearance

To save women's health, you need to carefully track the signals of your body. If menstruation is long, with pain appear, as well as highlights that differ from conventional menstruals, it is necessary to pay attention to these symptoms and consult a doctor. The occurrence of unpleasant odor and the change in the color of the selection may indicate the development of the inflammatory process.

Thus, each woman needs to keep track of its state during menstruation. If there are changes to the alarm symptoms, you should contact the doctor. If a large size of a bunch of dark red or brownish color is observed in menstrual discharge, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist, sharpening his attention on this phenomenon. Similarly, hormonal failures or inflammatory processes can manifest themselves. In addition, menstruation goes with blood clots with endometriosis.

Why monthly blood clots: endometriosis

A characteristic feature of this disease is excessive growth (hyperplasia) of endometrial tissues. This is more often the monthly clots of blood, which are peeled fabrics. Often in cases where monthly blood clots are clouded after a standard gynecological examination, as well as ultrasound or colposcopy, the gynecologist is diagnosed with adenomyosis (germination of endometrial to other strata of the uterus). Typical symptoms of this disease are painful, too long monthly, accompanied by weakness, pressure drops, sometimes - with fervor or chills. In addition, irregular uterine bleeding can be observed in endometriosis.


Endometrial hyperplasia can provoke various reasons that provoke changes in hormonal background are observed, for example, with diabetes mellitus. In addition, some doctors argue that endometriosis can develop due to non-external circumstances of changes at the gene level. It should be noted that endometrial hyperplasia launched disease increases the risk of infertility.

Why monthly comes blood clots: congenital abnormalities of the uterus structure

In some women, there is an incorrect shape of the uterus or the presence of partitions inside its cavity. Such a structure belongs to congenital or acquired (due to the wrong lifestyle, abuse of harmful habits) anomalies. Hereditary diseases, professional harmful effects, smoking abuse can act as such violations. Such a structure of the uterus can act as the causes that prevent blood outflow. As a result, it is stirred in the uterus cavity, while menstruation goes with blood clots. Anomalies for the development of this body are often accompanied by violations of the hormonal background, as well as painful menstruation. When the structure differ from the norm is detected, after a careful examination, in some cases surgical treatment can be applied.


Why monthly blood clots: hormonal disorders

Often, as the causes of the appearance of abundant monthly, accompanied by the appearance of clots, various hormonal violations of the functioning of various systems of the body, including the bark of the brain, hypothalamus and pituitary, as well as the organs of the small pelvis in the form of uterus and ovaries are performed. In addition, hormonal failures can be provoked by the diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as adrenal glands. To identify such phenomena, it will be necessary to complete a full examination. If there are suspicions about the presence of impaired pituitary and hypothalamus, the magnetic resonance or computed tomography will be required. In case of detection of tumors, their removal is carried out, another kind of violations are treated with conservative methods.

Various diseases of the hypothalamus, including tumor, can provoke the increase in the production of a pollytropine pituitary (follicularity of the hormone). Due to such an increased secretion, there is an acceleration of the ripening of the egg and the suppression of the luteinizing, as well as the female hormone of progesterone, and the production of estrogen increases. As a result, the growth of the endometrium layer is observed - and, as a result of the rejection of this mucous membrane, bleeding is observed (there are periods with blood clots). Under the influence of estrogen, the inverse development of the time gland of the internal secretion (yellow bodies of the ovary) can occur - while the production of progesterone decreases, as a result, abundant menstrual discharge is observed, often with blood clots.


Why monthly blood clots: other reasons

In addition, there are other reasons for the appearance of blood clots:

  • diseases of various small pelvis organs (infectious and inflammatory) can influence the uterus, as well as the ovaries and phallopyes pipes, provoking abundant discharge with bunches and pain;
  • cases when discharges with clots are observed within a month after delivery, are considered the norm. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following - if this phenomenon is combined with an increase in temperature, this may indicate the placenta tissues remaining in the uterus. In such cases, it is necessary not to postpone visiting the doctor. If the uterus is reducing poorly, the doctor will prescribe special drugs that contribute to the normalization of its condition. When the remnants of the placenta may need scraping;
  • after the recent abortion on the mucous membrane of the uterus, there may be notches in which blood coagulation is observed with the subsequent output outward;
  • if a woman behaves sexual life, in the presence of sulfur-yellow-colored seals with the presence of bunches, it is necessary to refer to the gynecologist - perhaps this symptom indicates the rejection of the fetal egg, i.e. interruption for any reason for pregnancy;
  • in the case of neoplasms on the walls and cervix, the uterus in the form of polyps, cysts or misa can also be observed monthly with clots. In rare cases, the nonypical leakage of menstruation may indicate the development of an oncological disease;
  • in the presence of intrauterine spirals, abundant menstruation are often observed, while the bunches often appear (in this way with blood removes of the fertilized egg);
  • as a reason why monthly blood clot is occasionally, occasionally performing an excess number of vitamins of group B;
  • the appearance of bunches can be observed in the case of the presence of individual diseases provoking the increase in blood clotting, as well as after receiving some drugs;
  • in addition, as a reason why menstruation goes with blood clot, there may be stressful situations, as well as bad habits in the form of uninfeced alcohol and smoking.


Thus, if the monthly go clots of blood, do not immediately panic. However, it is not necessary to feel frivolidly to your health. In case of the emergence of unusually abundant periods with clots, it is not necessary to wait for everything that everything goes by itself. In the presence of disturbing symptoms, a gynecologist should be visited to get useful recommendations - as well as if necessary, under the course of treatment.

Abundant monthly with clots - video


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