
Determination, causes and symptoms of acetone in the urine. Treatment of acetone in the urine in adults, children and pregnant women

Determination, causes and symptoms of acetone in the urine. Treatment of acetone in the urine in adults, children and pregnant women
Why acetone appears in the urine than it is dangerous such a state and what treatment is necessary.

Often you can notice the smell of acetone in the urine. The cause of such a phenomenon is the formation of ketone bodies. This happens with insufficient flow of carbohydrates, long-term infectious diseases, as well as in diabetes and other diseases. Regardless of the cause of the appearance, this state is considered pathological and requires correction. What is most often becoming a provocateur to increase acetone in the urine (ketoneuria) and how to treat this disease?

Acetone appeared in the urine: what does this mean?

Acetone is a substance that enters into a group of some metabolic products, namely ketone bodies. As a rule, normal ketone bodies are present in each organism in small quantities. They are synthesized by the liver as a result of spontaneous cleavage of carbon dioxide from carboxylic acid. They do not have a special meaning for the physiological functioning of the body, but in high concentrations have a toxic effect on the brain and the nervous system, up to coma.

The main source of human energy is glucose. With severe forms of diabetes, strong physical exhaustion, the starvation of its stocks is depleted, and the body resorts to alternative energy sources. In the conditions of energy deficit (glucose shortage), the body begins to split fat reserves, the by-product of which will be acetone.

With a strong increase in the level of ketone bodies, ketone development develops. But the liver, due to the absence of the necessary enzyme mechanism, is not able to utilize a large number of ketone bodies, which causes the "poisoning" of the organism acetone.

Important! Acetone itself is not a disease. This is only a clinical manifestation of other diseases, in particular, metabolic disorders.

If the level of ketone bodies greatly exceeds the norm, and the reasons for its increase are not eliminated for a long time, then acetone in the urine in adults causes serious complications:

  • toxic cerebral poisoning, often as a result of this coma comes;
  • substantial metabolic violations of blood composition;
  • damage to the pancreas, the mucous membrane gearbox;
  • renal failure;
  • impairment of cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • critical dehydration, increasing the risk of fatal outcome.

Acetone in the urine - the causes of appearance

A slight increase in acetone may occur during viral diseases or starvation. In these cases, the physiological response of the body for the deficit of energy occurs. And when eliminating the causes of acetionalia, the patient's condition stabilizes.

When the formation of acetone goes rapidly and in critical quantity, it's time to beat the alarm. At the same time, acetone will be determined not only in the urine, but also in cartoons and vomiting biomass.

The rash reasons why acetone in the urine rises sharply:

  1. Pronounced sugar diabetes - the root cause of acetone in the urine. For this reason, the analysis on determining the level of glucose is required.
  2. The ration is rich in fats and poor on carbohydrates. The shortage of fast carbohydrates causes the decay of lipid reserves, and this causes the formation of acetone.
  3. Scarce food, frequent diets and even fasting also limit the full flow of sugars into the body and provoke acidosis.
  4. Enzymatic pancreatic disorders. If it is unable to fully digest food, the absorption of carbohydrates will be insufficient.
  5. Stresses, strong overload when serving, mental exhaustion, severe diseases, operations and other states that require strong energy consumption.
  6. Diseases of internal organs that cause violation of metabolic processes. This stenosis of the esophagus, tumors of the stomach, anemia, as well as the narrowing of the gatekeeper.
  7. Food poisoning and various enterovirus infections, intoxication (alcohol, drug) lead to strong acidosis.
  8. Infectious diseases that are accompanied by an increase in temperature above 39⁰s.
  9. Supplement or overheating in the sun. These provocateurs of acetone more often affect children's organism.
  10. Gestosis and gestational diabetes are manifested by an increase in acetone of pregnant women.
  11. Oncological processes, as well as treatment used, is often accompanied by an increase in ketone bodies.
  12. Mental disorders in which a person has strong nervous excitement.

Important! Depending on the degree of severity of acetonurium, the levels of acetone in the urine may differ. So, with a weak pathology in the urine can be determined to 3 mmol / l, and with serious complications - more than 4 mmol / l.

Acetone in the urine - symptoms of pathology

The first symptoms of glucose deficiency, firing decay and the allocation of acetone is sufficiently generalization. These include:

  • lost appetite, and even a complete rejection of food and drink;
  • the appearance of nausea, and after eating the offensive of indomitable vomiting, which can continue all day;
  • spastic pain, localized in the umbilical area;
  • increase body temperature up to 38 ° C;
  • the characteristic smell of heavy apples from the oral cavity (the so-called smell of acetone).

If the first signs are ignored, the acessection continues to progress, the patient's well-being sharply deteriorates and more serious symptoms appear:

  • Signs of dehydration and poisoning are a significant reduction in daily diurea (reducing the amount of selected urine), dry skin, tongue, mucous membranes, pallor, unhealthy blush on face, yellow flare in the language.
  • Weakness that manifests itself a shortage of forces in order to get up or even sit down; Full apathy can develop, difficulty breathing, light-in-friendly.
  • Toxic damage to the nervous system: First, the person is in an excited state, which is soon replaced by lethargy, indifference, drowsiness. Further, cramps and acetronomical coma may appear.
  • The sharp smell of acetone: with the further development of acidosis, the characteristic smell proceeds not only from the oral cavity, but also from the skin, vomit, and any liquids allocated. The symptom can be bright or completely absent, therefore is not a method for diagnosing pathology.
  • Echo-signs of liver changes (it increases in size, which is noticeable when ultrasound).
  • Clinical manifestations in analyzes: an increase in ESP, leukocytosis, urine acetionuria, decrease in glucose levels, increasing cholesterol.

Important! Such symptoms allow you to independently understand that you have acetone in the urine, but what to do next should determine only the doctor after confirming the diagnosis.

Acetone in the urine. Features of the flow of acetonuria in children and pregnant women

Children and women in position often arises ketoacitosis of non-cycular nature. Such a phenomenon is short-term and is determined by the features of metabolism, which over time come back. But the consequences of the non-treated acidosis are also life-threatening, so it is necessary to treat acetone very seriously.

Acetone in the urine in a child

The appearance of acetone in children, which is not associated with endocrine disorders (diabetes, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland), can occur under 12 years. With frequently repeated attacks of the acedenosis, an atonic syndrome is diagnosed.

In children there is no large carbohydrate stock, which in adults is provided in the form of glycogen (the latter is contained in the liver). Therefore, with strong activity and shortage of carbohydrates in food in children, acetionalura is often diagnosed.

Up to 12 years old, the pancreas is poorly formed, which also contributes to the poor absorption of carbohydrates and the appearance of ketone bodies in biological fluids.

In addition, the deficit of enzymes complicates digestion. This leads to the development of a rotten flora and the damage to the kidneys, intestines and liver, and then to a minor increase in the ketone bodies.

The causes of acetone in kids may be the same as adults. For example, ORVI, intestinal infection, banal poisoning, consuming fatty food or overheating in the sun can end with ketonuria. Among other private station provocateurs in children allocate overeating, insufficient drinking regime, moving, psychological shock, congenital esophagus anomalies.

Important! Most often, the cause of acidosis in children is the wrong diet. This creates a threat to the health and life of children, so special attention should be paid to balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle of the child.

Acetone in the urine during pregnancy

Detection of acetone in the urine in women in a position is an important signal about health problems. The primary identification of this indicator requires deep diagnosis, and in some cases and hospitalization of the patient.

The most frequent provocateur of the increase in acetone during the nesting period of the baby - toxicosis in the early periods or gestosis in the second half of pregnancy. Both states are accompanied by frequent vomiting and stable dehydration. This helps to increase the ketone bodies and deterioration of the state of the woman, including the development of miscarriage.

Another reason that urine smells like acetone in women is a nutritional violation. Eating fatty, high-calorie food, often "stuffing" harmful preservatives and dyes, contributes to the development of pathology. Therefore, you do not need to succumb to the temptation and kilograms to absorb cakes, sweets and pastries, referring to the fact that this "requires" the baby.

Another side of this situation is to limit itself in food during pregnancy. Some women, afraid to fatten, reduce the number of kilocalories and begin to starve. In addition, such a diet cut does not affect the development of the fetus, it also contributes to the appearance of acetone. To avoid complications, you need to eat often, small portions and give preference to natural products.

Important! If a woman pregnant noted that the urine smells like acetone, you need to immediately contact the doctor. A long lack of treatment for this pathology can lead to fatal complications.

Definition of acetone in the urine - diagnostic methods

If the signs characteristic of acetonurium (the smell of acetone, fatigue, apathy, diarrhea, vomiting) immediately arises suspicion of the increase in acetone.

  • The doctor, collecting anamnesis, finds out the possible causes of the state. Eliminates a possible debut of diabetes mellitus and determines those present errors in nutrition, chronic diseases, stress, etc.
  • In the process of inspection, the specialist estimates the degree of skin pallor, the presence of acetone smell, the heart rate, as well as the duration of the vomit and diarrhea.
  • However, in all cases, acetonuria must be confirmed by the analysis. For this, a standard acetone test is carried out in the urine. Analysis is made both in the laboratory and at home.
  • The pharmacy has special test strips with an indicator that determine the concentration of acetone in the liquid. Such tests for parents, whose children suffer from acetonic syndrome are especially useful. They cost inexpensively and distinguished by a high degree of informativeness and accuracy of the result. All that is required for the diagnosis is to collect the morning urine, then immerse the strips to acetone in the urine, wait a couple of minutes and pull them out. Five minutes later, you can decipher the result with the scale.

A more detailed process of measuring acetone is described in the photo below:

A simple scale is attached to the test. It can decipher the result after measuring acetone in the urine: the norm is determined by the light color of the indicator, and the maximum concentration is the darkest color.

When analyzing in the laboratory, the degree of Ketonuria is indicated by the pros: "+" - weak, "++" - average, "+++" - a severe degree. In the absence of acetone in the urine, the advantages are not specified.

Acetone in the urine - treatment

Therapy depends on the causes of acetone. If the cause of acetionalia is diabetes, therapy is aimed at adjusting the level of glucose. In other cases, treatment is reduced to replenishing the deficit of energy.

Ways to lower acetone levels in the urine

First aid to the patient is to stop the acetonic crisis. If the degree of low or moderate ketoneuria, treatment is carried out at home. For this use follow-up activities:

  1. Election of acetone. To do this, make a cleansing soda enema, less often washing the stomach. In addition, sorbents must be prescribed to remove intoxication (Polysorb, Enterosgel). It is also believed that the removal of acetone contributes to the alkaline drink (Borjomi, Polyana Kvass).
  2. Prevention of dehydration. You need to drink a lot. In order not to provoke another vomit attack, you need to drink small sip, no more than 15-20 ml. You can drink mineral water without gas, sweet tea, rehydration solutions ("regider", "Human electrolyte"). Recommended liquid volume per day - 120 mg / kg.
  3. Elimination of glucose deficiency. So that the acetone stops stand out, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause, namely the lack of glucose. This can any sweetened liquid or glucose solution (can be taken in tablets).
  4. Restriction in food. In the first day after the occurrence of strong acetonuria, it is forbidden to eat. The food provokes vomiting and can exert an excessive load on the internal organs.

Important! After stabilizing the state of the patient, it is necessary to undergo a deeper diagnosis: make an ultrasound, pass the biochemical blood test.

Food and prevention of acetone in the urine

A special role in the relief, as well as the prevention of an increased acetone in the urine plays a diet. Power must be corrected: it is eliminated from it fat, "heavy" food, alcohol, rich in purines.

Diet under acetone in the urine involves the use of such products:

  • fruits and non-acid berries;
  • haltous cookies, crackers;
  • porridge, broths on vegetables;
  • baked apples;
  • honey.

What is forbidden:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • tomatoes and sorrel;
  • milk products with fatty more than 1.5%;
  • bouillons (fish, meat);
  • coffee, black tea;
  • mushrooms;
  • fast food:
  • products with e-additives.

Important! The duration of the diet with acetone is established by a doctor, taking into account the state of the patient.

After complete recovery, the following recommendations are given to patients for the prevention of re-enhancing acetone:

  • drink enough drinking water per day (at least 2 l);
  • do not be fond of diets and starvation;
  • motor activity pays attention: hypodynamia contributes to the development of acetone;
  • refuse all bad habits;
  • bring a healthy lifestyle.

Fit rationally, engage in sports and rest fully, and when the first symptoms of acetone appear in the urine, contact the doctor. Then your health will be controlled, and acetone will not be able to harm you.

Video: "The norm of ketone bodies in the urine"


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