
Face Masks from Starch

Face Masks from Starch
Useful properties of face masks from starch.

Each woman has moments when the image in the mirror ceases to inspire. If it reflects the emerging minor wrinkles, the skin, which lost the elasticity and dim color of the face, do not rush to panic. If you want to change anything, it is not necessary to run to the beauty salon or seek help from plastic surgeons. Sometimes there is quite simple home care to give the skin a fresh and rested appearance. To do this, you can use a mask from starch - it is difficult to believe, but by efficiency, this simple means can exceed expensive salon procedures.

Composition and healing properties of starch

Even in the era of our great-grandmothers, it was known about the beneficial properties of potatoes, including the benefits of applying it for cosmetics purposes. These properties fully inherited a potato tuber processing product, which is a white powder called starch. This product has been actively used in cooking and medicine over the years.

It has long been in Russia a mask for the face of starch used to combat freckles and increased pigmentation, since it is known that this tool helps to improve the complexion and contributes to strengthening the protective functions of the epidermis. It was applied as follows - the washed and purified potato tubers were rubbed on the grater and squeezed, and then the precipitate on the bottom of the dishes was mixed with dairy products (rigging or sour cream) and used as a face mask.


According to testimonies, the healers, starch has a pronounced property of improving blood circulation, thanks to this effect, the skin after applying such a means is smoothed by purchasing a light glossy gloss. Currently, there is no need to independently extract starch from potatoes, as it can be freely purchased in any supermarket at a low price. This potato processing product does not contain any impurities or harmful additives - thus, such a simple and affordable remedy can be safely used to care for the skin. Starch does not have a pronounced smell and can act as a suitable base for various masks with the addition of medicinal herbs, berries, fruits, etc. When mixing it with warm water at the outlet, a viscous liquid is obtained in the form of alert.

In its composition, starch includes a significant amount of vitamins and microelements, positively affecting the skin of the skin:

  • ascorbic acid, acting as a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is known for its properties to restore damaged cells and stimulating the process of rejuvenation of the epidermis;
  • vitamin E protecting cell membranes from damage;
  • vitamin PP with disintellation properties that improve blood microcirculation and providing the full breathing of skin cells;
  • iron, improving blood circulation and skin-enriching oxygen, as well as potassium, effectively retention on the surface of the skin moisture;
  • group B vitamins, which have the property to normalize the metabolic processes of the dermis and epidermis. Due to the application of a face mask from starch, the state of the problem epidermis is noticeably improved, the manifestations of acne rape, dermatitis, or allergies, are observed, a pronounced effect of moisture and pull-ups is observed;
  • in addition, the starch contains choline, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, as well as selenium contributing to the effective protection of the skin from the effects of adverse external factors.

It is worth noting that starch is essentially an amazing product - due to its universal and hypoallergenic composition, it is suitable for the skin of various types.

Facial Masks from Starch: Contraindications

Potato starch as a component of masks is characterized by a sufficiently soft effect - thus there are practically no contraindications to its use in cosmetology purposes. However, as for other means, there are some restrictions on the external use of drugs based on it. These include:

  • cases of individual intolerance in the form of irritation on the skin or manifestations of an allergic reaction;
  • the presence of damage to the skin in the form of abrasion, wound and cracks;
  • the exacerbation of herpes.

Facial masks from starch: benefits of use

Collect the skin and align her tone at home will help face masks with starch. This tool will also help clarify it, give freshness and radiance. Starch is characterized by a noticeable vasoconstrictor and soothing epidermis effect. Such a home cosmetology will help to normalize the skin condition, in addition, it can be used in preventive purposes.


Using starch-based face masks, you can achieve the following results:

  • eliminate the feeling of depth, get rid of peeling and dry skin;
  • soothe the sensitive epidermis, relieve irritation and give the skin a sense of comfort, to increase its resistance to various weather effects in the form of wind and cold or heat;
  • get rid of itching and irritation, eliminate inflammation, clean the skin from small rashes;
  • save oily skin from excess shine, reduce pores, eliminate black dots and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • leather skin relief, give it silkiness and velvety;
  • slightly whiten by making less noticeable freckles, as well as pigment spots, align the complexion;
  • to rejuvenate the skin - eliminate or make less noticeable wrinkles, give it elasticity and elasticity.

Especially relevant is the use of face masks from starch from wrinkles for mature skin with the presence of signs of wilting. This remedy will help smooth out the shallow wrinkles, stimulating the production of collagen and elastane. The face masks from starch instead of Botox are quite effective, while they differ in a completely natural composition with nutritional, whitening and softening properties.


Application of face masks from starch

In modern conditions, to obtain a pronounced effect of tightening the skin of the face use Botox injections. It is known that this procedure can be dangerous if it does not perform a very experienced specialist. At home without special costs, and most importantly, without risk to health, you can make a face mask instead of Botoksa from starch. According to the reviews presented on the Internet, the face masks from Stachmal are approaching performance to this cosmetology procedure, returning the skin elasticity and effectively eliminating shallow wrinkles.


In general, for home use, you can use a face mask from starch in pure form or combine this tool with other components that enhances the useful effect of this natural product:

  1. Rejuvenating face masks from starch.

To carry out a home session of rejuvenation, it is necessary to do the following sequence of actions:

  • ring the starch kleuister - for this it is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp. Butmal in half a glass of water, and then pour this mixture into the bucket or a pan and add 0.5 liters of boiling water to it. Next, it should be mixed thoroughly and heat on a small fire, stirring, before thickening (not bringing to a boil);
  • next, it takes a slightly cool the resulting "Kisel" and add 5 tbsp to it. Fresh carrot juice, as well as 1 tbsp. Fresh sour cream;
  • after cooling the mixture to a comfortable temperature, you will need to apply the mixture to clean. The exposure time of this rejuvenating mask is 20-25 minutes;
  • after the specified time, it is necessary to wash off the applied warm water and apply suitable cream on the skin.

The prepared composition can be stored in a cool place for three days. Such a face mask with starch, carrot juice and sour cream is very effective, allowing you to get a tangible effect after the first application - the skin smoothes literally in front of the eyes. This procedure will be done within 3-7 days, depending on what effect you want to achieve.


Provide elasticity and increase the tone of mature skin will also help the face mask with starch, honey and salt. To carry out such a procedure, you will need to mix 1 tbsp. Starch from 1 tsp. Salts, pour warm milk and mix, and then add 1 tbsp. Honey. This mask should be applied, easily massaging the skin. Next, it is recommended to lie down, since the mask after frozen is noticeably tightened by the face. After 15 minutes, we need to wash off the mask with cool water and apply nutrient cream on the skin.

An express mask with a pronounced effect of lifting can be prepared by mixing the protein of one egg from 1 tbsp. Starch and adding 1 tbsp to them. kefir. This composition should be applied to the skin by a quarter of an hour, and then wash off cool water.

  1. Clamp and make less noticeable on the skin of the freckles is easy, applying the following face masks from Starch:
  • with the addition of lemon juice. It is known that lemon juice can affect the skin annoying - however, in combination with the starch mask acts softly enough, with the useful properties of these ingredients manifest themselves especially efficiently. Mix at 1 tbsp. Starch and lemon juice. Apply the composition for 5-7 minutes on the skin of the face, avoiding areas around the eyes. This mask has a pronounced clarifying effect. A noticeable result can be achieved after conducting one session;
  • with hydrogen peroxide - will help get rid of freckles for the skin of a fatty or normal type. To do this, it will be necessary to mix on one and a half tablespoons of potato starch and peroxide. Apply this mask by a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the face with warm water, acidified with lemon juice.
  1. Normalize skin condition with increased fatty, as well as with rashes, with a face mask with starch and tea tree oil. This will require a mixture of 1 tbsp. Starch with a protein of one eggs and adding a few drops of tea tree oil. Such a mask will need to apply for 20 minutes. After the specified time, it is necessary to wash off the composition of cool water. In this composition, essential oil can be replaced by the chamomile decoction or calendula, as well as aloe juice. The mask acts soothing on irritated skin, tightens the extended pores and eliminates the rashes.

Beautiful Young Girl Washes With Clean Water At Early Morning

To improve the skin tone, it is very useful to wash the starch water - for this you need to dilute 1 tsp. Starch in 1 l warm boiled water. This solution should be washed with neck and face, after that it is necessary to rinse them with clean water and apply suitable cream.

Facial mask with starch and carrot juice - video


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