
What is plasmapheresis - indications, contraindications. Plasmapherester treatment - how the procedure is carried out, the effect

What is plasmapheresis - indications, contraindications. Plasmapherester treatment - how the procedure is carried out, the effect
From this article, you will learn what plasmapheresis, the essence of the procedure, use and how treatment takes place.

Our body is an established, constantly functioning mechanism, each part of which plays its role and is an important part of human vital activity. The main organ of the human body is the blood system, with which all the fabrics and human organs are supplied with blood. Red liquid spreads nutrient elements in the body, oxygen and allows you to maintain all organs at the proper level. Over time, due to improper nutrition, poor ecology, various negative effects, blood is saturated with poisoning elements and toxins, which together with current are spread throughout the body and penetrate all tissues and organs.

All this has a negative impact on human immunity and causes various diseases. It was for this very years ago the plasmapheresis procedure was invented - a popular technique for cleansing the blood and restoration of exchange processes in the human body.

In this article, we consider the pros and cons of plasmapheres, as well as the main features of the cleaning of blood by Plasmapheresome. We highlight all the testimony and contraindications of the methodology and technology of plasmapheresis.

What is Plasmapheresis - the essence of the procedure

Plasmapheresis is the most popular and effective way to purify the blood, which began to be used for a long time. Also, our ancestors considered blood source of life, since thanks to it all over the body, oxygen and useful trace elements are spread. More Ancient medical scientists believed that with the help of blood, you can cure a variety of diseases and save a person from severe ailments. It was believed that blood purification contributes to the slowdown of the aging of the body. That is why many years ago blood fraternity was created, where the blood of old people and young people were united. For a long time, people thought that with a constant replacement of the blood of old men, a gradual slowdown of aging can be achieved on a younger way and even return the human body. These theories were very popular during the times of Lenin.

It is not necessary to consider all this by a mystical nonsense, since many of the provisions of the ancient blood purification entered into the creation of the treatment technique by Plasmapheresis. This method has become popular in nineties. In 1908, first work was presented in Germany in this method of blood purification, which in fairly short time it became very popular. At the beginning, the purification of blood plasmapheresis was a very complex process and was considered a surgical operation. However, with the advent of plastic containers and intravenous infusions, the procedure has become available in medical circles and has gained popularity among people.

Plasmapheresis implies the discharge of blood from the human body and separation into two parts: liquid blood or plasma and blood cells, i.e. Leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells. Plasma is removed and no longer returns to the bloodstream system, and blood cells are cleaned and bred with saline, glucose and blood substitutes, after which they are returned to the human body. This procedure can be carried out in several ways, using apparatus and without them. It is important to take into account that the plasmapheresis of blood cannot be carried out at home, this procedure is very complex and implies the use of complex devices and medical knowledge, so it is necessary to make blood purification only in a medical institution with experienced medical workers.

Types of Plasmalisa

Blood is a source of life of the whole organism, because it is not for nothing for obtaining a general picture of the state of human health, all sorts of blood tests are carried out. It is in it that all trace elements, hormones, toxins, poisoning substances appear in it. With the help of cleaning, it is possible for one session to improve about 25-30% of human blood, which contributes to more effective treatment of various human diseases. The medicine uses a variety of plasmapheresis methods, which differ in the implementation method used by the devices. Consider the most popular and frequently used types of plasmapheresis in medical institutions.

  • The use of plasmapheresis. This method of blood purification is the easiest and most accessible from a financial point of view. However, it is worth noting a large number of minuses, such as the ability to grab the infection and cleaning a small amount of blood.
  • Hardware plasmapheresis. This technique is more popular and reasonable, as it has a large number of positive parties and proven effectiveness. This procedure is performed using various apparatuses for plasmapheresis, from which the type of method depends.
  • Plasmapherase with centrifuge. This is a type of hardware plasmapheresis, which uses a special centrifuge for blood separation into parts. The centrifuge directly joins the person, after that it gets blood into it, where in the process of rotation the blood is divided into plasma and enzymes. At the same time, the enzymes are saturated with blood substitutes and return to the blood circuit system.

  • Membrane plasmapheresis. This method of blood purification is also called filtration. It is very popular, since in his process a medical worker uses special membranes that delay blood enzymes, and they pass the plasma.
  • Cascade plasmapheresis. With this method, blood purification is used by special filters, with which the plasma is skipped several times. The first time of the plasma is separated from the enzyme blood cells, the second time of the plasma is distinguished larger molecules and delayed on the filters.
  • Sedimentation plasmapheresis. This method of purification consists in settling blood for some time, in the process of which the enzyme cells fall into the sediment.

Positive and negative sides of Plasmapheresis

Therapeutic plasmapheresis is a complex medical procedure that requires the use of expensive equipment and experienced personnel. Therefore, it is so important to clearly present the harm and favor of Plasmapheresis to determine for itself the need for it and the effectiveness of using such a method. Consider in more detail with all the advantages and minuses procedure for blood purification.

Positive aspects of Plasmapheresis:

  • One of the advantages of Plasmapheresis is the fact that the procedure is carried out only in the clinic or hospital, which eliminates the risk of incorrect and complications.
  • Plus, blood purification procedures are the use of only sterile and disposable tools, which completely eliminates the risk of infection in blood.
  • Perhaps the main positive quality of plasmapheresis procedure in the clinic's conditions - for each patient, the amount of blood is individually calculated, which is taken for cleaning. To do this, the blood tests are carefully studied. Patients who are necessarily taken before carrying out purification, the weight and growth of a person, its gender and age take into account. If blood becomes more, complications may occur.
  • The blood purification process is fully controlled by a doctor and apparatus - it is also a plus procedures. Compliant pressure, pulse, blood saturation with oxygen in order to see negative changes on time.
  • The procedure for cleansing blood by plasmapheresis is absolutely painless.
  • Plasmapheresis procedure greatly strengthens and improves human immunity and normalizes pressure.
  • When plasmaphereshes, blood purified with devices is slightly cleaned, which is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the occurrence of thrombosis.
  • When purifying blood plasmapheresis, cholesterol plaques accumulated on the walls of vessels.
  • This technique contributes to the saturation of organs with a large amount of oxygen.

Harm plasmapheresis:

  • This procedure is carried out under the clinic of experienced doctors, therefore negative qualities are practically no.
  • The explicit negative side of the procedure includes the fact that only 15-20% of blood can be cleaned in one session, and in serious diseases it is not enough to obtain a positive result. Therefore, it is most often recommended to carry out a course of such procedures, and this, in turn, significant financial spending, as the cost of plasmapheresis is quite high.
  • Achieving a positive result from the procedure requires the use of supporting therapy and diet, which is not always convenient and depends on the person's motivation.
  • Another disadvantage of plasmapheresis procedures is to remove with the plasma of useful substances, such as immunoglobulins, which are an important part of human immunity. However, the weakening or impairment of immunity is not observed.

Indications and Contraindications to Plasmapheresis

Plasmapheresis is a medical procedure, so it is characterized by the complexity of the implementation and use of the devices. You can make plasmapheresis in any particular clinic with good reviews and reputation, however, before this procedure, it is necessary to clearly represent all the testimony and contraindications, which will depend on your health and the effectiveness of the technique.

Plasmapheresis readings:

  • The procedure of plasmapheresis is recommended for various cardiovascular diseases. This group includes angina, myocarditis, atherosclerosis, viral diseases, post-infarction changes.
  • The testimony is also a disease of the respiratory system to which bronchial asthma, alveolit \u200b\u200band others can be attributed.
  • In case of kidney and liver diseases, it is also recommended to carry out the plasmapheresis procedure.
  • Different problems with gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers, colitis.
  • The procedure for cleansing blood using plasmapheresis is shown in various diseases of the endocrine system. This technique can be used in diabetes mellitus, thyredoxycosis.
  • It is recommended to clean the blood purification by plasmapheresome in some gynecological diseases, for example, before artificial fertilization, during the climax, with different inflammatory processes of the sexual system.
  • The testimony of connective tissue is also indicated. It is recommended to hold a course of plasmapheresis during sclerodermia, with a red lupus, with arthritis, during dermatomyositis.
  • Plasmapheressees can help with lesions of the skin, such as psoriasis, herpes, bubble. In this case, by cleaning, you can remove toxins from the blood, which cause these diseases.
  • Diseases with allergic manifestations are also indicated to carry out several sessions of blood purification by plasmapheres. Positive results can be achieved with the urban, swelling, dermatitis, thermal or cold allergies.
  • The use of plasmapheresis techniques in various diseases of the nervous system is shown. Purification of the blood can be beneficial to the treatment of such diseases as encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, infectious diseases.
  • Plasmapheresis procedure can help with some diseases of the eyes, for example, retinopathy or will take off.
  • Plasmapheresis is shown during pregnancy: with a rhesus conflict, with fetoplacentage insufficiency, strong toxicosis, gestosis.
  • Plasmapheresis can help remove alcoholic, nicotine or drug addiction.
  • This method of blood purification is recommended for poisoning with chemicals.

Contraindications of Plasmapheresis:

  • This procedure is contraindicated in various kinds of bleeding. With these symptoms, blood purification is strictly prohibited.
  • With severe brain diseases, it is also forbidden to carry out the plasmapheresis procedure. Such diseases include stroke.
  • Plasmapheresis is contraindicated in the period of decompensation of diseases such as cardiovascular, hepatic or renal failure.
  • The presence of sharp mental disorders can also be carried out by plasmapheresis of blood.
  • The above items are the strictest contraindication to plasmapheres. However, besides them there are also relative. This means that the problems that have arisen must be eliminated until the cleaning of blood or conduct it individually after the permission of the doctor.
  • With low blood pressure or poor blood clotting, it is also contraindicated to carry out the plasmapheresis procedure.
  • It is impossible to carry out this procedure for ulcer of the stomach or intestines.
  • The heart rhythm violation can also be a contraindication to blood purification using plasmapheresis method.
  • It is not recommended to carry out plasmapheresis with a low protein content in the blood.
  • The period of menstruation in women is also a relative contraindication to the plasmapheresis of blood.

The technique of plasmapheresis

  • plasmapheresis procedure is carried out only in a hospital with the necessary special devices.
  • In fact, this surgery, like any other blood transfusion.
  • By the time the procedure of plasmapheresis takes about 1 hour, it depends primarily on the type of procedure used and the required amount of blood to clean.
  • Since plasmapheresis is a fairly lengthy procedure, the patient is important to take a comfortable position. Most often it is necessary to lay down or take a half upright position. If, during the procedure, there is a weakness, under the head can put a towel, and feet raised slightly.
  • Today, the clinic has a variety of devices for carrying out plasmapheresis, among which are the stationary and portable.
  • Before the procedure is absolutely necessary blood tests, as based on their doctor prescribes a personalized program of treatment plasmapheresis: calculated optimum amount of blood to clean.
  • The man's hand with a needle catheter, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the dropper. Modern devices are equipped with two catheters: one through the blood taken for treatment, and a second is pure blood to flow back to the human body.
  • The choice of vehicle depends on the doctor's prescriptions, from this, in turn, depends on the choice of the type of plasmapheresis: membrane plasmapheresis, centrifugal plasmapheresis or cascade plasmapheresis.
  • Blood is drawn in portions at one time is taken approximately 40 ml of blood for purification. Thus in one session may be purified approximately 800 ml of blood, corresponding to 30% of the whole human blood.
  • Each portion of the blood passing through the device, is divided into two parts: a liquid part or plasma and forming blood cells. Plasma using special filters are removed completely, and red blood cells is diluted with physiological saline, glucose, potassium chloride, albumin. Krovezamenyayuschie drugs are added to the desired volume, and the blood is introduced into the human body.
  • During the procedure of plasmapheresis doctor all the time is close to the patient to control the situation. Sensors mounted on the apparatus with which the expert monitors the state of pressure, pulse rate, blood oxygen saturation level. If during the procedure, there are complications, the doctor immediately provides relief to the patient.

Complications during plasmapheresis

If the procedure is carried out in a good clinic with an excellent reputation, where the staff consists of experienced doctors, the risk of complications are minimized. It is important to use only disposable and sterile tools, as well as to carry out the procedure in an absolutely sterile room. However, in some cases, complications, various in nature and complexity, may still occur.

  • Sometimes an allergic reaction may be manifested in individual intolerance to the injected drugs. Everything can lead up to anaphylactic shock. This is caused by donor plasma or drugs that are introduced into the blood of a person to prevent the formation of thromboms.
  • In rare cases, hypotension can occur - a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which is observed with the one-time removal of a large volume of blood. This can happen in the process of non-professional procedure, in the process of which the individual amount of blood required for cleansing was calculated. Such a complication can lead to full or partial death of the brain, to the death of a person or disability.
  • Sometimes there may be bleeding, which occurs due to the excess of the required dose of drugs for the ability of blood to coagulation.
  • Sometimes clombs can be formed during such a procedure. This is associated with low dosage of blood clotting drugs. The blood clots fall into the blood and can block narrower vessels, which often leads to a fatal outcome.
  • In case of non-compliance with many rules, hepatitis or HIV infection may be observed. The probability of such extremely low and occurs only in the absence of sterility of tools and rooms, as well as at without a hardware method of plasmapheres. That is why it is so important to carefully approach the selection of the clinic to carry out this procedure.
  • Sometimes kidney failure may be observed as complications. In this case, this concerns the substitution of the own plasma of donor and in the incompatibility of blood.

The number of plasmapheresis procedures and their cost

The duration of the entire course of treatment with Plasmapheresis depends primarily on your disease and the appointment of the doctor. You yourself are not entitled to set the desired number of sessions, as it is strictly done in terms of your health, the results of analyzes, age and gender. To establish the necessary number of plasmapheresis procedures, the doctor must take into account the reception of some drugs, the presence of a patient of alcohol or drug addiction, the presence of contraindications to such a procedure, lifestyle and the ecological condition of the patient's residence. Based on all these data, the doctor prescribes the number of procedures, selects the optimal type of plasmapheresis and determines the optimal amount of blood that needs to be cleaned over the course of treatment.

It is important to take into account that no cosmetic doctor can assign you this procedure to eliminate acne. This is possible only by strict indications, besides, the plasmapheresis procedure is most often carried out in the hospital of a private clinic, as in the urban polyclinics such expensive equipment is most often not available. On average, the duration of the course of treatment with blood purification is a period of time from 2 to 12 sessions, during which the blood purification of the human body occurs.

The price of plasmapheresis varies depending on the type of methodology and the number of procedures. On the territory of Russia, the plasmapheresis procedure will cost you about 6000-31,000 rubles, depending on the blood purification method.

Plasmapheresis - Reviews

Plasmapheresis is a medical procedure that is appointed by a doctor to achieve a positive result in combating some diseases. Today, on the Internet, you can find a large number of reviews about this procedure. All reviews of real people who have experienced this miraculous procedure, mostly positive, and negative statements are most often associated with the manifestation of some individual reactions to the injected drugs. According to some reviews, under the end of the plasmapheresis procedure, patients had a sense of tingling in the limbs, as well as a small numbness and cold. However, the result of blood purification was very effective. For many discussions on the Internet, it is possible to judge that this procedure creates miracles and helps to get rid of complex ailments.

When a lot of desire appears to help yourself cope with the prolonged disease using Plasmapheresis, contact only good and proven clinics where professionals are working.

Plasmapheresis is a unique procedure for clearing the blood of a person who contributes to the removal of all accumulated toxins and poisoning substances. And this will strengthen human immunity and improve the overall health. The main thing is to remember that it is necessary to hold such a procedure strictly for the prescription of the doctor in the hospital.


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