
The throat hurts during pregnancy - what to do. Sedspring and sore throat 1.2.3 trimesters of pregnancy. Treatment of the throat during pregnancy - what to take, than to rinse

The throat hurts during pregnancy - what to do. Sedspring and sore throat 1.2.3 trimesters of pregnancy. Treatment of the throat during pregnancy - what to take, than to rinse
This article will tell you what to do if the throat was ill, methods of treatment with medicines and folk remedies.

Pregnancy is one of the most important points in the life of every representative of the weaker sex. However, not everyone brings a pregnancy only positive emotions. It also happens that the future mother is overcome by diseases: high temperature, runny nose and even cough in its most diverse forms may appear. What to do if the throat began to hurt during pregnancy? What can be taken from the throat during pregnancy?

Many doctors argue that if the throat hurts during pregnancy, then you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible so that he will exclude the presence of risk for the fetus and prescribe individual and suitable treatment. In order to independently evaluate possible risks and understand how quickly you need to act, it is important to know what symptoms the sore throat is accompanied by. If there is only a perspiration and some pain, then you can begin treatment with safe means: compresses, rinsing, consumption of hot tea with honey, jam, lemon. If a cough appears or a throat hurts during pregnancy and there is a temperature that is constantly rising, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible so that he checks the state of health and prescribes those drugs that can be used.

The cause of sore throat during pregnancy

Peresiament and sore throat during pregnancy are the common problems that pregnant women and girls get acquainted with. Especially often they occur with weakened immunity in the fall and winter. So what else could there be a cause of sore throat during pregnancy?

  • SARS and flu. As a rule, these diseases go along with a runny nose and fever. Moreover, during pregnancy, the throat may hurt and a cough occur. Only treatment under the supervision of a doctor will help get rid of the disease without harm to the health of the future mother and fetus. In this case, you cannot be treated independently, as complications may appear.
  • Angina. The disease familiar to many is especially dangerous not only at the initial stage, but also with complications, if they appear. As a rule, with angina, the body temperature rises to very high marks of 38-39 degrees, tonsils can become inflamed and fragility in the joints will appear. Such a disease cannot be treated independently. At the first suspicions of this acute disease, you need to immediately contact a specialist so that he prescribes medicine.
  • Scarlatin and rubella. These diseases can cause cough and sore throat extremely rarely. In addition to sore throat, a patient with scarlet fever or rubella also has other symptoms. In this case, you must also immediately consult a doctor to be examined. At the same time, folk remedies will not bring any benefits.

What to do if it is in the throat during pregnancy

The sore throat during pregnancy is not always due to the flu and SARS. The following diseases may be the reason:

  • Tonsillitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Nasopharyngitis.
  • Allergy.
  • The problem is the thyroid gland.
  • Disrupted digested gastrointestinal tract.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of sore throat. He will be able to prescribe treatment. If you have a suspicion of infection with such diseases, it is recommended to provide yourself with a good rest and protect the throat from the wind and cold.

As you know, the cause of sore throat is most often a cold. In this case, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Drink hot tea and add a product with vitamin C (lemon, orange).
  • Lie in bed more.
  • Use folk remedies.

Such methods of treating a perspective help only at the initial stages of the development of the disease. For this reason, you need to extremely carefully monitor the state of your health and consult a doctor so that he examines. It is worth noting once again that the use of drugs without agreement with a doctor can lead to sad and irreversible consequences.

How to treat throat during pregnancy

In the treatment of cough and sore throat, it is important to remember that in the first three months all organs of the baby, which is still in the abdomen, are laid, so it is extremely not recommended to use any drugs. It is better to use folk remedies and wait for a visit to the doctor.

There are a number of means from the throat allowed during pregnancy. It is not advised to use more than 2 drugs. The following funds are used to treat cough during pregnancy:

  • Syrups.
  • Pills.
  • Sprays.
  • Ledes.
  • Solutions.

 Throat tablets during pregnancy

Some types of pills carefully act on the throat and quickly get rid of sore throat and cough. It is recommended to drink the following tablets:

  • Lizobakt. These tablets must be slowly absorbed in the mouth. As a rule, the doctor prescribes 3 tablets per day.
  • Pharyngosept. Such tablets allow you to quickly relieve inflammation in the throat and get rid of pain.
  • No, an angin. These tablets include essential oils of mint and sage. They have a comprehensive effect on the throat and help to cope with pain. It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe them. As a rule, they are used for a short time.

Syrup for the throat during pregnancy

Syrup is a great medicine for the throat during pregnancy. It has a pleasant taste and gradually saves cough. There are the following syrups for the treatment of cough during pregnancy:

  • Altea syrup. It includes Altea root extract, as well as other safe substances for health. As a rule, it is recommended to use this syrup 3-4 times a day. However, the doctor prescribes a dosage at each specific period.
  • Stodal. This syrup costs about 200 rubles and has a pleasant aroma. During pregnancy, it is used only after consulting a doctor.

Throat spray during pregnancy

Most often, sprays are used to treat sore throat during pregnancy. It helps to quickly get rid of sore throat. The following sprays are most common:

  • Hexoral. It is used 1 or 2 times a day by irrigation of the throat.
  • Miramistin. This tool is used not only for rinsing, but also for irrigation of the throat. This spray is not absorbed into the throat, so it is safe.
  • Stepangin. This spray is allowed to be used on 2 and 3 trimester of pregnancy. Before use, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Also from the throat during pregnancy is a givakks, orasept and tuning fork.

Launders from the throat during pregnancy

Lollows is one of the safest means that can be used during pregnancy. You can use Laripront, Angi-Septic lollipops. It is also recommended to absorb natural lollipops based on mint and lemon. They have practically no contraindications, so they can be used immediately after the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

How to treat the throat during pregnancy in 1 trimester

In the presence of sore throat in the first trimester, it is important to identify the cause of the disease, since severe and sometimes slowly developing diseases can negatively affect the health of mom and baby. Doctors strongly recommend the use of folk remedies and in no case do not begin to treat sore throat with medicines. Antibiotics are especially prohibited.

For the treatment of sore throat in the first trimester, it is recommended to drink warm milk, cranberry fruit drinks, as well as rinse the throat with salt and soda. Additionally, the doctor can prescribe candies for resorption. For example, pharyngosept.

How to treat the throat during pregnancy in 2 trimester

In the second trimester, the circle of drugs used significantly expands. For example, sprays and tablets can be prescribed. For example, a doctor may allow Stepangin Spray. At home, you can rinse the throat with various solutions and drink hot liquid: milk, fruit drink, tea. However, remember that some products (for example, lemon or honey) can cause allergies, so these products need to gradually and pre -consult a doctor.

How to treat the throat during pregnancy in 3 trimester

In the final trimester of pregnancy, future mothers are still contraindicated in their own use of various drugs. The doctor can prescribe candies, sprays and various kinds of tablets. For example, Lizobakt, Tantum Verde or Lazolvan.

The compress on the throat during pregnancy

If the throat was sick during pregnancy, then special warming compresses can come to the rescue. They help strengthen the body's protective reaction and expand blood vessels. Compresses can be done with alcohol, vodka, as well as cabbage, honey and other means. In each period of pregnancy, one or another compress is suitable. For example, alcohol and vodka compresses in any case can be used on 1 and 2 trimester of pregnancy. Before you start using compresses, it is important to consult a doctor. Compresses are also prohibited at:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Fever.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Tendency to bleeding.

So what compress can be done?

Cabbage compress for sore throat during pregnancy

Take a few cabbage sheets, rinse them and dry. It will be best if you take young white cabbage, as it contains more beneficial substances. Attach cabbage leaves to the throat and close the whole throat with plastic wrap. Then take gauze and bandage her throat. Remove the compress after 2.5-3 hours.

Compress of vodka from the throat during pregnancy

This compress can harm during pregnancy, so you must definitely ask the doctor about the appropriateness of using such a compress.

In order to make a compress, take a bandage and soak it with vodka. Lubricate the entire skin where the compress will be imposed, baby cream and attach to the throat, wrap it with two bandages. You can remove the compress after 2 hours.

Compress from honey from the throat during pregnancy

Such a compress allows you to get rid of sore throat, sore throat, reduce inflamed tonsils and remove swelling. To prepare a mixture from honey, take aloe juice and mix it with a tablespoon of honey. Then mix the mixture well so that it has a homogeneous state. Fold gauze in 4 layers and soak it with the resulting mixture. Attach gauze to the throat and close it with a film, then attach a cotton layer to the throat and beat everything again. Remove the compress after 3 hours. Before using such a compress, you must make sure that you are not allergic to honey. To do this, apply a small amount of honey on the skin and wait a while. If you have no irritation and edema, then you can use a compress.

It is also worth noting that during the use of compresses you need to monitor your own condition. If suddenly the compress causes discomfort, unpleasant or painful sensations appear, then you should immediately remove the compress and consult a doctor.

Is it possible to rinse the throat during pregnancy

This question is asked by many future mothers, and experts have their own answer on this subject, which will delight everyone. Yes, you can rinse your throat during pregnancy, even if you were overcome by a disease in the form of sore throat. Moreover, rinsing the throat during pregnancy helps to cope with the disease much faster. How can you rinse your throat during pregnancy?

It is possible to rinse a sore throat in which there is a breakdown not only with soda or salt, but also with such means as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc. Many pregnant women notice that the throat rinsing during pregnancy helps to relieve pain in 2-3 applications.

How to rinse the throat with chlorhexidine during pregnancy

To prepare the solution, take a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt and clean water in a ratio of 1:10. Dilute everything and rinse the throat 3 times a day.

Chlorophyllipt is absolutely safe for the throat during pregnancy. It allows you to cope with microbes in the respiratory tract and get rid of sore throat.

How to rinse the throat with furatsilin during pregnancy

Furatsilin allows you to kill bacteria and prevent their distribution. To prepare the solution, take 1 liter of pure water and five or six furatsilin tablets. Grind the tablets finely and dilute them in water. Rinse the throat twice a day for two days. You can’t rinse your throat longer with this solution. While stored in pain, consult a doctor.  It is important to remember that in no case can this solution swallow, as this can harm the health of mom and baby.

How to rinse the throat with kefir during pregnancy

Who would have thought, but you can rinse the throat even by ordinary kefir. For rinsing, you can take any kefir with a fat content of 2%, heat it. They can rinse the sore throat several times a day (about three or four).

Rinse of the throat Miramistin during pregnancy

Miramistin became popular not so long ago. It allows you to get rid of a runny nose, sore throat, cough and many other ailments. During the day, you can rinse the throat three times, and irrigate three times 3 presses.

Dropping throat pregnant with black tea

Black tea is another effective tool that is surprising, which allows you to remove pain in the throat at a time and cope with a suddenly overcome ailment. However, remember that this method can only be used at the initial stages of throat treatment and only if the sore throat is not accompanied by any more symptoms.  The throat is rinsed three times a day with hard -touched tea. Repeat the rinse every 4-5 hours.

Folk methods for treating sore throat during pregnancy

If you are afraid to use medicines to treat sore throat during pregnancy, you can use the following folk remedies:

  • Milk. This is an excellent remedy for sore throat during pregnancy. It is necessary to mix milk with a small amount of butter and honey (in the absence of allergic reactions), heat everything and drink a teaspoon before bedtime. After that, you need to go under the covers without fail and keep your legs warm.
  • Inhalations with menthol. It is very useful to inhale the air, which is formed as a result of heating menthol in water. You need to inhale the solution for 10 minutes, covered with a terry towel.
  • Foot baths with mustard. This procedure must be done extremely carefully and preferably on the eve of use, consult a doctor. For cooking, take a tablespoon of mustard and dissolve it in warm water, keep your legs in the bath for 5-10 minutes, and then put on warm socks.

Treatment of the throat during pregnancy is a comprehensive process that includes a doctor’s examination, careful and constant monitoring of the state of his body, as well as compliance with all recommendations and the use of additional funds. It is important to remember that during pregnancy you need to protect your body from colds. To do this, you can resort to prevention: drink rosehip broth, eat right, avoid staying on the street in bad weather.



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