
Sore throat during pregnancy - what to do. Overflow and pain in the throat 1,2,3 trimesters of pregnancy. Treatment of throat during pregnancy - what to take than ringed

Sore throat during pregnancy - what to do. Overflow and pain in the throat 1,2,3 trimesters of pregnancy. Treatment of throat during pregnancy - what to take than ringed
This article will be described about what to do if the throat is sick, methods of treating medicines and folk remedies during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is one of the most important moments in the life of each weak floor representative. However, not all pregnancy brings only positive emotions. It also happens that the future mother is overwhelmed by the disease: high temperature may appear, runny nose and even cough in a variety of forms. What to do if the throat began to hurt during pregnancy? What can be taken from the throat during pregnancy?

Many doctors argue that if the throat hurts during pregnancy, then you need to go to a specialist to the hospital as soon as possible, so that it eliminates the presence of risk for the fetus and prescribed individual and appropriate treatment. In order to independently assess the possible risks and understand how quickly you need to act, it is important to know what symptoms is accompanied by pain in the throat. If only an hour and some pain appears, then you can proceed to treat safe agents: compresses, rinse, consumption of hot tea with honey, jam, lemon. If the cough appears or during pregnancy hurts the throat and there is a temperature that is constantly rising, then it is worth consulting a doctor as soon as possible so that he checked the state of health and discharged those medicines that can be applied.

Cause of sore throat during pregnancy

Ensure and pain in the throat during pregnancy are common problems with which pregnant women and girls get acquainted. Especially often they arise with a weakened immunite in the fall and winter. So what else may be the cause of sore throat during pregnancy?

  • ORVI and flu. As a rule, these diseases come along with a runny nose and elevated temperatures. Moreover, during pregnancy, it can hurt the throat and arise cough. Only the treatment under the supervision of the doctor will help get rid of the illness without harm to the health of the future mother and the fetus. In this case, it is impossible to be treated independently, as complications may appear.
  • Angina. Familiar to many disease especially dangerous not only at the initial stage, but also for complications if they occur. Usually angina body temperature rises to very high marks in the 38-39 degrees may appear inflamed tonsils and brittle joints. This disease also can not be treated independently. At the first suspicion of the disease is an acute need to immediately see a specialist, so he ordered medicine.
  • Scarlet fever and measles. These diseases may be the cause of cough and sore throat extremely rarely. In addition to pain in the throat or scarlet fever in a patient with rubella and other symptoms appear. In this case, you must also immediately contact a doctor to be tested. Folk remedies in this disease has not bring benefits.

What if the tickle in the throat during pregnancy

Not always sore throat during pregnancy due to influenza and SARS. The reason may be the following diseases:

  • Tonsillitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Nasopharyngitis.
  • Allergy.
  • The problem in the thyroid gland.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Determine the cause of sore only a doctor can throat. He will be able to prescribe treatment. If you suspect of being infected with such diseases, it is recommended to secure a good rest and take care of the throat from the wind and cold.

As is known, the cause of sore throat is often a cold. In this case, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Drink hot tea and add the product with vitamin C (lemon, orange).
  • Longer stay in bed.
  • Use folk remedies.

These treatments help to tickle only in the initial stages of the disease. For this reason, you need to very carefully monitor their health and seek medical attention, so he spent the inspection. It should again be noted that the use of drugs without the consent of a doctor can lead to tragic and irreversible consequences.

Than to treat throat during pregnancy

In the treatment of cough and sore throat it is important to remember that in the first three months of being laid all the organs of the baby, who is still in the stomach, so use any medications is not recommended. It is better to use folk remedies and to wait for the visit to the doctor.

There are a number of funds from the throat, permitted during pregnancy. It is not advisable to use more than 2 drugs. For the treatment of cough during pregnancy using the following tools:

  • Syrups.
  • Pills.
  • Sprays.
  • Lollipops.
  • Solutions.

 Tablets from the throat during pregnancy

Some types of tablets carefully act on the throat and quickly get rid of sore throat and cough. It is recommended to drink the following tablets:

  • Lizobakt. These pills need to slowly dissolve in the mouth. As a rule, the doctor prescribes 3 tablets per day.
  • Faringosept. Such pills allow you to quickly remove inflammation in the throat and get rid of pain.
  • No-angine. The composition of these tablets includes the essential oils of mint and sage. They have a comprehensive impact on the throat and help to cope with pain. It is important to remember that only a doctor can assign them. As a rule, they are applied short time.

Syrup for throat during pregnancy

Syrup is an excellent throat medicine during pregnancy. It has a pleasant taste and gradually eliminates cough. There are the following syrups for the treatment of cough during pregnancy:

  • Altea syrup. It includes the extract of the root of Altea, as well as other safe substances for health. As a rule, it is recommended to use this syrup 3-4 times a day. However, the dosage on each specific period is appointed by the doctor.
  • Stodal. This syrup costs about 200 rubles and has a pleasant fragrance. During pregnancy, it is used only after the doctor's consultation.

Spray for throat during pregnancy

Most often for the treatment of sore throat during pregnancy, sprays are used. It helps to quickly get rid of sore throat. The following sprays are most common:

  • Hexoral. Apply it 1 or 2 times a day by irrigation of the throat.
  • Miramistin. This agent is used not only for rinsing, but also for the irrigation of the throat. This spray is not absorbed into the throat, so it is safe.
  • Stopangin. This spray is allowed to use 2 and 3 trimester of pregnancy. Before use, you must be consulted with your doctor.

Also from the throat during pregnancy, Givalex, Orept and Challenge are prescribed.

Candy of throat during pregnancy

Lollipops are one of the safest tools that can be used during pregnancy. You can apply Lirefront, angi-sept. It is also recommended to dissipate natural candies based on mint and lemon. They practically do not have contraindications, so you can apply them immediately after the first signs of the disease.

Than to treat the throat during pregnancy in 1 trimester

If there is pain in the throat in the first trimester is important to identify the cause of the illness, as severe and sometimes slowly developing disease can adversely affect the health of mother and baby. Doctors strongly recommend the use of folk remedies and in any case not to proceed with the treatment of sore throat medicines. Specifically banned antibiotics.

For the treatment of sore throat in the first trimester it is recommended to drink warm milk, cranberry juice and gargle with salt and soda. In addition, your doctor may prescribe lozenges for resorption. For example, Faringosept.

Than to treat throat during pregnancy in 2 trimester

In the second trimester circle expands medicines used substantially. For example, can be assigned sprays and tablets. For example, your doctor may allow spray Stopangin. At home, you can gargle with various solutions and drink hot liquid milk, juice, tea. However, remember that some products (such as lemon or honey) can cause allergies, so these products need to be administered slowly and consult their physician.

Than to treat throat during pregnancy in 3 trimester

In the final trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers still contraindicated independently use different medicines. The doctor may prescribe lozenges, sprays and all kinds of pills. For example, Lizobakt, Tantum Verde or Mucosolvan.

Compress on the throat during pregnancy

If pregnancy sore throat, it can come to the aid of special hot compress. These help strengthen the body's defense reaction and dilate blood vessels. Compresses can be done with the help of alcohol, vodka, as well as cabbage, honey, and other means. In each period of pregnancy is suitable or that the compress. For example, alcohol and vodka compresses in any case can not be used on 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Before you start using compresses, it is important to consult a doctor. Compresses are also prohibited when:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Fever.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Tendency to bleeding.

So what is the compress can be done?

Cabbage poultice for sore throat during pregnancy

Take several cabbage sheets, rinse them and dry. It will be best if you take a young white cabbage, as it contains more useful substances. Attach cabbage leaves to the throat and close the throat with a polyethylene film. Then take the gauze and tap it her throat. Remove the compress 2.5-3 hours.

Compress from vodka from throat during pregnancy

This compress may harm during pregnancy, so the appropriateness of the application of such compresses should be asked for a doctor.

In order to make the compress, take the dressing and impregnate it with vodka. Lubricate all the skin, where the compress will be imposed, baby cream and attach to the throat, clog it with two bandages. You can remove the compress in 2 hours.

Compress from honey from throat during pregnancy

Such a compress allows you to get rid of throat pain, allocate, reduce inflamed almonds and remove the swelling. To prepare a mixture of honey, take aloe juice and mix it with a tablespoon of honey. Then mix the mixture well so that it has a homogeneous state. Fold the gauze in 4 layers and feed it with the resulting mixture. Attach gauze to the throat and close it with a film, then attach to the throat wool layer and drag everything again. Remove the compress after 3 hours. Before applying such a compression, you must make sure that you have no allergies to honey. To do this, apply a small amount of honey on the skin and wait a while. If you do not have irritation and edema, you can apply compress.

It is also worth noting that during the use of compresses you need to monitor your own state. If suddenly the compress causes discomfort, the unpleasant or painful sensations appear, then it is necessary to immediately remove the compress and consult a doctor.

Is it possible to rinse the throat during pregnancy

This question is asked for many future mothers, and specialists have their own answer on this score, which will please all. Yes, it is possible to rinse your throat during pregnancy, even if you have defeated the sore throat. Moreover, the rinse of the throat during pregnancy helps to cope with the disease much faster. What can rinse the throat during pregnancy?

You can rinse a sore throat, in which there is a perfense, it is possible not only to soda or salt, but also with such means as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc. Many pregnant women notice that the rinsing of the throat during pregnancy helps to remove painful sensations for 2-3 applications.

How to rinse the throat chlorhexidine during pregnancy

For the preparation of the solution, take a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipte and clean water in a ratio of 1:10. All distribute and rinse the throat 3 times a day.

Chlorophyllipt is absolutely safe for the throat during pregnancy. It allows you to cope with microbes in the respiratory tract and get rid of throat pain.

How to rinse throat furacilin during pregnancy

Furaciline allows you to kill bacteria and prevent their distribution. For the preparation of the solution, take 1 liter of pure water and five or six pills of furacin. Finely grind tablets and spread them in water. Rinse the throat twice a day for two days. It is impossible to rinse the throat longer the throat. When saving in pain, you need to consult a doctor. It is important to remember that in no case cannot swallow this solution, as it can harm mom and baby's health.

How to rinse throat kefir during pregnancy

Who would have thought, but you can rinse the throat even the usual kefir. For rinsing, you can take any kefir with fatty from 2%, to warm it up. You can rinse the sore throat several times a day (about three or four).

Rinse the throat of Mirismine during pregnancy

Miramistin became popular not so long ago. It allows you to get rid of a cold, sore throat, cough and many other ailments. During the day, the throat can be ringed three times, and it wipes three times with 3 presses.

Rinse throat for pregnant black tea

Black tea is another effective surprisingly of many tool that makes it possible to remove pain in the throat and cope with suddenly overclocked ailment. However, remember that this method can be used only at the initial stages of the treatment of the throat and only if the pain in the throat is not accompanied by any more symptoms. The throat is rinsed three times a day with fastening tea. You need to repeat the rinse every 4-5 hours.

Folk ways to treat sore throat during pregnancy

If you are afraid to use medicines for the treatment of throat pain during pregnancy, you can take advantage of the following folk remedies:

  • Milk. This is a great remedy for sore throat during pregnancy. You need to mix milk with a small amount of butter and honey (in the absence of allergic reactions), heat everything and drink in front of a teaspoon. After that, it is mandatory to lie down under the blanket and keep legs warm.
  • Inhalation with menthol. It is very useful to inhale air, which is formed by the heating of menthol in water. Inhaling the solution is needed for 10 minutes, covered with a terry towel.
  • Baths for legs with mustard. It is necessary to make this procedure very carefully and preferably on the eve of the application to consult with the doctor. For cooking, take a tablespoon of mustard and dissolve it in warm water, keep the legs in the foot 5-10 minutes in the bath, then put on warm socks.

Treatment of throat during pregnancy is a comprehensive process that includes a doctor's inspection, careful and continuous monitoring of the condition of its body, as well as compliance with all recommendations and the use of additional funds. It is important to remember that during the pregnancy, you need to take care of your organism from the cold. To do this, you can resort to prophylaxis: drink a decoction of rosehip, eat properly, avoid staying outside in bad weather.


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