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Review of the walking techniques for weight loss. Scandinavian walking with sticks for weight loss. Fast, slow walking for weight loss. Walking up the stairs and a treadmill for weight loss - how much you need to walk

Review of the walking techniques for weight loss. Scandinavian walking with sticks for weight loss. Fast, slow walking for weight loss. Walking up the stairs and a treadmill for weight loss - how much you need to walk
Walking can help you in the fight against excess weight.

If you are trying to lose weight, ordinary walking can help in this. Walking is an absolutely natural physical activity for a person, which is given easier than running or classes on simulators. Moreover, the effectiveness of walking to create the perfect figure is obvious. The main thing is to approach training seriously, walk regularly and do it right. From this article you can learn more about various walking techniques and its advantages, as well as get acquainted with the simple rules that will make Vasty training safe and effective.

Walking techniques for weight loss

There are many ways to walk that will allow you to lose weight. Some walking options are close to real sports, while other training can easily be performed between business even during the working day. Nevertheless, if you really want walking to help you cope with excess weight, you should take such classes seriously. First of all, this concerns the regularity of walking. But, for starters, choose the way of walking that will better fit into your lifestyle.

Scandinavian walking for weight loss

Scandinavian walking is a sports walking technique that has long been popular around the world, and now this sport has more and more fans in Russia. Perhaps this particular way of walking will be the most healthy for health. Such walking helps to reduce weight, but on this its useful action does not end. During the correct implementation of Scandinavian walking, more than 90 % of the body muscles are involved. Thus, even if you have not been involved in any sports for a long time, Scandinavian walking will allow the whole body to tone. Indeed, weight loss does not yet guarantee the perfect figure. It is important that the body is tightened, and all the muscles are harmoniously developed. This is what Scandinavian walking can help.

Also, Scandinavian walking is perfect for people aged. With heart problems, many types of physical activity are contraindicated. Scandinavian walking allows you to easily adjust the pace, as well as, therefore, the load on the heart. Walking will help strengthen muscles and improve the heart. Another frequent problem, which is a contraindication to the occupation by many sports - joint diseases. In this case, Scandinavian walking will also be safe and even useful.

Scandinavian walking for weight loss implies several important rules:

  • Walking is performed with sticks. In this case, the technique of alternating move is used: if you walk with your right foot, then take the left hand forward, and, if with your left foot, take your right hand.
  • Movement should be performed by straining the muscles of the hands, as if you are repelled from the ground. The work of muscles during Scandinavian walking should be similar to the work of muscles when skiing.
  • Walking, you must roll from the heel to the toe.
  • With Scandinavian walking, the correct posture is extremely important: try to hold your back straight, shoulders straightened, and stretch up your crown.
  • It is recommended to start Scandinavian walking at a speed of 4-5 km/h. If you feel comfortable, over time you can increase speed to 6-7 km/h.

The technique of Scandinavian walking is very simple, but you need to perform all movements correctly in order to get the maximum effect. If you are not sure that you are doing everything right, you can hire a personal coach. Given the popularity of Scandinavian walking, it will not be difficult to find such a specialist. It will be enough even one lesson to show you how to properly perform movements and recommend the optimal pace and distance based on your level of physical fitness and health problems. In the future, you can do your own walking in any free time - except that you will need to purchase special sticks.

Scandinavian walking is recommended to be performed outdoors. If you have a park or forest near the house, it can become an ideal place for such training. However, you can walk with sticks anywhere, even along the streets, if they are not very lively. However, it will be more useful to do this in nature than in the city. In physical exertion, breathing quickens and becomes deeper, so it is important to inhale pure oxygen, and not exhaust gases. Walking can be done at any time of the year. Snow or rain, of course, can cause some discomfort. At the same time, if you have the right clothes, no weather conditions will interfere with your training.

Walking for weight loss

Even simple walking with a walking step can contribute to weight loss. We all go quite a little during the day, without noticing it ourselves. A walk from home to a bus stop or to the nearest store can be turned into a training session that will help get rid of excess weight.

To make the training full, it is recommended to work at least an hour. In this case, the pace should be fast enough. It is best to engage in such walking walking with friends who also want to lose weight - together you can better control the pace. Also, dogs are great for such walks.

When going to do walking, you need to choose comfortable clothes, and, most importantly, shoes. Heeled shoes are categorically not suitable, even going in sandals or boots on flat soles, you will not be too comfortable. If you approach a walk, like a sport, then you should choose sneakers or sneakers. Another common mistake is to walk with bags in one hand or on the shoulder. If you want to use weighting agents, you need to take equal weights in each hand. An alternative can be a backpack, which will help evenly distribute the load on the shoulders.

Walking on a treadmill for weight loss

On treadmills in the gym, you can also do walking. There are many advantages: professional coaches will always be able to give you advice, and the simulator will allow you to easily control and regulate the speed and track your pulse. Accounting for all the nuances and a competent approach will make training in the gym very effective.

Many note that sports in halls and fitness clubs have a beneficial effect on motivation. Even if it was difficult for you to force yourself to go out for walking, you will most likely attend paid classes in the hall. In addition, no bad weather will prevent you from playing sports in the gym. And perhaps you will make new acquaintances there, and you will not only work on the figure, but also have a pleasant time.

On some treadmills, you can adjust the angle of inclination. This will allow you to go in a hill. The work of muscles when rising uphill differs from muscle work during a simple walk along a flat surface. The rise up will help you lose weight faster than a regular step. However, it should be borne in mind that with such walking there is an additional load on the muscles of the legs - if you are not used to sports training, perhaps you will not be able to immediately start going to the hill. In addition, the rise gives a serious burden on the heart-people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it is best to refrain from such experiments and walk over a straight surface.

Despite all the advantages of walking on the treadmill, buying a subscription to the gym for the sake of walking alone is unlikely to be profitable. If you decide to visit a fitness club, you should also join other sports in order to use all the possibilities as efficiently as possible. Those who are interested exclusively walking can purchase a treadmill for homework. However, such simulators are not cheap and there should be an extra place in the apartment to place them. In addition, it is difficult to force yourself to play sports at home, and often such simulators are idle.

Walking up the stairs for weight loss

If you want to walk in a hill, walking up the stairs will help you. It will not be difficult for residents of high -rise buildings every day - just use the stairs instead of the elevator when you go home. Such walking can be done every day without allocating a lot of time on it. Nevertheless, before starting classes, you should make sure that you have no heart problems: intensive walking in a hill can aggravate the disease. If you are healthy, climbing the stairs will help you strengthen your heart, pump up your legs muscles and, of course, quickly and effectively lose weight.

Walking up the stairs should take place at a quick uniform pace. Follow your breath and try to take rhythmic steps. It is best to choose comfortable shoes for such training - for example, sneakers or sneakers. High -heeled shoes or with a pointed nose does not allow to evenly distribute the load on the foot, so it is not suitable for sports training. Also, do not regularly engage in the stairs with a heavy bag - this will poorly affect posture. If you have heavy things with you, you need to carry either two identical cargoes in both hands, or carry them in a backpack so that the weight is evenly distributed over the shoulders.

General rules for losing weight

If you want walks to be effective, it is worth treating them like sports. First of all, of course, regularity is important. Ideally, walking every working day for about an hour and on weekends for two hours. Such training will allow you to lose weight in just a month.

Often among the working day it can be difficult to allocate time for walking. To solve the problem, the easiest way to refuse transport to work if it is located far from the house. Regular walks in the morning and evenings will help to accommodate walking into your schedule and lose weight quickly. If you can’t train every day, do not try to compensate for all this time on the weekend - such intense loads will be a great stress for the body. Select three days, evenly distributing them a week, and walk for two to three hours, as far as time allows.

While walking, follow the following rules that are important for any physical activity:

  • Follow the pulse. Fat burning occurs in the aerobic pulse zone. To calculate it, deduct your age from 220. Your pulse should reach 70% of the number that you will receive. To measure the pulse during movement, it is easiest to purchase a heart rate monitor. However, you can determine the pulse and yourself, holding the vein with your fingers on the wrist. To do this, you only need a watch.
  • Do not drink too much water during training - limit yourself to several sips. Water is an additional load for the body that distracts from walking.
  • To better remove thirst, drink slightly salty water.
  • Start walking with a warm -up - take 10 minutes at a slow pace, gradually accelerating. So you will prepare the heart and lungs for the load, and also warm up the muscles.
  • Finish walking also gradually - it is not recommended to stop immediately after walking at a fast pace.
  • Try interval training - change speeds every ten minutes from slow walking to fast to fast. The speed can vary in the range from 4.5 km/h to 7 km/h. Such walking will contribute to even more intensive fat burning.

Many people wonder what is more effective in the fight against excess weight - running or walking?  Of course, running gives a load on the body more than walking. Accordingly, if you decide to lose weight with the help of running, you will need less time for this than using walking. However, running has many contraindications: for example, heart and joint diseases. Even if you are healthy, but have not played sports for a long time, you are unlikely to withstand one or two hours of continuous running. Therefore, it is usually easier to start with walking. It is also useful to combine running and walking - you will get a more intense interval training.

Diet for weight loss from walking

Many choose to engage in physical exercises and, in particular, walking after attempts to lose weight on strict diets. Indeed, burning calories in training is a much more correct and healthy way to monitor the figure than just limit yourself in food. In addition, the diet itself will only give weight loss, and for an ideal body, not only the lack of fat, but also the tightened strong muscles.

If you play sports, you can not strictly limit yourself in food. However, for the fastest weight loss, it is important to switch to healthy food. First of all, try to abandon fast food and cook homemade food. Also reduce the use of flour, fat or sweet. Do not switch to a strict diet, but it makes sense to start eating right and keep this habit for life. Only regular physical exercises and healthy food will help you maintain a beautiful figure.

To make training more effective, adhere to simple tips to regulate meals during the day:

  • Carbohydrates are best eaten in the morning. Porridge, bread and potatoes will give you energy for the whole day and you will feel satiety for a long time. It is also worth consuming carbohydrates per hour and a half before training to increase endurance.
  • Squirrels are best eaten in the afternoon. Meat, fish, legumes and eggs are digested for a long time, so it is best to eat them in the evening. Nutritionists recommend eating protein foods combined with vegetables and abandon traditional side dishes. After training, it will be especially useful to use proteins if, in addition to losing weight, you also want to pump muscles.
  • If you can’t completely abandon harmful fatty and sweet foods, try to refrain from it at least on the day of training.



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