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Maggie diet for every day

Maggie diet for every day
How to lose weight on Maggie's diet is comfortable and not starving.

Maggie diet is a popular topic of discussion in the society of adolescents, young ladies and even nutritionists. Everything is so simple and democratic in it that this method of nutrition can apply any girl from 12 to 82 years old. Maggie diet is extremely convenient for modern women leading an active lifestyle, employed from morning to evening, who are in the kitchen from half an hour a day attending gyms and social events.

The benefits of the diet of Maggi

The maggie diet is based on protein, it is more correct to even say eggs, diet. The attractive memorable name occurred on behalf of the author of the diet, although this is not documented. Yes, it doesn’t matter where and how the name came from. Much more important is the method of diet, which allows young ladies to find the figure of your dreams, and get closer to ideal forms. The diet menu is based on the alternation of various products in such a way that the splitting of fat deposits occurs naturally, as a result of the interaction of some products with others, and without a sense of hunger.

The duration of the diet is 4 weeks, during this time you can get rid of 10-20 extra pounds. The diet’s diet cannot be called meager or limited, so it can be used at any age, it has no obvious contraindications. The menu includes fresh fruits and vegetables, which saturate the body with useful substances, therefore, polyvitamins are not required. The menu is painted very specifically and in detail, what eliminates thoughts, what is it to eat to lose weight? The calculation of calorie content of food eaten is also not required. Sometimes the amount of food that can be eaten is not indicated in the menu sections, this means that you need to eat before saturation.

Basically, the Maggie diet is composed of dishes, the preparation of which does not need much time or special skills. Most dishes can be taken with you to study or work so as not to violate the daily routine.

Maggie diet for 4 weeks: Rules


The indisputable condition of the Maggie diet is a thorough compliance with the supply of food, priority and a set of products used. This means that no meal should not be missed or replaced by one product by another. The rejection of any product is allowed, but not its replacement. If there is a gross violation of the diet and diet, it is recommended to start a diet first.

Maggie's diet provides for a 3-rack nutrition, without snacks. In addition, there are several more rules that must be observed:

  • to increase the efficiency of losing weight and the correct operation of the intestine, it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • during the diet, alcohol, meat broths, fats and fatty varieties of meat, mayonnaise are prohibited;
  • it is recommended to bake meat and fish products, simmer, cook in a slow cooker and cook;
  • it is impossible to use synthetic seasonings for cooking, but you can use salt, onions, garlic, greens;
  • the menu provides for the use of unsweetened coffee and tea.

Maggie's egg diet menu


During the diet, the menu changes slightly, it is necessary to comply with these features. Basically, the menu consists of eggs, meat, fish, cheese. Eggs can be eaten boiled, it is better to prepare them “in a bag” or software, so they will be easier to perceive the digestive system. If you prefer fried eggs, they can be frying in a dry pan without adding fat. The vegetables can simply be nibbled, you can cut salads, seasoning with citrus juice. Resolved vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, carrots, leaf salads of any kind, greens. Zucchini, patch beans, carrots and green peas can be boiled or cooked in a slow cooker. From them you can cook the soup without using meat broth and potatoes. The list of fruits is also quite diverse: grapefruits, oranges, apples, pears, apricots. In the summer season, the menu will pleasantly diversify watermelons and melons.

Maggie diet: menu for the first week

Every day it is good to start with a glass of drinking water. Morning meal will delight with 2 eggs and half an orange or grapefruit. Such breakfasts will become ordinary over the next 2 weeks. The menu of day and evening meals is clearly painted:


Lunch: fruits, one of the species.

Dinner: low -fat meat.


Lunch: Chicken meat.

Dinner: a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, 2 eggs, 1 citrus.


Lunch: cottage cheese, tomatoes, 1 toast.

Dinner: meat.


Lunch: Fruits.

Dinner: meat and salad of vegetables.


Lunch: boiled vegetables, 2 eggs.

Dinner: fish, fresh vegetables, 1 citrus.


Lunch: apples or pears.

Dinner: meat and fresh vegetables.


Lunch: chicken, boiled mixture of vegetables, tomatoes, 1 citrus.

The range of products for the initial stage of the diet is diverse. The beginning of the Maggie diet is distinguished by relief: in points where portions are not indicated, you can eat to saturation. Each meal can be supplemented with a cup of coffee or favorite tea. Therefore, weight loss on this fashionable diet can be called tasty and diverse.

Maggie diet: menu for the second week

We will continue the diet by the usual breakfast, there are also no cardinal differences from the previous week in the diet of lunches and dinners. There are restrictions in portions of the products used, but the body is easily cope with this. Losing weight girls note that after the first week, serving gradually decrease on their own, saturation occurs earlier.

For the convenience of using the menu, it is collected in tables. To clearly study the diet of the second week of the Maggi diet, you can look at the photo:


Maggie diet: menu for the third week

At 3 weeks of the diet menu, it changes by day, reminding a mono-diet in something. Every day carries diversity, so there will be no boring on the diet of Maggie.

Monday:  The entire diet is only fruit.

Tuesday: The diet of the day is made up of vegetables undergoing heat treatment and salads from fresh vegetables.

Wednesday: We combine the diet of the previous two days, eat fruits, salads, boiled and raw vegetables;

Thursday: fish with salad, boiled vegetables.

Friday: Meat and vegetables undergoing heat treatment.

Saturday and Sunday: The diet of the day is fruit.

Maggie diet: food options for the fourth week

Next, we use the obtained skills in practice. From the list of products per day, we ourselves make a 3-rack nutrition.

1st day

  • 400 g of meat;
  • 200g fish;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 citrus.

2nd day

  • 200g of meat;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 apple or pear (can be replaced with a piece of melon);
  • 1 citrus.

3rd day

  • 300-400 g of boiled vegetables;
  • 1st.L. cottage cheese 0% fat content;
  • 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 citrus.

4th day

  • chicken;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 citrus.

5th day

  • 2 eggs;
  • leaf salad;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit.

6th day

  • chicken;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • 1 cup of cottage cheese 0% fat;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 citrus.

7th day

  • fish;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 citrus.

Maggie's curd diet

Kefir-fifth diet

For those girls who have egg intolerance or digestive difficulties as a result of an egg diet, a curd menu has been developed. Everything is very simple in it, the eggs are replaced by cottage cheese of low or zero fat content. 200 g of cottage cheese corresponds to 2 boiled eggs. Breakfast on the cottage cheese diet consists of 200g cottage cheese and fruits. Further, the menu is similar to the main on the diet of Maggi. Read more about the curd diet of Maggi on the table:


Maggie diet: results

During the diet, you can bring your body into shape without sharp restrictions: get rid of extra pounds, remove the stomach, make the outlines of the figure more clear. Maggie diet can serve as an impetus to the transition to proper nutrition, in 4 weeks new food habits are formed and tastes are changing. The previously familiar dishes after a diet may seem too fat or sweet.

The exit from the Maggie diet should be smooth, you can gradually add dishes from the cereals, without being carried away by increasing the calorie content of dishes. A slow transition to regular nutrition guarantees the preservation of the achieved result for a long time. Therefore, do not try to immediately switch to cakes, cookies and sweets, use more drinking water and do not forget to move more. All this will be your guarantee of harmony and excellent well -being.


Maggie diet: reviews

If you carefully view the menu and decide whether you can lose weight on the fashionable and extremely effective diet of Maggie, read the reviews of it. Most people who have checked the result of this diet on themselves claim that it is very easy. For 4 weeks, subject to all the requirements of the diet, there is no feeling of hunger and discomfort in the stomach. But the weight gradually leaves, and the volumes decrease.

Some girls write that they managed to lose 8-9 kg in 4 weeks, others have a more impressive result of 16 kg. It all depends on several reasons: the initial weight, clear compliance with the rules and physical activity. The challenges are full of enthusiastic comments: “Effective diet”, “really lose weight”, “I'm so happy!”. This suggests that many people have already tried this method of losing weight and were satisfied with its result. Interestingly, many losing weight tell with enthusiasm how the willpower is strengthened with every kilogram dropped, and the desire to eat something forbidden disappears.

If in 4 weeks you have not achieved the desired weight, you can repeat the diet again. In this case, after the menu of the first two weeks, you can immediately go by the 4th week. The results of losing weight on the diet of Maggi can be viewed in the photo before and after:




Maggie diet: recipes

For the Maggie diet, you can cook a huge number of various dishes, or you can do just boiled meat, eggs and salad. It all depends on your desire and time. Indeed, sometimes cooking can serve as a kind of ritual, tradition. Why violate traditions? Such dishes are perfect for a small holiday with a family or with friends, if you are on a diet. These dietary dishes are so tasty that no one will know that they are prepared for weight loss.

Spicy veal

It will be required for 1 portion:

  • 200-300 gt residents;
  • juice from 1 orange;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • basil leaflets.

From orange juice, salt, pepper and basil, prepare the marinade by mixing all the ingredients in a plate or a bowl. Wash the meat, slightly dry with a paper towel. Grind meat for 2-3 hours. Then place the meat in foil or sleeve and bake in the oven for 60 minutes.

Egg salad and grapefruit

Ingredients for 1 portion:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/2 grapefruit;
  • leaflets of basil, parsley and oregano.

Parse the grapefruit into small slices without films, cut the eggs of eggs with cubes. Grind the yolks with chopped herbs. Mix everything carefully.

Muffins from chicken breast



  • 400 g of chicken breasts;
  • onions are onion or green;
  • protein 1 egg;
  • salt, pepper.

Prepare minced meat from meat and onions, salt, pepper. Add protein to minced meat, mix well. Put the mass in greased forms for baking cupcakes. Bake in the oven.

In those days when it is allowed to eat meat and boiled vegetables, you can add finely chopped zucchini and carrots to the muffins.

Boil chicken cutlets


  • 400 g of chicken;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, pepper;
  • greens, garlic at will.

Prepare minced meat from meat and onions, add salt and pepper. Form small cutlets. Prepare in a slow cooker, steamed or fry in a pan, adding a little water.

Stuffed tomatoes

In tomatoes, cut off the “lids”, carefully choose the core. Tighten the low -fat cottage cheese with garlic, dill, add a little cut pulp of the tomato. Flying tomatoes. The same tomatoes can be trimmed with grated cheese 0% fat content, and then baked them in the oven for 15 minutes.

It doesn’t matter what way of weight loss you decided to choose. The most important thing is that it be as safe as possible to health. After all, we try to lose weight in order to become healthier, and not in order to acquire new diseases. Love yourself, choose safe weight loss and carefully treat your health.

Maggie diet: results and menu. Video



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