
Obstructive bronchitis in adults and children. Causes and symptoms of obstructive bronchitis. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Obstructive bronchitis in adults and children. Causes and symptoms of obstructive bronchitis. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis
What is obstructive bronchitis, how to determine his symptoms. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis.

Obstructive bronchitis is called heavy inflammation of bronchi, which is accompanied by obstruction. In other words, as a result of the inflammatory process, the lumen of the bronchus is narrowed, and a rich amount of mucus cannot fully disappear. This leads to a sharp respiratory failure and an extensive bronchial edema. This is the most dangerous form of bronchitis, which most often amazes the kids, crossed the three-year threshold. Although among adults, such a diagnosis is also found. What is the danger of this disease and how to recognize it in order to start treatment in time?

Forms and degree of lesion of obstructive bronchitis

Obstructive bronchitis (with lat. Obstruction means "obstruction") - the defeat of the bronchial tree as a result of the intensification of the inflammatory process. Pathology is manifested by a low-productive cough with a mocroid and strong breath.

More often suffer from this disease kids. Its active and the hardest variety is acute obstructive bronchitis. As a rule, such a diagnosis is posed with a long wet cough. Successful treatment allows you to completely defeat the disease, and it is no longer returning.

If the therapy turned out to be ineffective, pathology passes into a chronic form and often exacerbates. This state is typical of an adult half of humanity and flows with its own characteristics. Thus, chronic obstructive bronchitis is characterized by a more global lesion of the respiratory system:

  • In 90% of cases, a deep lesion of alveolar tissue is recorded.
  • Bronchological (asthmatic) syndrome is formed, which can have both reversible and stable modifies of respiratory tract.
  • A secondary diffuse emphysema is developing (alveoli stretch, losing property to shrink).
  • Hypoxia begins, tissues as a result of inferior lung ventilation.

Depending on the cause of bronchitis, it can be contagious, for example, if a viral infection has been provoked, or unsuccessful (asthmatic or allergic obstructive bronchitis).

Important! Obstructive bronchitis is more often fixed among the population living in a humid climate with an average annual temperature not higher than + 17⁰s. Such conditions create favorable conditions for the development of fungi and viruses, which cause recurrent obstructive bronchitis.

How does obstructive bronchitis develop? The development mechanism is simple: first under the influence of the unfavorable factor, the cells of the ciliary epithelium cells occur. Next occurs a pathological change in the thickness and composition of the mucus. The secreted secret after changing its composition loses the entire bactericidal barrier (the production of interferon and lactoferrin stops), leaving bronons without protection against pathogenic flora. The "surviving" the amount of ciliation does not cope with the flow of sputum and completely slows down its movement. As a result, the mucus (mukostasis) occurs.

The severity of the development of pathology is estimated at specific criteria and is three degrees. The main indicator that allows you to estimate the patient's condition - OFV1. It denotes the volume of strong exhalation, which is done in a second. After receiving this indicator, one of the three stages of the disease are determined:

  • Stage I: an indicator of FEV1 exceeds 50% of the generally accepted norm. This chronic obstructive bronchitis and treatment is not appointed. Chronic course of the disease does not create any discomfort of the patient. The risk of developing irreversible violations is minimal, but the patient must be registered with the doctor.
  • Stage II: FEV1 borderly lowered to 34-49%. The disease greatly worsens the health of the patient, so there is necessarily gentle treatment and systematic inspection at the pulmonologist.
  • III Stage: The level of FEV1 is less than 34%. The symptomatic picture is bright, the quality of life is very low. The patient is directed to the hospital treatment, in some cases an outpatient treatment is permissible.

Depending on the course of the disease and the protective properties of the organism, both reversible and irreversible modifications of the bronchi can occur.

Reversible changes include:

  • bronchospasm;
  • bronchi extensive swelling;
  • blood overlapping bronchi lumen.

Irreversible changes:

  • narrowing bronchial lumen;
  • modifying fabrics bronchi;
  • emphysema and subsequent violation of air circulation in small bronchops.

Causes of obstructive bronchitis

Disease, regardless of age, in most cases develops after the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, fungi, chlamydia, cokkkili flora into the body. But not always penetrating infection is activated. To make a person with obstructive bronchitis need favorable conditions.

Recently, cases of development of obstructive bronchitis have become more frequent after a long influence on the body of one of the following factors:

  1. Poor performance of the immune system.
  2. Scarce or irrational nutrition.
  3. Poor assimilation of food due to dysbacteriosis or chronic internal diseases.
  4. Frequently repeated respiratory diseases (more than three times a year).
  5. Condition of chronic stress.

A special role in the formation of obstructive bronchitis plays an allergic predisposition in humans. If the kid from an early age is inclined to any allergic manifestations, then the risk in adulthood to obtain obstructive bronchitis of chronic form is very increasing. And the following reasons may contribute to this:

  • smoking for many years;
  • work with harmful conditions (miners, metallurgists, chemical industry workers);
  • accommodation in the unfavorable zone (residents of large megacities);
  • response of respiratory tract toxic substances.

It is also worth emphasizing the role of internal provocateurs of the disease. It is influenced by the II group of blood, a genetically formed lack of immunoglobulin A, and enzyme deficiency of alpha1-antitripxin.

Baby and adolescents, except the above-mentioned causes of disease, there are several more specific factors. So, the risk group belongs to children:

  1. With diagnosed rickets.
  2. Low weight in the perinatal period.
  3. With bad indicators on the apart scale after birth.
  4. With diathesis, neurodermit or other allergic disease.
  5. Children who have often sick with viral diseases before 1 year.
  6. Breasts that have grown on artificial feeding.
  7. Passive smoking (parents smoke at home).

Obstructive bronchitis - symptoms

Signs of illness depend on the age, the work of the immune system, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, obstructive bronchitis manifests itself in the active phase in the active phase and in chronic flow.

How obstructive bronchitis is manifested in children

The inflammation of the bronchi among kids is hard. The acute form of obstructive bronchitis in childhood is often developing due to the attachment of viruses, such as cytomegalovirus or adenovirus.

In children, the disease proceeds especially difficult, with a clear deterioration of health against the background of bright signs. The child at the forefronts are the symptoms of ordinary ARVI: he is capricious, the heat appears, the rhinitis is joined, a slight cough. Then symptoms become more specific:

  • the heat continues to be held, it is difficult to knock off the antipyretic drugs;
  • cough is enhanced, accompanied by attacks of difficulty breathing;
  • the sputum is missing or acquires a yellow-greenish tint;
  • cough strengthening occurs in the morning immediately after waking up;
  • the baby at the exhale are noticeable wheezing, similar to whistle, a shortness of breath is noted;
  • breathing is very student, while the breath is lengthened, and the exhalation is shortened;
  • the throat is inflamed, blushing, tingling is felt;
  • anxiety the bouts of the headache, the sweating increases;
  • during breathing, the child tries to beat the air, involving several elements in the process: the intercostal zone, a merter, nasal wings;
  • failure to eat, strong anxiety, crying, can increase drowsiness.

Important! The symptomatic picture of obstructive bronchitis and bronchiolite is very similar, therefore, for successful treatment, the baby requires competent diagnosis, which allows to distinguish one disease from the other.

If the child is raised incorrect diagnosis and is appointed non-conforming treatment, the disease passes into a heavy stage with such signs:

  1. The child is not able to make a calm and deep breath.
  2. Skin covers acquire a bluish tint.
  3. Fever rapidly rises.
  4. Broncholitics cannot completely remove severe shortness of breath.
  5. A child can fully inhale only standing or sitting.
  6. If the kid lay down, his breathing becomes like a bubble sound.
  7. Headaches become unbearable, dizziness may appear, loss of consciousness.

Signs of obstructive bronchitis in adults

In adults, the sharp form of the disease is rarely developed, but its symptoms will be the same as in children. But, the intensity of symptoms is less pronounced, and increases not so quickly.

Usually, a chronic form of illness is diagnosed in adulthood. The patient may have only minor shortness of breath, the release of mucus and cough during obstructive bronchitis.

After ARVI, inflammation can exacerbate. This can be seen by such signs:

  1. The sputum changes the color and density: it becomes thick, with an admixture of pus or streams of blood.
  2. Cough frequent, exhausted, with a characteristic whistle.
  3. A shortness of breath is enhanced, with severe inflammation of the bronchi, the patient is difficult to move quickly.
  4. From the lack of oxygen due to difficult inhalation, cyanosis is observed on the face (the nasolabial triangle is painted in blue).
  5. Blood pressure rises, headache appears, lubrication in muscles.
  6. Panic attacks may be present against the background of poor breathing.

Methods for the diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis

This disease is simply diagnosed. The first indicator of obstructive bronchitis is its symptoms. Characteristic wet wheems and whistle are defined without any problems at the time of the auscultation (listening to the breath with a stethoscope).

After that, X-ray radiography is carried out to confirm the diagnosis. The picture is able to accurately determine the degree of brotherhood damage. In addition, additional diagnostic procedures are shown to obtain a complete picture of the patient:

  • Spirography - hardware definition of the speed and volume of inhalation and exhalation.
  • The biopsy of bronchial tissue is carried out if it is impossible to determine the pathogen of obstructive bronchitis and the ineffectiveness of the treatment.
  • Pneumotheometry - the procedure allows you to calculate the degree of obstruction of the lower respiratory tract, by the method of quantifying the exhaled air liters per second.
  • The overall analysis of biological fluids - investigate urine, venous blood and sputum.

Comprehensive diagnostics makes it possible to realize the degree of damage to the bronchi, determine the presence or absence of changes in bronchial tissues, and the reason that caused inflammation.

Obstructive bronchitis - treatment

Obstructive bronchitis in children is always treated in a hospital, an outpatient treatment is allowed in adults. The therapeutic course is based on the age of the patient, the degree of FEV1, blood indicators, the overall state of the patient.

Principles of treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

To fully cure obstructive bronchitis in adults, especially if it is chronic, first of all its provocateur is determined (it can be smoking, a diet, a harmful workplace), and then completely is isolated.

Out of exacerbation, treatment involves improving immunity, full-fledged food, healthy lifestyle, long-flowing outdoor.

At the time of exacerbation, the patient shows bronchorants and antibiotics during obstructive bronchitis.

  • If the abundant extinguishing of purulent sputum is determined, such antibacterial drugs such as Sumamed, Augmentin, Amoxyl can be assigned.
  • To facilitate breathing, bronchorants are prescribed - Atrovant, Beroek.
  • Additionally, drugs contributing to the discharge of sputum - Mukaltin, ambroxol.
  • A vibration massage has good efficiency. A set of receptions aimed at relaxing the muscles of the chest is prescribed.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in babies is carried out exclusively in the hospital. Tactics Treatment consists of several required points:

  • inhalation - with obstructive bronchitis, it is recommended to apply a nebulizer with bright-insulating drugs with saline;
  • drinking mode - increases minimal fluid consumption per day to ensure fullness of sputum;
  • antibiotic therapy - shown in the infectious cause of obstructive bronchitis and is considered only by the attending physician. The advantage is given to drugs from the group of macrolides;
  • bronchievous means are prescribed to restore the respiratory function. It may be salbutamol, Berodual, AtorVent;
  • mukolithics - help wet get outward, but in the period of blocking the bronchi, their appointment is contraindicated. With the permission of the doctor, you can take the ACC, Mukaltin, Lazolyvan;
  • infusion with vitamins, glucose, anti-shock solutions - are relevant with a long and complicated course of the disease against the background of a complete failure of a child from eating and drinking;
  • antihistamine drugs are prescribed in the presence of an allergic component (diazoline, Loratidin, Erius),

An important place is in the treatment of children's walks in fresh, preferably wet air. But immediately arises a natural question: is it possible to walk with obstructive bronchitis in children? The answer is positive, but provided that the child has no high temperature, and there is no strong frost on the street (up to -10 ⁰c is allowed to go out).

Obstructive bronchitis - folk treatment

There are a lot of effective folk recipes that help to remove the swelling of the bronchi, improve the separation of mucus, relieve inflammation. Here are some of them:

  • Decoration of Ninexil: Pour 1 tsp. Raw materials in enameled container, pour the same 200 ml of boiling water, put on a small fire. After 15 minutes, decay the decoction, let it brew 3-4 hours, strain. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  • Radish with honey: In the black radish, make a depression that corresponds to 1 tsp. Honey. Put honey into the hole, wait until the juice starts from the radish. On the day you need to take 4 h. L. raw materials, with an interval of 3 hours.
  • Mandarine Infusion: Take 25 g dry tangerine peel and 500 ml of water, place the ingredients in the enameled container, put cooking. An hour later, add another 25 g of tangerine zucats, tapping the broth for another hour. Then cool down and take this: 5 tbsp. l. In the morning, and then every hour on one spoon less. Thus, after four hours you need to drink only 1 tbsp. l. Course treatment - 5 days.

Contact your doctor on time, take care of your health and remember that obstructive bronchitis to cure independently impossible.

Video "Opportitive bronchitis in children - Komarovsky"


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