
Is it possible to determine ovulation at home. How exactly and correctly determine ovulation with a regular and irregular cycle

Is it possible to determine ovulation at home. How exactly and correctly determine ovulation with a regular and irregular cycle
The article will tell how accurately and correctly determine the ovulation of a woman at home. What are there methods for determining ovulation.

A properly certain day of ovulation is the key to the offensive of a long-awaited pregnancy, which is why the question of calculating this process in the body of a woman is so relevant. Well, let's deal with how to correctly determine ovulation and with the help of which methods it should be done.

Is it possible to define ovulation?

When a woman is planning a pregnancy, it definitely faces such a physiological concept as ovulation. Perhaps everyone knows that it happens in the ovaries.

The ovary of the woman is a pair of a reproductive system that performs the function of the formation of egg cells and is subordinate to the complex system of hormonal regulation. The ovaries work cyclically, that is, we are talking about periodic changes arising in the female organism, and accompanied by blood discharge from the vagina (menstrual cycle), except for pregnancy and lactation period.

It is worth saying that the wording of this question is not quite true, because few people do not know in our time that the definition of ovulation is quite real. Most girls and women are asked a little different question: "How to determine ovulation correctly and accurately?". That's it about this we will talk now.

  • With the development of medicine, the number of all sorts of methods for determining this process has increased significantly. Here, exactly every woman will find the way to her available and comfortable.
  • Let us immediately say that the most accurate method of determining ovulation is ultrasound, however, in addition to this method there are many other other, which, with proper conduct, give no less accurate results.

Now let's talk a little about the methods for determining ovulation. There are various ways to determine the time of ovulation. They can be divided into two types:

  1. Subjective, indirect processes that may accompany other functional changes.
  2. Objective, more accurate, confirmed by instrumental and diagnostic methods (as a rule, such changes assesses the attending physician or confirm the special test systems).

If the young lady carefully monitors his health, it can determine the approximate time period of ovulation, without using laboratory tests and analyzes for this purpose:

  • The appearance of pulling or tingling pain of various intensities in the lower abdomen, usually on the one hand in the ovary area. If there are such pains, it can be assumed that the mature oocyte came out of the burst follicle.
  • The amount and consistency of the vaginal selection changes.
  • Blood or sucrie sections from sex tract may appear in the middle of the cycle.
  • There is a soreness and swelling of the breast, due to hormonal impact.
  • Mood swings are possible: irritability, drowsiness, federation.
  • The sexual activity of a woman is increasing, as if physiology pushes a woman to perform its biological function.
  • Increased gas formation in the intestine (meteorism), which is accompanied by bloating and discomfort. These changes are the result of fast hormonal rearrangements.
  • Increased sensitivity to smell and taste.

How to calculate the ovulation cycle?

The question of the correct calculation of the day of ovulation is very relevant for all women. Girls planning pregnancy need to know the day when the chances of getting pregnant are the highest, those who want to avoid the appearance of the kid in the near future - you need to know the days when it takes to take care of contraception.

In the century of modern technologies, it is not necessary to use the handle and paper, as well as an ordinary calendar, it is enough to use the services of the Internet.

  • Internet expanses offer girls various options for women's calendars and online calculators, with which you can easily calculate the day of ovulation.
  • If you prefer the calendar, then this program quickly and will definitely determine the necessary information for you. First, you will see the day when ovulation is most likely. Secondly, the calendar will show all the numbers in which chances are becoming the highest and vice versa.

  • Calculate ovulation is also possible using an online calculator. In order to take advantage of such a service, you will need to fill out the required fields of information in the calculator, namely, specify the date of the last menstruation, their duration, as well as the duration of your cycle. After that, the program will give you the alleged day of ovulation, and also clarify the days when the chance to get pregnant will be minimal.

As you can see, the use of these methods for determining ovulation is very simple, however, it is very accurate. The only thing to clarify is that the testimony may be incorrect due to irregular monthly.

How to determine ovulation at home?

Very often, women planning pregnancy are asked: "How to determine ovulation without leaving home?". The answer to this question is very simple - it is possible to determine the day of ovulation using not a cunning scheme of computing and observations.

So, to determine the very day, the following methods and methods can be used. It is worth noting that it is possible to determine the period in which this process can be occurring using the test, as well as methods that do not require its availability.

  1. Calendar method. Perhaps every woman is familiar with this way of tracking ovulation. To determine ovulation with the help of a calendar, of course, it is possible, however, for this, the girl should have an ideal cycle, which is extremely rare:
  • if the standard cycle is 28 days, then ovulation can happen after 14 days, exactly 2 weeks;
  • in other cases, a simple mathematical model of calculations is applied. You need to choose the shortest cycle (for example, 22 days), and the longest - 35, from the number of a short cycle to take 18, and from the number of long - 11, the differences received will be borders when the conception is not possible, and the interval between these values \u200b\u200b(about 13 days) Will be considered a favorable period for future mommy.

This method has its advantages:

  • Simple and affordable.
  • Does not require any costs.
  • Suitable for women with regular menstruation.


  • May give deviations from girls and women with an irregular menstrual cycle. For those who use this method in order not to get pregnant, we want to clarify - the method does not give 100% guarantees that using it (even in all the rules) you will save yourself from unwanted pregnancy.
  1. Method for determining basal temperature. This method of determining the "necessary day" is very popular, because it is quite accurate.
  • temperature that is measured in the rectum;
  • values \u200b\u200bof such a temperature range from 36.2-36.9 degrees;
  • on the day of ovulation there is a drop in 0.2-0.3 degrees;
  • increased an indicator of up to 37 degrees and sustainable finding at this mark for 2 weeks, it suggests that the exit of the egg took place.

To obtain a reliable result using the method of observing the fluctuations of the rectal temperature, a number of not difficult rules must be observed:

  • The procedure is carried out every day in the morning, without getting out of bed, at one time and one thermometer.
  • Lying on the side you need to put a thermometer, lubricated with vaseline, in the rectum.
  • After 3-7 minutes. Mark the temperature testimony.
  • Receive the result in a special measurement table.
  • The table should be filled after menstruation.
  • Measurements should be carried out for 3-4 months.


  • Accuracy.
  • The optimal option for women with an irregular menstrual cycle.

Main cons:

  • The inconvenience of the measurement procedure.
  • Some factors can cause measurement errors: sharp movements, disease, drug therapy, alcohol, sexual intercourse.
  1. Determine ovulation as possible on personal feelings and secretions. Observing the nature of vaginal secretions:
  • between arrival of ovulation, the cervix becomes loose, softens, there is abundant mucus secretion. The mucus is a rare, slippery, transparent;
  • after ovulation, the mucus becomes thick, viscous. This suggests that the auspicious time ends for fertilization.

Rules to keep in mind when observing the cervical mucus:

  • 3 times a day to inspect the nature of the discharge.
  • Determine the quality of mucus (sparse, dry and sticky).
  • Pay attention to the amount of bleeding.
  • Record your observations.

A woman is able to conceive if ovulation occurs before any type of mucus. If mucous discharge were noted (dry days), pregnancy does not occur. 8% error of the method.

Method Pros:

  • Simplicity.
  • The relative accuracy, as the isolation and their character changes throughout the cycle.


  • Subjective evaluation, since the presence of secretions of various nature can be observed as a result of various inflammatory processes.
  • mucus quantity decreases at the use of certain medications.
  1. Test strips - are tests that can be used to easily determine the presence or absence of ovulation. The use of this method is very simple.
  • responsive to an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine;
  • when a woman knows about timing of ovulation, then use the method becomes even easier. In such a case it is necessary to omit the strips into the urine during these few days;
  • the procedure should be carried out once a day in the morning;
  • the presence of two bright stripes, says the occurrence of ovulation, can be considered positive in this test case.

Also determine ovulation as possible and with the help of a test. We are talking about high-precision digital ovulation test:

  • reusable test.
  • Saliva is a diagnostic medium, the content of ovulation hormone. Properties of saliva, which speak in favor of ovulation, this crystallization. With the high level of the hormone may be mentioned "fern effect".

Many women today are faced with the problem of irregular menstrual cycle.

  • The reason for this irregularity can be a disease or stress. Nevertheless, women with problems such planning a pregnancy, which is why they have a need to determine the day of ovulation. At irregular periods to determine the very day much more difficult, but still possible.

In this case, it is resorted to the study of the set of methods that will accurately help determine the day of the outlet of the oocyte and plan the long-awaited pregnancy:

  1. A variety of ovulation tests.
  2. Grazing temperature graph.
  3. Delivery of analyzes on the ovarian hormones, pituitary glands, adrenal glands.
  4. Uzd-study.

Golden standard for calculating the cycle ovulatory phase, for women with an imperfect cycle, the measurement of basal temperature remains. This study is optimal at home. Temperature graph allows you to set:

  • Date and day of ovulation (it can be different).
  • Approximately determine the time of ovulation to go to active actions.
  • Diagnosis of early pregnancy.
  • Allows you to track the violation of the hormonal balance.

Perhaps it should be said that ovulation is monitored not only in cases where they are planning a pregnancy "here and now." Some women, making all sorts of tests and using methods, simply make sure that this process in their body occurs, and, therefore, there are no problems with the childbearing function.

However, the main purpose of "tracking" ovulation is still pregnancy. The most reliable and accurate method for determining ovulation to conceive is the monitoring of folliclegenesis by ultrasound.

Let's talk a little about the process of research:

  • Inspection of women Specialist conducts a special sensor that is entered directly into the vagina.
  • In order to determine when the desired day comes to conceive several such procedures (in the intervals of the 1st and 2nd phases).
  • In order to unambiguously make sure that the egg is there, the control ultrasound is also carried out. This is customary to do 2-3 days after the alleged ovulation day.
  • This study makes it possible to estimize the state of the ovaries, measure their dimensions, make sure that they are follicles and what size. In addition to these data, the doctor ultrasound also receives other important additional information about the state of the reproductive system of women.

Ovulation is the most serious and most necessary process in the female body, because when it is absent, the girl will not be able to become pregnant and experience the joy of motherhood. That is why, when planning a family replenishment, first, make sure that your health is in order, and the body is ready for such a load.

Video: How to determine ovulation at home?


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