
How to quickly restore the voice after a cold. How to restore the visible voice at home. What to do if the voice disappeared - how to restore

How to quickly restore the voice after a cold. How to restore the visible voice at home. What to do if the voice disappeared - how to restore
In this article we will tell you how to restore the voice after colds, laryngitis and many other problems. How to quickly restore the sitting and hoarse voice.

A person can sometimes happen to voice loss - Aphony. In this case, there is inflammation and swelling of voice ligaments, which are located above the trachees. There are various severity of the disease - the voice can be completely completely (when a person speaks only in a whisper), or partly (the voice becomes hoarse and husky). However, Aphony is quickly and simply treated. In this article we will tell you how to restore the voice with medication and people's ways.

How to recover voice. The reasons for which the voice can

Before switching to the description of various ways to treat missing voice, we want to stay in detail for the reasons that this problem can provoke:

  1. Sometimes a person has a voice in the morning. This can occur due to inflammation of the larynx mucosa. In medicine, this pathology is called Larygit.
  2. If a person has some problems associated with the health of the ears, throat or nose, then every time, even during a banal cold, the mucous membrane of the larynx will be afraid, and as a result of this, a person will lose a voice.
  3. If a person shouted or spoken for a very long time, and, and straining voice ligaments, a voice, as a rule, disappears. In most cases, this concerns people whose profession is related to work with people (lawyers, teachers).
  4. Because of the wind, damp (autumn weather), a person can also often arise aphony.
  5. During the heating season, when the air in the premises is usually overwhelmed, the voice disappears.
  6. Singers are people who are constantly in the risk zone to lose his voice. This problem in their case is professional.
  7. Man often can lose the ability to speak normally by voice after nervous shock.
  8. Avoid smokers are people who have laryngitis in chronic form, because nicotine is very negative effect on the bundles, reducing their elasticity. People who smoke a lot, rude voice timbre.
  9. The voice may have a disappearance of a person who is constantly in a room where a lot of dust are repairs. Dust settles on voice ligaments, on the larynx, and therefore they can not work normally, the voice as a result disappears.
  10. Some foods, in particular, crackers or seeds, as well as carbonated water, can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. If we are a very cold or too hot food, consulate a lot of spices, alcohol and coffee, then risk of losing your voice and acquire numerous problems with the health of the throat and larynx.

Fortunately, the modern world is known to a lot of different efficient ways, how to quickly restore the voice if he disappeared according to some of the above reasons. We meet all these treatments all these treatments further.

How to restore voice at home to an adult person?

First, consider what an adult can do to restore the voice when he disappeared. There are several excellent drug preparations that can be applied, but you can also use old grandmother methods to urgently restore the missing voice.

Medication tools to restore voice

Each medical professionally specializing in the field of health facilities will confirm that in order to restore a voice with a cold or for any other reason, such drug procedures should be done:

  1. Regularly apply inhalations prepared on the basis of saline and Lazolyvan. It is best for this procedure to use a professional nibulazer. As a rule, this procedure helps to restore the voice of a person in 2-3 days. The only thing that is worth paying great attention to is the dosage of the two above-mentioned drugs. For each person she is individual. It can be calculated by reading the instructions for use or after consulting a specialist.
  2. Mineral water with alkaline elements is an excellent way, how to recover a voice after a cold or after a banal donor of voice ligaments. Doctors recommend to add such water in inhalation instead of an exhaustion.
  3. If you completely disappeared a voice, then nothing more effective than gloocorticosteroids does not exist. To start their admission, you will have to apply to the hospital to a specialist who will calculate the correct dosage of these drugs for you, because they are hormonal.
  4. The doctor also can prescribe medications that are based on the Abroxol. This substance removes any perfects in the throat mucosa, moisturizes it and returns to a person's ability to fully talk to the shortest possible time.
  5. You can also find out in a pharmacy from any pharmacist, what better sprays or lollipops you can apply to restore the hoarse voice. Today they are presented a huge amount. It is not necessary to acquire very expensive drugs. But if you need to restore your voice in one day, maximum for 2, then do not save on treatment and buy an effective expensive remedy.

How to recover voice by folk remedies?

In folk medicine, there are no less effective recipes, how to recover a voice with laryngitis or any other pathology. You can make inhalation, rinse the throat, take special decoction inside, based on medicinal gatherings. By the way, applying certain types of plants in the process of treatment, you can perfectly restore a voice for singing. What kind of natural components are speaking:

  • Fall in 500 ml of water Seeds Anis (about them there should be approximately ½ cup). Let this remedy be mixed within a few hours, after which you will need to strain the resulting tincture, mix it with honey (50 g) and brandy (10 g). Drink this medicine every 2 h to 1 tsp. Already for 1 day of reception you can notice noticeable improvements. It is only recommended to use an anise seed-based drug at least 7 days.
  • Sattail on a large grater of the root of the shine (there will be 10 g of this product). Fill the horseback by boiling water (literally 100 ml). Let the drug stand within 2-3 hours. After the specified time, add to the tincture on Khrena 2 tsp. Sahara. Mix everything well and drink the resulting remedy for the day. It is advisable to take this medicine every hour.
  • Take 100 ml of sunflower oil and warm it in a water bath. In the resulting means, extinate gauze or any other fabric. It you will need to wind your throat so that it turns out a hot compress. With him you need to pass the whole day (in the morning and until the night). When you remove the compress, be sure to make the throat massage to increase blood circulation to this place.
  • If you are a vocalist, then you are best to prepare a medicine based on a whipped egg protein. It is preparing very simple - take 1 protein, take it to the foam, spread cool boiled water and clam the throat every hour. You can recover in 1 day and continue to engage in vocals.

How to recover a child's voice?

If a voice got a voice, then it is necessary to restore it as well as an adult person, but observing certain restrictions:

  1. In no case cannot be applied sprays and different drug drugs yourself. Only a doctor should appoint your child to the tool that he can use with the clinical picture and the individual characteristics of the child's body.
  2. The child to restore the voice after the disease, you need to make inhalation based on alkaline mineral water as much as possible.
  3. Let's drink a warm milk with soda and creamy oil.
  4. Prepare him any of the above solutions based on herbs so that it rinsing the throat. Inside, you should not take their child.
  5. Do not forget in the process of treating voice ligaments to monitor the health of your child's nose. Drip his nose with oil drops.

How to restore the pregnant woman's giving voice?

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If a pregnant woman hoarse, then she needs to restore his voice with extreme caution. And with such a problem, the future mother may encounter easily, given that she has very weak immunity.

In any case, a pregnant woman is strictly prohibited by self-media. Whether it is a medicated drug or a folk medicine, before applying it, you must be consulted with a doctor who is pregnant. What, as a rule, can appoint a future mother so that she can restore a trim voice:

  • drink warm milk to which you need to add a little honey;
  • drink teas with mint, currant, raspberry;
  • drink Nose Pinosz is the most innocuous droplets into the nose, which will not harm the baby in the womb;
  • perhaps the doctor will recommend to apply some other pharmaceutical preparations, designed specifically for pregnant women, however, remember that it is better to resort to them only in the most extreme cases, because the risk that side effects will arise, is quite large.

How to recover voice. What is forbidden to do and use when voiced voice?

If it happened that you lost a voice, you should know not only how to restore it, but what can not be done to not aggravate the situation:

  1. Cancel at least for the time of drinking coffee, tea and cola. All these drinks contain caffeine in their composition, and it is known to contribute to the dehydration of the human body, which is very harmful to the voice ligaments and mucous membranes of the throat and larynx.
  2. Do not smoke until you fully argue, because smoke cigarettes are very irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the throat. If you continue to smoke, the process of your recovery will strongly delay.
  3. Refuse alcohol. It also negatively affects voice ligaments, like tobacco.
  4. Try to stay at home until you restore. It is not necessary that your voice ligaments are exposed to dust, smoke, cold air.
  5. Refuse to receive thorough preparations. Because of them, voice bundles are dried, from which they are only damaged, and in the end, the voice completely disappears.
  6. In no case do not take aspirin if you lost a voice due to a strong scream. This drug can negatively affect the blood vessels and the capillaries of the throat, as a result of which strong bleeding can be opened, which is dangerous to human life.
  7. Refuse to eat in food chocolate, citrus and tomatoes, as they contain acid. Citrus is permissible to apply only in combination with hot tea and honey.

If all the methods that we have been listed in this article do not help you solve the problem, and the voice does not return anything in any way, perhaps the cause of Afony's emergence is something more serious. Do not forget that a tumor can develop on the larynx that you can not even guess for a long time. Be sure to contact the doctor, pass the full examination and treat the root cause, which led to Afony.

Video: "Voice disappeared: how to treat?"


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Alice 03.11.2017 To answer

I had a voice for the first time after a strong cold. I did not know what to do. It was treated for everyone in a row: both rinsing, and the inhalation did, the throat was softened, but the voice was still aspen. I had to turn to Laura. Appointed me Pastili Isla Moos. Suddenly, but on the second day it became easier, and another day could speak.

Pauline 19.11.2017 To answer

Of course, all the same inhalation and warm drink is the most! Not long ago began to drink in sore throat and in general, with a cold, cocoa yodangine oil, very cool, by the way, the tool turned out to be naturally.
