
Treatment of ears with boron alcohol. Is it possible to drip boron alcohol in the ears. Instructions for the use of boron alcohol in the ear to the adult and the child.

Treatment of ears with boron alcohol. Is it possible to drip boron alcohol in the ears. Instructions for the use of boron alcohol in the ear to the adult and the child.
Treatment of ears with boron alcohol: features and methods of application, results.

In the treatment of ears, boron alcohol must be used very carefully. Despite the fact that this antiseptic is one of the most common means of treating many diseases, it is quite toxic and capable of harm to the body with incorrect use. Particular attention should be paid to this during pregnancy, lactation, and children of the age of up to 15 years. People of these categories are not recommended to use the substance, because Serious consequences can occur that can greatly affect health.

Boron alcohol: Use use

  1. This tool is by nature an antiseptic that has an effective antibacterial effect, fights with a fungus. For this reason, it is used to eliminate diseases of the middle ear and in the presence of external problems.
  2. This drug promotes the coagulation of protein structures of pathogenic cells, it weakens the permeability of cells, which is the cause of a slowdown in the growth of poor microorganisms. Therefore, it will become not only an effective tool for otitis media, but will also have a good preventive effect.
  3. To eliminate otitis media, 3% alcohol solution is used. In more difficult situations, 5% alcohol solution is used.
  4. Despite the fact that the substance is quite widespread, it is an accessible tool that has a positive effect on the ears, it is not the best means of all existing ones. Today there are many more suitable funds that cause fewer side effects. They also quickly solve such problems.
  5. The substance is toxic, so it cannot be used for a long time. With a sufficiently long use for the treatment of ears, the product can cause intoxication of the body. Therefore, it must be treated carefully. You can’t keep it in places accessible to children so that they do not accidentally swallow it.  Even in small quantities, this alcohol leads to death. The most dangerous for adults are doses of 5 - 20 g, and for children - 4 - 5 g.
  6. It is necessary to drip the ear with this tool very carefully. Due to the fact that the organ is located at a sufficiently close distance to the brain, the substance can cause intoxication from 4 drops, dripped at a time.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to drip boron alcohol in the ear in the presence of damage associated with the eardrum. In the case of any type of liquid in the middle ear, deafness may begin to develop. In such cases, it is recommended to use tourundas.

Treatment of ears with boron alcohol: side effects

  1. During the use of this drug, some negative consequences may occur:
  • the state of intoxication;
  • the head begins to spin;
  • the appearance of involuntary muscle contractions;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • disrupted kidney work.
  1. It is rare, but people can begin to suffer from a shock state. It usually occurs due to the toxicity of the substance. Especially may arise if it is used by a person who has intolerance to the substance.
  2. Basically, these features are manifested only if the dose was exceeded or the product was used over a long period. Please note: the duration of treatment cannot exceed a 10-day period. If there are no results after the 3rd day from the beginning of treatment, then you need to go to the doctor. In such cases, other drugs are usually prescribed.
  3. Boron alcohol in the ear during pregnancy is not recommended. All due to the possibility of a considerable amount of negative consequences that can have a significant effect on health.
  4. Boron alcohol is not recommended to drip in the ear to a small child, as well as people suffering from allergies or kidney problems, for the same reason.
  5. If a person has intolerance to a substance, then it is also impossible to use it as a drug.
  6. You can instill in a boron alcohol in the ear only after the doctor’s consultation is undergoing. In this case, you need to clearly follow all the instructions to them, so as not to encounter many problems. With an overdose, there are many negative consequences, among which there are also burns of the skin, drum memos, as well as ear canals.
  7. Basically, boron alcohol is used only as an auxiliary type. Due to the fact that the substance has antibacterial properties, it helps to overcome inflammatory processes well. Very rarely it is prescribed as a separate drug.

How to drip boron alcohol in the ear: Instructions for use

  1. Before applying this tool, it is necessary to clearly realize that boron alcohol and boric acid are two completely different things. Often, people have a question: “Boric acid or alcohol is dripping in the ears?” Very often due to the fact that they are confused, quite serious problems arise.
  2. Boric acid is a powdered substance, which is mainly used as a plant fertilizer.
  3. Boron alcohol is a drug that is a mixture of ethyl alcohol with a solution of acid. It is usually prescribed to people who are sick of otitis media. It is quite affordable, so today many doctors prescribe it to treat various diseases. The action of boron alcohol is aimed at combating bacteria that cause otitis media or tubotitis.
  4. Today there are several main methods that are used in the use of boron alcohol.

Turundes with boron alcohol in the ears

  1. If you laid the ear, then you need to make flagella from gauze or cotton wool that will be saturated with alcohol. After impregnation, they must be inserted into the auricle. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure before bedtime and leave the bundles in the ears until the morning. This method can be used not only for otitis media. It is mainly used for suspicious damage to the eardrum. T.K. Drops can only aggravate the situation in this case, tourundas with boron alcohol are the best way out of the situation.
  2. Please note: Turundes are not pushed into the ears, but screwed. Very often, due to the wrong room, they are quite serious problems in the ear passages.
  3. The duration of such treatment is from 3 to 5 days. If no improvement has appeared during this period, you need to consult a doctor and begin to use another tool in order not to bring the disease to a more serious level.
  4. When at least one of the side effects appears, you must also immediately contact the ENT.

How to bury boron alcohol in the ears

Boron alcohol in the ear with otitis media can be drunk directly in the ear itself. However, it is important to clearly observe the dosage appointed by the doctor. Before using this tool, in this way, a doctor’s consultation is mandatory. The dosage will be assigned based on the results obtained after the inspection and some tests.

Boron alcohol in the ear: how much drip

The standard dosage of this drug is this: 2-3 drops in each of the ears no more than 4 times during the day.

Boron alcohol in the ear: adult use

  1. Before the direct use of the substance, it is necessary to perform the following actions:
  • clean the auditory channels of the sulfur accumulated in them, this is necessary so that the substance can probably penetrate directly to the place of inflammation and have an effect on it;
  • to clean the ears, try to use a solution consisting of hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • at least 5, but no more than 10 drops of such a solution, need to be drunk in each ear. Then tilt your head in the other direction and with the help of a cotton swab or stick, eliminate the remaining fluids from the ear canal;
  • heat the boron alcohol to a temperature close to the temperature of the human body, so the effect will begin faster;
  • it is better not to drip a cold substance so that the pain in the ear does not intensify.
  1. Driping your ears with burgundy alcohol only in a lying position. In this case, you need to slightly pull the earlobe so that the auditory passage will ripe. You need to drip with a pipette having a rounded end.
  2. After drops hit the ear, it is necessary to remain in a lying position for several minutes so that they can reach the place of inflammation. If there is a need to drip both ears, then first one of them is buried.
  3. After that, you need to wait for about 10 minutes and with a sharp movement tilt your head in the opposite direction. This will help get rid of the most part of the excess alcohol. The rest must be removed with a cotton swab. Close this ear passage with another tampon of cotton wool. In the same way, drip the second ear.
  4. Treatment must be continued for a week. It is completely pointless to terminate the procedures earlier, because It cannot be achieved quickly the desired effect. But, if after this period the pain in the ears remained, then an urgent consultation of the doctor will be needed. Perhaps he will prescribe some other remedy for which boron alcohol will become an auxiliary component.

Boron alcohol in the ear: instructions for children

  1. This drug is rarely prescribed for the treatment of children. Therefore, adults very often worrying the question: “Is it possible to drip boron alcohol in your child's ear?” The children's ear has an excellent structure from an adult. Also, the buds of an adult are much better cope with the elimination of a substance from the body.
  2. In a child, they do not function so well, so the excretion of poison from the body is a rather difficult task for them. For this reason, the drug is not advisable to use in relation to the child.
  3. This can be done, but very, very carefully. Basically, in this way, boron alcohol is used not only in the case of otitis media, but also when the cause of pain in the ear is some other factor.
  4. If the child feels pain or has an ear, then boron alcohol is used as follows:
  • heat the product to room temperature, this will accelerate the beginning of the effect of alcohol on the focus of inflammation, and so the child will be more comfortable;
  • in the inflamed ear, you need to drip no more than 1 drop;
  • after 20 minutes, but no later, with the help of a cotton flagel, remove the remains of alcohol from the child’s ear.
  1. Most often, one procedure is enough to eliminate the pain and congestion of the ear. But this is not always evidence that inflammation was completely neutralized.
  2. This course of treatment is necessary for 7 days. Children need to drip the drug in the ear twice a day, but not more often. If the child begins to complain about side means, treatment must be stopped right there.
  3. If there are no signs of improvements throughout the week, you need to urgently seek a doctor’s consultation. If this is not done, turbotitis may begin to develop.

How to treat an ear with burgundy alcohol with glycerin

For ear pains, you can use not pure boron alcohol, but its mixture with glycerin. In this case, there are two options that can be applied.

Method 1

  1. Prepare the compress. To do this, it is necessary to soak a piece of cotton wool well with boron alcohol (3%). Then soak the same piece of cotton wool with glycerin, which must be prepared in the same amount as alcohol.
  2. Gently insert the resulting tampon into the auricle, gently scrolling it, and not sticking with the appendix.
  3. Leave the swab in the ear not 3 hours, but not longer.
  4. At the end of the deadline, pull it out of the ear and, if necessary, remove the remaining solution from the ear passage.

Method 2

  1. Mix boron alcohol and glycerin. Please note: both components must be connected in equal proportions.
  2. The resulting solution must be heated to room temperature so that the cold drops do not enhance the pain.
  3. Carefully drip each ear. 1-2 drops will be enough.
  4. You need to drip no more than 3 times a day.

Boron alcohol is a fairly common method for treating otitis media. Today they use it not only with this disease, but also the presence of some other problems with the ears. This substance in most cases has a fairly effective effect. But still it is toxic, therefore it can cause side effects. In such cases, the doctor prescribes other means to eliminate a particular problem with the ears. In any case, it is possible to use boron alcohol for the treatment of ear diseases only after consulting a doctor.



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