
Treatment of Soda by Study and the benefits and harm. How to take sideways sideways, reviews, video

Treatment of Soda by Study and the benefits and harm. How to take sideways sideways, reviews, video
Today, more and more people pay their attention to traditional medicine and folk treatment methods. One of the most popular is the method of treating the food soda of Professor of Nechurovakina, which in a competent approach will help to cope with various diseases.

Modern people increasingly turn their attention to non-traditional medicine, especially if the national medicine does not give a positive result in treatment. Of course, everyone has a different opinion regarding the effectiveness and feasibility of the use of folk methods to combat the most different illnesses. However, on the Internet you can find a huge number of reviews of real people who tried different methods from traditional medicine and achieved a positive result.

In folk medicine, there are techniques created by doctors and professors, behind whom have tremendous experience in medicine. And this speaks about many things, so maybe sometimes it is worth listening to unconventional methods of treatment with a competent approach. Among the most popular techniques of modernity is the treatment of Soda Nesimevakina - Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, who devoted all of his life to develop treatment with the help of funds given to us by nature.

In this article, we consider the features of the use of food soda in nonimevakin to treat various ailments, and we also give a specific regime of how to use and take treatment of Soda in nonsense.

Useful properties of food soda

Each hostess in the kitchen has at least one packaging of food soda, which all times was added to baking and other dishes. However, few people think that with the help of conventional soda and a glass of warm water, various diseases can be cured and clean their body. The unique benefits of food soda Neumyvakin first systematized from a medical point of view and led evidence that this habitual every product is able to help with the treatment of a variety of diseases, including oncological. In the book of non-studying "Soda - myths and reality", he described the properties of food soda in detail, its impact on the entire human body.

In essence, the food soda is an acidic salt of coalic acid with sodium, which in its appearance is a white crystalline powder. Due to its composition, the food soda is able to restore the normal balance of acids and alkalis in the human body. In addition, this white powder has antiseptic and disinfecting abilities, which are the main beneficial properties of soda.

According to the method of non-studying, soda, when a person gets into the body, it is capable of having a beneficial effect on blood, cleaning it. Also, this product helps to clean the kidneys from salt sediments and stones, displays cholesterol and restores the process of cell renewal.

Indications for the use of food soda by forever

According to various methods of Professor Neumyvakin, soda treatment is shown in various diseases and dismisses.

  • The food soda according to Professor Neumyvakina is able to help people suffering from narcotic and alcohol addiction, since it is observed with a conclusion of harmful substances from the body.
  • With excessive smoking and toxicizing, the food soda is also helpful to you, how to accept the professor in detail describes in its techniques.
  • Soda is able to help people suffering from cancer.
  • Soda is able to help with elevated metals and radioactive isotopes that this product helps to withdraw from the body. Therefore, Professor and Doctor Nesimevakin Soda Treatment in this case recommends using in preventive purposes during radioactive radiation.
  • Food soda will help you cope with such ailments as osteochondrosis, radiculitis, polyarthritis, pain in the spine and joints. This is possible due to the fact that the soda can remove salt pending in the joints.
  • If you suffer from diseases associated with the kidneys, the soda can also help you. This product can cope with deposits of kidney stones due to the presence of sodium carbonate.
  • Soda is simply indispensable for nervous disorders when poisons are thrown into the body.
  • Food soda can be taken as an expectorant with bronchitis, trachea and laryngitis.
  • If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, soda can also help. Taking daily soda according to the Neumyvakina regime, you will have blood pressure, swelling and arrhythmia will be held.
  • Soda can be used in burns, however, the use of the drug in this case must be strictly adjusted.
  • Food soda in imperture can be used for weight loss.

Harm and contraindications of food soda in nonsense

According to the imperious, the harm and benefit of soda will always be close, therefore it is always necessary to carefully approach the treatment with this product. First of all, it is important to assess the overall state of your health to understand whether you should use food soda as a method of treatment.

  • Food soda is contraindicated to people with an allergic reaction to this product. The reaction can be manifested by itching, redness.
  • During pregnancy, it is also impossible to use the food soda for treatment, as at this time in the body of a woman delayed liquid.
  • Food soda is contraindicated to people who suffer from ulcers. If you take soda with such a diagnosis, risk getting serious complications.
  • Not recommended regular use of soda in heart failure and liver disease.
  • With a careful study of the technique, how to drink the soda in nonsense, note that it strongly recommends starting to drink with a small dose with interruptions. Therefore, it is not necessary to drink soda regularly, it can harm the general condition of the body, since this organism displays potassium, which causes weakness and dizziness.
  • It is impossible to take soda in diabetes and low acidity of the organism.

Non-Study Treatment System

Professor Neimevakin several decades devoted himself to studying the effects of food soda on the human body. In his techniques, he calls soda in a universal way to treat a variety of diseases and their prevention. His book "Soda - Myth and Reality" has become a real bestseller, because it is in it it is told how to drink soda in nonsense to obtain a positive result in treatment.

  • According to Professor Neumyvakina, the main reason for all serious human diseases is a disruption of an acid-base balance, which is due to environmental pollution and harmful emissions in the air.
  • For the normal functioning of the body, the indicator of this balance must be 7 throughout life and should not change even on a small interval. If there is a change in the direction of the maximum limit in 14, then the person develops serious diseases, such as cancer or stroke.
  • When using the treatment scheme, it is important to remember that there is a large number of contraindications. If you do not observe, you can only harm your health.
  • Before using Soda as a method of treating your illness, you will definitely consult your doctor who will appreciate the overall condition of the body and makes conclusions, you should take soda or not.
  • In the treatment of food soda disease, it is important to observe consistently and gradually increase the amount of product. It is impossible to immediately use a large amount of soda, because it can harm the body.

How to take the soda of nonsense - the correct scheme

Since for good health it is necessary to always maintain the ideal index of acid-base balance, Professor Neimevakin proposes to adhere to a certain scheme of food soda techniques. It is not worth violating its sequence, as this can lead to serious health problems.

  • The food soda is not taken in purely, but a certain amount of it dissolves in a glass of warm water or milk.
  • For a positive result, the soda must be taken three times a day, while strictly monitor that the product takes place 15 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals.
  • Professor Neimevakin recommends strictly observed the principle of sequence in the use of soda. those. Gradually increase the dosage to 1 tbsp. per day. Start best as follows: a quarter spoons of food soda are poured with boiling water and take twice a 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. So you need to do 3 days, and then must come to the rest, also within 3 days. Next, 3 days take soda with an increase in dose to half a teaspoon. Thus, with a gradual increase in the dosage of soda to 1 tbsp. You will come to the normal use of the product.
  • At the same time, the period of using food soda for the treatment of various diseases and their prevention can be the most different. For prevention, you will need a couple of weeks, and for treatment, for example, oncological diseases, can take several months.
  • The dosage of the soda solution can be different, depending on age: young people are enough to drink 2 glasses per day, the elder will need 3 glasses.
  • How to prepare a soda solution for intake: boil the half of the water and add soda to it, wait for a characteristic reaction. After that, add half a cup of boiled chilled water and mix well. Water in a glass should be warm.
  • Professor Neimevakin recommends the first reception of the solution in the morning to make an empty stomach, as it is more efficient.

How to take sideways for the treatment of various diseases

In the methods of Professor Neumyvakin there are various approaches using soda for the treatment of various diseases. First of all, some diseases require the admission of soda inside, while with other ailments there is enough outdoor use, rinsing or enema. Consider the mode of receiving soda in some diseases.

Cleansing intestinal soda

Doctor of Medical Sciences Neumyvakin recommends cleaning the intestine with soda solution. Such a procedure will help with constant or rapid constipation, it helps to purify the body and reduce excess weight. With regular use of such enema, the overall well-being of the intestine and the digestive tract is improved. In this case, the soda solution very gently affects the intestinal mucosa and does not damage it.

Method for preparing a solution for enema:

  • Take 1.5 or 2 liters of water.
  • To the water you need to add 1 tbsp. Food soda and stir well.
  • Before use, the solution must be heated to a comfortable temperature.
  • Use the solution is recommended using a special pear.
  • The first week is recommended daily to hold soda enemas, next week it will be enough to do this procedure every other day or two.
  • In the future, this procedure can be carried out as needed.

Treatment of hemorrhoids Soda

This method will be effective only at the initial stage of the disease. With the help of soda, you can remove inflammation and reduce pain, as well as this product contributes to the removal of toxic substances from your body. To treat this disease, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Soda baths. Type a full water bath and add from 6 to 10 tbsp. Food soda. Take such a bath need for a long time - about 4-6 hours. At the same time, after 2 hours you need to add 2 more tbsp. soda.
  • Sitting bath. Boil 3 liters of water and add 1 tbsp to it. vegetable oil, several potassium permanganate crystals, as well as 1 tsp. Food soda and 1 cup of boiled milk. Heat the solution to a slightly hot temperature and take such a bath until the water cools.
  • It is recommended to make such baths in the evening before bedtime. To obtain a positive result, the number of procedures should be 10-20, it all depends on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of Prostatitis Soda by Study

With the help of food soda, you can successfully treat prostatitis. To do this, you can cook special baths or bulls. In any case, the food soda applies only externally.

  • Take 1 liter of boiled water.
  • Add 1 tbsp. Food soda. If we take the water more, then take the soda in the appropriate proportion.
  • You can add 1 tbsp. iodine solution.
  • After that, the resulting solution must be pulled out in the pelvis of hot water.
  • Take such a sedental bath is necessary within 20 minutes.

Treatment of soda and peroxide for nonsense

Professor Neimevakin in his writings proves the need to eat food soda and hydrogen peroxide for general rehabilitation, calling these drugs with universal means to treat the body and prevention of various diseases. Hydrogen peroxide in its composition is an important part of the human body. This preparation has an antibacterial and bactericidal property. In young people, the organism is produced by an acid, which is similar in its composition with hydrogen peroxide. However, with age, this process is broken and the time to fill the need for this acid by artificial methods, namely the use of hydrogen peroxide.

In order to understand how to drink soda and the peroxide in nonsense, it is necessary to remember some important moments. First of all, it should be remembered that the treatment of soda and peroxide on non-studying is simultaneously strictly prohibited. These are very strong drugs, so it is important to be very attentive. With simultaneous use, it is allowed to do, for example, rinse the throat with a soda solution and washing the nasal sinuses of hydrogen peroxide.

Nesimevakin issued a book "Hydrogen peroxide - myths and reality" describes in more detail the beneficial properties of this drug and its use technology.

  • Hydrogen peroxide will help in the treatment of hymorite and cold.
  • You can use peroxide during atherosclerosis or osteochondrosis.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for treating various diseases of the oral cavity.
  • With this drug, you can cope with various viruses and bacteria, as well as fungi.

Scheme for receiving hydrogen peroxide for treatment by forever

  • Hydrogen peroxide is accepted inside three times a day.
  • It is important to comply with a gradual increase in dosage up to 10 drops to not harm your health.
  • Take a 3% hydrogen peroxide and add one drop in 50 ml of water. Take such a solution for a day 3 times.
  • The next day to the solution, add another 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide and drink water three times a day.
  • Thus, increase the number of drops to 10 and take a short break for 3 days.
  • Next, treatment must be continued, making a solution of 50 ml of water and 10 drops of peroxide three times a day.
  • Reception mode must accurately match the following: it is necessary to make a solution half an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.
  • It is also necessary to remember that sometimes discomfort in the form of burning or sweating may occur during the treatment of hydrogen peroxide. In this case, you can suspend the reception of hydrogen peroxide and restore after the disappearance of the burning.

Treatment of Soda Studywakin - Video

Treatment of Soda Treatment - Patients and Doctors Reviews

On the Internet, you can find a large number of forums and sites, where patients of Professor Neumyvakina are divided by their results. Many people with great admiration talk about the positive results of treatment with soda and peroxide in nonsense, the others refer to this technique extremely skeptical. However, initially, Professor Neimevakin noted that soda cannot help everyone, in some cases such treatment is simply contraindicated. In any case, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician before the use of soda and peroxide for the treatment of various diseases.

  • Catherine. I take soda every morning during the year. The effect is visible. I used to have problems with pressure, now everything was normalized and I forgot about the Tanne Maker. At the same time, the condition of the stomach has significantly improved. I advise everyone to try, but at first go to the doctor.
  • Gregory. There were problems with joints. Always felt pain when walking. No ointments and drugs were helped. Advocked to put the course of food soda according to the method of nonimevakin. I take a solution three times a day for 3 months and simply can not rejoice at the results. I will definitely continue this treatment, it really works.
  • Olga. I had problems on the female part, could not get rid of the thrush for a long time. I used one of the techniques of Professor Neumyvakina. After some time, the symptoms passed. I am very pleased with the result.

On the Internet, except for feedback from patients of Professor Neumyvakina, you can find a huge number of opinions from colleagues of the famous doctor of science. There is no unambiguous opinion on the effectiveness of soda treatment and hydrogen peroxide, but doctors do not reject fully the use of soda's solution under some ailments. However, with more serious diseases, the effect of such treatment is unlikely to be.

Professor Neimevakin held all his life, provinging the use of food soda and hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of certain diseases. However, it is not worth a hurry to take these drugs inside and consider their panacea. First of all, it is important to consult with a physician for safe use.


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Anna 21.10.2019 To answer

Neumyvakin Such a pro is that the Rankon regulats will advise to treat. I think soda is not the best option in this case. Now the mass of more useful means and more easy to use.
