
Treatment of endometriosis

Treatment of endometriosis
Difficulties with conception on the background of endometriosis - not a sentence, but only a temporary obstacle to the way to the dream! About the essence of the disease and methods of his treatment, read in the article.

Endometriosis is the pathological growth of the mucous membrane, lining the inner walls of the uterus, into other fabrics that are not associated with the structure of this genital organ. In the overwhelming majority when a woman visits the gynecologist's office with complaints of pain in the field of small pelvis, the main reason lies in the development of this particular genital disease. The owners of the disappointing diagnosis are women, as they say, in full bloom of forces - up to 40 years. However, the girl's teenage girl, and the lady on the eve of Klimaks, and the lady on the eve of Klimaksa - really, it happens very rarely. In 50% of cases, pathology deprives a woman's right to become a mother. Most of all women are subject to infertility.

Endometriosis: causes


As a result of long research, experts concluded that the disease is polyethic. In other words, there are several independent theories explaining the development of this pathology.

  1. The microparticles of the endometrium tissue are rotating in the "outsiders" organs after as a result of the bends of the uterus during the period of menstrual bleeding, the individual cells of its mucosa are thrown there. If the endometrium implanted into the cloth of the peritoneum or in the abdominal organs, inflammatory reactions and microculine around the alien focus are inevitable.
  2. According to the following theory, the endometrium fabric does not grow into the peritoneum and other organs, and "forces it" to transform it into the tissue, according to the structure resembling the mucous membrane of the uterus.
  3. The occurrence of endometriosis can also directly depend on the peculiarities of the work of the hormonal system of the woman. So, if the reduction in the level of progesterone is combined with a rapid increase in the number of luteinizing and follicularity hormones, endometrial cells are likely to start sharing with twice speed. The pace of development of the disease affects the condition of the immunity of a woman. When the work of the protective barrier of the body "lame", endometriosis is quickly progressing, increasingly embedded in the fabric of the uterus itself and the organs that surround it.
  4. In addition, there are a number of factors that do not depend on each other, the inhibitory, immune forces of the body and, accordingly, increasing the risk of developing genital pathology. This is the incorrect development of uterine pipes, numerous medical interruptions of pregnancy, oppressed by other diseases of immunity.
  5. Studies of the past decades have established the genetic nature of endometriosis and allocated the family types of this disease.

Endometriosis: the symptoms that should alert


Almost every half of the cases, the course of the disease is not accompanied by any specific signs and is completely accidentally discovered with a planned visit to the gynecologist. For this reason, the treatment of endometriosis begins with a lot of getting. The most characteristic manifestations of the appearance of pathology are considered to be pain that accompanies menstruation, discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen, separating sections and uterine bleeding, not related to the monthly. An indirect symptom of endometriosis can be considered infertility.

In some cases, the disease becomes the cause of unpleasant sensations during defecation and sexual intercourse. When the pathological process affects neighboring organs (for example, the bladder or the rectum), constipation and frequent urination occur. The endometriosis of the cervix can also be suspected if the woman detects bloody or brown selection in the intervals between menstruation. The pathological growth of endometrials and adhesions formation often becomes the cause of dysfunction of the nearest affected bodies (constipation, intestinal obstruction, problems with conception).

If a doctor finds grounds to assume endometriosis, symptoms and treatment of the disease - these are the main aspects of the problems that need special attention. This means that the manifestations of pathology must be qualified to decipher not to confuse endometriosis with similar diseases, and find adequate methods to eliminate them.

Stages and Forms of Endometriosis


The severity of the disease is determined by the area and the depth of the growth of the endometrium and, depending on this, is divided into several stages:

  • with endometriosis of stage 1, the endometrium cells reach the muscle membrane of the uterus;
  • the disease 2 of the stage - the cells of the endometrium tissue are introduced into the myometrium;
  • the pathological process 3 of the stage by continuous division of cells "gets" to the serous layer;
  • the most serious stage of the disease, the latter, is characterized by the advent of the cells of the mucous membrane in the region of the peritoneum.

The genital form of endometriosis is most often diagnosed when endometrial cells affect nearby organs. If contact of the uterine mucous membrane and external genital organs is developing, we are talking about outer endometriosis. And the extragnenital form of pathology is introduced into the small intestine, the organs of the urinary system, postoperative scars and infantry organs.

Endometriosis of the ovarian

In 50% of cases, one of the location of the endometriosis is ovary (some less often - both). Finding into the ovarian fabric, endometrial cells contribute to the development of endometrioid cysts - pathological cavities filled with blood. These neoplasses exemplary the reproductive forces of the ovary, which almost completely eliminates the onset of pregnancy. Almost always the cause of the development of the disease becomes a hormonal imbalance in the body, so when the ovarian endometriosis, treatment begins with procedures that determine the exact level of hormones.

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Endometriosis of the cervix

Endometrial cells grow up in the thickness of the cervix. Endometriosis can be caused by various genital diseases: erosion, postpartum injuries, cervies of the cervix after surgery. The most actual treatment of uterine endometriosis is hormonal therapy, supported by anti-inflammatory procedures (for example, using a barocamera).

When conservative methods of treatment of endometriosis are unproductive, the patient is recommended to undergo a procedure for ultrasonic destruction of inflammatory cervical foci.

A laparoscopy is used as an operational method of treating endometriosis of the uterus, during which endometrodic cysts and foci of the disease are removed. This method of treatment, in contrast to hormone therapy, leaves a woman more chances to become a mother.

Modern methods of treating endometriosis

Endometriosis of the bodies of the uterus

This form of endometriosis official medicine calls adenomyosis. In the list of the main reasons provoking the development of pathology, abortions, hormonal bursts, imminent imminent, poor ecology, frequent stress are indicated. Endometrial cells are introduced into the body of the uterus, as a result of which the body swells, increasing in size. Against the background of damage to the body of the uterus, the surface of the uterine pipes and the ovaries can sometimes be expressed, and endometriosis is also becoming the photo located below, clearly demonstrates the spread of this pathological process.


Conservative treatment of the endometriosis of the body of the uterus is to take oral contraceptives. If, after the treatment of endometriosis, there is no comprehensive method of improvement and there are frequent abundant bleeding, and hysterectomy is possible - removal of the uterus. If the disease is focal in nature, the foci is deleted - this method is very effective when dealing with infertility.

Diagnosis of endometriosis


Direct treatment of endometriosis predicts a thorough diagnosis of the disease, which includes the following methods:

  1. Gynecological examination with the help of mirrors, thanks to which the doctor can examine the vagina and the outer part of the cervix.
  2. Uzi small pelvis organs. To identify endometriosis, the procedure is effective for the 23-25th day of the menstrual cycle. The study makes it possible to detect almost all forms of pathology in 90% of cases.
  3. X-ray of the genital paths using contrast. Before conducting research, the uterus cavity is recommended to scream. The X-ray picture is made after filling the uterus of the uterus with a special contrast agent.
  4. Hysteroscopy, or study of the uterine cavity with a special apparatus - a hysteroscope. The device gives a picture of the internal genitals to the monitor screen and allows the specialist to visually assess their condition.

Methods of treating endometriosis


Whatever the method of treating the disease was not appointed, he pursues the following goals:

  • getting rid of the patient from pain;
  • suppression of the growth of pathological tissue and a decrease in inflammatory processes;
  • preservation of a female ability of a woman.

The choice of the method of treatment of endometriosis is determined by the intensity of the symptoms, the neglence of the disease, the age of the patient and its plans for pregnancy. Based on these factors, conservative and surgical treatment methods are distinguished.

Conservative treatment of endometriosis


Traditional disease therapy is based on a long reception of hormonal drugs. Consider what preparations for the treatment of endometriosis applies modern medicine:

  1. Single-phase COC (combined oral contraceptives). Their continuous reception is prescribed at least six months. Among them, it is possible to distinguish, for example, the drug Zhanin, active substances, estrogens and gestagens, suppress ovulation. The treatment of endometriosis Zhanin gives tangible results: eliminates bleeding and painful discomfort in the field of small pelvis, relieves inflammation and normalizes the menstrual cycle. The secret of successful treatment is that the medicine artificially increases the level of hormones in the blood, in connection with which the body begins to produce less own hormones. It suspends the pathological growth of endometrioid tissue, on which only "natural" hormones affect. Against the background of the reception of Zhanina, ovulation does not occur, which means that the installation changes of the endometrium are not expressed so much. Like each drug, Zhanina has contraindications: angina, diabetes, liver disease and others. This oral contraceptive apply only after consulting a doctor. This group also includes regular, Logest, Diana-35.
  2. Progestins. This hormonal drugs, which include one gestagen component (Visan, Utrozhestan, Djufaston). Duphaston treatment of endometriosis, by the way, in most cases, is guaranteed to help the female body to restore and preserve the reproductive function.
  3. Preparations containing levonorgestrel. Very popular today hormonal IUD "Mirena", which includes the substance. Her term local action is designed for 5 years.
  4. Formulations providing antigestagens action (Gestrinone, Danazol).
  5. Antigonadotropnym means (Danazol).
  6. GnRH agonists (Buserelin, nafarelin, Zoladex).
  7. Drugs with antiestrogenic activity (Tamoxifen, Leuprorelin).
  8. Androgens (methyltestosterone).
  9. Anabolic steroid.

Within auxiliary internal symptomatic treatment of endometriosis used drugs eliminating inflammatory (ibuprofen) and relieves spasms (Nospanum). Frequently used enzymes (Lidaza), sedatives (Novo-pass) and multivitamin complexes.

Surgical treatment of endometriosis

When the diagnosis "endometriosis" operation, unfortunately, is also a possible outcome of treatment. In some cases, surgery can not be avoided?

  1. When retrotservikalnoy form of the disease when the hormonal treatment of endometriosis inefficient.
  2. When complications of ovarian endometrioid cyst nature.
  3. With simultaneous for several diseases. When combined uterine bleeding, fibroids and endometriosis, treatment with conservative methods also rarely gives satisfactory results.
  4. At suspicion on oncology, when it comes to ovarian cancer.
  5. When organ dysfunction near.

Surgical treatment is carried out using microsurgical intervention, so-called laparascopy: foci of abnormal accumulations laser cauterize the endometrial cells. In cases where endometriosis develops a complication, the patient is subjected to laparotomy - in the course of this operation, cut through the abdominal wall.


However, the treatment of endometriosis, according to specialists, is only effective when surgical therapies combined with conservative. There are two treatment regimens. According to the first scheme, the patient is first prescribed hormone therapy for a period of 3 months to six months, and then do a laparoscopy. According to the second - first carried out an operation and then resorting to drug therapy.

The effectiveness of treatment is determined by the volume of surgical intervention and usefulness of hormonal therapy. Rehabilitation is generally proceeding satisfactorily: menstruation becomes less painful, and, most importantly, restored the ability to conceive a child.

Endometriosis: treatment of folk remedies


The experience of centuries in the treatment of endometriosis, traditional medicine uses today. However, it should be understood that the informal therapy in any case is not an equivalent substitute for the classic treatment: medication and surgery. Folk treatment of endometriosis in combination with physiotherapeutic methods gives satisfactory results when used as a supplement to the basic, common, pathology correction.

Methods of treatment of endometriosis in an informal medicine:

  1. Acupuncture. Treatment controls gynecologist: the patient is prescribed at 2 - 4 courses of acupuncture (10 - 12 sessions each).
  2. Hirudotherapy. Despite the awesome views of the medicinal leech saliva these black "flagella" can reduce inflammation and pain of defeat.
  3. Physiotherapy. This method of treating endometriosis involves the use of radon baths, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with iodine and zinc.
  4. Phytotherapy. Treatment of endometriosis herbs has probably same popularity among the patients, as well as hormone therapy. On the gifts of nature man is always pinned hopes. For example, as a folk remedy most demanded treatment of endometriosis may be mentioned upland uterus, the correct and timely use of which sometimes allows a woman to avoid surgery. Traditional healers have noticed the plant because of its amazing properties. Upland uterus without a shadow of doubt can be called a powerful immune stimulator and antioxidant it blocks inflammation, prevents the development of tumors and successfully corrects hormonal. The most common way to treat endometriosis upland uterus - receiving infusions of this plant. Prepare it is not difficult: 2 tbsp. l. fresh or dried material is poured 0.5 liters vodka and insist in a dark place for 10 - 14 days. Taken before meals 3 times a day, counted 30 drops of.

Endometriosis and Pregnancy: Is there a chance?


If a unpleasant diagnosis of "endometriosis" voiced you in the gynecologist's office, do not hurry to panic. The treatment of endometriosis cannot be postponed in a long box: it is very important to understand that timely taken measures will only increase your chances to get pregnant. The fact is that endometriosis is not a sentence, he does not cause absolute infertility, but only a slightly reduces the ability of the female reproductive system.

Clinical practice are known cases when endometriosis has not become a hindrance to conception, but, unfortunately, most of the pregnancies ended with arbitrary miscarriage. In addition, get pregnant against the background of such pathology it is extremely rare. In this difficult situation, a pregnant woman needs all 9 months to be under constant supervision of doctors and relentlessly follow their recommendations.

As practice shows, after conservative treatment of endometriosis, as well as after a successful organ-grinding operational intervention, the likelihood of becoming very large, and favorable physician predictions come true in more than 60% of cases. Pregnancy occurs, as a rule, during the first 6 - 14 months after the treatment of endometriosis.

Cases when, despite the adequate correction of pathology, the long-awaited conception does not occur more than six months, they are extremely rare. Then the woman is recommended to go through another survey to identify other possible causes of infertility.


Endometriosis: lifestyle on the background of the disease

The disease, fortunately, almost does not prevent a woman to lead the familiar lifestyle, but some nuances associated with pathology must be considered:

  1. Moderate, but systematic sports decreases the number of estrogen in the blood, and, as a result, the pathological endometrium tissue "occupy" other neighboring fabrics and organs.
  2. In case of endometriosis, doctors do not recommend using women to use tampons, as they create an obstacle to the natural outflow of blood and thereby make menstruation extremely painful. In addition, the risk of blood from endometrial cells in the fallopian tubes is increasing.
  3. Food should be very diverse and most useful as possible, and in its foundation it is better to put fresh vegetables and fruits. About tea, coffee and carbonated drinks should be forgotten.


Endometriosis: how to avoid disease

The prevention of endometriosis must be responsible not only to women who treated this disease in the past, but also those who were lucky enough to face the ailment. These are the recommendations of the specialists to comply with:

  1. Regularly 1 time in six months (as a last resort - 1 time per year), undergo planned gynecological examinations. This applies to the ladies of any age.
  2. Timilely treat chronic gynecological diseases.
  3. Refrain from sex contacts during menstruation.
  4. Fight over weight.
  5. Mustoke yourself from unwanted pregnancy and, as a result, from abortion, protected by hormonal contraception.
  6. To protect yourself from stressful situations. If it is difficult to do it, then try at least keep calm.

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Treatment of endometriosis. Video


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Nina. 31.08.2017 To answer

thanks for a very detailed and useful article. Recently I found endometriosis. Now I pass treatment in the clinic LRCGYN.RU. Very pleased with treatment.

Sasha. 19.03.2018 To answer

Useful article, thanks
