
Methods of contraception

Methods of contraception
Means that will help to avoid unwanted pregnancy

Today, a woman has the right to decide whether to have a child or not. Fortunately, the level of development of medicine allows you to make the pregnancy planned and avoid undesirable complications. But in all the variety of contraceptive means, you can get lost, and this applies not only to young and not experienced girls. And in order not to get lost and not cause irreparable harm to your body, let's figure out what contraception methods exist.

What is contraception


Contraception is not only a family planning, but also a way to avoid abortion, protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Scientists argue that humanity has been looking for a means of time to separate the pleasure of a sexual life from continuing the genus. A colossal amount of materials and funds was tried, mainly these funds were for men, and women had to rely on the spoke amulets and decoctions of herbs. The higher the level of development of medicine became, the more diversity appeared in contraception. One of the latest discoveries was made half a century ago, namely, oral contraceptives. Let's figure out what types of contraception exist.

Types of contraception

There are 5 types of contraception - these are barrier, chemical, hormonal, intrauterine and sterilization. There is also a division into female and male contraception. Not a single tool except sterilization gives a 100% guarantee that a woman will not become pregnant. In order to increase the reliability of contraception, doctors recommend using 2 protection methods at the same time. Since the probability that both funds will fail at the same time.

Barrier contraceptives


These are the means that prevent spermatozoa into the uterus. They have no effects on either the female or the male body. These include: condoms (male and female), vaginal diaphragms and cervical caps. Male condoms provide 98% of protection from unwanted pregnancy, and prevent the transfer of infectious diseases. Also, thanks to the varieties of these products, the sensations of both partners can be improved. Female condoms also protect against transmission of infections, are used for weak erection, but provide only 95% of reliability. As for vaginal diaphragms and cervical caps - they are used along with spermicidal ointments and are extracted 6 hours after the last ejaculation. For the correct selection of size, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, after childbirth or a sharp difference in weight (from 5 kg), consultation must be repeated to clarify the size. They provide 85-95% of reliability from unwanted pregnancy, do not protect against transmission of infections, and in some cases even increase the risk of infection and cause inflammation of the cervix.

Chemical contraceptives

This type of contraception includes vaginal candles, creams and tampons. This method is more suitable in the case of irregular sexual activity, since the chemical properties adversely affect the vaginal microflora and can become causal dysbiosis. They provide reliability by only 75-80% and protect against bacteria and viruses, namely chlamydia, herpes type 2 and staphylococci. It should also be remembered that the aggressive environment of the drug is subject to destruction in contact with the alkaline medium (soap for example), therefore, washing before and after it should be done only with clean water. With repeated sexual intercourse, it is necessary to re -enter a contraceptive.

Hormonal contraceptives


Medicine took a step forward and created male hormonal contraceptives, at this stage they are at the stage of research and are not allowed for widespread use. Therefore, today, only the female half is used by hormonal contraceptives. There are a huge number of their forms: tablets, implants and injection drugs. The principle of their work is the obstacle to ovulation. There are a lot of hormonal contraceptives, they differ in the size of the dose of hormones, therefore, in order to avoid complications and side effects, they must be chosen under the sensitive guidance of your gynecologist, after the blood test for hormones. Combined oral contraceptives contain two hormones, progesterone and estrogen, are accepted every day at the same time throughout the menstrual cycle. For giving birth to women after 35 years, an option for injection of hormonal contraceptives is possible, they are made once every 2-3 months. In some cases, they lead to a violation of the menstrual cycle. This type of contraception provides 96-97% of reliability from unwanted pregnancy.

Emergency contraceptive (postcoithic tablets) also relate to hormonal contraceptives and help protection from pregnancy. These funds contain a large dose of hormones and greatly destabilize the hormonal background of the woman, thereby preventing the fertilization of the egg or attachment to the already fertilized, to the wall of the uterus. Postcoital tablets should be taken no later than 4 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, and best of all the next day. Since the drug disrupts the hormonal background, it should be used only in emergency cases, and in no case use as the main means of contraception. This type of protection provides 97% of reliability. Mechanical contraceptives with the release of hormones include a vaginal ring and a contraceptive patch. The ring, introduced into the vagina, adjusts to the contours of the female body and does not create uncomfortable sensations, does not reduce sensitivity. One ring is introduced into one cycle, extracted on the 22nd day and a new one is introduced in a week. Provides 99% protection from unwanted pregnancy. The contraceptive patch is attached to any honor of the body, it should be changed once a week and not used in the fourth week of the cycle. Provides 99% of security. The disadvantages of the product are that it is safe and effective in women from 18 to 45 years old, and it cannot be used by women who smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day. He also does not protect against STDs.

Intrauterine spirals


There are 2 types of spirals: hormonal and non -hormonal. It is inserted into the uterine cavity, only a gynecologist, for no more than 5 years. This type of contraception prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall, also reduces the vital activity of spermatozoa and eggs. In addition, hormonal spiral creates another protective layer, thanks to the release of the synthetic analogue of progesterone - Levonorgestrel. This type of contraception gives only 75-80% of reliability and has a number of contraindications, there is also a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Sterilization as a method of contraception

This type of contraception provides 100% protection from unwanted pregnancy. It does not have a negative impact on a person’s sexual life. Women have an operation to create artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes, while without damaging the performance of the ovaries themselves. It is carried out only after a written statement from persons at least 35 years old or having two or more children. The spouse's consent to providence of this operation is not required. The restoration of childbearing ability is possible for men and women, but the probability of success is too small. Also in women, in case of recovery, there is a high probability of ectopic pregnancy.

  Modern methods of contraception. Video



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