
Therapeutic properties of bearish fat. What helps bear fat - indications, contraindications. How to take bearish fat. Treatment of bearish fat at home

Therapeutic properties of bearish fat. What helps bear fat - indications, contraindications. How to take bearish fat. Treatment of bearish fat at home
Bear Fat successfully used in folk medicine, nutrition and cosmetology. What useful substances contain bearish fat and under what diseases is it effective?

Bear fat is a biologically active complex of necessary proteins, mineral and vitamin substances, nucleic acids, and other natural nutrients, which are completely absorbed in the body in the organism. The unique properties of bearish fat allow a natural way to restore the integrity of the destroyed cell nuclei, helping the body to fully function, and not to grow long. We recommend taking bearish fat with strong exhaustion as a result of a long or chronic disease, as well as during rehabilitation after chemotherapy and antibiotic treatment. How to take bearish fat, from what diseases it helps to cure, and whether there are strict contraindications.

Bear Fat: Composition, Description

Bear fat is used in traditional and folk medicine as a secreting product. In natural form, this fat is similar to a sticky mass of white or slightly yellowish shade, which is capable of changing the consistency depending on the temperature. Bear fat at body temperature remains in liquid form, and in the refrigerator it solidifies.

Bear fat is collected from different types of bears, therefore its composition can change somewhat depending on the variety of animal. For example, a fish predominates in the menu of Kamchatka Bear, and the bears from Siberia before hibernation are saturated with cedar nuts, so the composition of the fat will be variable. However, for the treatment of bearish fat, the territorial belonging of the animal role does not play.

The following components are present in bear fat:

  • phospholipids;
  • antioxidants;
  • citamins;
  • saturated acids (Miristinovaya, Palmitic, as well as Stearinovaya, Arachidonov, Laurinovaya, Caprication);
  • vitamin A, E, B4, D;
  • minerals (selenium, zinc, phosphorus, etc.)

On a note! The greatest number of active substances can be obtained from fat, which was accumulated until the hibernation of the bear is offset. This is explained by the fact that the body of the animal, preparing for wintering, actively collects the substance necessary for the survival, accumulating in fat.

The lion's share of lipid sediments from the bear is regarded as a useful food product, called food bearish fat. It is obtained from the subcutaneous, as well as the inner fat layer. Fat is allowed for use, and this confirms its full compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for food. Therefore, without fears, you can use bearish fat at home.

Subcutaneous fat (lard fat) - fat reserve in the subcutaneous balls of epidermis. Its composition consists of a complex of specialized fat species, which begins to postpone before departing in Berlnogo. This kind of fat is valuable for health. Especially helps bear fat with cold, chronic bronchitis.

The internal or interior base of the bear is a lipid layer, which lies in the mesenters of the gland, as well as around the internal organs of the animal. Interior fat is more often used for medical purposes for the rehabilitation of severely ill. The people are called the king of animal fats; The benefits of this bearish fat are much higher than at the Barcuch.

Bear fats are born and indicators and composition. Very rich in useful amino acids fat bears, flowing into the hibernation. In large quantities, fat is postponed both under the skin and in the body cavity, so it is possible to exhaust a lot of fat with excellent composition. But the fat of the bear is mined and after his awakening. Although in winter, most of the subcutaneous fat is spent, a sufficient amount of nutritional lipids remains, whose therapeutic value is also high.

Important! In order not to harm your health, buy bearish fat in a pharmacy or legal hunters with proper documents on the goods.

Bear Fat: Medical Properties

The practice of using bearish fat in medicine has not one century, which is confirmed by numerous historical finds. In the time of ancient Russia, this kind of fat was in honor of his special property to strengthen health. In the Russian Empire, bearish fat gave soldiers and hunting dogs for tide of strength. Today, official medicine has paid close attention to this product. But, even despite the excellent research results, skeptics persistently continue to be interested in what the bear fat is useful.

All the beneficial properties of this fat are determined by its rich composition. The following qualities of bearish fat are most valuable in medicine:

  • restoration of exchange processes;
  • normalization of the production and ratio of hormones;
  • maintaining male potency and female fertility;
  • detoxification effect (elimination of heavy, slags, toxins);
  • activation of full cellular nutrition;
  • prevention of hemorrhoids, anal cracks;
  • protection of internal organs;
  • improving the immune function;
  • harmonization of the work of the nervous system;
  • improving memory, increasing intellectual abilities;
  • lowering cholesterol, prevention of vessel pathology;
  • increasing the level of iron at the anemia;
  • osteoporosis prevention.

On a note! Bearing is very useful for face and hair. With his participation prepare masks and balms, supporting natural beauty and extending youth.

From which the bearish fat helps - Medical Indications

Bear fat is actively produced by pharmaceutical companies in the form of pure fat, ointments or capsules. Before the launch of production, a number of studies were conducted, so now this product has an officially adopted list of indications for use.

If you refer to the instructions, you can find out what the bear is treated. It:

  • pathologies of the respiratory system of any nature (tuberculosis, asthma and so on);
  • colds;
  • any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis, toxic damage to organs, etc.);
  • cardiovascular rows (hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, etc.);
  • prevention of infectious diseases;
  • exhaustion in the difficult course of the underlying disease.

Important! How to use bearish fat in one form or another should be indicated in the instructions for the drug. The treatment rules are determined by the dosage form, the presence / absence of additional substances, the type of bearish fat.

Bear Fat: Contraindications and Special Instructions

Bear fat is a nutritious and useful substance, but due to its high biological activity, it should be taken with caution. As practice has shown, treatment with this fat is not suitable for everyone and in non-compliance with the care measures of bearish fat causes harm. Moreover, negative impact may be observed as after intake, and after rubbing into the skin.

Strict contraindications to the use of bearish fat:

  1. Allergic reaction to fat components (forbidden to take and inside and external).
  2. The presence of stones in the kidneys or bile.
  3. Any diseases of the gallbladder.
  4. Gestational period and lactation.
  5. Preschool age.

Important! How to drink bearish fat is always indicated in the instructions, but for successful treatment it is better to consult with the therapist to eliminate diseases that are contraindicated to treatment.

Before using the fat of the bear for external rubbing, eliminate allergies. For this, a small amount of fat applies to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow joint and after 20-35 minutes, evaluate the result: if the skin reddened, combed, swelling - the fat is not suitable for you.

Oral reception should cause even greater caution. Start the treatment of everything from a few drops, gradually increasing the dose to the required amount. So you can evaluate the body's reaction to an unfamiliar product.

Important! Bear fat for children under three years old is strictly contraindicated. It can provoke very heavy attacks of allergies up to choking. In addition, this fat is poorly digested by another immature digestive system, which can negatively affect the work of the internal organs.

Bear Fat: Instructions for children and adults

It is fully absorbed and only natural (non-treated) bear fat has been fully absorbed and has a maximum treatment. Distinguish the high-quality product from the fake is easy: the fat whores, with a neutral aroma, when defending, white fractions fall into the precipitate. Shelf life of such fat for about two years without loss of quality.

If you use fresh fat for intake, it should be breeded with natural honey (1: 1). The dosage is determined by the age category:

  • For 6 years old, bearish fat are applied solely on the skin - back, sternum, tibia, palm, feet. The taking of fat inside at this age is not allowed.
  • Children who have already moved to the category of younger school age are allowed to gradually enter 1 t. L. Fat (necessarily divided by honey) 1-2 times a day. The optimal option is to add fat with honey to a glass with milk and drink.
  • After reaching 15 years old, bearish fat is used in 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day.

If fat is used externally, it can be applied in pure form or mix with other ingredients, for example, with aloe juice, tincture of herbs.

Important! The daily dose of bear fat can be somewhat different from different manufacturers, so the basis is better to use the scheme that is recommended in the annotation to the medium.

How to use bear fat for diseases

The use of bearish fat is primarily aimed at restoring the body's immune function. If immunity begins to work properly, the body quickly gets rid of the diseases available. Therefore, this fat is successfully used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

Bear Fat: Recipes from colds, influenza, cough

The experience of using bearish fat shows that its use reduces the duration of the disease, relieves the general symptoms of influenza or ARVI, levels the need to use antibiotics.

There is evidence that the preventive use of fat in the epidemiological period (at least 3 months) reduces the risk of infection with flu for 80%. In addition, such measures allow you to prevent various complications, for example, inflammation of the lungs, the accession of third-party infections, the development of long cough.

If the respiratory disease has already begun to develop, bearish fat is taken inside, and also apply to skin cover, making rubbing, massage or warming compresses.

Inside the fat is accepted in accordance with the dosage for the current age. For external application of bearish fat from cough is heated (its temperature should correspond to the body temperature), and slowly rub into the blast and blades. The duration of treatment from 7 to 10 days.

Take bearish fat at bronchitis need a longer period. Children over 16 years old and adults are shown to use 2-3 st. l. Funds three times a day. Take fat is preferably 1-2 hours before meals. Therapy lasts about 1 month, then a three-week break is made and a medical course is repeated.

The use of bearish fat for joints

With different pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, fat is used as ointments, massage oil or balm. To remove inflammation of bearish fat rubbing in the affected joint. Do it better after the bath so that the pores on the skin are open.

To reduce pain sinders from fat prepare compress. He puts at night; For its preparation, bearish fat with natural honey and 1 tbsp are mixed. l. onion juice. The mixture is superimposed on a gauze, which is placed on the joint, and on top are covered with a glued and warm tissue.

With progressive forms of rheumatism and arthritis are prepared on the basis of bear fat ointment. For her cooking mixed fat, Aloe Cashitz, Live Skipidar, iodine in the ratio of 10: 5: 5: 1.

The ingredients of ointments are mixed, lay in the container of dark glass, withstand 7 days. Then a small amount of ointments is heated and rubbed into the joint during ordinary massage movements. Such treatment allows to improve the elasticity of tendons, and establish the normal synthesis of the synovial fluid.

Important! You need to know how to melt bearish fat so that he does not lose his properties. Fat easily melts at room temperature, but if it needs to be translated into a completely liquid state, slowly melt it in a water bath. At the same time, do not allow the product boiling, otherwise all the beneficial substances will be destroyed.

Bear Fat during intestinal dysfunction

Immunity is closely associated with microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. In violation of the normal balance of useful and pathogenic bacteria, various diseases are developing (pancreatitis, dyspepsia, gastritis and others). Bear fat contributes to the reproduction of colonies of useful microorganisms, which are needed for a full absorption of minerals and vitamins, stable motility and, of course, the normal operation of the immune function.

To restore the intestinal intestinal, bearish fat you need to take at least 30 days on a dessert spoon 1-2 hours before meals. After a short break, treatment can be resumed.

Bear Fat: Application in cosmetology

In the beauty industry, bearish fat is shown to eliminate skin dryness. Regular use of this tool allows you to create a natural protective film that is designed to prevent loss of moisture, depletion and dryness of the skin.

The large content of antioxidants additionally nourishes the skin and prolongs its youth, reducing the number of wrinkles. Bear fat is part of the moisturizing masks for the face and body, regenerating hair balms, nutritional care products.

Bear Fat - Hair Masks:

  • Strengthening mask: Mix 40 g of melted bearish fat and 50 g of natural honey, add 20 droplets of bitter orange and 15 cinnamon ether. Mask is applied by 1.5-3 hours before hair washing.
  • Regenerating mask: Connect 20 g of heated fat in a glass container, ½ h. crushed garlic, yolk, 1 tbsp. l. aloe. Apply the mixture on your hair, wash in 55-60 minutes. Wash off your hair needs cool water.

Bear Fat - Tools for Skin:

  • Night cream for dehydrated skin: 40 g of bearish fat and as much cocoa oil melt. Add 1 tbsp. l. any oil (it is better to use jojoba or olive). When the cream cools, pour 8 drops of Gerani ether, 8 drops of Ilang-Ilanga ether, 5 drops of rosewood oil. Keep the cream is needed in a tightly closed glass jar to three weeks. Apply cream to face, as well as on other parts of the body.
  • Nourishing mask for fading skin: Preheat 2 tbsp. l. Bear Fat, then add 2 h. Baucher rosehip, yolk, 20 g of honey, as well as 20 droplets of liquid tocopherol and vitamin A. Applied mask on face and hands for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mask with bearish fat for any type of skin: melt ½ tiles of bitter chocolate and 1 tsp. Fat bear. The mixture will cool down, and apply on the skin of the face and the neckline zone, wash in 10 minutes.

Homemade rehabilitation with bearish fat is available to everyone and does not cause any difficulties. This product is fully absorbed in the body, treats serious diseases and rarely causes side effects. But the intake of bearish fat should not be randomly randomly, so strictly adhere to recommended doses and rules of application.

Video "How to trample bearish fat"


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